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1、新东方英语集 新东方英语集娱子绛-精武风云甄精彩The 120 million yuan (17.6 million US dollars) blockbuster Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen has officially released its international trailer presenting a thrilling and suspicious atmosphere.斥资1.2亿元(约合1760万美元)打造的超级英雄传奇巨制精武风云:陈真正式发布了国际版预告片。从预告片来看,该片情节紧张刺激、扣人心弦。The c

2、omplicated identities of the two lead characters played by Donnie Yen and Shu Qi stand out in the trailer. The two are on a date but are both suspicious of each other.由甄子丹和舒淇扮演的两个主角的复杂身份在预告片中得到了着重体现。他们甚至在约会时仍会互相怀疑对方。In this film, Shu plays a dancer. Yen, who plays Chen Zhen, surprised film director

3、Andrew Lau with his infectious performance, showing that he could act in movies besides action films.舒淇在影片中饰演一个舞女,甄子丹饰演陈真。甄子丹在影片中的表演极富感染力,他的演技让导演刘伟强惊喜不已。在这部影片中,甄子丹不仅为观众展现了他精彩绝伦的“甄功夫”,他的文戏也同样精彩,不容错过。Yen, who is also the films choreographer, presents a totally different Chen Zhen from the former Bruce

4、 Lee and Jet Li versions.甄子丹同时还是影片的动作导演,他向人们展示了一个完全不同于以往李小龙和李连杰演绎的陈真。点滴积累thrilling adj.惊心动魄的complicated adj.复杂的stand out 突出例:It takes courage to stand out.与众不同需要勇气。infectious adj.有感染力的choreographer n.舞台动作设计者【九零In象】娱子绛-林肯公园新专辑The American rap-rock band Linkin Park will release its new album on Septem

5、ber 14, according to reports.据报道,美国说唱摇滚乐队林肯公园将于今年9月14日发行新专辑。Famous American record producer Rick Rubin has teamed up with lead singer Mike Shinoda to produce the new album entitled A Thousand Suns. Rubin also took part in producing Linkin Parks last album Minutes to Midnight in 2007.美国著名唱片制作人里克-鲁宾和乐

6、队主唱麦克-信田联手,共同打造新专辑一千个太阳。鲁宾还曾参与过林肯公园2007年发行的专辑末日警钟的制作。Before A Thousand Suns is released, Linkin Park fans will be able to hear the albums first single The Catalyst on August 2.新专辑发行之前,林肯公园的歌迷们可以在8月2日听到新专辑首先发行的首支单曲“催化剂”。The band has also invited its fans to join an online contest. On July 9, fans wer

7、e able to play, remix, write over or mute parts of The Catalyst via MySpace and MixParade. The winner won a chance to attend a recording session for one of the bands new songs.乐队还邀请歌迷们参加一场网上竞赛。7月9日,歌迷们通过MySpace和MixParade网站演奏、混音、再创作歌曲“催化剂”的部分片段。比赛冠军获得了和乐队一起录制一首新歌的机会,这首新歌将会出现在新专辑中。点滴积累rap-rock n.说唱摇滚t

8、eam up with 和.合作mute v.减弱例:His professional contentment was muted by personal sadness at the divorce of his parents.他在职业上的满足感被父母离婚所带来的悲哀冲淡了。【九零In象】娱子绛-妙趣横生背老婆 Finland continued to win in the world wife-carrying championships early this month as Taisto Miettinen ran fastest along a 253-metre track, c

9、arrying Kristiina Haapanen upside-down on his back.一年一度的背老婆世界锦标赛于本月初举行,芬兰人在本届比赛中再度夺魁。当天,一个名叫泰斯托-米耶蒂宁的男子倒扛着他的妻子克丽斯蒂娜-哈帕宁,以最快的速度跑完了253米的比赛全程。The couple, who also won the world championship title last year, finished the race in one minute and five seconds. Estonias Alar Voogle and Kristi Viltrop trippe

10、d in the water obstacle and were five seconds behind the winners.这对夫妇是上届比赛的冠军,他们本次比赛用1分零5秒的时间完成了比赛。来自爱沙尼亚的艾拉-弗苟和克丽斯提-维尔特洛普夫妇在水障碍区中被绊倒,以5秒之差屈居第二。The race, held for the 15th time, attracted 55 couples from 15 countries, including Australia, Ireland and Poland.背老婆世锦赛至今已举办十五届,此次比赛吸引了来自15个国家的55对夫妇参加,其中包括

