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Bec Vantage剑桥商务英语中级 教材生僻词与复习资料.docx

1、Bec Vantage剑桥商务英语中级 教材生僻词与复习资料Unit 1 Staff development and trainingUseful language Giving opinions : agreeing and disagreeingI think .would be the most attractive because .Im not sure about that. For me, would be more useful than because .Perhaps you are right. And I dont think is as important as .M

2、aking suggestionsWhy dont we + infinitive ?(e.g. Why dont we run a computer skills course?)Why not + infinitive ?(e.g. Why not ask for suggestions from staff?)How about + -ing form ?(e.g. How about running a computer skills course?)What do you think ?Do you agree?单词Summarise 总结,概括Scheme 计划The ranks

3、普通成员Shuffle up the ladder - get promotion slowlyBrochure 小册子Qualification 合格证明Priority 优先考虑的事情Consultancy 咨询机构Advisory 顾问的,提供咨询的Promising adj. 有良好迹象的,有希望的Essential 必不可少的Computer literate - able to use a computerLiterate 形容词: 1.有学问的,有文化的;能写能读的 (opp. illiterate). 2.精通文学的;会写作的。名词:识字的人;有学问的人。Literature

4、文学作品Core 核心Objective 目标Transcript 文字记录Advisory 顾问的,咨询的Appropriate 适当的Complaint 投诉Enquiry/inquiry 调查,审查Negotiation 谈判,协商Presentation 介绍Proposal 计划Unit 2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction单词CEO - Chief Executive OfficerCIO - Chief Information OfficerPA - Personal AssistantHRM - Human Resources Mana

5、ger Director R&D - Director of Research and DevelopmentPRO - Public Relations OfficerAcronym 首字母缩略词(loran - long-range navigation)Intensive 集中的;深入细致的;彻底的Gist 要点;要旨;诉讼依据Procedure 程序,步骤Delegate v. 授权,委托权限;n. 代表,使节,特派员Conduct 处理;管理Appraisal 评估;鉴定;估价;估计Useful LanguageTasks and ResponsibilitiesI have to

6、delegate work.I must conduct appraisals.Another thing I have to do is write letters.Talk about jobHow hard do you have to work ?What do you like about your job ?How long have you been in your present job ?What are your ambitions for the future ?What does your job consist of ?When were you first attr

7、acted by accountancy ?Unit 3 Letters of enquiry and applications单词Enquiry 询问Perk 固定的福利;津贴;补贴Additional 附加的;添加的Take something over 接收;接管Venue 举办地点;举办场所Entry-level 初入门的;初级水平的Scope 机会;余地;范围Innovation 革新;创新Curriculum vitae - CV 简历Reputation 名誉;名声Italic 斜体字Objective 目标Related 有关的Useful LanguageTalking ab

8、out importanceI really like .For me, . is very important because .One of the things is essential is because I dont think is so important because .Unit 4 Telephone skills单词Routed 由某一路线发送Switchboard 交换台If the call has been routed through a switchboard.Reservation 预订Recipient 接受者Emphasize(emphasise 英)

9、强调;着重Recruit 招聘Represent 代表Useful languageI am writing to invite you to an interview for the post of on day at time.The interview will be held at The interview will take approximately(大概) .If you are unable to attend ,We look forward Im ringing from Hello Holidays in connection with the job you appl

10、ied for.Im happy/sorry to say that your application has (not) been successful (on this occasion).Are you still interested?Wed like you to start in a months time. Is that still OK?We had a very strong field of candidates.However, well keep your details on file in case something else comes up.Thank yo

11、u for your interest.We wish you luck in the future.Were looking forward to working with you.Many congratulations!Unit 5单词Promotional 推广宣传;提升;晋升Purchase 买;购买Leaflet 传单;广告,仿单,散叶印刷品Brochure 小册子Sponsorship 赞助Ploy 手法;策略Centrepiece 最引人注目的Intrigue 阴谋,密谋;诡计Capitalise/capitalize 使成为资本;利用Hype 大肆宣传Tactic 顺序的,依

12、次排列的Launch 投放市场Investigate 调查;研究Associate 把 与 联想到一起;使联合Extract 摘录,引用,选段Correspond 相符合Guarantee 保证Rationally 理性的Dream up 虚构Virtue 优点Reinvent 完全改变Essence 实质Useful language Discussing advantages and disadvantagesOne advantage of (direct mail) is that Another good thing about it is that The main disadva

13、ntage of (a leaflet/leaflets) is that They also have the drawback that .Brainstorm Brainstorm consists of thinking of as many ideas as possible , without deciding whether they are good or bad ideas until later .It is a common activity in advertising agencies.How about ? + - ing formWhy dont we ?+ in

