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英语选修八Module 6 The Tang Poems教案.docx

1、英语选修八Module 6 The Tang Poems教案Module 6 The Tang Poems 考词再现 v. 摒除;阻挡2.part v. 分手;分离3.tolerant adj. 宽容的,容忍的4.shadow n. 影子;阴影5.altitude n. 高度,海拔6.advance n. 进步;进展7.failure n. 失败者8.suffering n. (肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难9.corruption n. 腐败,堕落10.merchant n. 商人11.prove v. 证明是,被发现是12.appeal n. 魅力,吸引力13.upwards adv

2、. 向上,朝上14.surplus n. 剩余;过剩15.approve v. 赞成;同意16.sponsor n. 赞助商17.expense n. 费用18.shabby adj. 肮脏破旧的19.caution v. 警告;劝小心20.preview n. 预观;预看21.merry adj. 欢快的22.arbitrary adj. 任意的;随机的23.cater v. 满足需求24.homeland n. 祖国;本国25.correspond v. 通信26.anniversary n. 周年纪念日27.donate v. 提供;捐28.update v. 更新;刷新

3、n. 地区;区域30.independence n. 独立31.imagination n. 想象;空想32.typically adv. 典型地;有代表性地;向来;一向33.reflect v. 反映;显示;表达34.surgeon n 外科医生词汇拓展1.tolerant tolerance n. 2.corruption corrupt v. 3.appeal appealing adj. 4.caution cautious adj. 5.donate donation n. 6.approve approval n. failure n. 8.reflect refle

4、ction n.9.typical typically adv. 短语记忆及练习1.就的范围as far as 2.手挽手,携手hand in hand 3.抓住take hold of 4.赞成某事approve of 5.异口同声的a chorus of 6.满足的要求cater for 7.与通信correspond with 8.对上瘾be addicted to 选用以上短语完成下列句子1. As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern. 2. Industrial progress should go hand in hand

5、with the development of agriculture. 3. The blind man took hold of my arm, and I led him across the street.4. Her father will never approve of her marriage to you.5. The actors speech was greeted by a chorus of laughter. 6. Our politicians should learn to cater for ordinary people. 7. You cant corre

6、spond with your mother because she doesnt have a computer.8. The little boy is addicted to reading detective novels.句型整理1.whether positive ones of love, happiness and hope, or negative feelings like anger and fear. Whether or 引导的状语从句,表示“无论还是”。(p79)2.The poems provide a channel through which they can

7、 communicate with the world, and express their feelings. 复习带介词的定语从句。(p79)语法归纳复习情态动词must, cant, may/might, should, could, would INTRODUCTION1. close与closely的辨析close与closely皆为副词,但有区别。close意为“接近地,靠近地”,表示具体的概念;close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语。closely意为“仔细地,密切地”,常表达抽象的概念,它多用来修饰动词和过去分词。如:Everyone felt that his words hi

8、t close to home.大家都认为他的话击中了要害。This problem is closely connected with that one.这个问题与那个问题有密切的联系。2. acquaintance n. 相识,了解,相识的人,泛泛之交【典型例句】1. Some years ago, a few acquaintances who lived and worked in London, who used the Tube and loved poetry, decided that it would be pleasant to read a few line by the

9、ir favorite poets as they traveled around by Tube. 几年前,一些生活和工作在伦敦的熟人,因为常乘伦敦地铁并喜爱诗歌,认为在乘地铁旅行的时候读几行他们喜欢的诗人所写的诗会很愉快。(p81)2. Do you find them agreeable acquaintance? 你们觉得和他们交往愉快吗? 3. Do you say the man is an acquaintance of Mr. Farfraes? 您说那个人是伐尔伏雷先生的旧相识吗? 4. I made the acquaintance of Tom when on holid

10、ay in Spain. 我是在西班牙度假时结识汤姆的。 【用法提示】acquaintance常见搭配:have no /some/ an acquaintance with 不/有些/有些熟悉make the acquaintance of sb =make sbs acquaintance 结识某人pick acquaintance with 偶然结识/认识辨析:acquaintance 与friend的区别acquaintance指“相识的人,泛泛之交”,即关系不亲密的熟人。而friend强调“朋友”。3. subject 主题,话题,题材,学科,科目;表现对象,接受实验者,实验对象;主

