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26 English Learning Tips From A to Z.docx

1、26 English Learning Tips From A to Z26 English Learning Tips From A to Z从A到Z,26个英语学习的小方法By 许利生BennyAbout a month ago, I was asked to write a long sentence using words beginning with 26 letters from A-Z. Its was a challenge, and I did it. Here it is: As Benny Calmed Down Emotionally From Gunfire, He

2、Intermittently Joked, “Killing Lawless Mobs Needs Operational Planners Qualification, Resourceful Specialized Tactics, Unbreakable Vehicles, Wireless X-rays, & Youngsters Zeal.”This does not make sense actually, its just a game. Then one night, a eureka moment came upon me- Maybe I can challenge mys

3、elf again, to use the 26 letters to write an article about how to learn English, based on my personal experience. Why 26 letters? The reason is simple- I believe that things can be easily memorized in an alphabetic order. And then I made it a routine to write one tip a day before I went to bed. Fina

4、lly, I did it. And here it is. I sincerely hope that you can give me suggestions on my ideas and language flaws. Thank you!一个月前,有学生让我帮他用26个字母为单词开头写一句英语,这个有点挑战,不过还是写了出来:随着Benny的情绪从战火回来后慢慢冷静了下来,他断断续续地开起了玩笑:“剿灭这些非法的暴徒需要实战策划的资质,足智多谋的专业战术,坚不可摧的战车,无线X光装置及年轻时期的斗志。”当然这只是一个语言游戏,没有什么意义。几天后,我突然有了一个灵感,是否我可以再挑战一

5、次,用26个字母来写一篇关于如何学习英语的文章,而且尽量参考我个人的经验。为什么要用26个字母呢?原因其实也很简单,按字母顺序,我们记起来容易些。后来我们每天晚上坚持写一个小方法,一个月下来,终于写了一篇。再次和广大英语学习者和老师分享,也真诚希望大家能在我的内容及语言的运用上提提建议,谢谢!BennySept 25, 2011A: Analyze the Why! 分析“为什么”!Why do I want to learn English? What can it do for me? Do I like it? These are the questions we have to rep

6、eatedly ask ourselves before we kick off. The reason for school students to study English is obvious, its a must. But if you are an adult, or a college student, you have to figure out the why. It could be for a better job, better communication with foreigners, a chance to go abroad, and so on. If th

7、e why is clearer, the how will be easier. If the why is strong enough, the how will no longer be a matter. You cant hit a target that you cant see, so if the why is not clear or not strong, dont even start, you can do something else for opportunity costs sake. Its good when the why is out, but hes l

8、onely. He needs a good friend called interest. You may not find his friend when you set off, but keep walking, he might be there for you halfway.为什么我要学习英语?学习英语对我有什么好处呢?我喜欢它吗?在我们开始学习之前我们必须问自己这些问题。中小学生学习英语的原因不用探究,因为这是学校的要求。而大学生或成人,我们最好多问自己为什么。为了一份更好的工作?为了和外国人更好地沟通?为了出国?等等。当“为什么”清楚了,“怎么做”就简单了。当“为什么”有足够

9、的说服力,“怎么做”将不再是难题。无的我们无法放矢,当“为什么”不清楚或能量不够,最好不要学,因为从机会成本的角度,我们用学英语的时间做其它的事情会更有价值。当“为什么”清晰了,这是不错的开始,不过它会比较“孤独”,它需要一个朋友,这个朋友的名字叫“兴趣”。出发的时候这个朋友可能还没找到,不用怕,继续走,它也许就在半路等待你们。B: Belief! 信念!Language skill is one of the basic skills that human beings are born with. All languages are created from the people, by

10、the people, and for the people. They are meant to be acquired easily by any human being. The fact that we can flexibly use our first language has already shown our capability in language learning. We have to believe that as long as we are still able to listen, speak, read, and write, we can, with th

11、e proper instructions and effort, conquer any roadblock on the way and use it like its native speaker. So dont blame yourself for your awkwardness on a new language, you can make it!语言是人类与生俱来的本能。所有语言来源人类,被人类所创,为人类所创。因此,语言必须很轻松地被掌握。我们能够灵活运用我们的母语足够证明我们在语言方面的能力,所以我们必须有坚定的信念我们能够像外国人一样使用一门外语。只要我们在听说读写方面有

