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1、EVERYTHING IN THE RIGHT PLACE 1872 FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN EVERYTHING IN THE RIGHT PLACE by Hans Christian Andersen IT is more than a hundred years ago! At the border of the wood,near a large lake, stood the old mansion: deep ditches surrounded iton every side, in which reeds and bulr

2、ushes grew. Close by thedrawbridge, near the gate, there was an old willow tree, which bentover the reeds. From the narrow pass came the sound of bugles and the trampling ofhorses feet; therefore a little girl who was watching the geesehastened to drive them away from the bridge, before the wholehun

3、ting party came galloping up; they came, however, so quickly,that the girl, in order to avoid being run over, placed herself on oneof the high corner-stones of the bridge. She was still half a childand very delicately built; she had bright blue eyes, and a gentle,sweet expression. But such things th

4、e baron did not notice; while hewas riding past the little goose-girl, he reversed his hunting crop,and in rough play gave her such a push with it that she fellbackward into the ditch. Everything in the right place! he cried. Into the ditch withyou. Then he burst out laughing, for that he called fun

5、; the othersjoined in- the whole party shouted and cried, while the hounds barked. While the poor girl was falling she happily caught one of thebranches of the willow tree, by the help of which she held herselfover the water, and as soon as the baron with his company and the dogshad disappeared thro

6、ugh the gate, the girl endeavoured to scramble up,but the branch broke off, and she would have fallen backward among therushes, had not a strong hand from above seized her at this moment. Itwas the hand of a pedlar; he had witnessed what had happened from ashort distance, and now hastened to assist

7、her. Everything in the right place, he said, imitating the noblebaron, and pulling the little maid up to the dry ground. He wishedto put the branch back in the place it had been broken off, but itis not possible to put everything in the right place; therefore hestuck the branch into the soft ground.

8、 Grow and thrive if you can, and produce a good flute for themyonder at the mansion, he said; it would have given him greatpleasure to see the noble baron and his companions well thrashed. Thenhe entered the castle- but not the banqueting hall; he was toohumble for that. No; he went to the servants

9、hall. The men-servantsand maids looked over his stock of articles and bargained with him;loud crying and screaming were heard from the masters table above:they called it singing- indeed, they did their best. Laughter andthe howls of dogs were heard through the open windows: there they werefeasting a

10、nd revelling; wine and strong old ale were foaming in theglasses and jugs; the favourite dogs ate with their masters; now andthen the squires kissed one of these animals, after having wiped itsmouth first with the tablecloth. They ordered the pedlar to come up,but only to make fun of him. The wine h

11、ad got into their heads, andreason had left them. They poured beer into a stocking that he coulddrink with them, but quick. Thats what they called fun, and it madethem laugh. Then meadows, peasants, and farmyards were staked on onecard and lost. Everything in the right place! the pedlar said when he

12、 had atlast safely got out of Sodom and Gomorrah, as he called it. Theopen high road is my right place; up there I did not feel at ease. The little maid, who was still watching the geese, nodded kindlyto him as he passed through the gate. Days and weeks passed, and it was seen that the brokenwillow-

13、branch which the peddlar had stuck into the ground near theditch remained fresh and green- nay, it even put forth fresh twigs;the little goose-girl saw that the branch had taken root, and was verypleased; the tree, so she said, was now her tree. While the tree wasadvancing, everything else at the ca

14、stle was going backward, throughfeasting and gambling, for these are two rollers upon which nobodystands safely. Less than six years afterwards the baron passed outof his castle-gate a poor beggar, while the baronial seat had beenbought by a rich tradesman. He was the very pedlar they had made funof

15、 and poured beer into a stocking for him to drink; but honesty andindustry bring one forward, and now the pedlar was the possessor ofthe baronial estate. From that time forward no card-playing waspermitted there. Thats a bad pastime, he said; when the devil saw the Bible forthe first time he wanted

16、to produce a caricature in opposition toit, and invented card-playing. The new proprietor of the estate took a wife, and whom did hetake?- The little goose-girl, who had always remained good and kind,and who looked as beautiful in her new clothes as if she had been alady of high birth. And how did a