11、语;adj. 可能受影响的; 受支配,服从于(be subject to sth)an unpleasant subject of conversation 不愉快的话题books on many different subjects 题材广泛的各种书籍。a magazine article on the subject of space travel一篇谈航天的杂志文章I have nothing more to say on the subject.关于这个问题,我再没有要说的了。Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 1

12、8th century painters.古典风景是18世纪许多画家所喜欢的表现题材。 We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment. 我们需要18-25岁之间的男性来接受实验。 Flights are subject to delay because of the fog. 由于有雾,航班可能延误。Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers. 吸烟的人比不吸烟的人容易患心脏病。 As a diplomat, he is no

13、t subject to local laws. 作为外交官,他不收当地法律约束。 vt. 使臣服,使遭受(subject sth/sb to sth)The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule. 引申:subjective 主观的4. as far as 远到;尽的程度【典型例句】1. At it is high point, the country reached as far as Siberia (now part of Russia) in the north, Korea in the east and Vietnam

14、 in the south. 在鼎盛的时候,这个国家的疆土北部达到西伯利亚(现在为俄国领土一部分),东部达到朝鲜,南部达到越南。(p72)2. Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see. 放眼望去,田野山丘延绵不绝。3. As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern. 就我们所知,没什么可担心的。 4. As far as I can see, youve done nothing wrong. 依我看,你没有做错任何事。5. As far as I am concerned

15、, you can do what you like.就我而言,你想干什么就干什么。 【用法提示】As far as后面接名词或状语从句,表示“远到,远达,尽的程度, 就的范围”辨析:as far as, as/so long as, as soon as的区别As far as 表示“远到的地方”,“尽的程度”;“就的范围”; 而as/so long as表示“长达,只要”; as soon as 表示“一就”。 如:She lived in Chicago, as far as I can remember. 据我所记得的,她过去住在Chicago。 You can go out, as

16、long as (so long as ) you promise to be back before eleven. 你可以出去,只要你承诺11点前回来。拓展:as far as Im concerned 就我而言,as far as I know 据我所知5. But being able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials. 但是能够作诗也是那些想做官的人们所要具备的一个重要的资格。(p73) 【典型例句】1. Fi

17、ghting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。2. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。3. Talking is easier than doing. 说比做容易。4. Its no use waiting here. 在这里等没有用。【用法提示】动名词或动名词词组可以在句子中作主语,表示一种经常性,重复性的动作。有时候真正的动名词主语位于句尾,前面用it作形式主语。拓展:有时候动名词前面加上逻辑主语构成动名词复合结构,在句子中作主语或宾语。Your smoking too much will do ha

18、rm to your health.你抽烟太多会影响你的健康。(此句中的Your不可改为You)。I dont like his/him staying with us.我不喜欢他与我们在一起。警示:动名词的复合结构在句首作主语时,逻辑主语只能用sbs的形式。作宾语时,逻辑主语可以用属格sbs形式或宾格形式。6. hand in hand手拉手,联合;关于hand 的词组还有: lend a hand 帮助;give sb. A hand 给予帮助;at hand 在手边;by hand 用手;in hand 手头上的,在进行中; from hand to hand 从一人之手转到之手;han

19、d down/on 把传下来 ;hand in 交上;hand out 把拿出来,分派;hand over 移交;join hands 携手联合;on one hand, on the other hand 一方面 , 另一方面7. (16).the + adj表示一类人, 如: the rich富人, the poor, the wounded伤者8. drown vt. , vi (1)把.淹死 (2)使湿透; 淹没; 浸湿 (3)消除(忧愁等); 解(闷) (4)使沉溺于; 使迷恋(in) (5)搀淡; 冲淡(饮料等); (加水)化开(生石灰); 往.里加太多的水be get drown

20、ed淹死, 溺死; drown oneself投水(自杀); eyes drowned in tears泪汪汪的眼晴drown ones cares in wine以酒解忧; be drowned in fishing对钓鱼入迷了The cheers of the audience drowned the professors voice. 听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音。Dont drown my whisky. 不要在我的威士忌酒里加太多的水。8. 抓住take hold of 9. “whether.or.”用来引导让步状语,意为“无论不管还”,此外,还可说成:“no matter w