12、正确的指导及努力,我们能够克服种种困难。不要因为开始的不熟练而埋怨自己,这是因为不适应,过后你是能够克服的。C: Catch any chance!Unlike some other subjects, English is a skill that you can practice anytime and anywhere. What you need is to carry with you some tool or material, and seize every minute to study. These minutes include the minutes you spend

13、on commuting, waiting, or bedtime stories. If you can save 20 trivial minutes a day for your casual English study, then these 20 minutes would translate into 10 hours a month or 120 hours a year. 120 hours is the time that you take off to be a full-time student for 2 weeks和其它科目不一样,英语是可以随时随地学习的。你只需要随

14、身带工具和学习资料,便可以争取每一分钟,抓住每个机会学习,例如坐车,排队,睡前等。当你每天能够挤出20分钟的零碎时间学习英语,你相当于一个月挤出了10小时,一年挤出了120小时,也就相当于全脱产半个月做一名全职学生的学习时间。D: Design a schedule!Any goal without a plan is only a wish. Are you willing to set aside one extra hour a day for your English study? If the answer is YES, then I can tell you that you a

15、re 10 times more likely to succeed in learning English. This rule can also apply to school English study. The extra English that you learn outside your school can help what you learn inside your school, and can eventually make a great contribution to your exams. Therefore, you have to figure out whi

16、ch one hour in your day is the most distraction-free and the most productive. It could be the one hour before you sleep or the one hour after you rise.没有计划的目标只是一个愿望。你是否愿意每天挤出一个小时学习英语呢?如果你愿意,那我可以说你拥有比其他人多10倍的成功可能性。这个方式也适合中小学生,学生在课外的英语学习到最后能够帮助到课内英语学习并能提高成绩,因为语言是相通的。你必须找出一天中哪一个小时是最不受打扰而且最有生产力,可能是睡前,也可

17、能是起床后。E: Express, not impress. 多表达,少表现。One big problem some students have in English study is that they always try so hard to impress others, by speaking too fast or too vague, using too difficult words, or building too long sentences, as to appear professional. This is totally unnecessary. The purp

18、ose of a language is to communicate and our aim is to express ourselves clearly. Those acts not only cause confusions, but tension as well. Not thinking about impressing others lessens much of our burden and forms a state of flow for the conversation. So, speak slow and make it clear, to show more r

19、espect to your listeners.一些学生学习英语的典型问题是他们总是把英语讲得很快很模糊,用很难的词汇或把句子弄得很长,为了表现得“很地道”。这根本不需要,语言的目的是为了沟通,所以我们得尽量清楚地表达自己。多点表现只会引起混淆及紧张,少点表现会减少我们的压力并创造沟通的流畅状态。所以,我们说慢点,说清楚一点,给听者更多的尊重。F: Focus on key words. 聚焦每句话的重点单词。In our daily use of Chinese, we read and listen to get the content by catching the key words

20、. Its normal that we sometimes come across some characters that we do not understand, but it doesnt seem to affect our comprehension, for we have got the key words. English is no different, so we have to let go, we have to get rid of our perfectionism of figuring out every single word by telling our

21、selves that its absolutely enough if we can get the idea by catching the key words. While we are doing some listening or reading exercises, try to catch the key words, and connect the key words to guess the meaning, dont linger.平时使用中文进行听和读的时候,我们只关注每句话的重点词,因为这些重点词就是大意的所在。有时也会碰到一些不懂的汉语词汇,但我们对大意的理解一般不会

22、受到影响,因为我们捉住了重点词。英语也一样,所以我们得放下,我们得放下我们的完美主义,不断告诉自己,我们没必要词词计较,捉住大意就行。做听力及阅读练习时,只要我们找到重点单词,把它们串联起来,就能够大致理解,不要步步停留。G: Guts to speak! 鼓起勇气,勇敢表达!One of the biggest obstacles that most of us have is that we do not have the guts to speak in front of foreigners. We are so afraid of losing face by making mist

