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1、神探夏洛克S01E01双语剧本Season One Episode One A Study in Pink华生WATSONTHE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson博客写的如何?Hows your blog going?嗯 顺利 很顺利Yeah, good, very good.你一个字都没写 对吧?You havent written a word, have you?你刚写下了仍然不信任人You just wrote still has trust issues.而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西And you read my writing upside down

2、.知道我什么意思了?You see what I mean?约翰 你是个军人John, youre a soldier从这个身份到普通人and its going to take you a while需要一个过程to adjust to civilian life把你每天的遭遇写在博客上and writing a blog about everything that happens to you会有很大帮助will honestly help you.我根本没有任何遭遇Nothing happens to me. 10月21日October 21th你说一辆破车都没了?What do you

3、 mean theres no ruddy car?他去滑铁卢了 抱歉He went to Waterloo, Im sorry.叫辆出租车 我从不叫车Get a cab I never get cabs我爱你 什么时候?I love you. When?快叫辆出租车Get a cab我的丈夫My husband是个努力生活的乐观男人was a happy man who lived life to the full.他热爱家庭和工作He loved his family and his work,他选择这样结束自己的生命and that he should have taken his ow

4、n life in this way让人无法理解is a mystery也让认识他的人 都感到震惊and a shock to all who knew him.出租车 出租车Taxi, taxi11月26日 November26 th给我两分钟 朋友 什么?Ill be just two minutes, mate. What?我要回去拿伞Im just going home to get my umbrella.你可以和我一起撑You can share mine.就两分钟 好吗?Two minutes, all right?(1岁男孩在体育馆自杀)Boy 1,kills himself

5、in side sports centre11月27日 January27 th她还在跳舞?She still dancing?是的 如果叫做跳舞的话Yeah, if you can call it that.拿走她车钥匙了吗?Did you get the car keys off her?从她包里拿出来了Got them out of her bag.她到哪里去了?Where is she?副运输部长贝斯戴文特的尸体The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport,昨天深夜在伦敦was found late last nig

6、ht一建筑工地被发现on a building site in Greater London.初步调查的结果为自杀Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide.我们可以确认We can confirm that这起自杀案十分类似于this apparent suicide closely resembles those of杰弗瑞帕特森爵士Sir Jeffrey Patterson和詹姆士费力默的状况and James Phillimore.因为这点In the light of this,我们认为他们很有可能有关联these

7、 incidents are now being treated as linked.调查还在继续The investigation is ongoing不过雷斯垂德探长会回答大家的问题but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now.探长 自杀事件怎么会有关联?Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?因为他们服用的药都一样Well, they all took the same poison.尸体都在他们不该出现的地方出现They were all found in pla

8、ces they had no reason to be.都没有明显的动机None of them had shown any prior indication.不可能会有连环自杀But you cant have serial suicides.显然已经有了Well, apparently you can.这三人之间没有关系吗?These three people, theres nothing that links them?暂时还没发现关系 但是Theres no link weve found yet but我们在寻找 一定存在的were looking for it. There h

9、as to be one.(错)Wrong!如果你们都收到了短信 请忽略它If youve all got texts, please ignore them.上面只写着错It just says Wrong.是的 别管它 如果没有其它问题Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions,要问雷斯垂德探长的话For Detective Inspector Lestrade这次发布会就到此结束了Im going to bring this session to an end.既然是自杀 你们在调查什么?If theyre suicide

10、s, what are you investigating?就像我说的 这几起自杀明显存在联系As I say, these suicides are clearly linked.这件事很不寻常Its an unusual situation,我们已经派遣最好的人手调查weve got our best people investigating.又收到了“错”Says Wrong again.最后一个问题One more question.有可能是谋杀吗?Is there any chance that these are murders?如果是的话 会是连环杀手干的吗?And if the

11、y are, is this the work of a serial killer?我知道你们更喜欢写这种故事I know that you like writing about these但现场状况确系自杀but these do appear to be suicides.两者的差别明显We know the difference.很清楚 毒药是他们自己服下的The poison was clearly self-administered.是的 可如果他们真是被杀Yes, but if they are murders,大家怎么才能保证自身安全?how do people keep th

