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1、雅思口语Part1Part1Work/Studies Accommodation Hometown Museums Daily life Traveling Newspapers Animal Emails Dancing Flying Ocean Leisure Time Time Music Reading Colours Sport Numbers Collecting Films Painting Languages Flowers Science Activities(N) Birds(N) Concerts(N) Gifts(N) Handicrafts(N) Housework(

2、N) Internet(N) Names(N) Photograph(N) Part2物品Object 1. A Wild Animal 2. A Film 3. A Useful Skill 4. A New Law 5. A Project or Homework Assignment 6. Something You are Good At 7. A Quiz Show 8. Clothes 9. A Piece of Advice 10. A Broken Thing 11. An Advertisement 12. Something to Protect the Environme

3、nt 13. A Type of Book You Like to Read 14. A Vehicle You Would Like to Buy 15. A Foreign Food Youd Like to Try 16. A Gift You Gave 17. An Interesting Subject 18. A Photograph 19. A Successful Company 20. A Healthy Lifestyle 21. An Educational TV Program 22. A Website 23. An Interesting News Story 24

4、. Your Dream Job 25. Something Expensive You Bought 26. Sth Youd Like to Learn More About 27. A Childhood Song(New) 28. An Enjoyable Phone Conversation(New) 事件Event 1. An Important Celebration 2. A Time When You Were Late 3. An Outdoor Activity 4. Something Naughty You Did 5. A Happy Childhood Memor

5、y 6. A Visit to a Friend or Family Member 人物People 1. A Person you Helped 2. A Person Speaks Another Language 3. A Childhood Teacher 4. An Old Friend 5. A Successful Person 6. A Family Member 7. An Adventurous Person 8. A Friend Who is a Good Leader 9. The Oldest Person You Know 10. A Traveling Comp

6、anion(New) 地点Place 1. A Place with a Lot of Noise 2. A Restaurant 3. A Hotel 4. Your Childhood Room 5. An Ideal Home 6. A Place Near Water 7. A Peaceful Place 8. A Historic Building 9. A Leisure Centre 10. A School/University Building(New) Part1 Your Work 1. What job (or, what work) do you do? 2. Wh

7、at is the nature of that work? 3. Why did you choose to do that job (or, that kind of work)? 4. Is that a popular choice of career in your country? 5. What skills do you need for that job? 6. Would you say your job (or, your work) is very important? 7. How do you think your subject will help you (or

8、, benefit you) in the future? 8. How did you get that job? 9. Was it easy to get that job? 10. Is it easy (for other people in your country) to find work doing your job? 11. Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV? 12. Are there other ways for people to get information

9、about jobs? 13. Do you like (or, enjoy) your job (or, your work)? 14. Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself? 15. Which is more important to you, co-operating with others at work, or the work itself? 16. Which is more important to you, the work you do or your

10、colleagues? 17. Which do you enjoy more, working or studying? 18. What do you like about your work? 19. Do you think its very important for people to do a job that they like? 20. Is your work very easy to do? 21. Would you like to change your job? 22. What other job do you think you would enjoy, apa

11、rt from your present job? Travelling1. Do you like traveling/ to travel? (Why?) 2. Where do you like to go when you go traveling? 3. Have you ever traveled for a long time? 4. Do you like long trips (= distance travelling)? 5. Whats the longest journey youve been on? 6. How do you feel when you trav

12、el? 7. What form of transport do you prefer to use when you travel? 8. What was the last place you traveled to? 9. Which city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?) 10. Have you ever been to any unusual places? 11. Have you ever travelled alone? 12. Where would you like to tr

13、avel to (in the future)? 13. What makes a place attractive for visitors? 14. What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel to? 15. Why do you think traveling is so popular nowadays? 16. Do you think finding out about other peoples culture is important? 17. What do you l

14、ike about traveling? 18. Do you often travel (go travelling)? 19. Why do you travel? 20. Have you ever been on a long trip? 21. What was the most interesting place you have traveled to? 22. What did you gain from that trip? 23. How often do you return to your hometown? 24. Do you think its important

