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1、初一英语下册导学案盱眙县第三中学有效教学目标导学案(学生用)Unit5-1学习内容7A Unit 5 Going shopping Comic strip Welcome to the unit课型新课编写人高绍春审核人艾峰年级7学科英语学习目标1 能够根据图片猜测单词并进行归类。2 介绍适合青少年的普通礼物的有关词汇。3 能就购买礼物的话题展开对话。学习重难点词汇:want sb. To do sth. ,be free , carry sth, a shopping mall called.make a list , come up , ask sb. for help 学 习 过 程说

2、明预习板块翻译下列词组:1、一些漂亮的发卡 _ 2、去购物 _3、和我一起去 _ 4、有空 _ _5、许多贴纸 _/_/_ 6、向求助 _7、买个玩具熊给他_ 8、拎所有的包 _9、一个叫阳光购物中心的超市 _探究板块活动一:预习交流(一)、听录音,回答下列问题。a. What does Hobo want Eddie to do ?b. Does Hobo have any money ?c.What does Eddie give him ?d. Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him?(二)、Read Part B then answer the f

3、ollowing questions.a.Whose birthday is coming up ?b.What does Millie tell Daniel to buy for Simon ?c.Does Simon have a yo-yo ?d.What can Daniel buy for Simon ?(三)、根据课文内容填空:Hobo is _ (空闲)on Sunday. He wants _(go) _(shop) in a new shopping mall(大卖场). He wants to buy _(许多)things but he cant _(拎) all th

4、e bags. He is asking his _(主人), Eddie, for help. “ Eddie, please _(come) with me. I need you _(help) me.” But Eddie _(not want) to go.活动二:要点直击1.I want you to go shopping with me.我想要你和我一起去购物。 want sb to do sth “想要做某事,”相当于would like sb to do sth. e.g. The teachers want us to study. 老师们希望我们努力学习。而want t

5、o do sth则表示主语本人“想要做某事”,等于would like to do sth.e.g. He wants to play computer games.试一试:请翻译下列两个句子,并写出同义句。a. 我想让你帮助我。_ _b. 我们想去踢足球。_ _“go shopping” 去购物相当于“do some shopping”或“do the shopping”e.g. Mum often goes shopping on Sunday. 妈妈经常周日去购物。你还能想出类似的短语吗?_ _2.I dont have any money. 我没有钱。句中notany=no (没有),

6、所以这句话的同义句是:I have no money.如果句中出现not a/an 时也可以用no代替。(no = not any / a (an))考考你:你能写出下列各句的同义句吗?The clock has no eyes. The clock _have _ eyes.There isnt a tree here. There _ _ tree here.3. Heres my wallet. 我的钱包在这儿。这句话是倒装句,其正确语序是:My purse is here. 倒装句用来引起注意或给别人东西。 E.g. Heres an apple for you. 给你一个苹果。请翻译

7、:公共汽车来了。 _.4. I need you to carry all the bags. 我要你拎所有的包。need 即可作情态动词也可以作行为动词,表示“需要”。E.g. He needs some help. 他需要一些帮助。这句话中的need 是行为动词, 有词组 need sth, need to do sth, need sb. to do sth.以后我们还要学 need doing sth.;当它作为情态动词时,可以和can一样直接加not表示否定含义,或者在疑问句中直接提前。 E.g. You neednt come if you dont want to.试试看:请翻译

8、一下: 高老师现在需要回家吃晚饭。 a. need作行为动词时:_.b need作情态动词时:_. 现在我需要你帮我买个蛋糕。 _检测板块一、完成下面的句子。1.They want me _ (buy) them some fruit.2. I dont have (some ) money.3.Can you come with me? I need you _ (carry) all the bags.4.Today we dont have to work, we are f_ now.5. A m_ is a place with many kinds of shops there.6

9、. They are good students. They often c_ water for that old man.7. Girls like to wear colourful hair c_.8.Do you have any good (idea )?二、Exercises:1. Does he have any music _( 唱片) at the moment.2. Millie loves beautiful _(发夹).3. Kitty has many _(礼物) for her birthday. The _(相册) is her favourite.4. My

10、cousin likes reading _(漫画书) after school.5. Boys in our school often buy football _(贴画) in that shop.6. Theres some money in my _(钱包)_(已经)延伸板块三、根据要求转换句子。1.You can buy him a football .(改为同义句) You can buy .2.Im busy now. (改为同义句) I am now.四、翻译下列句子。1.我想去买很多东西,但我没有钱。I want things but I dont .2.埃迪,请和我一起去!

11、Eddie, please me !3.要你拿所有的袋子。I need you all the bags.4. 西蒙的生日快到了。Simons birthday is .5. 我认为你可以给他买一个足球。I think you can a football 学后反思盱眙县第三中学有效教学目标导学案(学生用)Unit5-2学习内容7A Unit 5 Going shopping Reading A课型新课编写人高绍春审核人艾峰年级7学科英语学习目标1 增强学生的语篇意识。2 能用适当的语言描述自己的需要。3 从对话中了解关于购物的信息。学习重难点词汇:minute, just a minute,

12、 over there, cost, expensive, match, pretty, mind, never mind, someone, *unusual, *cut, *go well with, *discount, *shopkeeper.学 习 过 程说 明预习板块翻译下列各句:Can I help you? What can I do foe you ? Im looking for / I want to buy.Just a minute. Take a look. They are great.How much do the cards cost? Thats quite