23、akes. This doesnt make sense at all. Will we laugh at foreigners when they speak lousy Chinese? No! So we have to take it for granted that they never expect us to speak flawlessly. When you are about to speak, say to yourself, “I respect you, so I speak your language. If you are not happy with my po

24、or English, Im going to have to ask you to speak Chinese with me.” But of course to them, we still have to show our honesty and courtesy.我们面对外国人说英语的最大障碍是我们没勇气说出来,因为怕犯错,怕丢脸。这个完全没必要。当外国人和我们说汉语的时候,我们会取笑他们的错误吗?不会。我们没期望他们说完美汉语,所以换个角度,他们也没有期望我们讲完美英语。当我们要开口的时候,我们告诉自己:“我跟你讲英语是给你面子,如果你对我的英语不满意。那你就和我讲汉语吧。”当然这

25、只是自我暗示的一个技巧,对于他们我们还是要表示我们的真诚和尊重。H: Hybrid practice. 混合练习。Among the four skills in language acquisitions, listening, speaking and writing are more commonly used. There is one way to practice all these three skills at the same time- to watch videos which have English subtitles. Trigger your ears, eyes

26、 and mouth by reading the subtitles and repeating closely after the actors or narrators. Whenever you encounter new words, dont stop, keep going, for your purpose is catch up and create a form of flow. Another way to do it is to listen to songs with lyrics, and interestingly, this will make your Eng

27、lish musical.听说读写四个语言技巧中,最常用的是听说读。我发现有一个方法可以同时练习听说读,即看带有英语字幕的原声电影。听对白,看对白,跟读对白,三个动作同时启动。遇到不懂词汇的时候,不要理会,继续跟读,我们的目的是形成语言的“流状态”。另外一个方式,就是听带有歌词的英文歌,这样也可以使到我们的英语带有音乐感。I: Imitate like a copycat. 高仿。Language learning is all about imitation. To make your English sound more standard, you can get rid of your

28、accent by having in hand a short passage and simply imitating the speaker over and over again. One single passage may cover most, if not all, of the features of the pronunciation and intonation of a language. My recipe for this is, 15 minutes a day, one passage a week, as loudly as possible, as clea

29、rly as possible. Making it 90% sound like the speaker is more than enough. Dont struggle to pursue 100%, as the last 10% is hard and time-consuming, and its totally unnecessary. Keeping a little bit of an accent, like the French do, is fun.语言就是靠模仿。为了使我们的发言更标准,我们可以通过重复地模仿一小段文章的标准朗读,从而减少我们的口音。一篇小短文一般包

30、含了几乎全部的发言要素,包括语音及语调。我的建议是:每天15分钟,每周一篇文章,尽量大声,尽量清晰。当我们模仿到90%像的时候,已经足够了。不要追求100%,因为后面的10%是最难的,也是最花时间的。而且也没必要,保留一点点口音,像法国人一样,也挺好玩的。J: Join a class. 参加课程。English is one of the subjects that can be learned by oneself. However, its not always easy to start off. You need a teacher to guide you with some ba

31、sic knowledge and learning methods. Taking part in a class that suits your level helps you better discipline yourself to learn on a regular basis, and it offers you an environment in which you have partners of your level to practice with. Of course, you can learn it on your own, in a more flexible w

32、ay if you believe that you are a self-help kind of person and you can set a ritual for study.虽说英语是一门可以自学的科目,不过起步不容易。在初级阶段你最好有一位老师给你打基础及指导学习方法。参加符合自己水平的课程也帮助我们更好地规范自己定时学习,同时也给我们一个可以和同学练习对话的环境。当然,如果你相信自己能自我约束及拥有很强的自学能力,并希望灵活地学习,那也可以独自学习。K: Keep a dictionary with you. 随身携带小字典。Buy yourself an electric dictionary or simply install some dictionary software into your cell phone. Whenever you come across some words that seem to be important, look them up to get the meaning and pronunciation. As you check the usage, you might find some words are worth memorizing, then note them down in your littl

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