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1、英语七下第3单元导学案重庆民族中学七年级英语(下)导学案课型:新授课 授课时间: 班级和小组: 学生: 执笔:廖家梅 审核: 审批: 印制数量:420第三单元How do you get to school第一课时 Section A 1a-2d备注【学习目标】1.能读写新单词短语train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, eighty, ninety, hundred. 2.理解掌握新句型:How do/does sb. get to school? 及其回答。【重点预见】表示交通工具的的单词和短语ride a bike/bus, take a train/

2、bus 【难点预见】根据句型How do/does sb. get to school?进行对话练习【知识链接】do/does 在句中的运用【学习流程】【自主学习预习案】预习指导:阅读教材p13-14的内容,询问交通工具的表达方法,完成预习反馈。预习反馈:1.完成p13,1a, match the words with the pictures.2.英汉互译take a/the train _subway_ ride a bike_ sixty_ eighty_ ninety_ hundred_ get to_你是怎样到学校的?_你花了多长时间到学校?_从A到B有多远?_ 【合作学习探究案】

3、知识点1:How do you get to school? 翻译:_问题1how意为_。本句how引导特殊疑问句。用以询问_ E.g. How _ you get home? How _he/she get to school?问题2get to_翻译:到达学校_ 到这/那里_ 到家_归纳 1)特殊疑问句的结构:2)get (to) 的用法:知识点2:take + a/the +表示交通工具的名词,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。问题1翻译:take the train/ bus/ subway_ride a bike_问题2by + 表示交通工具的单数名词 by bike/bus/ train/

4、subway问题3 同义句转换:1. I take the bus to school. I go to school_ _.2. I walk to school. I go to school _ _.知识点3: How long does it take you to get to school?翻译:_ How far is it from your home to school?翻译:_问题1【过关检测过关案】1. -_ do you go to school every day? -By bus A. How B. Why C. Where D. When2. When do yo

5、u get_ home every day.A. at B. from C. to D./3. She always _the bus to school.A. take B. by C. takes D. ride4. Mary has two_ and five books at home.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundredth D. the hundred5. How long_ it take to get to school?A. is B. are C. do D. does6. It _about 15 minutes.A. take B. tak

6、es C. took D. taking7. How far is it _A _ B?A. forto B. forat C. fromat D. fromto 8. Answer the following questions.1) How do you get to school?_2) How long does it take to get to school?_3) How far is it from your home to school?_第三单元How do you get to school第二课时 Section A 2e-3c【学习目标】1.能读写新单词短语minut

7、e, far, kilometer, new, every, by, drive, car, live. 2.理解掌握新句型:How long do/does sb. get to school? How far is it fromto? 及其回答。 3. 会进行询问交通工具、距离和费时的英语对话交流。【重点预见】 understand 2e, then role-play the conversation. 【难点预见】理解掌握运用Grammar focus【知识链接】ride a bike/bus, take a train/bus【学习流程】备注【自主学习预习案】预习指导:阅读教材p1

8、4-15的内容,完成预习反馈。预习反馈:1.认真阅读2e,判断正误。1) The new bike is Janes.2) Jane walks to school every day, but Lisa takes the bus.3) It takes Lisa about 20 minutes to get to school.4) It takes Jane 15 minutes to school. 【合作学习探究案】 知识点1:How far is it from your home to school? 翻译:_问题1how far意为_。本句how引导特殊疑问句。用以询问_,常

9、用句型为 How far is it from A to B?或 How far is B from A?回答为:Itskilometers.E.g.翻译:从公园到学校有多远?_ 大约3公里。_知识点2:How long does it take you to get to school?问题1how long意为_。本句how引导特殊疑问句。用以询问_,常用句型为How long does it take you to get to school?回答为:It takes sb. some time to do sth.E.g.翻译:你到家需要多少时间?_ 花了我两小时。_展示提升各小组将知

10、识点一和知识点二到讲台上进行对话练习大展示。知识点3:Does Jane walk to school? _ Do they take the bus to school? _问题1这是由_引导的_,用来询问情况是否属实。它们的回答分别为_. _【过关检测过关案】1. -Can you tell me _ it is from home to school? -Sure. Its about three kilometers.A. how much B. how long C. how far D. how soon2. -_have you lived with your grandpare

11、nts.-About three years.A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How often3. Her mother goes to work_ bus every morning. A. at B. by C. on D. in4. -_is it from Leshan to Chengdu?-Im not sure, but it takes about two hours to get there by bus.A. How soon B. How far C. How fast D. How long 5. Does Jane_ t

12、o school?A. walks B. walk C. walking D. walked根据句意以及提示完成句子。1. How many m_ are there in an hour.2. Forty and forty is n_.3. It _(花费)me twenty-five minutes to get to school every day.4. Its about three _(公里)from my home to school.5. He _(居住)on a farm with his family.6. 自主反思知识盘点: 心得感悟: 第三单元How do you g

