11、差估计和自适应控制。修改、重配网格和重新估算模式以期获得特定目标的实现是以输入初始设计数据开始的。接着,是规定合格的公差并形成约束条件以获得最优结果,或最后改进设计,解决问题。为了使产品从简单轮廓图形到三维实体模型系统化、系列化,设计者必须广泛接触设计目标和特性约束条件。为了易于确定而利用下列参数作为约束和 目标函数的附加特性条件,也将是需要的:重量、体积、位移、应力、应变、频率、翘曲安全系数、温度、温度梯度和热通量。此外,工程师们应该能够通过多学科的不同类型的优化分析使多种约束条件结合起来。例如设计者为了应力分析,可以进行热力分析和加热以变更温度,也可将多种约束条件,诸如最高温度、最大应力和
12、变形联系在一起进行研究,然后规定一个所希望的基本频率范围。目标函数代表着整体模式或部分模式。甚至更重要的是通过说明重量或者成本应因素,就应该能反映该模式的各个部分的重要性。计算机辅助绘图的好处 用计算机完成绘图及设计任务的好处是令人难忘的:提高速度、提高准确性、减少硬拷贝存储空间及易于恢复信息、加强信息传递能力、改善传输质量和便于修改。速度 工业用计算机能以平均每秒3300万次完成一项任务;更新的计算机起速度更快。用计算机计算零件的变形量是一个重要功绩。当理论上的载荷力加到零件上时、通过计算机进行有限元分析或者在监视器上显示一个城市的整体规划时,这两者都是既费时又计算最大的任务。AutoCAD
15、子格式存储而不是图纸格式,所以有可能会容易地删除绘图文件。这就是为什么强调要培养自己一个好的绘图习惯以避免意外地删除绘图文件。一盎司的保护等于一磅的治疗。如果你按照正确的顺序操作,则有很多种成功恢复文件的方式。如此轻松!Computer-Aided Design (CAD)A CAD system is basically a design tool in which the computer is used to analyze various aspects of a designed product. The CAD system supports the design process
16、at all levelsconceptual, preliminary, and final design. The design can then test the product in various environmental conditions, such as temperature changes, or under different mechanical stress.Although CAD systems do not necessarily involve computer graphics, the display of the designed object on
17、 a screen is one of the most valuable features of CAD systems. The picture of the object is usually displayed on the surface of cathode-ray tube (CRT).Computer graphics enables the designer to study the object by rotating it on the computer screen, separating it into segments, enlarging a specific p
18、ortion of the object in order to observe it in detail, and studying the motion of mechanisms with the aid of programs.Most CAD systems are using interactive graphics system. Interactive graphics allows the user to interact directly with the computer in order to generate manipulate, and modify graphi
19、c displays. Interactive graphics has become a valuable tool, if not a necessary prerequisite, of CAD system.The end products of many CAD systems are drawing generated on a plotter interfaced with the computer. One of the most difficult problems in CAD drawing is the elimination of hidden lines. The
20、computer produces the drawing as wire frame diagram. Since the computer defines the object without regard to ones perspective, it will display all the objects surfaces, regardless of whether they are located on the side facing the viewer or on the back, which normally the eye cannot see.Various meth
21、ods are used to generate the drawing of the part on the computer screen. One method is to use a geometric modeling approach, in which fundamental shapes and basic elements are used to build the drawing. The lengths and radii of the elements can be modified. For example, a cylinder is a basic element
22、, the subtraction of a cylinder with a specific radius and length will create hole in the displayed part. Each variation, however, maintains the overall geometry of the part.Other CAD systems use group technology in the design of parts. Group technology is a method of coding and grouping parts on th
23、e basis of similarities in function or structure or in the ways they are produced. Application of group technology can enable a company to reduce the number of parts in use and to make the production of parts and their movement in the plant efficient.Recently CAD systems are using the finite-element
24、 method (FEM) of stress analysis. By this approach the object to be analyzed is represented by a model consisting of small elements, each of which has stress and deflection characteristics. The analysis requires the simultaneous solution of many equations; a task which is performed by the computer,
25、the deflections of the object can be displayed on the computer screen by generating animation of the model.With any of these methods, or other which are used, the CAD system generates at the design stage a single geometric data base which can be used in all phases of the design and later in the manu
26、facturing, assemble, and inspection processes.CAD/CAM SystemsComputer-aided design (CAD) means the use of a computer to assist in the design of an individual part or a system, such as an aircraft. The design process usually involves computer graphics.Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) means the use
27、of a computer to assist in the manufacture of a part. CAM can be divided into two main classes: (1) On-line applications, namely, the use of the computer to control manufacturing systems in real time, such as CNC and AC systems of machine tools. (2) Off-line applications, namely the use of the compu
28、ter in production planning and non-real-time assistance in the manufacturing of parts.CAD/CAM is a unified software system, in which the CAD portion is interfaced inside the computer with the CAM system. The end result of current CAD/CAM systems is usually a part program in the form of a list or pun
29、ched tape. In advanced CAD/CAM systems part programs can be directly fed into the control computers of CNC machines and inspection stations.The main concept of CAD/CAM systems is the generating of a common database which is used for all the design and manufacturing activities. These include specific
30、ations of the product, conceptual design, final design, drafting, manufacturing, and inspection. At each stage of this process, data can be added, modified, used, and distributed over networks of terminals and computers. The single database provides a substantial reduction in human errors and a sign
31、ificant shortening of the time required form the introduction of a concept of a product to the manufacturing of the final physical product.The size and capability of the required computer system depend on the complexity of the product. In the aerospace and aeronautics industry, where a complete airc
32、raft can be designed with a CAD/CAM processor, the system must accommodate new data and changes in data arriving from a variety of users. Therefore these systems must have a strong data management capability. By contrast, if a company designed simple products, the required CAD/CAM system would need only one computer terminal. Today the major users of CAD/CAM systems are the aero spaces and automotives, but the declining price of these systems enlarge the number of other users.Advanced CAD/CAM systems include solid geometry modeling capability, in addition to the wi
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