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1、小学英语教案格式1小学英语教案格式1小学英语教案格式1 教学内容分析(Analysis of the teaching contents): 学生分析(Analysis of the students): 教学目标(Objectives)1 语言知识目标(Language knowledge):2 语言技能目标(Language skills): 3 情感态度目标(sentiment):4 学习策略目标 (Learning strategy):5 文化意识目标(Cultural consciousness):(不一定每课写) 教具(Teaching Aims): 教学过程(可按实际情况写,每步

2、骤后写目的):一、 热身准备(Warming up):二、 呈现与操练(Presentation and practice):三、 巩固(Consolidation)四、 发展(Development)五、 作业(Homework): 板书设计: 附上练习:小学英语教案格式2 教学内容分析(Analysis of the teaching contents): 学生分析(Analysis of the students): 教学目标(Objectives)1语言知识目标(Language knowledge):2语言技能目标(Language skills): 3情感态度目标(sentimen

3、t):4学习策略目标 (Learning strategy):5文化意识目标(Cultural consciousness):(不一定每课有) 教具(Teaching Aims): 教学过程(Teaching Procedure)(用表格式列出教学步骤、老师的活动、学生的活动以及该步骤的目的):ProcedureTeachings activitiesPupils activitiesPurposeLeadingin(warming up)PresentationAnd practice 板书设计: 附上教师在堂上设计的练习或小诗:案例1广州市小学英语教研会英语研讨课教案 广州市小学英语课本五

4、年级下册SUCCESS WITH ENGLISH UNIT13-I Prefer Hamburgers 荔湾区环翠园小学 周乐君 Contents:This is the first period of Unit 13. The pupils have learned some words about food and drinks. Analysis of the students:The pupils in Grade 5 can use some simple sentences to talk about the food and drinks they like. In this c

5、lass, they will learn more about their eating habits. Teaching aims: 1. Language knowledge 1) To know the new words: prefer, inside, full (pizza, hamburger) 2) To know and be able to use the following sentence patterns: A) Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizza? B) is / are more delicious than . C

6、) I like best. 2. Language skills 1) To learn some new words and use them in communication. 2) To learn some sentence patterns and use them in communication. 3) To learn how to ask about choice and express preference. 3. Sentiment Enjoy talking about eating habits with friends 4. Learning strategy T

7、ry to understand the language knowledge in the simulated situation. 5. Cultural consciousness To know the differences between Chinese and the occidental eating habits. Main points:Use the language knowledge in communication. Difficult points:Understanding and using the sentence patterns: Which do yo

8、u prefer, or ? I prefer. is/are more delicious than Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, coupons and so on. Teaching Procedures: 1. Preparation 1) Free talkWhich food do you like? 2) A rhyme Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? 3) Create a simulated situation and let the pupils talk about the

9、food in groups. (教师通过营造气氛,引导学生复习单词,创设模拟真实的情景,让学生在情景 中运用英语进行小组对话。学生围坐在几个小组中,在小组活动中复习单词及 句型) 2. Presentation 1. Learning new words: hamburger, pizza. 2. Present the dialogue. 3. Ask some questions. 4. Make the menu. 5. Learn the main points and solve the difficult points of this dialogue. (1) Learn th

10、e word “inside”. (2) Learn the sentence patterns: Which do you prefer, or ? I prefer . are more delicious than . (3) Learn the word “prefer”. (4) Exercises for using the sentence patterns. Which do you prefer, or? I prefer. is/are more delicious than (5) Report. (6) Look at page 58, listen and repea

11、t. (7) Learn the word “full”. (教师在这个环节里通过教具及多媒体课件对对话及其重点难点 进行教学。学生通过回答问题、制作菜单及与伙伴对话等活动 学习生词及课文对话。) 3. Consolidation 1) Read the dialogue in your groups. Read in roles 2) Recite the whole dialogue with some keywords. 3) Act out the dialogue. 4) Make your own dialogue. 5) Song-Everybodys hungry. (教师通过

12、引导学生读、背课文,使学生进一步了解和记忆课文,然后鼓励他们自编、自导、自演对话,让所学的知识转变成为真实交际的能力。学生在小组的练习活动中熟悉课文对话,并加入到表演对话的行列中,发挥自己的创造力,在交际中运用语言。) 4. Development 1) Activity-Sell the food or drinks. 2) ActivityTalk about the food on the desk and share them with friends. 3) Self-assessment. (教师设计了开放性的游戏活动,使孩子们在“乐中学、学中乐”。学生通过这两个活动及评价增强了学

13、习的兴趣和自信,在交际中灵活运用语言。) 5. Homework 1) Copy the new words and recite the dialogue. 2) Make your own menu and talk about it with your friends after class. 案例2广州市小学六年级拓展阅读“Iceland”教学设计 广州市荔湾区环市西路小学 张勤 一 教学内容分析 这篇阅读材料选自Success with English拓展阅读中Unit 7的第一篇, 文章中有较多关于冰岛地理概况的材料, 是学生巩固第七单元和拓展视野的材料。 二 学生情况分析 六年级

