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本文(牛津上海版九年级寒假英语第2讲中考一轮复习检测语法教案X82NJF4V4NT6.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、牛津上海版九年级寒假英语第2讲中考一轮复习检测语法教案X82NJF4V4NT6 1对3辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级: 辅导科目:授课日期时 间主 题中考一轮复习检测-语法学习目标1. 掌握形容词副词的重点常考句型;掌握时态的使用语境;掌握非谓语动词的用法;掌握连词的用法;2. 掌握同义句转换常见替换词组;3. 掌握宾语从句连接词,时态和语序的用法。教学内容处理上次课课后巩固作业及预习思考内容。1. 上次课后巩固练习2. 预习思考教学建议:1、根据上节课预习思考的要求,让学生对所给图片用宾语从句进行表述;2、老师引导学生对代词other, the other等词用法进行辨析。1.小组PK

2、,看谁能又快又准的用一句话表述出下列图片中文意思。1.王岳伦告诉Angela他会给她买新的玩具。 2.Kimy想知道他爸爸回来了没有。3.他俩怀疑导演是不是疯了。 4. 轩轩问他爸爸今天他们要去哪儿。2.让学生用自己的语言来区分这些代词所表达的意义,最后总结出他们之间的区别。3.让学生一起学习思维导图,对时态所表达的概念及各种时态的结构进行详细的学习。 教学建议:由于此部分是语法易错考点复习课,建议老师采取以教代学的方式让学生各自负责一个知识点进行讲解,其他学生进行提问。老师在过程中进行补充和总结。【知识梳理1】 初三中考一轮复习易错考点整合形容词副词一. 高频考点梳理I系动词+adj.常考的

3、有:Be Look smell sound taste feelGet become turn grow goSeemStay keepIIKeep our classroom clean(adj作宾补) make也有此用法III. 以ly结尾的词(特殊):lovely friendly lonely silly lively likely【例题精讲】例1.Many people think the pop song Gangnam Style sounds _, but others dont like it at all. A.wonderfullyB. terriblyC. wonder

4、fulD. terrible例2. The food smelt so _that nobody in the restaurant wanted more. A. deliciousB. wellC. badD. badly例3.This kind of beef from India tastes_. We dont like it at all.A. deliciousB. goodC. wellD. awfulKeys: CCD【巩固练习】6.My son thought that films should be full of action to keep people _. A)

5、interestedB) interestingC) interestD) interests7.Look! A car almost hit that little girl and the woman driver seemed _.A. frightB. frightenC. frightenedD. frightening8.The leading actor felt _when he saw a lot of people cheering him.A)excitingB)happyC)wellD)proudly9.Keeping your passport in a good p

6、lace is very _ when you travel abroad.A) importanceB) importantC) importantlyD) more importantly10.Mother put a blanket over the sleeping baby to keep him _.A) quietlyB) gentle C) warmD) slowlyKeys: AC BBC【知识梳理2】初三中考一轮复习易错考点整合时态语态一高频考点梳理I必知的时态关键词现在进行时:these days这些天, now 现在一般过去时:just now a moment ago

7、 the night before last前天晚上 in the past在过去过去将来时:the next day 第二天过去进行时:this time yesterday现在完成时:so far迄今为止; recently/ lately最近地; ever曾经;in the past few years在过去几年;never从不;already已经;before以前;since+过去的时间点/过去时的句子;for+一段时间表示多久时间;yet已经;in recent years 最近几年,up to now直到现在, till now直到现在; 一般将来时:in the future在将

8、来,next year明年,soon不久,in three days三天内, in the next few years 在将来的几年里II瞬间动词相对应的可延续词leave:be away borrow: keep buy: have begin : be on die : be dead III. 常考的不用于被动语态的词happen = take place;look,smell,taste,sound,feel等IV. 碰巧做某事:happen to do目前,眼下:(两种表达法) for the time being = at presenthave gone to:去了没回来hav

9、e been to:去了回来了have been in:去了一直在那里. 主将从现的情况条件状语从句if、unless;时间状语从句when、before、after、as soon as. 易混淆过去完成时的时态标志词:By(或by the end of) + 过去时间,before+一般过去时【例题精讲】例1. I _ the streets in our neighborhood this time yesterday when you called me. A. was cleaningB. have cleaned C. am cleaningD. would clean例2. Sh

10、e didnt go to see the film Lost in Thailand (泰囧)with us because she _ it already. A. seesB. sawC. has seenD. had seen例3. Teenagers under 19years old _ to visit this website according to the rules last year.A. werent allowedB. werent allowingC. wont be allowedD. havent been allowedKeys: ABA【巩固练习】1. M

11、ike _ in his bedroom when his mother came back home.A) singsB) sangC) is singingD) was singing2. I phoned you this morning, but you werent in. Where were you at that time? (虹口) I _ my foreign friends around Yu Garden.A) showedB) am showingC) was showingD) would show3. I felt very nervous on the plan

12、e because I _ before. (虹口).A) hadnt flownB) havent flownC) didnt flyD) wouldnt fly4. To his parents joy, Jack _ a job as a manger in a bank yesterday. (虹口)A) is offeredB) was offeredC) offeredD) would offer5. Just now we heard that Mr. Brown and his assistant _ to Europe to take over the new job.A.

