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1、英语阅读理解2015李辉英语秋季A班第1周讲义【A班】阅读理解书面表达单词、短语、句型、搭配【B班】语法填空短文改错完形填空七选五【一个根本目的】由辉哥亲自带领大家完成每一个冲刺高考英语140分的基本动作。1、做到位2、做够量【听课原则】把握当下!Part 1 阅读理解【做题时,两大解题方法】1、抓主题:永远只选符合文章主题的选项。2、找重点:找到出题句,进行同义替换!口诀找到关键词,看懂一整句;一句不够用,才看上下句;一般情况看下句,代词开头看上句;要看就看一整句。【做题后,三大提分动作】1、查单词积累知识2、画括号理解句子3、标主题提高能力【四类文章】1、记叙类2、介绍类3、观点类4、找你

2、妹daily 每日的adj./adv. China Daily 中国日报monthly 每月的adj./adv.yearly 每年的adj./adv.annual 每年的adj./ 演讲n.canal 运河 博物馆n.admit 承认;允许进入v.“I am admitted (by the Tsinghua University)!”admission 入场费n.charge 收费,充电.normal 正常的adj.abnormal 不正常的adj.(ab-相反)book 预定v.reserve 预定v.reservation 预定n.A找你妹Monthly

3、Talks (at London Canal Museum) Our monthly talks start (at 19:30) (on the first Thursday) (of each month) (except August). Admission is (at normal charges) and you dont need (to book). They end (around 21:00). 我们每月演讲的时间pioneer 先锋n.Young Pioneers 少先队员n.recognize 识别,认为,认出v. as 作为prep.leading 领头的adj.en

4、gine 引擎 工程师n.major 主要的adjmajor 专业n.player 玩家n.train 火车,拉练,训练n.trainer 培训师n.trainee 受训者n.explain 解释v.explanation 解释n.such 这样的adj.positive 积极的adj.negative 消极的adj.contribute 贡献v.contribution 贡献 教育 小组,群体n.civil 公民的civilize 使文明;使开化v.civilization 文明n. the 5000 years civilizatio

5、n 五千年的文明 画括号:(介词短语)+(从句)+(非谓语动词)November 7th The Canal Pioneers, (by Chris Lewis). James Brindley is recognized (as one) (of the leading early canal engineers). He was also a major player (in training others) (in the art) (of canal planning and building). Chris Lewis will explain (how Brindley made

6、such a positive contribution) (to the education) (of that group) (of early “civil engineers”). 11月演讲:运河先锋metropolis* 大城市arrive 到达v.arrival 到达n.freeze 冷冻,不许动v.freezer 冰箱,冷库 冰n.demand 需求n.preserve 保护v.(save)preservation 保护n.cater* 迎合,投合* 供应n.port 港口n.transport 运输v.(trans-穿梭)import 进口v.e

7、xport 出口v.exit 出口儿n.nature 自然n.natural 自然的adj.【如何读出并列】找到and之后,先看右,后看左。technology 技术n.well 井n. (“e”是小眼睛,所以“一眼井”)wall 墙n. (竖起来的“A”是一堵墙)trade 贸易n. (吹的)December 5th Ice (for the Metropolis), (by Malcolm Tucker). Well (before the arrival) (of freezers), there was a demand (for ice) (for food preservation

8、 and catering), Malcolm will explain the history (of importing natural ice) and the technology (of building ice wells), and (how Londons ice trade grew). 12演讲:大城市的冰update 更新,升级The Thames 泰晤士河take+时间 花费时间report 报道;报告n.present 礼物,当下,出现,呈现state 状态;陈述;国家United States of America美利坚合众国February 6th An Upda

9、te (on the Cotsword Canals), (by Liz Payne). The Smoudwater Canal is moving (towards reopening). The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer. We will have a report (on the present state) (of play). 2月演讲:运河升级island 岛n.undertake 承担 复习,检阅 of great interest 有巨大兴趣的地方 风景名胜online 在

10、线的online courses 在线课程More info= more informationMarch 6th Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands, (by Miranda Vickers). The Thames had many islands. Miranda has undertaken a review (of all of them). She will tell us (about those) (of greatest interest). 3月演讲:岛Online bookings: info: Canal Museum12-13 New Whar