17、ll this come about? That would be toolong a tale to tell in our busy time, but it really happened, andthe most important events have yet to be told. It was pleasant and cheerful to live in the old place now: themother superintended the household, and the father looked after thingsout-of-doors, and t

18、hey were indeed very prosperous. Where honesty leads the way, prosperity is sure to follow. The oldmansion was repaired and painted, the ditches were cleaned andfruit-trees planted; all was homely and pleasant, and the floorswere as white and shining as a pasteboard. In the long winter eveningsthe m

19、istress and her maids sat at the spinning-wheel in the largehall; every Sunday the counsellor- this title the pedlar had obtained,although only in his old days- read aloud a portion from the Bible.The children (for they had children) all received the besteducation, but they were not all equally clev

20、er, as is the case in allfamilies. In the meantime the willow tree near the drawbridge had grown upinto a splendid tree, and stood there, free, and was never clipped.It is our genealogical tree, said the old people to theirchildren, and therefore it must be honoured. A hundred years had elapsed. It

21、was in our own days; the lakehad been transformed into marsh land; the whole baronial seat had,as it were, disappeared. A pool of water near some ruined walls wasthe only remainder of the deep ditches; and here stood a magnificentold tree with overhanging branches- that was the genealogical tree.Her

22、e it stood, and showed how beautiful a willow can look if onedoes not interfere with it. The trunk, it is true, was cleft in themiddle from the root to the crown; the storms had bent it a little,but it still stood there, and out of every crevice and cleft, in whichwind and weather had carried mould,

23、 blades of grass and flowers sprangforth. Especially above, where the large boughs parted, there wasquite a hanging garden, in which wild raspberries and harts-tongueferns throve, and even a little mistletoe had taken root, and grewgracefully in the old willow branches, which were reflected in theda

24、rk water beneath when the wind blew the chickweed into the corner ofthe pool. A footpath which led across the fields passed close by theold tree. High up, on the woody hillside, stood the new mansion. Ithad a splendid view, and was large and magnificent; its window paneswere so clear that one might

25、have thought there were none there atall. The large flight of steps which led to the entrance looked like abower covered with roses and broad-leaved plants. The lawn was asgreen as if each blade of grass was cleaned separately morning andevening. Inside, in the hall, valuable oil paintings were hang

26、ing onthe walls. Here stood chairs and sofas covered with silk and velvet,which could be easily rolled about on castors; there were tableswith polished marble tops, and books bound in morocco with gilt edges.Indeed, well-to-do and distinguished people lived here; it was thedwelling of the baron and

27、his family. Each article was in keeping withits surroundings. Everything in the right place was the mottoaccording to which they also acted here, and therefore all thepaintings which had once been the honour and glory of the oldmansion were now hung up in the passage which led to the servantsrooms.

28、It was all old lumber, especially two portraits- onerepresenting a man in a scarlet coat with a wig, and the other alady with powdered and curled hair holding a rose in her hand, each ofthem being surrounded by a large wreath of willow branches. Bothportraits had many holes in them, because the baro

29、ns sons used thetwo old people as targets for their crossbows. They represented thecounsellor and his wife, from whom the whole family descended. Butthey did not properly belong to our family, said one of the boys; hewas a pedlar and she kept the geese. They were not like papa andmamma. The portrait

30、s were old lumber, and everything in its rightplace. That was why the great-grandparents had been hung up in thepassage leading to the servants rooms. The son of the village pastor was tutor at the mansion. One day hewent for a walk across the fields with his young pupils and theirelder sister, who

31、had lately been confirmed. They walked along theroad which passed by the old willow tree, and while they were on theroad she picked a bunch of field-flowers. Everything in the rightplace, and indeed the bunch looked very beautiful. At the same timeshe listened to all that was said, and she very much

32、 liked to hear thepastors son speak about the elements and of the great men and womenin history. She had a healthy mind, noble in thought and deed, andwith a heart full of love for everything that God had created. Theystopped at the old willow tree, as the youngest of the barons sonswished very much to have a flute from it, such as had been cut

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