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1、届福建省厦门市双十中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题解析版2022届福建省厦门市双十中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题第二部分阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题分,满分 50分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题分,满分分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAttractions for Kids with Dinosaur FeverWhile there are plenty of movies and books that can teach your little one all about dinosaurs, the following childrens

2、attractions will allow them to come face-to-face with their favorite dinosaurs and learn in an interactive, fun environment. 1. Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar PointSandusky, OHSee the “age of dinosaurs” come to life with interactive exhibits based on real fossil evidence. At the Dinosaurs Alive section of

3、 Cedar Point park, visitors can walk among more than 50 life-sized dinosaurs which move and roar. See these gigantic lizards up close and learn more about the most fearsome period of the earths history. 2. The Chicago Childrens MuseumChicago, ILThe Chicago Childrens Museum is filled with plenty of a

4、ctivities for kids of all ages, but one of the coolest has to be the Dinosaur Exhibition. At this exhibit, children can spend time digging for dinosaur bones at an excavation site, looking at dinosaur fossils, and learning what life is like for real archaeologists. 3. Carnegie Museum of Natural Hist

5、oryPittsburgh, PAIn addition to plenty of exhibits about wildlife, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has one of the finest dinosaur fossil collections in the world. Visitors can see experts work with real dinosaur fossils in the PaleoLab. Make sure to snap a photo in front of Dippy, the scarf-l

6、oving dinosaur guarding the front of the museum!4. The Childrens Museum of IndianapolisIndianapolis, INFrom the dinosaurs exploding out of the side of the building to the fossils within, the Childrens Museum of Indianapolis is filled with fun things to do. Kids can touch a real T-rex bone and see re

7、constructed dinosaur skeletons up close.1. Who are the attractions mainly intended for?A. Archaeologists. B. Parents.C. Children. D. Volunteers.2. In which museum can visitors dig for dinosaur bones?A. Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar Point.B. The Chicago Childrens Museum.C. Carnegie Museum of Natural Histo

8、ry.D. The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis.3. What are visitors advised to do in Pittsburgh, PA?A. Touch a real T-rex bone.B. Take a photo in front of Dippy.C. See reconstructed dinosaur skeletons.D. See experts work with real dinosaur fossils.【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四个与恐龙有关的旅游景点。【

9、1题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“the following childrens attractions will allow them to come face-to-face with their favorite dinosaurs(下面的景点将让孩子们与他们最喜欢的恐龙面对面)”可知,文章介绍的这些景点主要是为孩子们准备的。故选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的“At this exhibit, children can spend time digging for dinosaur bones at an excavation site(在这个展览中,孩子们可

10、以花时间在挖掘现场挖掘恐龙骨头)”可知,在芝加哥儿童博物馆中,游客们可以挖掘出恐龙的遗骨。故选B。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“Make sure to snap a photo in front of Dippy(一定要在Dippy面前照张相)”可知,当游览位于匹兹堡的卡内基自然历史博物馆时,作者建议游客们在名为Dippy的恐龙化石前拍照。故选B。BIn Shakespeares HAMLET, Polonius asks the prince, “What are you reading, my Lord?” Hamlet replies, “Words, words,

11、words.” Either, as is likely, Hamlet wasnt interested in what he was reading, or, less likely, he didnt understand the words he was reading. In this case, Polonius should have lent Hamlet a good dictionary.Dictionaries are essential tools for people who like to read. There are so many words in Engli

12、sh that even the most educated person will sometimes meet an unfamiliar word and have to look it up. Languages keep changing, too, with new words constantly being added and new meanings being applied to old words. For example, the 12th edition of Xinhua Dictionary, the most popular dictionary in Chi

13、na, has added new words such as “chu xin” “fen si” “er wei ma” etc. As for new meanings, “girl” once meant “a small child of either sex”. And “naughty” didnt mean you were “enjoying playing tricks”; it meant you were poor.A printed dictionary cant keep pace with all the changes, which is why most di

14、ctionaries have websites and apps to help you keep up-to-date. However, I still prefer printed dictionaries because they give you more definitions and more examples of how a word is used. Even a simple word, such as “set”, has 430 meanings (the most of English words) but an online dictionary would o

15、nly offer two or three. A printed dictionary also gives you the opportunity to discover new words as you run your finger down the page looking for the word you want.There is no “official” English dictionary, but the Oxford English Dictionary is considered to be the best. For English language learner

16、s, however, I would recommend the Collins COBUILD Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Hamlet, by the way, was Danish and a college student. He would have appreciated the Collins Dictionary to help himself with his words, words, words. This dictionary has over 40,000 words and gives you full-sentence d