11、f Road, London NI 9RT Tel: 更多信息 is the talk on James BrindleyA. February 6th.B. March 6th.C. November 7th.D. December 5th.22. What is the topic of the talk in FebruaryA. The Canal Pioneers.B. Ice for the MetropolisC. Eyots and Aits- Thames IslandsD. An Update on the Cotsword Canals23. Who will give

12、the talk on the islands in the Thames.A. Miranda VickersB. Malcolm TuckerC. Chris LewisD. Liz Payne作业:“合理的要求是训练,不合理的要求是磨练”:用“查单词+画括号+标主题”的方法自己把A篇文章精读完晚上:把群里上传的若干【作文视频】看完看懂。:用“抓主题+找重点”的方法做BCD三篇阅读,作为对周四、周六的预习 验证信息:学校+年级+姓名进群之后把名词立刻改成:地区+学校+姓名【答疑】如何用画括号三步法来彻底读懂一个句子【例1】Art should be a desire for you to

13、develop simply because the world is full of beautiful things.画括号:Art should be a desire (for you) (to develop) (simply because the world is full) (of beautiful things).做直译:艺术应该是一个渴望/对你来说/去发展/仅仅因为这世界是充满的/(充满)美丽的事情。调语序:你应该发展艺术的渴望,仅仅因为世界充满美的事情。注意:一般情况下,不必调语序。要训练自己理解英语原有的语序。【例2】I guess (it comes down) (

14、to a simple choice): get busy (living) or get busy (dying).我猜/这件事落在/一个简单的选择:忙着活,或者忙着死。阅读理解标准化解题流程:SOP=Standard Operation Procedure.Step1:两首一尾定主题读文章:两首一尾=首段+各段首句+尾段 这篇文章讲了个啥(文章主题)做题目:永远只选和文章主题相关的选项!【靠主题做题】Step2:逐个题目找答案1、关键词原则:看准最能代表题干/选项核心含义的词。2、同义替换原则:回到原文,找关键词或关键词的同义词。JJ remains single. JJ stays un

15、married.3、题文同序原则:题目排列的顺序和对应出题句在原文中出现的顺序前后一致。4、主题一致原则:针对X事物的题目,应该在谈论X事物的段落中找。5、一次一句原则:找到关键词,看懂一整句,一句不够用,才看上下句。一般情况看下句,代词开头看上句,要看就看一整句。Bfreeze 冷冻;不许动v.freezer 冰箱;冷库n.freezing 冻人的;寒冷的adj.terribly 特别地 好玩adj/n.chance 机会n.weekend 周末n.(第一天Sunday;最后一天Saturday)weekday 周内n.pack 打包v.包裹n.leave for +地点 离开

16、去某地 “leave Beijing for Shanghai” 离开北京/为了上海warmth 温暖n.coldness 寒冷n.vitamin 维生素;维他命n.beach 沙滩n.bitch 母狗n.touch 触摸v.touch down 触地得分(橄榄球)v.send 送prayer 祷告n.grateful 感恩的adj.gratefulness 感恩n.gratitude 感激之情 酒n.taste 品尝 品酒 粉红色.sunrise 日出n.sunset 日落n.normal 正常的adj.abnormal 不正常的adj.f

17、ill 填满v.particularly 特别地adv.particular 特别的;苛刻的adj.dull 无聊的adj.root 根n.adventure 冒险 market 农民市场A prove to be B A证明是B(不必用被动)JJ proves to be a lady. JJ证明是一个女士。more than 不仅仅I need (to go) (to bed).其中,to go是非谓(to+动原);to bed是介短(to+名词) The freezing Northeast hasnt been a terribly fun place (to spe

18、nd time) (this winter), so (when the chance came) (for a weekend) (to Sarasota, Florida), my bags were packed (before you could say “sunshine”). I left (for the land) (of warmth and vitamin C) (维生素C), (thinking) (of beaches and orange trees). (When we touched down) (to blue skies and warm air), I se