11、澳大利亚、爱尔兰和波兰。The wife-carrying competition has its roots in a legend of Ronkainen the Robber. He and his gang lived in the forests and stole food and girls from villages.背老婆比赛源于芬兰的一个“强盗龙凯宁”传说。龙凯宁和他的同伙们住在森林里,他们从附近的村庄偷粮食,抢姑娘。点滴积累trip v.绊倒例:Men trip not on mountains! They trip on molehills.人不是被大山绊倒,而是被鼠

12、丘绊倒! 下图:冠军夫妇【九零In象】娱子绛-暑期强档敢死队The Expendables敢死队What is it? Sylvester Stallone directs and stars in an all-action adventure. It is about a group of mercenaries on a mission to eliminate an evil South American dictator. It soon becomes clear, however, that nothing is quite as it seems这是一部什么样的影片?影片是由西

13、尔维斯特-史泰龙自导自演的一部惊险动作片,讲述了一支雇佣军受命前去消灭南美的一个邪恶独裁者的故事。但是随着任务的进展,他们发现事情远不像他们所想的那样.Whos in it? Stallone has gathered a bunch of the meanest muscles ever to bare their shining pecs on screen, among them Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li, and the Governor of California, Arnol

14、d Schwarzenegger.片中都有哪些大腕?史泰龙召集了一群硬汉在大荧幕上裸露他们亮闪闪的肌肉,他们当中有米基-洛克,杜夫-朗格,布鲁斯-威利斯,杰森-斯坦森,李连杰,还有加州州长阿诺德-施瓦辛格。What are its prospects? The cast list alone will guarantee big box office. It is set to release on August 20.有哪些看点呢?光看演员表就有票房保证了。影片将于8月20日上映。点滴积累mercenary n.雇佣军eliminate v.消灭例:I was eliminated from

15、 the 400 meters in the semifinals.在400米半决赛中我没能晋级。pecs n.胸肌guarantee v.保证例:I can guarantee that you are safe here.我可以保证你在这儿的安全。下图:敢死队【九零In象】过足瘾-西班牙绝杀加冕Andres Iniesta scored in the extra time to give European champions Spain their first-ever World Cup title on Sunday, upsetting the Netherlands 1-0 in

16、the final.周日,凭借安德列斯-伊涅斯塔在加时赛的绝杀进球,西班牙队在决赛中以1比0击败荷兰队,促使欧洲杯冠军西班牙队首次加冕世界杯冠军。The winning goal came in the 116th minute when Fabregas passed the ball to Iniesta who volleyed the ball into the corner.比赛进行到第116分钟时,小法传球给伊涅斯塔,伊涅斯塔凌空抽射,将球送入球门角落打入制胜进球。Both sides had never been crowned in World Cup. The Netherl

17、ands entered the finals of 1974 and 1978 editions but lost to West Germany and Argentina respectively. Spains best result had been the fourth in 1950.西班牙和荷兰两支队伍都从未问鼎过世界杯冠军。荷兰队曾于1974年和1978年世界杯杀入决赛,但分别被西德和阿根廷击败。而历史上西班牙队在世界杯上的最好成绩仅仅是在1950年获得第四名。Today, Spain made history to add its name into the list of

18、 World Cup champions and also broke the bad luck that reigning European champions could not take World Cup title.如今,西班牙队创造了历史,将自己的名字写入了世界杯冠军名单,同时也打破了欧洲杯冠军球队不能问鼎世界杯的魔咒。The Netherlands, who won all the six matches on their road to the final, also made a history to become the first-ever team losing thr

19、ee times in the finals of World Cup.而在本届世界杯上取得六连胜的荷兰队也创造了历史,成为了第一支三次输掉世界杯决赛的球队。点滴积累volley v.截击凌空球得分例:I tried to volley it back to you.我尽力截击球来反击你。下图:西班牙赢得大力神杯【九零In象】过足瘾-西班牙绝杀加冕Andres Iniesta scored in the extra time to give European champions Spain their first-ever World Cup title on Sunday, upsettin

20、g the Netherlands 1-0 in the final.周日,凭借安德列斯-伊涅斯塔在加时赛的绝杀进球,西班牙队在决赛中以1比0击败荷兰队,促使欧洲杯冠军西班牙队首次加冕世界杯冠军。The winning goal came in the 116th minute when Fabregas passed the ball to Iniesta who volleyed the ball into the corner.比赛进行到第116分钟时,小法传球给伊涅斯塔,伊涅斯塔凌空抽射,将球送入球门角落打入制胜进球。Both sides had never been crowned

21、in World Cup. The Netherlands entered the finals of 1974 and 1978 editions but lost to West Germany and Argentina respectively. Spains best result had been the fourth in 1950.西班牙和荷兰两支队伍都从未问鼎过世界杯冠军。荷兰队曾于1974年和1978年世界杯杀入决赛,但分别被西德和阿根廷击败。而历史上西班牙队在世界杯上的最好成绩仅仅是在1950年获得第四名。Today, Spain made history to add