21、hether.or.”。or后可接not或与前面意义相反的词。另外有些省略了whether.or.结构,已经成为习语,如:sink or swim,rain or sunshine等。 Whether you go or not,I will go不管你去还是不去,我都去。 I am going whether it is raining or not无论下不下雨,我都要去。 Whether you like or not,youll have to do it 无论你喜欢还是不喜欢,你非做不可。 Whether or not it rains,Im giving a party tomorr

22、ow?不管是否下雨,明天我都要举办一个晚会。 Ill go,whether you come with me or stay at home 无论你跟我来还是留在家里,我都要走。 Sink or swim,I shall do it无论成败,我都要承担此事。 The football match will be held,rain or sunshine 足球赛定期举行,风雨无阻。 10. as well as 和;也;和同样好。He speaks Japanese as well as English and French. 他不但会说英语和法语,而且还会说日语。 It is importa

23、nt for you as well as for me. 这对我很重要,对你也很重要。 注意:连接两个主语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致,而不与后面的介词宾语一致。Lily as well as her parents is very fond of classical music. 不但莉莉的父母,而且连莉莉也非常喜欢古典音乐。11. The poems proved a channel through which they can communicate with the world, and express their feelings. 诗歌被证明是一个渠道,通过这个渠道,他们可以与世

24、界交流并表达他们的情感。(p79)【典型例句】1. He loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. 他深深地爱着他的父母,他们俩待他都很好。2. In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. 篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。3. There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 我们班总共有个学生,大多数来自大

25、城市。4. The plane in which we flew to Canada was really comfortable. 我们去加拿大所乘坐的飞机实在很舒服。【用法提示】关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,从句常常由“介词+关系代词”引出。“介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。警示: 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of 等。若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom

26、,不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that。11. prove vt. 证明,证实 link v. 被证明是,证明是【典型例句】1. The book has proved very popular, giving students a sense of motivation and achievement. 这本书被证明很受欢迎,给学生激励和成就感。(p79)2. He proved himself ( to be ) a better driver than the world champion. 他的表现说明他的驾驶技术胜过世界冠军。3. The task

27、 proved ( to be ) more difficult than I thought. 这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。4. What he said proves ( to be ) true. 他所说的被证明是对的。【用法提示】prove 可以是及物动词,后接名词作宾语;还可以是系动词,后接to be +形容词., 其中to be可以省略。拓展:prove常见搭配prove +n./ pron./ that/ wh-clause 证明,证实prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事sth/sb prove (to be)+adj./n. 被证明是警示:prove 作系动词时,

28、没有被动形式,只能加形容词或名词作表语。12. addicted adj. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷【典型例句】1. Anyone who is addicted to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of Poems on the Underground. 任何对读车票和麦片包装盒的人都会理解地铁诗歌的魅力的。(p81)2. It doesnt take long to become addicted to these drugs.服用这些毒品不要多长时间就会上瘾。 3. Some children a

29、re addicted to computer games / TV.(喻)一些孩子玩电脑游戏/看电视上了瘾。 4. Its a pity that her child has got addicted to smoking.真可怜,她的孩子抽烟上瘾了。 【用法提示】addicted 常用搭配:be addicted to sth 对上瘾,对入迷警示:addicted不用于名词之前。13. approve vi. 赞成,同意vt. 批准,通过(计划,提案,要求等)【典型例句】1. London Underground approved of the idea, and once sponsor

30、s had been found to pay the expense for half the spaces, they agreed to pay for the other half. 伦敦地铁同意这个想法,于是地铁方面一找到赞助商付一半空间(张贴诗歌)的钱,他们就同意也支付另一半的钱。(p81)2. Do you approve of my idea? 你同意我的想法吗?3. She doesnt approve of me leaving school this year. 她不同意我今年离校。 4. committee unanimously approved the plan.委

31、员会一致通过了计划。 【用法提示】approve 表示“同意”的时候,必须用approve of sth。而表示“批准,通过”时,approve是及物动词,后面直接接名词。拓展:approve的派生词approval n. 赞成,同意;批准,通过approving adj. 赞成的,同意的14. expense un./cn. 花费;支出 【典型例句】1. London Underground approved of the idea, and once sponsors had been found to pay the expense for half the spaces, they agreed to pay for the other half. 伦敦地铁同意这个想法,于是地铁方面一找到赞助商付一半空间(张贴诗歌)的钱,他们就同意也支付另一半的钱。(p81)2. What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的花销是多少?3. She always travels first

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