12、emselves safe?珍爱生命 不要自杀Well, dont commit suicide.每日邮报Daily Mail现在虽是恐慌时期Obviously, This is a frightening time for people大家需要的是提高警惕but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions.安全是可以由自己创造的We are all as safe as we want to be.(错)wrong(你知道我在哪里 夏福)You know where to find me. SH谢谢大家Thank you.你

13、得阻止这家伙Youve got to stop him doing that.弄的我们像白痴一样Hes making us look like idiots.你告诉我他是怎么做到的 我就去If you can tell me how he does it, Ill stop him.约翰John约翰华生John Watson麦克斯坦佛 巴兹医学院的同学Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together.是的 抱歉 麦克 你好Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello.是 我知道自己胖了 没有Yes, I know, I got f

14、at. No, no.我听说你出国了 还中枪了I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at.怎么回事?What happened?就是中枪了I got shot.你还在巴兹吗?Are you still at Barts then?现在教书了Teaching now,聪明的年轻人 就像当年的我们yeah, bright young things like we used to be.上帝啊 我烦死他们了God, I hate them.那你呢?What about you,恢复之前一直这样呆着?just staying in town ti

15、ll you get yourself sorted?只靠军队抚恤金 在伦敦无法生活I cant afford London on an Army pension.在别的地方 你活不下去Couldnt bear to be anywhere else.这不是我认识的约翰华生Thats not the John Watson I know.我不是那个约翰华生了Im not the John Watson.哈利没帮你?Couldnt Harry help?你觉得可能吗Yeah, like thats going to happen不知道 找个人一起租房子什么的I dont know, get a

16、flatshare or something?得了Come on谁愿意同我做室友?Whod want me for a flatmate?怎么了?What?你是今天第二个对我说这话的人Youre the second person to say that to me today.谁是第一个?Who was the first?有多新鲜?How fresh?刚来的 67岁 自然死亡Just in. 67 natural causes.曾经在这里工作 我认识他 人不错Used to work here. I knew him, he was nice.很好Fine.那我们从马鞭开始Well sta

17、rt with the riding crop.呃 今天心情不好吗?So, bad day was it?我需要知道它在分钟内的伤痕情况I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes.一个人的不在场证明就靠他了 发短信给我A mans alibi depends on it. Text me.对了 我想.Listen, I was wondering.等会儿 如果你结束了.Maybe later, when youre finished.你搽了口红Youre wearing lipstick.你从来不用的You werent we

18、aring lipstick before.我想显得精神点I refreshed it a bit.抱歉 你刚刚说什么?Sorry, you were saying?我说 要不要去喝咖啡?I was wondering if youd like to have coffee?黑咖啡 两块糖 谢谢 拿到楼上Black, two sugars, please. Ill be upstairs.好吧OK.物是人非了 你没想到吧Bit different from my day. Youve no idea麦克 可以借电话一用吗?Mike, can I borrow your phone?我的在这儿没

19、信号Theres no signal on mine.座机坏了吗?And whats wrong with the landline?我比较喜欢发短信I prefer to text.抱歉 在我外套里Sorry, its in my coat.这里 用我的Here, use mine.噢 谢谢你Oh, thank you.这是我的老朋友 约翰华生This is an old friend of mine, John Watson.在阿富汗还是伊拉克?Afghanistan or Iraq?什么?Sorry?哪个国家 阿富汗还是伊拉克?Which was it, in Afghanistan o

20、r Iraq?阿富汗 抱歉 你怎么知道?Afghanistan, sorry, how did you know?茉莉 咖啡来了 谢谢Ah Coffee, thank you.口红呢?What happened to the lipstick?它对我没用It wasnt working for me.是吗? 我觉得很有用Really? It was a big improvement.你现在嘴太小了Your mouths too small now.好吧OK.你对小提琴感觉如何?How do you feel about the violin?对不起 什么?Im sorry, what?我在想

