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届高三英语人教版总复习课时作业39 Word版含答案.docx

1、届高三英语人教版总复习课时作业39 Word版含答案课时作业39.阅读理解(2017海南中学月考)From Nigerian science fiction to a timetravelling serial killer, Brittle Paper selects the best works of fiction from the continent to inspire our inner desire to travel.My Life in the Bush of GhostsAmos TutuolaWho wouldnt want to get enveloped in a f

2、og of magical delight? The novel describes the adventures of a little boy lost in a forest. His search for the way back home seem to take him deeper and deeper into secret colonies of creatures living in reality.Nigerians in SpaceDeji OlukotunWale is a Nigerian lunar geologist. He is under the spell

3、 of a lifelong dream to traveling out to the moon when the mysterious Mr Bello offers him the chance to man a Nigerian spaceexploration mission. But like most dreams, what starts out as the magical fulfillment of desire quickly slips into the kingdom of nightmare(噩梦). In novels like this, travelling

4、 through space easily becomes a journey into the self.Our Sister KilljoyAma Ata AidooAma Ata Aidoos novel is a tourist adventure set in Germany and London. It charts the journey of Sissie, a bright and selfassured African student who wins a European travel scholarship. Like any good explorer, she is

5、 very aware of her surroundingsan awareness that she conveys in a mixture of poetic and prose expressions. The Moors AccountLaila LalamiIn the 16th century, a group of five ships set sail from Spain for the New World. Estabanico, a survivor of the expedition, is our latest guide through the unknown

6、lands and peoples. He lives to tell the story of their following travels heading out to Florida and how their dream of becoming wealthy conquerors (征服者)becomes a journey in search of selfdiscovery and redemption(救赎)1The passage is to attract readers to _.Aread more booksBwrite different novelsCexplo

7、re the natureDtravel around the world2Which of the following authors writes a story about traveling by sea?ALaila Lalami. BAmos Tutuola.CDeji Olukotun. DAma Ata Aidoo.3The underlined word “man” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _.Aprepare BcontinueCundertake Dadvocate4We can infer from the n

8、ovels that _.AAmos Tutuola tells a story of ghostsBSissie wins a world travel scholarshipCDeji Olukotum made his dream of traveling to the moon come true.DThe Moors Account indeed talks about a journey of heart答案与解析本文是一篇说明文。主要是介绍了几部小说。1C根据第一段“the best works of fiction from the continent to inspire o

9、ur inner desire to travel.”一句可知这几部小说都可以激发读者旅行,探索自然。故选C。2A根据第五段“In the 16th century, a group of five ships set sail from Spain for the New World.”一句可知选A。3C本句意为:神秘的Mr Bello提供给他这个开展太空探索的机会。undertake开展,实施。故选C。4D根据“how their dream of becoming wealthy conquerors (征服者)becomes a journey in search of selfdis

10、covery and redemption(救赎)”可知The Moors Account也是一次心灵之旅。故选D。.完形填空(2017张家界市高三统考)Dear Aihua,How are you? Iv been busy arranging my _1_ with my brother, Colin. We plan to _2_ a few weeks travelling before he is admitted to the university. We will _3_so many exciting places and do lots of _4_ things. My f

11、irst _5_ is Morocco, in northern Africa. Were going to _6_ camels through the Sahara Desert. I _7_ it will be very hot, dry and _8_ there. Even though it may feel uncomfortable to sit on a _9_ for almost a week, I still look forward to it.Then we are going to travel down the River Nile. We will _10_

12、 whitewater rafting there. Its so _11_ that we have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket for protection just _12_ the rafts gets turned upside down or sinks.After that, we will live with the _13_ people in Kenya and _14_ local customs(习俗). Well eat and drink _15_ they do, including c

13、ows blood!Due to the _16_ walk we have to cover everyday, I need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to carry my _17_of food and water. During the day, well walk _18_ the land, following the _19_ of big animals. Of course, I will try to _20_ the animals to take some good photos. I will email you

14、as soon as I come back.Love,Toby1A.holidayBweekend Cweekdays Dlife2A.spend Bmake Cbase B.apply Cknow Dvisit4A.appropriate BterribleCextraordinary Denthusiastic5A.explanation BdestinationCflight Bfeed Cride Dplay7A.expect BannounceCwonder Dfind8A.rainy Bcloudy Cdirty D

15、 Bhorse Ccamel Dbike10A.come Bgo Cmake Bdangerous C.rough charge Bin fact Cin case Din advance13A.extra Blocal Csplendid Dwild14A.experience Bunderstand Cexplore Dexchange15A.whichever BwhateverCwhenever Dwherever16A.short Bboring Cinteresting Dlong17A.preparat

16、ions BqualitiesCsupplies Dsurroundings18A.across Babove Cby Dbeyond19A.tradition Bsuggestions Cexample Dtracks 20A.step up Blook intoCmake use of Dget close to答案与解析本文是一篇由托比写给爱华的信,在信中托比讲述了在最近自己和哥哥去了很多令人兴奋的地方度假,并体验了很多不寻常的事情。1A考查名词。A.holiday假期;B.weekend周末; Cweekdays 工作日; Dlife生活。根据后文a few weeks travell

17、ing几周时间来旅游,可知休息时间很长,应该是假期,故选A。2A考查动词。A.spend花费;B.make 制作;C.base 基于;D.enjoy享受。根据后文a few weeks travelling,可知是花费几周时间来旅游,spend doing 花费时间做某事,故选A。3D考查动词。A.live住在;B.apply申请;C.know知道;D.visit访问。根据后文places,可知旅游是要去访问一些地方,故选D。4C考查形容词。A.appropriate适当的;B.terrible 恐怖的;C.extraordinary 特别的;D.enthusiastic狂热的。根据上文,因为

