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1、孙万彪汉英法律翻译教程经过编辑整理孙万彪:汉英法律翻译教程unit 1合营企业的设立1.1.1法规条文1. 依照中外合资经营企业法批准在中国境内设立的中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业)是中国的法人,受中国法律的管辖和保护。1. Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures (hereinafter referred to as joint ventures) established within Chinese territory upon the approval in accordance with the Law on Chinese-Foreign Eq

2、uity Joint Ventures are Chinese legal persons, who shall be governed and protected by Chinese law. 2. 在中国境内设立的合营企业,应当能够促进中国经济的发展和科学技术水平的提高,有利于社会主义现代化建设。国家鼓励、允许、限制、或者禁止设立合营企业的行业,按照国家指导外商投资方向的规定及外商投资产业指导目录执行。2. Joint ventures established within Chinese territory shall be able to promote the developmen

3、t of the economy and the enhancement of the science and technology of China and facilitate Chinas socialist modernization. Industries in which the establishment of joint ventures is encouraged, permitted, restricted or prohibited by the State shall be determined in accordance with provisions of the

4、State in the Regulations on Foreign Investment Guidelines and the Guideline Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries. 3. 在中国境内设立合营企业,必须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称对外贸易合作部)审查批准。批准后,由对外贸易经济合作部发给批准证书。3. The establishment of a joint venture within Chinese territory shall be subject to the examination and ap

5、proval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Peoples Republic of China (MOFTEC). Upon approval, MOFTEC shall issue a certificate of approval thereof. 4. 凡具备下列条件的,国务院授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院有关部门审批:(1)投资总额在国务院规定的投资审批权限以内,中国合营者的资金来源已经落实的;(2)不需要国家增拨原材料,不影响燃料、动力、交通运输、外贸出口配额等方面的全国平衡

6、的。依照前款批准设立的合营企业,应当报对外贸易合作部备案。对外贸易合作部和国务院授权的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院有关部门,以下统称审批机构。4. The State Council shall delegate to the peoples governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government or the relevant departments under the State Council the power to exa

7、mine and approve joint ventures which meet the following conditions: (1) The total investment of a joint venture is within the amount limited by the authority as granted by the State Council for examination and approval of investment, and the source of capital of the Chinese party has been ascertain

8、ed; and (2) No additional allocation of raw materials by the State is required and the national balance in respect of fuel, power, transportation, foreign trade export quota is not affected. Joint ventures established in accordance with provisions of the proceeding paragraphs shall be reported to MO

9、FTEC for record. MOFTEC and the peoples governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government authorized by the State Council or the relevant departments under the State Council shall hereinafter be referred to as the examination and approval authority. 5

10、. 申请设立合营企业,由中外合营者共同向审批机构报送下列文件:(1)设立合营企业的申请书;(2)合营各方共同编制的可行性研究报告;(3)由合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业协议、合同和章程;(4)由合营各方委派的合营企业董事长、副董事长、董事人选名单;(5)审批机构规定的其他文件。前款所列文件必须用中文书写,其中第(2)、(3)、(4)项文件可以同时用合营各方商定的一种外文书写。两种文字书写的文件具有同等效力。审批机构发现报送的文件有不当之处的,应当要求限期修改。5. When applying for establishing a joint venture, the Chinese and f

11、oreign partners shall jointly submit the following documents to the examination and approval authority: (1) an application for the establishment of the joint venture; (2) the feasibility study report jointly prepared by the parties to the joint venture; (3) the joint venture agreement, contract and

12、articles of association executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties to the joint venture; (4) list of the candidates for the chairman, vice-chairman and directors of the joint venture nominated by the parties to the joint venture; and(5) other documents specified by the examinatio

13、n and approval authority. The documents listed in the proceeding paragraphs must be written in Chinese, among them. Documents (2), (3) and (4) may be written simultaneously in a foreign language agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture. Documents written in both languages shall be equally aut

14、hentic. If anything inappropriate is found in the documents submitted, the examination and approval authority shall require that it be amended within the specified time. 6. 审批机构自接到本条例第五条规定的全部文件之日起,3个月内决定批准或不批准。6. The examination and approval authority shall, within three months of the receipt of all

15、 the documents stipulated in Article 5 of these regulations, decide whether to approve or not to approve such documents. 7. 申请者应当自收到批准证书之日起1个月内,按照国家有关规定,向工商行政管理机关办理登记手续。合营企业的营业执照签发日期,即为该合营企业的成立日期。7. The applicant shall, within one month of the receipt of the certificate of approval, go through the r

16、egistration procedures with the administrative authority of industry and commerce in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State. The date on which the business license of a joint venture is issued shall be the date of the establishment of the joint venture.1.2.1 合同条款1. 根据中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法

17、和中国其他有关法律法规,上海太阳有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)与沃伦有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)本着平等互利的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国(“中国”)上海共同成立一家合资经营公司(“合营公司”),特签订本合资经营合同(“合同”)。1. In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, Shanghai Sun Co., Ltd. (her

