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1、湖南省高考英语完形二专项指导湖南高考英语完形填空(二)专项突破I. 考纲与解析【湖南英语高考考纲】完形填空二(共8个小题,每小题1.5分,满分12分)本节要求考生根据上下文,在每个空格处填入一个适当的单词。短文在补足后,要求意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。本节侧重考查考生的语感以及语言的衔接,连贯、结构等语言知识运用能力。【解析】 1. 本题以说明文为主,字数在150200词之间,重在句子之间的衔接和句子内部的结构。 2. 此题主要考查“虚词”,主要为一些体现句子结构与文章衔接的词。 3. 有一些必考的项目,如冠词、代词(it/one/that)、介词、连词、从句引导词、短语搭配、句型搭配等,偶

2、尔有个别能从上下文推断出的简单的实词。 4. 重要技巧:要注意“前瞻后顾”,注意句式的搭配 5. 常见设题形式: 冠词: _ +形容词 +中心名词; _ +名词+ of 代词:要联系上下文语境,人称代词、it/one/that、物主代词、不定代词居多。 介词:注意名词短语前、宾格代词前,较常见的动词需要注意搭配 连词:并列连词and/but/or,尤其是要注意 “notbut”句型,还要注意前后句的逻辑 从句引导词:名从that/whether/what, 定从that/which/who/whose,状从when/where等。 短语搭配:注意一些较常见的能构成搭配的动词或其他短语,一般填介

3、词或副词 句型搭配:前后句之间有一句为肯定句,另一句为否定句,常考but(注意大小写)前半句子有比较级,后面常有 than; Not only but , both and , whether or not, one another, some other+复数/others, For one thing for another, On the one handon the other hand等。 个别实词:注意上下文,需要注意含有than的句子往往要填写一个比较级II完形填空十法全国卷题型:实词、虚词、语境综合考查1. 解题步骤 1)跳读首尾句,判断文体,预测主题。 一般来讲,高考完形填空

4、的首、尾句是不挖空的,先跳读这两句 2)通读全文,把握大意。做完形填空时要注意文章开头提示句的点题作用和短文中完整句的启示作用。 3)逐句细读,确定选项。大致把握了全文的大意和作者的意图之后,就可以根据上下文,选取与文意最贴切的选项。此时,应遵循先易后难的原则,对有把握的选项“一锤定音”。对没有把握的选项不妨先放一放,接着往下看,往往会出现“柳暗花明”的情况。 4)再次阅读,复查答案。复查时从意义和语法两个角度考虑,着眼于全篇。 上述三步可概括为:一步粗读寻思路,二步细读选答案,三步复读纠错误2.解题方法一、首句概览法完形填空的短文一般不给标题,且首句往往不设空,即首句是一个完整的句子。做题时

5、,要认真读懂这个句子,可以根据它判断出文章的大意或主题,这样有助于后面的填空,尤其是一些语境性较强的空格,需要结合文章的主题来判断。 二、语境推测法近几年高考英语完形填空题的最大特点是重点考查语境。所谓语境,就是指文章的上下文,它包括文章语气的一致性、意思的连贯性、表述的合理性、论证的逻辑性等。所以考生在做题时,一定要从整体上把握文章内容,区分文章的结构层次和文章的内在逻辑关系,同时认真比较所给选项,并从中选最符合语境的答案。如: I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if we needed a chat, or to t

6、he “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or _ in bed living happily and successfully. (江苏卷)A. much B. never C. even D. seldom Bob had just made a “motherhood contract(合同)”declaring that for 70 days this summer he would 1 the care of their four children and all the housework. Altho

7、ugh he didnt even know how to make coffee when he signed, he was very confident. After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to give up. “ I was beaten down, “ admits Bob. “Not only is motherhood a 2 task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”.1. A. stick to B. set about C. think about D. t

8、ake over 2. A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious三、常识推断法语境的判断在许多情况下需借助常识的判断,所以考生在做题时还应充分结合自己作为一名中学生所应该具备的常识进行合理推测。不过也请注意,作者如果用了but, however 之类的表示转折的词语,情况则可能完全相反,如人累了却不休息;车在转弯时,速度却偏要加快等。如: We feel _1_ and fall asleep at night and become _2_ and energetic during the day. (全国卷)1. A. dull B. ti

9、red C. dreamy D. peaceful2. A. regular B. excited C. lively D. clear But we ran so much that, afterwards, we had trouble . A. speaking B. sleeping C. breathing D. moving四、根据语篇标志语篇标志是指能表明各个句群或段落之间的内在联系的词语。如表示结构层次的语篇标志有firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等;表示逻辑关系的词语有therefore, so, thus, but, however等;表

10、示递进关系的词语有even, besides, whats more等;表示时间关系的词语有before, after, so far等;表示选择关系的or, whetheror等。根据这些语篇标志,我们就可以迅速弄清上下文的关系,理清文章的脉络层次,从而作出正确的选择。如: First of all, I respected his devotion to teaching_, I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talkFinally, I was attracted by h

11、is lively sense of humor. (全国卷)A. Later B. Secondly C. however D. Therefore What laughing 2 we had about the 3 respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth. 4 , I wanted to write about that, but I wanted to 5 it down simply for my own 6 , not for Mr. Fleagle, my composition teacher. 7

