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本文(上海外国语大学附属外国语学校学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

上海外国语大学附属外国语学校学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、上海外国语大学附属外国语学校学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题 Word版含答案上师大附中2017-2018学年第一学期高二年级模拟考试(考试时间:120分钟 满分150分)II.GrammarandVocabulary (52%)SectionA 16%Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.17. “Bill, keep the th

2、ings _here secret, will you?” said the manager after the meeting.A. discussed B. being discussed be discussed D. having been discussed18. He suggested to _ to the Great Pyramid for the summer holidays.A. us going B. us a visit C. our visiting D. a visit19. _ you can lean a great deal from looki

3、ng at the work of others, any success you can hope to achieve comes from developing an individual approach.A. So long as B. While C. Even D. In spite of the fact20. Does Teachers Day _ on Saturday this year?A. fall B. drop C. happen D. Leave21._production up by 60%, the company has had another excel

4、lent year.A. As B. For C. With D. Through22. The bus passed through the street _we thought was a very dangerous speed.A. which B. at which C. what D. at what23.A large part of those who had received college interrupted their studies for a time and returned to take the work _ once more.A. on B. up C.

5、 in D. back24. _they disliked lecture given by the professor, they shouldnt have made so much noise.A. Even B. Moreover C. However D. However much25. The boy _ in the arms of the doctor, who _her hand on his forehead to see if he had still a fever.A. lay laid B. lying laid C. lied lain D. laid lain2

6、6. If you want to start a conversation with a stranger, the usual opening is to _ on the weather.A. respond B. concentrate C. remark D. begin27. Nobody can be _ from the discussion as it is very important.A. allowed B. cleared C. escaped D. excused28.The electrician checked all the electrical equipm

7、ent to prevent any possible _failure.A. power B. light C. energy D. electricity29.She smiled to the people around but _ looked straight ahead ,getting hold of her husbands hand .A. most B. almost C. mostly D. nearly 30. There is no one of us _ wishes to see this _movie star.A.who young foreign beaut

8、iful B. but beautiful young foreignC. that foreign young beautiful D. who young beautiful foreign31. To us there is_ a good book.A. not as faithful friend as B. no friend as faithful asC. not so faithful friend as D. no so faithful friend as32. A good dictionary is to the students English _ a good t

9、ool is to the worker.A. that B. what C. as if D. as forSectionB(16%)Directions:Afterreadingthepassagesbelow,fillintheblankstomakethepassagescoherentandgrammaticallycorrect.Fortheblankswithagivenword,fillineachblankwiththeproperformofthegivenword;fortheotherblanks,useonewordthatbestfitseachblank.(A)I

10、 have to say that my mom is stricter than most parents, and Im the kind of kid who has a lot of my own thoughts.I used to think that shes just a picky person that likes to make things more difficult for me, so we once sat down and talked face to face trying to clarify every misunderstanding we have

11、(33)_ us. I (34)_ (convince) and decided to change my attitude towards her. My mom told me that as we grow, shes also growing, too. Every day, she learns something new about being a mom, and her knowledge of becoming a good mom gradually grows.(35)_ time passes by, I began to realize that most of he

12、r rules, or should I say “point of view”, are really to protect us. We teenagers often think that parents are conservative (保守的), and they know nothing about us, but honestly, were actually still too young (36)_ (know) whats really best for us.Parents can be wrong sometimes because nobodys perfect,

13、and they may be just like my mom who is still on her way to (37)_ (be) a perfect parent! So, to those who often argue with their parents like me: next time, when you really disagree with (38)_ your parents say, stop and tell yourself that your parents would never try to do (39)_ to harm you because

14、they love you before you yell at them.Finally, I really want my mom to know how sorry I am for always yelling at her breaking her heart. I really do want to change because I love her just as much as she loves me.(B)When I was in junior high school, darkness began filling my mind. I dont know the day

15、 or the reason why it began. All I know is that I started feeling hopeless and worthless. I hid in my room, (40)_ (stare) out of the window, thinking about all my failures. I even questioned (41)_ being alive was worthwhile. My dark mood wasnt constant. It would fade at times, but it always returned

16、.It was my parents that helped me identify the shadow (42)_ hung over my life depression. Depression is (43)_ mental illness that drains your energy and prevents you from enjoying life. It can keep you from succeeding at school or work or from connecting with others. At its (44)_ (bad), depression c

17、an even lead to suicide.When your mood is dark, how do you know whether you are depressed or just sad? Think about how long the feelings (45)_ (last). If they have persisted for weeks or months, get help. No one (46)_ face depression alone. If youre depressed, find someone a friend, parent, teacher

18、or pastor and tell them your feelings. Consider seeing a doctor or psychologist, if they are getting worse.When I was depressed, I was (47)_ (embarrass) to tell anyone. I didnt want to seem weak or needy. But when I told my friends, they supported and encouraged me.In fact, (48)_ depression affects

19、many people worldwide, treatments are available and can bring hope and joy back into their life. Section C 20% Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.(A)A. contributions B. represents C

20、. raised D. smart E. eventually F. Increasingly G. captured H. determines I. essentially J. psychological K. limitationsWhat _49_ the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and

21、the environment in which you were 50 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 51 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 52 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and

22、behavior.Any research that suggests that ability to perform certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are _53_to what you can achieve based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes? It is easy to accept that genes control physical ch

23、aracteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how 54 they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological scientists is the extent to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育),

24、 by genetic makeup and the environment._55_, science indicates that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born 56 like undeveloped photographs: The image is already _57_, but the way it 58 appears can vary based on the development process. However, the bas

25、ic picture is there from the beginning.(B)A. reward B. ignore C. unique D. completed E. perseveringF. solution G. ride H. recovery I. brush J. challenging H. deadlineWhat is your dream? What is the goal that you have set for yourself and are working to achieve? Realizing your dreams is not an easy _

26、59_.Last fall I decided to write a new book for my publisher. Writing a book is a _60_ goal, which got off to a terrific start last October. The writing is flowing well. Then I got sick. In fact, I got ill that I needed surgery and the _61_ was long and exhausting. I did not work from the first week

27、 of November until the second week of January. By then I was nervous about meeting the April_62_for submitting the new manuscript to my publisher.Worried, I asked my author friends for some help, and they gave me this key piece of advice, “Lets start writing! they all said. So I did. It was not an i

28、mmediate _63_ to my depression, but after a few weeks of _64_, I got back to normal. Several people in my circle of supporters helped me make some good connections and I got the book _65_, and to the publisher on time. It was an exciting goal for me to reach, so I took my family to Hawaii as my _66_

29、.Sometimes you _67_ your own dreams because of self-doubt, fear, or external complications. You can think of many different excuses to _68_ those dreams aside, but, if you go after your dreams, your world will become more exciting and you will begin to live a more passionate and meaningful life.So,

30、now, take a minute to write down three goals you want to accomplish this year.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A 30%Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.It is o

31、fficially known as The Swiss Re Tower, or 3 St. Mary Axe. As a typical example of green architecture in London, what is most remarkable about the building is tis energy-efficiency. _69_ its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 05% less energy than a conventional office building. Green architecture is _70_ the way buildings are designed, built and run. Supporters of green architecture argue that the approac

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