13、 expensive / cheap.Theres a discount on They cost / are ¥10.How much money can you spend? How much are they?探究板块活动一:预习交流阅读两段对话,回答下列问题。1.Where is Amy ?2.What is Amy doing?3.How much do the new cards cost ?4.How much do last years cards cost ?5. How much do the stickers cost ?6.Does Amy buy hair clips

14、 for Simon or Sandy ?7.How much money does Amy have ?8.How much are the hair clips ?9.Can she buy a CD for Sandy?活动二:要点直击(阅读并完成文中的题目)1. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(你要买什么?)这是营业员招待客人时经常讲的话。还可说:_ 2. Just a minute. 请稍等。 相当于_.有时还可以表达成:Please waita minute. 或please wait a moment.3. Take a look. They are great.看

15、一看,他们很棒的。take a look的意思是“看一看,瞧一瞧”,相当于_.E.g. 我想看看这件衬衫。_.4. How much do the cards cost? 这些卡片多少钱?cost “_”其主语只能是_。E.g. 这些发夹5元钱。_How much do these potatoes cost?(还可以说成:_)写出下面这个句子的同义句。How much do the CDs cost? (两种)5. Thats quite expensive. 那太昂贵了。expensive“_”同义词_, 反义词_, 便宜的。E.g.这部随身听很贵,我不能买。这些贴画不贵,我能买些。6.

16、Thats a discount on last years cards. 去年的卡片打折。discount作名词解释为“_”。对某样东西打折用介词_,如:a discount on books。但以某种折扣出售商品用介词_,如:sell a radio at a 25% discount.(以七五折出售收音机)。7. They match her favourite T-shit. 他们与她最喜欢的T恤很相配。match: (释义)_ The colour of my trousers _ my leather shoes.Match the words on the left with t

17、he meanings on the right.8. I dont have enough money to buy her a CD then. 我没有足够的钱给她买一个CD。 enough在这里用作_,意思是“_”,修饰名词,需放在名词_或_。enough time/money/energy/ time /money/energy enough E.g. 我们有足够的时间去做这件事。_enough也可作_,“足够地,”表示程度,要放在被修饰的形容词、副词_。Lucky / young enough. 例如:你到上学的年龄了。_ 你还没有到上学的年龄。_他足够的聪明能算出(work out

18、)这道数学题。_我有足够的钱买电脑。_检测板块你会使用购物交际用语吗?请根据首字母把下列句子补充完整。1. Can I h_ you?2. Id l_ to buy a pair of trousers.3. Im l_ for a coat for my sister.4. How m_ is it?= How much _ it _?5. Do you h_ any yellow pencils in your shop?6. Whats the p_ of this pen?= _ _ is this pen?补全对话:A: Can I 1 you?B: I want to buy a

19、skirt 2 my daughter.A: What 3 do you want?B: Green or yellow.A: Look at the skirts over there. We have different colours. 4 one do you like?B: I think the green one is nice. But its too big.A: What 5 this one?B: This one is OK. How 6 is it?A: 7 ¥28.50.B: All right. Ill 8 it.延伸板块Expressions About Sho

20、pping Shopkeeper CustomerCan I help you? Im looking for./I want to buy/ Id like.What can I do for you? How much do/does cost?Just a minute. How much are/ is.?Take/have a look. I dont have enough money to buy.Theres a discount on Its too/a little expensive ./ The price is too high.It matches . Do you

21、 have a cheaper one? Ill buy/take it/them.学后反思盱眙县第三中学有效教学目标导学案(学生用)Unit5-3学习内容7A Unit 5 Going shopping Reading BC课型新课编写人高绍春审核人艾峰年级7学科英语学习目标1 巩固Reading部分的内容。2 正确 运用购物用语。学习重难点Reading部分知识点的运用。学 习 过 程说 明预习板块翻译下列词组:1.去购物_ 2.黄河足球队的贴画 _3.稍等_ 4.在那儿_5. 相当昂贵_ 6. 给我的朋友买礼物_7. 许多种类的发夹_8.与她最喜欢的T-恤衫相配_9. 想干某事 _ 10

22、.有足够的钱买_11.别介意_ 12.等待_探究板块活动一:预习交流Fill in the blanks.1 I spend 20 minutes _ (read) English every day.2 It _ (take) me 20 minutes _(read) English every day.3 How long _it _ (take) you _ (read) English every day?4 _it_ (take)you 20 minutes _ (sing) every day?5 He spends 20 minutes _ (write) Chinese ev

23、ery evening.6 How much _the card _(cost)?It _(cost) 5 yuan.7 Those stickers _(cost) 20 yuan.8 _that comic book _(cost) 10 yuan? No, it only _(cost) 8 yuan.9 This eraser _ (cost) me a dollar.10 _ the hair clips _ (cost) you a lot of money?根据句意,选择正确的词汇,并用适当形式填空。cost, discount, expensive, fancy, look f

24、or, match, never mind, prefer, pretty, take a look1. The match ¥400.2. They give a 20% on the cakes in the morning.3. The shoes the dress well.4. I bought(买) a very hat yesterday.5. Look at the shoes. Ill buy them.6. -Im sorry Im late.- .7. Houses in this area(地区) are very .8. I cant find my new clip. Im it.9. I didnt like pop music. I classical(古典的) music.10. Come and . These flowers are very beautiful.活动二:要点直击1.They shopk

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