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八年级Unit 2周请测试题.docx

1、八年级Unit 2周请测试题新目标把年级上Unit 2 周周清1. have a cold 患感冒2. a few 有些3. at the moment 此时/现在4. have a stomachache 肚子疼5. have a sore throat 嗓子疼6. have a fever 发烧7. lie down 躺下8. see a dentist 看牙医9. have a headache 头疼10. have a toothache 牙疼11. hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜12. stressed out 紧张13. go to bed early 早睡觉14

2、. listen to music 听音乐15. go to party 参加音乐会16. on the other hand 在另一方面17. stay healthy 保持健康18. have a sore back 背疼19. traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医答案20. a balance of yin and yang 阴阳平衡21. too much 太多22. a balanced diet 饮食平衡23. go out at night 在晚上出去24. feel well 感觉舒服25. conversation practice 对话练习26.

3、 host family 房东27. have a fever 发烧1. 传统的中医认为要保持身体健康需要体内阴阳的平衡。Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.2. 可能你阴气过盛。Maybe you have too much yin.3. 你应当吃一些壮阳气的食物, 如牛肉。You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. 4. 服用党参和黄芪对这一点也有好处。Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs

4、is also good for this.5. 拥有健康的生活方式是很容易的。Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle.6. 均衡饮食是很重要的。Its important to eat a balanced diet.7. 学好英语不容易。Its not easy to learn English well.8. 你不应该吃的太多。You should not eat too much.一翻译下列短语 1.看医生/牙医 2.感冒 3.患牙痛 4.患头痛 5.发烧 6.躺下休息 7.喝大量水 8.喝热蜂蜜茶 9.有压力 10.累了 11.保持健康1. see

5、a doctor / dentist 2. get / have a cold 3. have a toothache 4. have a headache 5. have a fever 6. lie down and rest 7. drink lots of water 8. drink hot tea with honey 9. be stressed out 10. get tired 11. stay healthy 一翻译下列短语1.看医生/牙医2.感冒3.患牙痛4.患头痛5.发烧6.躺下休息7.喝大量水8.喝热蜂蜜茶9.有压力10.累了11.保持健康12. 患感冒13. a 有

6、些14.此时/现在15. 肚子疼16. 嗓子疼17. 发烧18. 躺下19.看牙医20. 头疼21. 牙疼22. 热茶加蜂蜜23. 紧张24.早睡觉25. 听音乐26. 参加音乐会27.在另一方面28.保持健康29. 背疼30. 传统中医31. 阴阳平衡32.太多33.饮食平衡34. 在晚上出去35.感觉舒服36. 对话练习37.房东38. 发烧39.许多建议40. 太累了1. 传统的中医认为要保持身体健康需要体内阴阳的平衡。2. 可能你阴气过盛。3. 你应当吃一些壮阳气的食物, 如牛肉。4. 服用党参和黄芪对这一点也有好处。5. 拥有健康的生活方式是很容易的。6. 均衡饮食是很重要的。7.

7、学好英语不容易。8. 你不应该吃的太多。二.用所给词的适当形式填空。1、He felt _(stress) out.2、He has an _(health) life style.3、His _(eat) habit is healthy.4、How are you _(feel) now?5、Whats the matter with _(he)?6、_(Eat) a _(balance) diet to keep _(health).7、_(Eat) too much is good for your _(health).8、He gave us much _(advice).9、You

8、 should_(eat) more meat and _(little) apples.10、Spring Festival is our_(tradition) festival.11、Eating apples _(be) healthy.12、Its important_(read) every day.13、He _(enjoy)_(run) every day.14、We practiced_(take)_(exercise) every day.15、We hope _(help) you .16 . Everyone _(get) tired sometimes.17. He

9、came here _(study).18. Why _(not go) camping?19. He need a book _(read).20. He needs _(read) for two hours.三、同意句1、We are reading now. We are reading _ _ _.2、We are healthy. We are _ _ _.3、He found nothing He _ _ _.4、Whats wrong with you? Whats _ _ _ you?5、 I am feeling well now. _ are you _now?6. Th

10、ey have a bad cold. _ _ _ _?四. 选择填空:1. _ the matter with you? A. Whos B. Whats C. Hows2. You look pale. You _ see the doctor. A. should B. have to C. do3. I _ you feel better soon. A. want B. hope C. need4. Dont eat _ junk food. A. much too B. too many C. too much5. _ gets tired sometimes. A. People

11、 B. Men C. Everyone6. When did it start? _. A. About a week ago B. For three daysC. Very well7. Sara _ a stomachache. So she _ eat anything for twenty-four hours. A. has, shouldnt B. has, should C. have, shouldnt8. You should _ for a few nights. A. lies down B. lie down C. lie 9. I am sorry _ that youre not feeling well. A. and hear B. to hear C. to be heard10. _ a good idea. A. That sounds like B. Thats sounds like C. Thats like

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