12、 , I would write something else. 4. A. Especially B. Probably C. Suddenly D. Fortunately五、习语搭配法英语中,一些固定的句型和短语结构既是学习的难点,也是完形填空的常考考点。同学们做题时应注意所填空之词与空格前后词语的习惯搭配。如: I started surfing about five years ago and _ in love with the sport on the very first day. (北京春季卷)A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell , fo

13、r example, the neatly-dressed woman I used to see - or look at - on my way to work each morning.A. Make B. Take C. Give D. Have六、同义转换法为使文章生动,作者对于文章中出现的相同意思,往往会用不同的方式来表达。做题时,同学们若能认识到这一点,并充分利用自己已掌握的语言知识,结合文章的上下文,进行适当的同义转换,那么问题往往会变得很容易。如: As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Studen

14、t, a national magazine for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and Id like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad _ me. (山东卷)A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised七、结构对比法在做完形填空题时,有时会遇到两个结构十分相似的句子,此时同学们应认真比较其结构特点,或根据其相似性推断空格处所填之词,或根据文章的上下文语境判断两个(或几个)相似结构之

15、间的逻辑关系。如: I realized strength and courage arent always measured in medals and victories, but in the struggles we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, _ the people who dont give up when they lose. (天津卷)A. or B. nor C. and D. but The correct water supply forecast is ba

16、sed more on the water from the _ than from the below. (辽宁卷)A. clouds B. sky C. air D. above 八、重复暗示法有的空格根据所在句的句意或附近上下文的语境我们无法作出正确的选择,要想作出正确判断,同学们应特别注意空格前后所出现的相关词语,尤其注意找出其中重复出现的暗示性词语。如: Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the _ have made up their minds to

17、 ring the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议) against heavy trucks which run day and night through the narrow High Street. (全国卷)A. college B. village C. town D. church But then again, would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) _ room?A. small B. empty C. new D. neat九、语法分析法尽管近几

18、年的高考英语完形填空主要考查考生对语境的理解,很少考查纯语法知识,但是借助一定的语法分析来帮助理解句子、推测语境、判断搭配等,这却是必不可少的。所以,考生在遇到复杂的句子结构时,应充分利用所学语法知识进行分析,以帮助理解。如: She lives in the same _ she lived 27 years agoalthough in a more comfortable home. (四川卷)A. life B. city C. house D. way 十、先易后难法在做题时,应尝试使用先易后难的方法。顺着文章思路,根据自己对文章的理解,一边读一边把容易做的、有把握的先做好,对于一时

19、没有把握的难题,可以暂时跳过去或初拟一个答案,说不定后面会有对这道题的提示。把容易的做好后,文章空格也随之减少,整篇文章的意思也就会变得更清晰,这时难题也许就会变为易题了。总之,完形填空解题时要注意运用适当的技巧,克服急躁心理,试着从上下文角度、文化背景角度、生活常识角度、惯用法和固定搭配及语法和词义角度等多角度来进行分析,也就是把多种方法结合起来。 更重要的是完形填空题要想取得高分,必须经过大量的练习,在实战中运用解题思路和方法,加强阅读,培养语感,积累词汇,打下扎实的基本功3.牛刀小试(基础题演练)1. Some parts of the water are very shallow. B

20、ut in some places it is very _A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous2. Mrs. ONeill asked_ questions and she didnt scold us either.A. no B. certain C. many D. more3. Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself_ so much money.A. for B. by C. to D. of4. Soon I heard a_ like that of a do

21、or burst in and then a climb of feet. A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shout5. And video cameras can be used topeoples actions at home.A. keep B. make C. record D. watch6. It has been many years since I was last in London_still remember something that happened during that visit.A. and B. for C. but D. as

22、7. (Immediately ) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest8. “As a matter of fact, Ive got someone in the office at this very moment who might _49_.” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a

23、cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.”49. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer9. I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them _44_the telephone.44. A. with B. by C. from D. on10. Although I last met

24、this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his _37_ qualities. First of all37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular11. First of all, I respected his devotion to teaching_43_, I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talkFinally, I was attracted by his liv

25、ely sense of humor.43. A Later B. Secondly C. however D. Therefore12. He was reading my words out loud to the classthe whole class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment. I did my best not to show _53_, but what I was feeling was pure happiness53. A. shock B. wonder C. worry D. pleasure13. “Can I?

26、 I dont think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But l do have _46_ when things come to me for no reason.”46. A. events B. chances C. feelings D. moments14. They are some of the poorest people in a poverty stricken country. _ now they have an extra source of income (收入). A. But B. And C. However D. T

27、herefore15. “It doesnt make 1 ,” said one of he older music millionaires, who made a million dollars a year when he was popular , in the 1950s. “performers arent worth this kind of money. In fact, 2 is.” 1. A. efforts B. progress C. sense D. money2. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. anybody16. T

28、he professor begins by selecting one 2 of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist , he will open up for class 3 . 2. A. book B. passage C. text D. work3. A. discussion B. activity C. argument D. consideration17. . But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat

29、when I 36 to Salisbury.36. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. led18. Dad looked at me again. “When you didnt turn up , I called the garage to ask if there were any 1, and they told me you hadnt yet picked up the car.” 1. A. questions B. problems C. mistakes D. faults19. Students generally appreciate th

30、ese special 50 opportunities . They are almost always fun and interesting , and professors 51 them too because students learn so much in just a few short months.50. A. working B, living C. teaching D. learning51. A. hold B. like C. dislike D. discover20. I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big s

31、uitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcase 3 down the stairs. 1. A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2. A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked 3. A. rolling B. passingC. dropping D. turning21. But E

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