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1、认为用英语口语怎么表达认为用英语口语怎么表达【认为的英语口语怎么说】think; consider; hold; deem; take for; regard as; look upon as;例句:The play is attributed to shakespeare .这剧本被认为是莎士比亚写的。I do not think much of my new teacher .我认为我们的新老师不怎么样。People thought him dangerous and wicked .人们认为他是危险和邪恶的。I dont think secrets agree with me .我并不认

2、为这种秘密配我的胃口。The favorite came in third .被认为最有获胜希望的人结果跑了第三名。I dont believe she had any sense of humor .我认为她是没有幽默感的。I do not think it is sanitary to eat there .我认为在那里吃不卫生。I summed her up as a competent manager .我认为她是个很能干的经理。I think that you exaggerate, pilar .我认为你看得太严重了,比拉尔。【被认为用英语怎么说】be deemed tobe th

3、ought topass for sb/sth例句:The play is attributed to shakespeare .这剧本被认为是莎士比亚写的。The favorite came in third .被认为最有获胜希望的人结果跑了第三名。It is said to be an omen of misfortune .那被认为是一种不幸的先兆。The favorite came in third .被认为最有获胜希望的马结果跑了第三名。He will be considered a weak leader .他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。These were thought to

4、 be beyond dispute .这些被认为是“无可争议的”。Bonds to pay were treated as negotiable .付款保证书被认为是可以转让的。Consumers are supposed to be well informed .消费者被认为是具有足够知识的。It was opposed as worthless and even heretical .它被认为是无益甚至邪佞之事。【认为的英语说法】refer to a asthink of a as例句:The play is attributed to shakespeare .这剧本被认为是莎士比亚写

5、的。Now he was known as a steady man .现在他已被大家认为是一个可靠的人。It is said to be an omen of misfortune .那被认为是一种不幸的先兆。He will be considered a weak leader .他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。I would consider this my best reward .我将认为是对我的酬劳。She is often mistaken for her twin sister .她常被误认为是她的挛生妹妹。The well can be thought of as a dil

6、atometer .水井可以认为是一个膨胀计。These were thought to be beyond dispute .这些被认为是“无可争议的”。【不认为的英语怎么说】dont think例句:I dont think his condition can be worse .我不认为他的病势会更坏的。I do not think it carries importance .我倒不认为它真有多么重要。I cant say it is a model of solidity .我不认为这是稳健的典范。No, no, well i didnt think there would be .

7、别误会,其实我也不认为会有的。I do not think i can take much more of your nagging .我不认为我能再忍受你的唠叨了。One never thinks of married mens being beaux .一个人从来不认为结了婚的男人是美男子。Dont you think hes a terribly strong writer ?难道你不认为他是一个非常有才华的作家吗?Look , do not you think you are over-reacting slightly ?喂,你不认为你的反应有点过火吗?It neither offends us, nor can we deem it hostile .它既不触犯我们,我们也不认为它怀有敌意。

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