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本文(仁爱版英语九年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2《He is really the pride of China》练习题.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

仁爱版英语九年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2《He is really the pride of China》练习题.docx

1、仁爱版英语九年级下册Unit 5 Topic 2He is really the pride of China练习题Unit5 Topic2 同步检测题(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)A. B. C. D. E. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Sure. B. Of course not. C. He is certainly great.( )7.A. He is great. B. He is a scientist. C. Be

2、cause he developed hybrid rice.( )8.A.Rice. B. Shaolin Temple. C. Yue Fei.( )9.A.Zhu De. B. They are really great. C. Chairman Mao.( )10.A.Confucius. B. Laozi. C. Mengzi.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.Ronaldo. B. Liu Xiang. C. Kangkang.( )12.A.The Long March. B. Red Star over China. C.Red Star

3、 of China.( )13.A.About 28 years. B.1405. C.1433.( )14.A.The Qing dynasty. B. Sun Yat-sen. C.Sun Yat-sen and his men.( )15.A.A wise man. B.A great teacher. C.A great man.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.When was Hua Luogeng born? A. In 1901. B. In 1910. C. In 1911.( )17.How long did it take him to finish

4、his course? A. Eight months. B. Eighteen months. C. Eighty months.( )18.Where was he in 1937? A. In China. B.In the USA. C.In Great Britain.( )19.When did he return to China from the USA? A.In 1936. B.In 1938. C.In 1950.( )20.How long did he live? A.75 years. B.70 years. C.80 years.第二部分 基础知识运用 (55分)

5、.单项选择。(10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1.Being blind is something most people cant imagine. We should help them. A.who B.what C.that D.whom( )2.Jack is very sad, because his grandmother last week. A.passed away B.passed by C.passed to D.passed on( )3.Do you know everybody _ came to the party? Alm

6、ost, but I dont know the one _ you talked with near the door. A.who; / B.whose; that C.that; which D./; whom( )4. When did Zheng He travel to the east of Africa? the year 1433. A.coast, In B.beach, In, At D.coast, At( )5.A paper-making factory was _ near the river. It has badly polluted the r

7、iver water. A.set out B.grew up C.set up D.fixed up( )6.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the _ of our nation. A.proud B.pride C.proudly D.price( )7.He became a famous writer when he was _ . his fifty his fifties fifty years old fifties( )8.I only heard of him a little. But what a

8、re the other important things _ done by him? He also set up Tongmenghui with Huang Xing. A.that B.which C.who D.which were( )9. Did you the soccer match yesterday? Yes, we the strongest team in our school at last.; defeated B. defeat; won; hit D. defeat; lost( )10.Do you know about Yuan

9、Longping? Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid rice is famous. A. who B. which C. that D. whose.情景交际。(5分)根据对话内容填入适当的句子,补全对话。使对话内容完整,通顺。Jane: 11 Kangkang: Im reading a novel named A Madmans Diary (狂人日记).Jane: 12 . Kangkang: It was written by Lu Xun. It is the first short st

10、ory in the history of modern Chinese literature.Jane: 13 . Kangkang: Certainly. He was born in 1881 in Zhejiang Province. He went to Japan to study medicine when he was young. But he changed his mind and decided to offer the rest of his life to literature. Later, 14 thinker and revolutionary.Jane: 1

11、5 Ill read as many of his works as I can.11. _12. _13. _14. _15. _.完形填空。(10分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong, China, on April 7th, 1954. His parents left the mainland of China 16 Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him “Chan Kongsang”

12、, 17 means “born in Hong Kong”. They wanted to celebrate a 18 trip to Hong Kong.At first, Jackies family lived in the French Embassy(大使馆). His 19 was a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper. When Jackie was seven years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a job in the American Embassy

13、. Later, back in Hong Kong, Jackies father 20 him to the China Drama Academy(戏剧学院). Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students 21 kung fu and learned how to do many stunts(特技表演) there.When he was 17, he began to do 22 stunts for films. In the early 1980s, he went to Hollywood, but he was

14、nt very 23 . He went on to make films in Hong Kong and had great success. Finally, in 1975, he became 24 in the USA. Today, he has 25 Chinese and American fans, and earns millions of dollars from his films.( )16.A.from B.for D. at( )17.A.which B.if C.whether D. where( )18.A.slow C.danger