19、nt up a small prayer (of gratefulness). Swimming pools, wine tasting, and pink sunsets (at normal evening hours), not 4 (in the afternoon) filled the weekend, but the best part- particularly (to my taste), (dulled) (by months) (of cold- weather root vegetables) - was a 7 . adventure (to the Sarasota

20、 farmers market) (that proved) (to be more) (than worth the early wake-up call).佛罗里达之旅好 The market, which was founded in 1979, sets up its tents every Saturday from 7:00 am to 1 , rain or shine, along North Lemon and State streets. Baskets of perfect red strawberries, the red-painted sides of the Ja

21、va Dawg coffee truck; and most of all, the tomatoes: amazing, large, soft and round red tomatoes. 市场potato 破土豆子tomato 特大番茄refuse to do拒绝去做某事attract 吸引v.attractive 吸引人的adj. (Disappointed) (by many a broken, vine-ripened(蔓上成熟) promise), Ive refused (to buy winter tomatoes) (for years). (No matter how

22、attractive they look) (in the store), (once I get them home) theyre unfailingly dry, hard, and tasteless. But I homed in, with uncertainty, on one particular table at the Browns Grove Farms stand, full of fresh and soft tomatoes the size of my fist. These were the real deal- and at that moment, I re

23、alized that the best part of Sarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New York I wouldnt be experiencing again for months. 买番茄【使动词】delight 取悦,使高兴v.delighting 令人高兴的adj.delighted 感到高兴的adj.deepen 加深v.learn 得知n.supplier 供应商 供应;源源不断地提供v.offer 主动提供;有爱地提供v.provide 提供v.JJ d

24、ied at that very night. JJ就在那个晚上死了。JJ is that very math teacher. JJ 就是那个数学老师。menu 菜单n.sight 视线n. (Delighted) (as I was) (by the tomatoes) (in sight), my happiness deepened (when I learned) (that Browns Grove Farm) is one (of the suppliers) (for Jack Dusty), a newly opened restaurant (at the Sarasota

25、 Ritz Carlton), (where)- (luckily for me)- (I was planning) (to have dinner) (that very night). (Without even seeing the menu), I knew (Id be ordering every tomato) (on it). 喜欢番茄,要点菜24. What did the author think of her winter life in New YorkA. Exciting. B. Boring令人无聊. C. Relaxing. D. Annoying令人厌烦.2

26、5. What made the authors getting up early worthwhileA. Having a swim.B. Breathing in fresh air.C. Walking in the morning sun.D. Visiting a local farmers market.26. What can we learn about tomatoes sold (in New York) (in winter)A. They are soft.B. They look nice.C. They taste great.D. They are juicy.

27、27. What was the author going to do that eveningA. Go to a farm. B. Check into a hotel.C. Eat in a restaurant.D. Buy fresh vegatables.C三个提分动作:1、查单词-词2、画括号-句3、标主题-段modern 摩登的,现代的 艺术artist 艺术家n.artisan 工匠n.Smartisan 锤子手机 聪明,智能的 phone 智能手机 中心respect 尊敬.admiration 欣赏,羡慕n.a

28、dmire 欣赏,羡慕v.X show respect (for Y) = X因为Y,而心生尊敬之情,并表现了出来X show admiration (for Y) = X因为Y,而心生欣赏之情,并表现了出来powerful 强有力的adj.personality 个性,性格n.exhibition 展览n.sculpture 雕刻n.painting 绘画n.(油画)drawing 绘画n.(素描)work 作品n.master 大师,硕士n. 掌握v.masterwork 大师作品n.on exhibition 正在被展览的adj.piece 作品n.persist 存留,持续n.memo

29、ry 记忆n.object 物体,客体,目标n.subject 主体,主题n.stage 舞台n.screen 屏幕 选择v.selected 精选出来的adj.program 节目,项目n.reflect 反射v.showman 玩杂耍的人,天天秀的人n.quality 质量,品质n.技巧:被解释的句子是主题句!Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was one (of the most popular) (of modern artists). The Pompidou Centre (in Paris) is showing its respect and admiration (for the artist and his powerful personality) (with an exhibition) (bringing together over 200 paintings, sculptures, drawings and more). (Among the works and masterworks) (on exhibition) the visitor will find the best pieces, most importantly The Persistence of Memory

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