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1、高一英语月考试题15西宁五中2016年12月高一英语月考试卷 第卷第一部分 :阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFor teenagers, its great fun to explore new places and it feels like an adventure, even when you know youre not the first to have been there. But to make sure not to get lost

2、or waste time going round in circles, the following tips may be helpful. Do the map reading if youre being driven somewhere. Itll be easier if you keep the map following the direction you are traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a tur

3、n, or youll have to move to the back seat. Get a group of friends together and go exploring. Youll need a good map, a compass , a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies .Tell someone where youre going before you set out and let them know

4、 what time you expect to be back. The purpose of the activity is in not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch up. See if your school or a club organizes orienteering(越野识途比赛)activities, in which you need a map and a compass to f

5、ind your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B(and B to C, etc. ) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. It enables you to be familiar with the use of maps and compass and gain some special skills. In some way, its not only good fun, but al

6、so a great way to keep fit.1When you sit beside the driver, youd better_.Alook ahead to see where there is a gas stationBmove to the back seat if feeling uncomfortableCkeep looking at the map to find another place to go toDdirect the driver when necessary2In the exploration, why do you need wait for

7、 the slower friends?ATo share the fun with him/her in explorationBTo tell him/her whats going on with group members.CTo avoid yourself or your friends getting lostDTo show them how fast you can go3What does the whole passage talk about?Athe fun of exploration Bwhat to bring for explorationChow to pr

8、event people getting lost in exploration Dthe way to use a map in explorationBOne day Thomas Alva Edison was given a letter by his teacher. His teacher asked him to give it to his mother. Edison thought it was something nice .After he returned home, he proudly gave it to his mother, saying “My teach

9、er let me give this letter to you.”Not knowing what it was, Edisons mother opened it, and then her eyes opened wide. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her son and read out the letter aloud, “Your child is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesnt have enough good teachers to train hi

10、m. Please teach him yourself.” The fact was that Edison liked asking strange questions in class. His teachers thought he was mentally ill. They could no longer stand him and decided to stop him from going to school. However, Edisons mother didnt give up on her son. She taught him at home.Many years

11、after Edisons mother died and he was already one of the greatest inventors, one day he was looking through the old family things. Suddenly he saw a piece of folded paper in the corner of a drawer. He took it and opened it up. It read, “Your son is addled (mentally ill). We wont let him come to schoo

12、l any more.”Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary, “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child, but, by his hero mother, he becomes the genius of the century.”Having faith in those we love is very important. We should have faith in those around us. Even if others have given upon you, you

13、 should have faith in yourself.4. How did Edisons mother probably feel when reading the letter?A. relaxed B. sad C. proud D. calm 5. In the teachers opinion, Edison _.A. wasnt hard to train B. was really a genius C. was too clever to teach D. wasnt a normal child 6. What did Edisons mother do after

14、knowing the teachers decision?A. She asked him to invent things.B. She sent him to another school.C. She let him get educated at home.D. She asked him to study by himself.7. The passage is meant to show that _.A. teachers should love their studentsB. parents know their children the bestC. we should

15、have faith in others and ourselvesD. most children can be geniuses if encouragedC Hetty Robinson learnt all about money when very young. As a child, she read the financial (金融的) pages of the newspaper to her rich father. Her father died when Hetty was 30, and she inherited $1 million. When she herse

16、lf died in 1916, she left almost $100 million to her two children. Hetty made her money on the New York stock (股票) exchange. She was a financial genius. She made money so easily that people called her the Witch of Wall Street. But although she was one of the richest women in the world, she counted e

17、very cent and spent as little as possible. She didnt own a house, because she didnt want to pay taxes. So she and her children lived in cheap hotels. She spent almost nothing on clothes, and always wore the same long black dress. She washed it herself, but to save soap she only washed the bottom of

18、the dress, where it touched the ground. Other people had their own offices, but Hetty used a desk in the bank where she kept her money, because it didnt cost anything. She sat in the bank and ate her sandwiches while she bought and sold stocks and shares. If the bank complained, she just moved all h

19、er money to another bank. Hettys family paid the price for her meanness. When she was 33 she married a millionaire, Edward Green, and they had two children. But Green lost all his money, so she left him. When her son, Ned, injured his knee, Hetty didnt want to pay for a doctor, so she took him to a

20、free hospital for poor people. Unfortunately the doctor knew Hetty was rich and he asked for money. Hetty refused and took the boy away. His leg got worse and two years later doctors removed it. But eventually Ned got his revenge (报应). At the age of 81, Hetty had an argument with a shop assistant ab

21、out the price of a bottle of milk. She became so angry that she had a heart attack and died. So Hettys meanness finally killed her. Ned inherited half his mothers fortune, and he spent it all on parties, holidays and expensive jewellery. 8. What fact can be learned about Hetty Robinson from the pass

22、age? A. She was nice to her son. C. She died from extreme anger.B. She worked for a bank. D. She came from a poor family.9. Why was Hetty Robinson called the Witch of Wall Street?A. She turned out to be the richest woman in New York.B. She liked wearing the same long black dress every day.C. She was

23、 fond of reading financial pages of the newspaper.D. She made a large amount of money easily through stocks and shares. 10. Which of the following best describes Hetty Robinson? A. Gifted but not generous B. Wealthy and selfless. C. Easy-going but selfish. D. Curious and lucky.11. Which is the best

24、title of this passage?A. A Mean Genius B. A Financial SuccessC. A Lifelong Bad Luck D. A Good Way to Earn MoneyDMore than 30,000 people went to the White House on Monday for the 136th Easter Egg Roll (复活节滚彩蛋). President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama held the event by inviting thousands

25、of kids to color and look for eggs. The theme(主题) of the day was “Hop Into Healthy, Swing Into Shape.” It was part of the First Lady s“Let s Move!”program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids. Mrs. Obama spoke to young reporters about her goal(目标) to get children to eat right and keep m

26、oving.“We are working to make sure that kids born today grow up healthy, learn how to have balanced meals, and get more physical activity into their lives,” she said.Mrs. Obama said she wants children across the nation to understand that exercise isnt just hard work, it s play. If you re running aro

27、und with your dog, you re getting exercise. If you walk up the stairs, that s exercise, But if you re sitting in front of the TV or on a computer game, you re not exercising.”The First Lady said that for kids who have balanced meals most of the time, having a special snack, like chocolate, will not

28、hurt. And if you are active, you can splurge (挥霍) a little more, she said. Mrs. Obamas favorite splurge food is French fries. But she balances her splurging by exercising almost every day. She loves to play tennis and she practices yoga.“A lot of kids look up to(敬仰) athletes, and I think its importa

29、nt for athletes to share their good habits,” Mrs. Obama said. Kids aren t just going to wake up and be LeBron James. Hes practicing and eating right and working out and training. Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them - they can say to kids, If you really want to be l

30、ike me, then you really do need to eat your vegetables.”12. The purpose of the “Lets Move!” program is to . A. help kids keep healthy B. train more young reporters C. encourage kids to eat more eggs D. invite kids to visit the White House13. In Mrs. Obamas opinion, exercise . A. can be fun to do B.

31、means hard work C. should be done outdoors D. requires special equipment14. “Splurge food” is allowed to be eaten when . A. you don t hurt yourself B. you have a special snack C. you never eat French fries D. you eat right and stay active15. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. All kids wan

32、t to be LeBron James. B. It is very easy to form good habits. C. Athletes can set a good example for kids. D. Kids like the messages the athletes give them.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Q & AQuestion: I have recently got a senior position within my companyOne of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of oth

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