13、et to school第三课时 Section B 1a-2d备注【学习目标】1.能读写新单词短语stop, think of, bus stop, bus/train/subway station2.听力训练,完成1c-1d. 【重点预见】重点句型: 1)Mary wants to know how far he lives from his grandparents home 2) Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip. 【难点预见】对宾语从句的初步结识和理解。【知识链接】ride my bike/ take the subway【学

14、习流程】【自主学习预习案】预习指导:阅读教材p16的内容,询问交通工具的表达方法,完成预习反馈。预习反馈:1.完成p16,1a, match the words with the pictures.2.翻译下列词组公共汽车站 _ 玛丽想知道_地铁站_他祖父母的家_到达_ 认为_ 【合作学习探究案】 知识点1:How do you get to school?问题1Tell your partner two types of transportation.E.g. A. How do you get to school? B. Well, I ride my bike to the subway

15、 station. Then I take the subway.展示提升各小组仿照例句编对话,并到讲台上大展示。知识点2:Listening practice.问题1 Listen and check the things that Mary wants to know.(1c)问题2 Listen again and check how Bob gets to his grandparents home.(1d)问题3 Listen and imitate.知识点3:Talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents home according to

16、the right route(路线)picture in 1d.A: How does Bob get to his grandparents home? B: He 展示提升各小组根据路线图编对话,并到讲台上大展示。【过关检测过关案】完形填空。 How can students go to school? China is a very big country, so students in different places go to _1_ by different means of transportation(交通). In big cities, some students _2

17、_trains, buses, or ride _3_bikes. Students who _4_near the school walk to school. Some good schools _5_ their own(自己的) school buses, so students take the school bus. In places where there are rivers, lakes and islands like Qiandaohu and Zhoushan Island, students usually go to school _6_ boat. Thats

18、more interesting _7_ taking a bus. In the future, maybe students will go to school by plane. That will be cool. In some _8_ countries like Britain you can drive(驾驶) a car when you are _9_ years old. So some students even go to school _10_ in their cars.( )1. A. work B. parks C. school D. schools( )2

19、. A. took B. by C. with D. take( )3. A. he B. his C. they D. their( )4. A. live B. lives C. lived D. living( )5. A. has B. have C. with D. are( )6. A. take B. on C. by D. in( )7. A. as B. like C. than D. by( )8. A. west B. western C. south D. east( )9. A. seven B. seventy C. seventh D. seventeen( )1

20、0. A. in B. on C. by D. take自主反思知识盘点: 心得感悟:第三单元How do you get to school第四课时 Section B 2a-2c备注【学习目标】1.能读写新单词短语cross, river, many, village, betweenand, bridge, boat, afraid, like, leave, dream true 2. Read the passage and answer the questions.2b 【重点预见】重点句型:1) For many students, it is easy to get to sc

21、hool. 2) I love to play with my classmates. 3) It is their dream to have a bridge. 【难点预见】难点句型:1) There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 2) So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 3) One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. 【知识

22、链接】乘坐各种交通工具的表达方式【学习流程】【自主学习预习案】预习指导:阅读教材p17的内容,完成预习反馈。预习反馈:1.预习2b. Look at the picture, and guess(猜) what the passage is about.(2a) Then answer the questions from one to four below the passage. 2. 翻译下列词组。在一个小乡村_在学校和乡村之间_穿过河流_ 一个11岁的男孩_每天上学的日子_和我的同学玩_ 实现_【合作学习探究案】 知识点1:For many students, it is easy t

23、o get to school.问题1此句中的it 是_主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式_.句型 Its + adj.(for sb.) + to do sth. 表示对某人来说做某事怎么样。例如:翻译:对我来说说英语很简单。_ 看电视很很有趣。_ 上数学课很困难。_展示提升小组成员之间根据知识点造句小展示。知识点2:So the students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.问题1cross词性是_词,意为_, 等于go across.Cross the bridge.(桥)=_go on a ropeway 走索道,为固定短语

24、。知识点3:There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 问题1no 在这里做限定词,意为_, 它修饰单数名词时,相当于_,修饰复数名词或者不可数名词时,相当于_例如: There is on water in the glass. = There is _ water in the glass. There is no birdge.= There is _ bridge. 问题2no 还用于_【过关检测过关案】一、句型转换。1. I take a bus to work. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you go t

25、o work?2. My daughter is afraid to go out at night. (同义句)My daughter is afraid _ _out at night.3. To get to school for the students in the villiage is difficult. (同义句)_ _ _ for the students in the villiage to get to school.4. Its dangerous to cross the street. (同义句)Its dangerous to _ _ the street.2、根据提示完成填空。1. -_(far)is your home from here? - About two kilometers.2. It takes him three hours_

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