13、have gone B. will go C. went D. had gone6. Luckily, when the fire _ on the top floor, all the employees had left for home.A. took place B. take placeC. will take placeD. would take place7. Xi Jinping _ president of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in March, 2013. A) elect B) is electedC) electedD

14、) was elected8. We _ in that city for more than ten years before we moved here. A) stay B) would stayC) had stayedD) have stayed9. Twenty children aged between 5 and 10 _ in a campus shooting last month. A) kill B) killedC) are killedD) were killed10. Storm Sandy _thousands of cars so a number of Th

15、anksgiving travelers failed to rent(租) a car. A) had damagedB) is damagingC) will damageD) has damagedKeys: DCABD ABCDA【知识梳理3】初三中考一轮复习易错考点整合连词和状语从句高频考点梳理I并列连词Or:或者/否则And: 表示并列关系But: 表示转折关系Not only.but also, neither.nor, either.or (就近原则)As well as, along with (就远原则)II从属连词:从句分类 主要从属连词时间状语从句 when, unti

16、l, since,while,as soon as, before, after条件状语从句 if, unless目的状语从句 in order that, so that, so as to, in order to结果状语从句 so, so.that原因状语从句 because, as, since让步状语从句 although, though【例题精讲】例1. In order to make your DIY work perfect, you should not start you get all the tools ready.A) whenB) afterC) untilD)

17、since例2. “Show me your ticket, _ I wont let you in.” the guard said angrily. A) soB) orC) butD) and例3. Hes not in now. Would you like to leave a message _ call again later?A) andB) butC) soD) orKey: CBD【巩固练习】1. You can choose to clean the dining room _ go shopping with your grandma. A) andB) butC) s

18、oD) or2. I have tried many times to memorize the poem, _I always fail.A) andB) orC) butD) so3. Some people said that the world would be over on December 21, 2012, in fact it was not true.A) andB) butC) soD) for4. Youll never succeed you dont work hard.A) ifB) untilC) unlessD) when5. You are not allo

19、wed to enter the exhibition _ you have a ticket. A) ifB) whenC) unlessD) because6. Tim, follow your doctors suggestion, _your cough wont get worse.A) orB) andC) soD) but7. _ the young girl _her parents take regular exercise in order to keep fit. A) Not . butB) Either . orC) Neither . norD) Not only

20、. but also8. Jenny often thinks of herself, her sister, Mary is very friendly to others. A) soB) butC) andD) or9. The house was just what 1 wanted, it was the right price. A) orB) butC) andD) soKeys: DCBAC BDBC【知识梳理4】初三中考一轮复习易错考点整合非谓语动词备注:后接-ing的高频动词有:KFCs ied aaa(以前常去吃肯德基,那已经是过去了,啊啊啊),keep, finish,

21、 consider, suggest, imagine, enjoy, deny, allow, avoid, admit一,高频考点梳理I .v+ to dowant would like hope wish promise refuse decide expect pretend help manage afford agree aim demand desire plan long determine choose arrange cause fail learn offer volunteer seem.IIv+doingdeny admit mind enjoy suggest fi

22、nish practice keep allow prefer .III.v+to do/doinglike remember forget try stop mean consider.IV. v+somebody+to +doask tell advise allow expect enable encourage help wishV. v+somebody+do make let have see hear notice.【例题精讲】例1. Its hard to imagine in a place where there are no computers or mobile pho

23、nes.A) livedB) to liveC) liveD) living例2.The price of housing in Shanghai is so high that many people cant afford a flat.A) buyingB) to buyC) boughtD) buy例3.Little David hid all the broken pieces under the bed and deniedthe vase with his basketball.A) brokeB) to breakC) breakingD) breakskeys:DBC 【巩固

24、练习】1. The suspect admitted the valuable vase after the detective showed him the proof.A) stoleB) to stealC) stealingD) steal2.The chief editor asked Michael an article about “Memory”. A) wroteB) to writeC) writingD) writes3. The funny story told be Zhoulibo made the little girla lot.A) laughB) laugh

25、edC) laughsD) laughing4. Although the police had got many clues, the thief still wanted to deny _ the car.A) stealB) stealingC) stoleD) steals5. Would you mindanother cup of coffee? (嘉定)A) haveB) havingC) to haveD) hadKeys: BBABB【知识梳理5】初三中考一轮复习易错考点整合同义句转换高频考点I.表结果so.that +句子= too (adj)todo= not (adj

26、反义词) enough to doHe is so weak that he cant play football. = He is_ weak _play football. = He is not _ _ to play football.II.表目的so as to do =(in order)to do= so that+ 句子= in order that+句子III. 表原因because, because ofThey didnt go to the museum last Monday. It rained hard. They didnt go to the museum l

27、ast Monday _ _the heavy rain.IV. 条件状从 if.not= unless 如果不V. 时间状从notuntil 直到。才Work harder, or youll not succeed in your new job. = _work harder, youll not succeed in your new job.【例题精讲】例1. Julia spoke so fast that most of us couldnt follow her. (保持句意基本不变)Julia spoke _ fast for most of us _ follow. 例2.

28、 Tom spent two hours finishing his report last night. (保持句意基本不变)It _ Tom three hours _ finish his report last night. 例3. The teacher didnt use the blackboard yesterday. He used a computer.(合并为一句) The teacher used a computer _ _ the blackboard yesterday. Keys: too, to took, to instead of 【巩固练习】1. Jane liked spicy food better than sweet food when she was young. (改为简单句)Jane _ spicy food _ sweet food when she was young,2. A British man spent

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