18、einafter referred to as “Party A”) and Warren Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), adhering to the principles of equality and mutual benefit, and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly establish an equity joint venture company (the “JV company”) in Shanghai, the Peoples Republic of

19、 China (“China”), and hereby enter into this Equity Joint Venture Contract (“Contract”). 2. 合营公司的中文名称为“上海太阳-沃伦有限公司”,英文名称为“Shanghai Sun-Warren Co., Ltd.”。合营公司的法定地址为中国上海市东怡路1705号。The name of the JV company is “上海太阳-沃伦有限公司” in Chinese, and “Shanghai Sun-Warren Co., Ltd.” in English. The legal address o

20、f the JV Company is 1705 Dong Yi Road, Shanghai, China. 如果合营期限内任何时候一方不再作为合营公司的合营方,而其时合营公司名称和/或标识的任何一部分带有与该方公司名称或标识相同或近似的任何语言的字眼和/或标识,另一方则应促使合营公司在该另一方不再作为合营公司一方后60日内更改合营公司的名称,删去公司名称内所包含的该等字眼和/或标识,并促使立即销毁所有载有上述公司名称和/或标识的所有文具、书面材料和出版物。If either party ceases to be a party of the JV Company at any time d

21、uring the Joint Venture Term, and if at such time any word in any language and/or logo which is the same as or similar to the corporate name and/or logo of that party appears in any part of the name and/or logo of the JV Company, the other party shall procure that the JV Company shall forthwith chan

22、ge its name to exclude such word and/or logo from the corporate name within sixty (60) days of that party ceasing to be a party to the JV Company, and shall procure that the all stationary, written materials and publications containing any reference to such corporate name and/or logo shall be forthw

23、ith destroyed. 3. 合营公司为有限责任公司,以其所有资产对外承担责任。各方对合营公司的责任以其根据本合同认缴的、对合营公司注册资本的出资额为限。除各方另有约定外,任何一方对合营公司不负超出其认缴的出资额的任何责任。任何一方均不就合营公司债务和义务对任何第三方有任何连带责任。3. The JV Company shall be a limited liability company. It shall be liable to the full extent of its assets. The liability of each party to the JV Company

24、shall be limited to the amount it has contributed to the registered capital of the JV Company pursuant to this Contract. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, neither party shall have any liability to the JV Company in excess of such amount. Neither of the party shall be jointly and severally liab

25、le to any third party for the JV Companys liabilities and obligations. 4. 合营公司组织形式为有限责任公司。各方以其认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务承担责任。各方按其出资额在合营公司注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。4. The JV Company shall be a limited liability company. Each partys liability to the Company shall be limited to the amount of capital contribution subscr

26、ibed by it. The parties shall share the profits and bear the risks and losses in proportion to their respective contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company. 5. 合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护。合营公司的一切活动应遵守中国的法律法规的规定。5. JV Company is a legal person in China who shall be governed and protected by Chi

27、nese law. All its activities shall comply with the provisions of Chinese laws and regulations. 6. 本合同各方根据中国人民共和国外资企业法及其实施细则和中国其他有关法规,同意在中国上海市共同经营一家外商独资企业。6. In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Foreign Investment Enterprises and its implementation rules and other relevant l

28、aws and regulations of China, the Parties to this Contract agree to jointly operate a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shanghai, China. 7. 公司为中国法人,性质为外商独资经营企业,受中国法律管辖和保护。公司的一切活动必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规的规定,并享受中国国家以及地方给予外商独资经营企业的一切优惠待遇。7. The company shall be a legal person in China, which is by nature a wh

29、olly foreign-owned enterprise. It shall be governed and protected by Chinese law. And, it shall comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations of China in all its activities. It shall be entitled to all preferential treatment accorded by the State and the local governments to wholly foreign-

30、owned enterprises. -unit 2投资总额和注册资本2.1.1 法规条文1. 合营企业的投资总额(含企业贷款),是指按照合营企业合同、章程规定的生产规模需要投入的基本建设资金和生产流动资金的总合。1. The total amount of investment (including borrowings) of a joint venture refers to the sum total of the capital construction funds and the circulating funds required to be invested in confor

31、mity with the joint ventures production scale as set out in the contract and the articles of association of the joint venture. 2. 合营企业的注册资本,是指为设立合营企业在登记管理机构登记的资本总额,应为合营各方认缴的出资额之和。合营企业的注册资本一般应当以人民币表示,也可以用合营各方约定的外币表示。2. The registered capital of a joint venture refers to the total capital registered w

32、ith the registration authority for the establishment of the joint venture. It shall be the sum of the capital contributions subscribed by all parties to the joint venture. The registered capital shall generally be denominated in Renminbi or may be in a foreign currency agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture. 3. 合营企业在合营期内不得减少其注册资本。因投资总额和生产经营规模等发生变化,确需减少的,须经审批机构批准。3. No joint venture may reduce its registered capital during the term of the joi

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