15、ous D. safe( ) B.sister C.father D. grandfather( )20.A.let B.sent C.make D. send( )21.A.practised B.showed C.taught D. watched( )22.A.common C.easy D. dangerous( )23.A.successfully B.successful C.success D. succeed( )24.A.known B.old C.interested D. famous( )25.A.neither B.either

16、C.both D. too.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Li Shizhen was born in 1518His father was a poor doctorLi Shizhen often saw that people became illHe decided to study medicine so that he could help peopleLi Shizhen read many books about medicineHe found that many of the old medicine books were full of mistakesSo his wish

17、 was to write a new oneHe did his best to study medicine scienceHe studied not only the herbs(草药) in his own garden; but also the wild onesHe set out to collect herbs and talked with old peasants. He learned a lot from curing(治疗) patients. After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen finished

18、 his great work Ben Cao Gang Mu (本草纲目)At that time he was sixtyHis book is now one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese people to the medicine science of the world根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )26. Li Shizhens father was a _ A.solider C.teacher D.peasant ( )27. Li Shizhen decided to study medicin

19、e because he wanted to _ A.become famous B.make a living C.get more money the people who were ill( )28. Li Shizhen wanted to write a new medicine book because _ A.he was a writer B.he was a doctor C.many medicine books were full of mistakes D.he liked writing books( )29. Ben Cao Gang Mu is _

20、A.a medicine book B.a medicine worker C.a herb D.a dictionary( )30. Li Shizhen collected a lot of _on his long journeys A.medicine things C.plants D.herbs(B)Long long ago, people lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants and they didnt need to use money. As time passed, families had mo

21、re products(产品) than they needed, such as animals and crops. So they needed to trade with others. They began to use money to make it easier. However, it was not like the money we use today. They used shells, rice, salt or large stones. During the 600 BC, people began using coins as money. Because th

22、ey were easier to carry than goods(货物), countries began to make coins as their money. The Chinese were the first to use paper money, probably in the 11th century. An Italian traveler, Marco Polo, saw the Chinese use paper money when he visited China in the 1200s. After his travel, he told the wester

23、n people what he saw. But European countries didnt start using paper money till the1600s. Today people have many ways to pay for things, such as coins, paper money and cards. Some prefer to pay by card. Thats because paying with a card is easier and safer than carrying around a lot of “real” money.根

24、据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. People began to use money because they _.A. lived on plants B. raised animals C. needed to trade D. could change products( )32. People used _ as money during the 600 BC.A.shells B.coins C. cards D. paper( )33. Which country used paper money first?A.Japan. B.USA. C.China. D.Englan

25、d( )34. How many ways have we shopping today? A.One B.Two C. Three D. Four( )35. The passage tells us the _ of money.A.history B.use C. collection D. kinds (C)Yao Ming was born in China in 1980. In his last season with the Shanghai Sharks, he scored 32.4 points per game. Now the big man who comes fr

26、om China is helping the Houston Rockets in the NBA. He is the son of two great basketball players. And he learned how to play basketball when he was young. Now, as one of the stars in the NBA, he is working hard to make his dream come true and show the world that Chinese basketball players love this

27、 sport, too!Pele was a football player that everyone knew. He was born in Brazil in 1940. He started playing for Santos when he was only 16 and he didnt retire(退役) until 1977. He played for Brazil 111 times and he scored 97 international goals. Pele came from a poor family. He started playing footba

28、ll in the street, as many people around the world do. He was soon picked to play for Santos and quickly became an international star.Steffi Graf was born in Germany in 1969. She won the tennis semi-final(半决赛) at Wimbledon in 1985 when she was only 16, but she lost the final to another great tennis p

29、layer, Martina Navratilova. People were surprised at the strength and power of her game. She has won most of the main matches.根据以上信息,完成下列各题。36.In the passage, _ _ is the youngest player.37. _ comes from the South America and is very famous all over the world.38.Pele started playing for Santos in _ .

30、39.Martina Navratilova is a _ _ .40. _ _ lost the tennis final at Wimbledon in 1985.第三部分 语言知识运用 (25分).词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41.What exactly is the i of television on children?42.Last summer I visited a beautiful small village on the c _ of Qingdao.43.Li Ming is studying in Peking U . He is the pride of his family.44.After joining the WTO, the t _ between China and other countries has increased.45.Yang Liwei is a hero w we are proud of.(B)根据句意用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。in char

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