18、是旅游,可知要做一些平常不做的事情,即特别的事情,故选C。5B考查名词。A.explanation解释;B.destination目的地;C.flight航班;D.schedule时间表。根据后文Morocco摩洛哥这个地名,可知首要计划访问的地点是摩洛哥,故选B。6C考查动词。A.drive驾车;B.feed喂养;C.ride骑(马,骆驼等);D.play玩。根据后文的camels 骆驼和through the Sahara Desert穿越撒哈拉沙漠,可知是骑骆驼,故选C。7A考查动词。A.expect预料;B.announce宣布;C.wonder想知道;D.find找到。根据前文Sah

19、ara Desert是沙漠,可知能够预料到那里会很炎热,故选A。8D考查形容词。A.rainy多雨的;B.cloudy多云的;C.dirty脏的; Ddusty尘土很大的。根据前文Sahara Desert是沙漠,可知那里尘土会很大的,故选D。9C考查上下文联系。A.car小轿车;B.horse马;C.camel骆驼;D.bike自行车。根据前文 ride camels through the Sahara Desert骑骆驼来穿越撒哈拉沙漠,可知这里应该呼应上文选骆驼,故选C。10B考查动词。A.come来;B.go进行;C.make制作;D.take拿。根据固定搭配,可知go raftin

20、g是划木筏的意思,故选B。11B考查形容词。A.safe安全;B.dangerous危险;C.rough粗鲁;D.fluent流畅。根据后文the rafts gets turned upside down or sinks,可知划木筏存在危险,故选B。12C考查短语。 charge负责; fact事实上; case万一; Din advance提前。根据句意,可知做这些保护措施,是为了以防万一,故选C。13B考查形容词。A.extra其他的;B.local当地的;C.splendid辉煌的;D.wild野性的。根据后文people in Kenya在肯尼亚的人,可知是

21、和当地的人一起住,故选B。14A考查动词。A.experience体验;B.understand理解;C.explore探索;D.exchange交换。根据后文eat and drink whatever they do做肯尼亚人做的事,可知是体验他们的习俗,故选A。15B考查从句。A.whichever不论哪个;B.whatever不论什么;C.whenever不论何时;D.wherever不论哪里。根据句子结构,可知该句是宾语从句,该处需要一个词作drink 的宾语,故选B。16D考查形容词。A.short短暂的;B.boring无聊的;C.interesting有趣的;D.long 长的

22、。根据后文需要准备的诸多装备,可知要进行长时间的步行,故选D。17C考查名词。A.preparations准备;B.qualities品质;C.supplies供给;D.surroundings周围事物。根据后文的food and water,因为是食物,可知是供给,故选C。18A考查介词。A.across穿过;B.above在上面;C.by通过;D.beyond远处。根据句意,可知要步行穿过陆地,故选A。19D考查名词。A.tradition传统;B.suggestions建议;C.example例子;D.tracks足迹。根据句意,可知是跟着大型动物的足迹走,故选D。20D考查短语。A.s

23、tep up提高;B.look into调查;C.make use of利用;D.get close to接近。根据后文to take some good photos拍一些好照片,可知需要离动物很近照片才能拍得更好,故选D。.语法填空(2017贵州省遵义航天高中月考)World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of March. It _1_(start) by the website in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries. _2

24、_ aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website asks everyone _3_(celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out aloud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write _4_ (belong) to all peop

25、le.The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce _5_number of illiterate (不识字的) people in the world. It is _6_ (absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read. The website says, “Its time to start by reading aloud to _7_ might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, sh

26、are a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently _8_someone elses story as they share with you.” The United Nations says, “Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, _9_to participate fully in society.” In that

27、way, World Read Aloud Day does help make a _10_ (different)答案与解析本文主要介绍了World Read Aloud Day。1was started考查动词的时态和语态。World Read Aloud Day在2010年由LitWorld.org发起。根据语境可知,此处需要用start的被动形式,又因时间状语是“in 2010”,故用一般过去时。2The/Its考查形容词性物主代词或冠词。它的目的是鼓励全世界不能阅读的人享受一本书带来的好处。3to celebrate考查动词不定式。ask do sth.“要求某人做某事

28、”。网站要求每个人通过拿本书、找到一位听众、大声阅读的方式来庆祝这个节日。4belongs考查主谓一致。这正是采取行动向世界表明阅读和写作的权利属于所有的人。根据句子成分可知,从句的主语为the right,故填belongs。5the考查冠词。the number of.是固定搭配,表示 “的数量”。6absolutely考查词性转换。帮助那些不能阅读的人是完全有必要的。修饰形容词necessary,应用所给词的副词形式。7whoever考查宾语从句。是开始为任何可能喜欢的人大声朗读的时候了。whoever引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语。8to考查介词。当他们与你分享时,你要耐心地倾听某个人的

29、故事。listen to 是固定搭配。9and考查连词。根据语境和句子成分可知,前后表示并列关系。10difference考查词性转换。make a difference“有作用”,根据空前的冠词可知,此处应用所给词的名词形式。.短文改错(2017内蒙古赤峰二中月考)I will share one experience with you. With the college Entrance Examination draw near, I was filled with great anxiety. However, I couldnt be absorbed in study, resul

30、ting from my failing in the examination. I got very discouraging. Just then ,my teacher Miss Zhang approached me and said, “In life we all have moments when we cant achieve what we want to. It is natural. Dont allow those moments to weaken you, and turn them into motivation to inspire yourself.”Her words were reminder that provided me with constant encouragement to smile at life. Consequently , I gained that I deserved.So it is an optimistic attitude which matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to deal with difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life.答案

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