22、its name into the list of World Cup champions and also broke the bad luck that reigning European champions could not take World Cup title.如今,西班牙队创造了历史,将自己的名字写入了世界杯冠军名单,同时也打破了欧洲杯冠军球队不能问鼎世界杯的魔咒。The Netherlands, who won all the six matches on their road to the final, also made a history to become the f

23、irst-ever team losing three times in the finals of World Cup.而在本届世界杯上取得六连胜的荷兰队也创造了历史,成为了第一支三次输掉世界杯决赛的球队。点滴积累volley v.截击凌空球得分例:I tried to volley it back to you.我尽力截击球来反击你。下图:西班牙赢得大力神杯【九零In象】娱子绛-成龙印尼庆中秋Top Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan will perform in the Moon Festival in Indonesias East Java provincial

24、 capital city of Surabaya on Sept 22.香港巨星成龙将于今年9月22日在印度尼西亚东爪哇的省会城市泗水为庆祝中秋参加演出。James Chu, an Indonesia-born Hong Kong musician, told the agency that Chan will perform as the main guest star in the event. The activity will be packaged in an atmosphere of Indonesia-China friendship at Kenjeran Beach of

25、 Surabaya.据印尼出生的香港音乐家詹姆斯-储透露,成龙将在泗水的肯芝兰海滨游乐园作为主要嘉宾参加演出,此次演出将倾力营造中印友好的氛围。Chans presence will make the program more joyful, Chu said. He also said that Chans presence will be a mark of 60th anniversary of Indonesia-China friendship.储说:“成龙的出席将为这次活动带来更多欢乐。”此外,他还提到成龙的到场也会见证中印建交60周年纪念。The event arranged b

26、y Indonesia-China Friendship Association will be filled by songs and dances from Indonesia and China.此次活动由中印友好协会组办,安排了多场来自印尼和中国的歌舞表演。点滴积累provincial adj.省的atmosphere n.氛围anniversary n.周年纪念 下图:成龙【九零In象】娱子绛-哈利波特终结版With the release of the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowlings n

27、ovel series comes to an end, according to reports.据报道,随着哈利波特与死亡圣器预告片的发布,J.K.罗琳的这部系列小说终于有了大结局。The full length of the Deathly Hallows trailer debuted last week. The nearly 2.5-minute trailer showed scenes of Harrys confrontation with Lord Voldemort.哈利波特与死亡圣器的完整版预告片已于上周发布,这段将近2.5分钟的预告片主要展示了哈利-波特与伏地魔的对抗

28、场景。As was reported previously, the final piece will be divided into two parts. The first part of the Deathly Hallows will arrive in cinemas in November, and the second will be screened in July 2011.正如之前报道的,这部终结版影片共由两部分组成。影片的上半部将于2010年11月份上映,下半部将于2011年7月上映。The trailer begins with Lord Voldemort whisp

29、ering, The boy who lived. comes to die! It follows Harry Potter and his friends as they fight for their lives.预告片以伏地魔“那个曾经的小孩.将要死去!”的阴森低语开场,随后哈利-波特和他的朋友们便开始了他们的生存之战。点滴积累confrontation n.对抗previously adv.此前下图:哈利波特与死亡圣器【伶牙俐齿】-一只狗的守候(上)Its a dogs story.这是一个关于狗的故事。Its a true story of faith, devotion and

30、undying love.这是一个关于信任、忠诚和不朽真情的真实故事。男主角理查-基尔在看过剧本后,承认自己“cried like a baby”(被感动的一塌糊涂)。Be sure to take tissues!(一定要记得带纸巾!)这是影迷们给观影者的建议。说了这么多,这到底是一部怎样的影片呢,让我们一步步揭开它的面纱!忠犬八公的故事(Hachiko: A Dogs Story)在一堂演讲课上,黑板上赫然写着主题My Hero(我心中的英雄)。一个叫希瑟(Heather)的小姑娘刚刚描述完自己的故事,走下讲台。然后老师叫上来了罗尼(Ronnie),罗尼先不慌不忙在黑板上写下了这个词Hac

31、hiko,然后.Teacher: Ronnie, tell us about your hero.Ronnie: Hachiko was my grandfather Wilsons dog. Everyone called Hachi a mystery dog, because they never really knew where he came from. Maybe Hachi escaped from a dog pound, or he jumped out of somebodys car from some place faraway like Florida or New Jersey. But no matter how, Hachi was lost. No matter how it happened, a long time ago, in the town my grandfather lived, Hachi appeared at

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