15、 to travel during your holidays?(Why?/ Why not?) 25. Do you think its necessary to travel in order to enjoy yourholidays? 26. Which country would you like to travel to (in the future)? 27. What (kind of) place would you like to travel to in the future? 28. What makes a place attractive for visitors

16、(or, tourists)? 29. What places in China are attractive for foreigners to travel to? 30. Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends? Newspapers1. Are you very interested in the news? 2. Why do you want to know the latest news? 3. How important is it to you to get the news every day? 4. What sort

17、of news are you most interested in? 5. How do you usually find this news? 6. Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news? 7. Would you say the news affects your life very much? 8. Do you think children like (= are interested in) the news? (Why?/Why not?) 9. Do you (ofte

18、n/ever) read newspapers? 10. When did you start to read newspapers? 11. Do you think newspapers are important? 12. Besides newspapers, what are some other ways people get news? 13. Who is more interested in the news, older people or younger people? (Why?) 14. Are old(er) people and young people inte

19、rested in the same (kinds of) news? 15. Do you like reading magazines and newspapers? 16. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers? 17. What kinds of (types of) magazines (or newspapers) do you usually read? 18. What parts of a newspaper do you prefer to read? 19. What parts of a newspap

20、er do you read first? 20. What kinds of articles do you like to read? 21. Have you ever read a foreign newspaper (or magazine)? 22. Do you ever read any newspapers or magazines in a foreign language? 23. Do you think reading magazines and newspapers in a foreign language is useful? 24. Do you think

21、reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language? Animals1. Do you like animals? 2. Whats your favourite animal? (Why?) 3. Are people in your country fond of animals? 4. Do many people in your country keep animals at home (or, keep a pet)? 5. What kinds of animals as a pet

22、do the people have in your country? 6. Compared with the past, have there been any changes concerning pets in your country/? 7. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet? 8. Do children like animals? 9. What animals do children like? 10. What was your favourite animal when you were a

23、 child? 11. Did you have any pets when you were a child? 12. Have you ever raised (or, had) a pet? 13. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet? 14. What benefits did you get from having a pet? 15. If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet? 16. If you w

24、ere a parent, would you let your children raise a pet? Letters & Emails1. Do you like to write letter and/or emails? 2. Do you often write letters or emails? 3. How often do you write letters or emails?) 4. Who do you usually write to and what do you write about? 5. How do you feel when you receive

25、letters or emails? 6. What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most like receiving?(Why?) 7. Do you often write (or, send) emails? 8. What do you write about? 9. Do you think emails are useful? 10. What kinds of emails do you send and receive? 11. Do you think it is a good thing that some companies

26、send outletters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising? 12. How often do you write letters? 13. What do you write about? 14. On what occasions do you write letters? 15. Do you like writing letters to your relatives and friends?(Why?/Why not?) 16. Do you and your friends keep in touch by letter?

27、17. What is the most difficult kind of letter (oremail) to write? (Why?) 18. In what situations do you write to (or email) a friend? 19. What sorts of letters (or emails) do you think are the most difficult to write? 20. Do you usually write letters to people or do you usually use acell-phone or ema

28、il? 21. Which do you prefer, to make a phone call or write an email? (Why?) 22. How do you communicate with others at work by email or is it more convenient to communicate face-to-face? 23. Do you prefer to write letters or emails? (Why?) 24. Do you think there are any (possible) negative points abo

29、ut emails? 25. Do you think emails might one day replace handwritten letters? Dancing1. Do you like dancing? 2. Have you ever learned to dance? 3. When was the last time you danced? 4. Do you like to watch dance performances? 5. Why do you think some (or, many) people like to dance? 6. What kind of

30、dancing do Chinese people like? 7. When do Chinese people like to dance? 8. Does China have any traditional dances? 9. Is traditional dance still popular today in China? 10. Is there much difference between traditional dancing and moderndancing? 11. What kinds of dancing are popular with young peopl

31、e in China? 12. Do you think there are any advantages for young people to go dancing? 13. Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as youngpeople? 14. What do you think is the influence of dance on society? Flying1. Have you ever traveled by (= flown in a) plane? 2. Do you often travel by aeroplane? 3. Do you often travel by air? 4. Did you like it (like flying)? 5. How does flying compare to other forms of transport? 6. Woul

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