17、efinitions with good examples of how words are used.4. Whats the function of paragraph 1?A. To introduce the topic.B. To let the readers know more about HAMLET.C. To arouse readers interest in Shakespeare.D. To explain when its necessary to use a dictionary.5. Why does the author mention “girl” in p

18、aragraph 2?A. To show how powerful Xinhua Dictionary is.B. To support the idea: languages keep changing.C. To prove new words are being added to dictionaries.D. To imply “girl” also means “boy” in some cases.6. Whats the authors attitude to printed dictionaries?A. Favorable. B. Ambiguous. C. Negativ

19、e. D. Critical.7. Whats the authors purpose of writing the last paragraph?A. To introduce the history of dictionaries.B. To call on learners to use dictionaries.C. To recommend Collins Dictionary.D. To explain why Hamlet likes Collins.【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述了词典的重要作用以及作者偏爱纸质词典的

20、原因。【4题详解】推理判断题。通读全文尤其是第一段最后一句“In this case, Polonius should have lent Hamlet a good dictionary.( 在这种情况下,普罗尼尔斯应该借给哈姆雷特一本好词典。)”可知,作者在第一段通过引用哈姆雷特中的一段对话引出了文章的主题“dictionary”。故选A。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“Languages keep changing, too, with new words constantly being added and new meanings being applied to old

21、words. (语言也在不断变化,新词不断被添加,旧词被赋予新的含义。)”可知,随着新词不断出现,旧词的新义不断增加,语言也一直在变化。由此可推知,作者提及“girl”这个旧词的新义是为了支撑“语言在不断变化”这个论点。故选B。【6题详解】推理判断题。通读第三段尤其是第二句中的“However, I still prefer printed dictionaries(然而,我还是更喜欢纸质词典)”可知,作者更喜欢使用纸质词典。故选A。【7题详解】推理判断题。通读最后一段尤其是第二句“For English language learners, however, I would recommen

22、d the Collins COBUILD Dictionary for Advanced Learners. (然而,对于英语学习者,我推荐柯林斯高阶英语词典。)”可知,作者写最后一段的目的是向读者推荐柯林斯高阶英语词典。故选C。CThe really frightening thing about middle age,the actor Doris Day is said to have joked, “is that you know youll grow out of it.We may bravely try to claim that life begins at 40-but

23、for many people, it can feel more like the beginning of the end.Mid life wasnt always seen this way. It isnt clear why we have a more negative view today, but Margie Lachman, director of the lifespan development lab at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, suggests it may be linked to the pressures

24、that begin piling up in our 30s. “Midlife is a period of high stress today, more so than in the past,she says. One is exactly in the middle of work and family careers. This can affect ones ability to focus or ones own well-being.There are, however, many reasons to feel positive about this crucial pe

25、riod. In a series of experiments, Laura Germine at Harvard Medical School has tested tens of thousands of people to examine the differences in cognitive abilities between age groups. Germines studies have included the famous mind in the eyes test, for instance, which gets people to infer emotional s

26、tates from small differences in facial expressions. She found that people n their late 40s scored highest. This may be due to practice, she suggests.When you think about the amount of social differences that one has to learn across the lifespan thats where we think that comes from.Germine found simi

27、lar patterns in a task demanding continuous attention. In this, the participants had to watch different scenes fade into one another and adapt their response according to what they sawpressing a button when they saw a city and releasing it when they saw a mountain. 40-somethings found it much easier

28、 to get into the zone than younger people.It is interesting to note that middle-aged people frequently bring in the most supplies in traditional hunter-gatherer societies. According to various studies, hunter-gatherers often take decades to learn their skills, and these abilities continue to grow in

29、to their 40s.There are some downsides to hitting this age, of course. Our skin tends to become loose and our body fat starts to be redistributed around the midriff. But after a drop in life satisfaction, happiness is already set to rise at the end of this decade and the beginning of the next.Contrar

30、y to popular opinion, humans seem to have evolved to flourish into middle age and beyond.8. What can we infer from the first paragraph?A. Doris Day felt excited in her 40s. B. Its believed that life begins at 40.C. Lots of people feel worried at 40. D. We are supposed to be braver at 40.9. Which of

31、the followings is TRUE according to the text?A. People in their 40s attach more importance to their well-being.B. There seem to be reasons for us to be optimistic about middle age.C. The participants in their 40s did badly in Germines experiments.D. Humans physical appearance definitely gets worse i

32、n their40s.10. The underlined word flourish in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA. Prosper B. PanicC. Continue D. Decline11. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A textbook B. An art review.C. A science magazine. D. A biography.【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文。文章论述的是“人到中年后的担忧”。很多人在40岁时对自己的未来感到担心,但与流行的观点相反,人类似乎已经进化到中年甚至更老才会成功。【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中“We may bravely try to claim that life begins at 40- but for many people,it can

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