21、事情时会拉小提琴 有时I play the violin when Im thinking and sometimes一天都不讲话 你介意吗?I dont talk for days on end. Would that bother you?做室友应该知道对方的缺点Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other.你把我的事告诉他了You told him about me?一个字都没提Not a word.那谁告诉你室友这回事?Who said anything about flatmates?我本人 今早我告诉麦克I d

22、id. Told Mike this morning我这种人找个室友多困难that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for.刚过午饭 他就来了Now here he is just after lunch带来一个老朋友 显然刚在with an old friend clearly just home from阿富汗军队服役过 并不难猜到吧military service in Afghanistan. Wasnt a difficult leap.你怎么知道阿富汗的事?How did you know about Afghanistan

23、?我找到了伦敦市中心的一个好地方Got my eye on a nice little place in central London.价格我们一起能负担得起We ought to be able to afford it.明晚7点整 在那里碰头Well meet there tomorrow evening, seven oclock.抱歉 我真健忘Sorry, got to dash.把鞭子留在停尸间了I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.这表示?Is that it?表示什么?Is that what?我们才刚见面Weve only

24、just met就要一起找房子?and were going to go and look at a flat?有问题吗?Problem?我们彼此一无所知We dont know a thing about each other.不知道约在哪里见I dont know where were meeting,甚至也不知道你的名字I dont even know your name.我知道你是军医 刚从阿富汗I know youre an Army doctor and youve been被遣送回国invalided home from Afghanistan.你有一个哥哥 很关心你Youve

25、got a brother worried about you你却不愿意得到他的帮助but you wont go to him for help because you dont你对他不满 也许因为他嗜酒approve of him, possibly because hes an alcoholic,更有可能是他刚抛弃了他老婆more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.我也知道医生认为你And I know that your therapist thinks your患有伤残心理后遗症 恐怕这诊断很对limps psych

26、osomatic, quite correctly, Im afraid.作为室友 这些够了吧?Thats enough to be going on with, dont you think?我的名字叫夏洛克福尔摩斯The names Sherlock Holmes那里的地址是贝克街221Band the address is 221B Baker Street.下午好Afternoon.是的 他一直都这样Yeah, hes always like that.(短信)Messages- Received(发送成功)Messages-sent(如果哥哥有绿色梯子就逮捕他 夏福)If broth

27、er has green ladder arrest brother. SH(搜索)search(夏洛克福尔摩斯)Sherlock Holmes(贝克街 威斯敏斯特)BAKER STREET W CITY OF WESTMINSTER你好Hello福尔摩斯先生 请叫我夏洛克Ah - Mr Holmes. Sherlock, please.这里位置很好 应该非常贵Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive.房东赫德森太太给了我特价Mrs Hudson, the landlady - shes given me a special deal.欠我一个

28、人情 几年之前Owes me a favour. A few years back,她丈夫在弗罗里达被判处无期徒刑her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida.我出了点力I was able to help out.所以 你让她丈夫免于死刑?Sorry - you stopped her husband being executed?没有 我指证了他Oh, no, I ensured it.夏洛克Sherlock赫德森太太 约翰华生医生Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson.你好 进来Hello. Come in.谢谢

29、 请进吧Thank you. Shall we.?这里还挺不错Well, this could be very nice.确实很棒very nice indeed是的Yes.对 我也这样觉得Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely.所以我就直接搬进来了So I went straight ahead and moved in.只要把这些垃圾清理出去.Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out.所以这都是. 好吧So this is all. Well,我可以把它们放放好obviously I can erm. straighten things up a bit.这是个骷髅 我的朋友Thats a skull. Friend of mine.我说的朋友是.When I say friend.你觉得如何 华生医生?What do you think, then, Dr Watson?楼上还有一个卧室Theres another bedroom upstairs,如果你们需要两间卧室的话if youll be needing two bedrooms.当然需要两间Of course well be needing two.别担心的 这里什么人都有

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