14、学生通过将近四年的英语学习,已经学习了一定数量的词汇、句型和语法的语言知识, 也初步掌握了一些阅读的基本技能。 三 教学目标 1. 技能目标:能借助图片读懂简单的短文,并掌握快速阅读的方法。 2. 知识目标:巩固所学过的关于季节、天气、温度等词语与句子, 并能用所学内 容谈论天气。 3. 情感态度目标:乐于阅读英语短文。 4. 学习策略:通过小组合作共同完成任务,尝试运用所学技能进行阅读的拓展, 并积极与人交流。 5. 文化意识:了解冰岛的地理概况。 四 教学重、难点 让学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,并能用所学的方法进行阅读。 五 教学过程 . Pre-reading 1. Free talk: a

15、bout todays weather. 2. Ask the students to sing the song:“Changing Seasons”(From Magic English) (通过简短的free talk 使师生间的气氛更融洽, 而英语歌曲的演唱帮助学生更快的进入角色。) 3. Ask students to look at the screen to revise some words about weather and seasons.(Present by courseware.) (通过mind-map帮助学生回忆、复习所学过的关于seasons和weather的单

16、词,为以下的阅读教学做准备。) 4. Leading-in: 1) Make a situation to present “Iceland” by saying:“Were going to have a seven-day holiday in May. And were going to visit an interesting countryIceland.”(Present some pictures about Iceland by courseware.) (学生对Iceland是很陌生的,但是通过对Iceland的风景图片的欣赏,使学生对Iceland有了初步的认识,并且从视觉

17、上引起对教学内容的兴趣,为接下来的教学打下基础。) 2) Show some pictures about Iceland to present some new words: island, hot outside pool, tourist. Teacher talks something about Iceland. (通过看图学单词,以直观的呈现方法帮助学生从音、形、义上理解记忆 新单词。教师适时的对Iceland进行介绍,让学生对所学的国家有进一步的认识,使学生有更大的阅读欲望。)3. Show the reading material by saying:“We have got

18、a passage about Iceland, lets read and know more about Iceland.” . While-reading 1. Make requests before reading the passage: 1) 限时3分钟; 2) 不要用手指着读; 3) 划出文章后的问题答案所在的句子, (在学生进行阅读之前提出要求,使学生明确目标有指向性,并且提示阅读的方法、技巧,便于学生总结阅读技巧。) 2. Let the students begin to read the passage and finish the exercise. (让学生带着任务

19、进行阅读,通过小组合作完成任务,使学生学会自主学习,相互交流。) . Reading comprehension 1. Check the answers. (以竞赛的方式检查学生的阅读情况:最快读完的小组有优先选择问题的权利,回答正确而又能划出答案所在的小组可以加两分。) (通过竞赛的方法提高学生参与学习的积极性,培养学生的竞争意识。再一次进行阅读技巧的渗透。) 2. Ask students to read the passage again in one minute and raise some questions they want to know about Iceland but

20、 not mentioned in the passage. (Also make a competition: Who can make more and good questions?) (Show some information about Iceland in order to help students to raise questions.) (学生通过小组共同阅读,把想知道的问题写下来,然后提问,通过这个活动发展学生的创新思维,培养学生自主学习的能力。) 3. Give answers to the students questions if you can. (进行文化知识的

21、渗透,扩展学生的视野。) 4. Make a summary of reading skills: 1) 带着问题阅读文章。 2) 找出重点词、句。 3) 遇到不懂的单词可以跳过、或猜测其大概的意思。 (帮助学生归纳小结学习技能,提高学生运用语言的能力。) . Extensive reading 1. Separate students in two big groups. Ask them to read two different passages then fill in the form about these two passages using the reading skills

22、. (通过加大阅读量,巩固学生的阅读技能。) 2. Check how much the students understand by filling the form.(Each passage ask a group to come to the blackboard and finish the form.) spring summer autumn winter How long weather How long weather How long weather How long weather England (通过阅读后填写表格的方式检查学生对文章的理解,又以小组活动的方式培养学生

23、的合作能力。) . Development 1. Ask students to compare the weather in different countries in groups, and try to make a short report. (让学生学会对所学知识进行归纳分类,通过小结归纳,对“气候”这一功能话题进行深化。为接下来的语言运用做准备。) 2. Weather report.(可以是对一个地方的气候的介绍,也可以介绍自己最喜爱的季节。) (提供学生运用语言的机会,鼓励学生大胆发言,提高学生英语交际水平。让学生学会用英语抒发表达自己的感受。) . Homework 用所学的阅读方法完成拓展阅读中UNIT 7 的2、3 篇。

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