14、finitiveI think would be a good idea.Have you thought of ?+ -ing formUnit 6 New product developmentDirect 指示,监督,指导Invest 投入;入股 - investment 投资Cautious 谨慎的Cashflow 流动资金Distribute 分布;分配Chain 链;一连串事物Momentum 势头Interior 内部;屋内Turnover 营业额,成交量,售出额,成交额Initially 开头Useful languageIm free at on Im afraid Im b

15、usy on Im flying to that afternoon.Im in a meeting all morning on OK. See you then.Unit 7 A stand at a trade fairUseful language Replying to queries(=question) Thank you for your (of date)Here are the answers to the questions you raised In answer to your questionsWe would like We would prefer Lookin

16、g forward to receiving your design and quotation.Exhibition 展览会Publicity 宣传Estimate 估价Chart 图表,表格The chart shows the breakdown of retail visitors to the International Food Exhibition.The largest group of visitors were from delicatessens , which formed 47% of the total.This was followed by supermarke

17、ts which constituted 33% of all visitors.Grocers came to 12% , while other shops made up 8% of visitors.Unit 8 Retailer 零售商Establish 建立Refreshment 食品;饮料Stock 备货;购备,贮备Characteristic 典型的Specification 规格Gadget 小装置I.e.即;那就是Insert 插入Recommend 建议;推荐Category 类型Bulk 大批的Courier 速递公司Dispatch 配送 concession 让步S

18、crupulous 严肃认真的Outright 直率的Virtually 差不多Reveal .显露,揭露,揭发,剖明;告诉,透露,泄露(秘密等)Initial 最初的;开始的Commitment 责任Integrity 正直;诚实Solid 结实的,坚强的;慎重的;团结的;有用的Subsequent 随后的;其次的Decent 相当好的Drastically 强烈的;强烈的Comma 逗号Unit 9 Going it alone Entrepreneur 企业家;创业人Outlet 商行;批发商店Redundancy 解雇Premise 房屋(及其附属基地、建筑等);院内,屋内Slim 渺

19、茫的Mortgage 抵押贷款/借款;抵押权;抵押契据;受押人对抵押品的权利Sceptical 怀疑的;怀疑者的Spectacular 壮观的Definition 定义Discontent 不满足Pattern 模范Estate 房地产Frankly 直率地说Bracket 括号Asset 资产;财产Liability 债务;负债Subtract 减去;扣除Guarantee 担保品;抵押品Enquiry(inquiry) 询问;打听Comprehensive 全面的;广泛的Approval 赞成;批准Accommodation 住处Urgent 急切的;紧急的 urgentlyApproxi

20、mately 大约Traumatic 痛苦难忘;造成精神创伤的Redundant 因人员过剩而被解雇 I was made redundant.Franchise 产品经销特许权Struck - it struck me 突然想到 strike 过去式Take the plunge 采取断然行动Why did you decide to take the plunge?Unit 10 Financing the start - upConsultancy 咨询机构Publicise 宣传Raise 筹集Overheads 日常管理费用Obtain 得到Venture 风险投资Specialis

21、e 专门从事Property 财产Vehicle 车辆;运输工具Collateral 抵押品Principal 主要的;资本的;负责人的Eventually 最终Presentation 介绍Elicit 引出;探出,得出Brochure 小册子Replicate 复制;重做Revise 修订;再捡查;修正Interpretation 解释Referee 裁判;仲裁Primarily 主要地;首先;最初 adv.Rigorous 严密的;缜密的;精确的Scheme 计划Executive 执行的;实行的Precedent 先例,前例;惯例Useful language If I started

22、 my own business , it would be If I set up in business , I would I would expect to .Cold-calling 不请自来的推销(电话和上门推销)Cold-callUnit 11Useful language Making recommendations(推荐)I suggest that we should recruit people who are already employed in the sector I suggest that we recruit people who are already e

23、mployed in the sector .单词Infrastructure infrstrk 基础设施,基础,基础结构Exclude ikskl d 拒绝,排除,排斥;驱除,赶出Sector 业界,扇形Spin something out 延长某事Triangle traigl 三角Collaboration klbrein 合作Expertise ekspt z 专门技能Proximity prksimti 最近,接近Departure 起程,出发Dynamic 充满活力的,生气勃勃的Course 行动方法,进程Enterprise 公司,企业Agent 代理人,代理商Distribut

24、or 分配者,批发商Joint venture 合资经营Commission 任务Component kmpunnt 零件,构成的,部分,成分Operation 业务,动作;操作,实施Proposal 计划Alternatively 或者,二择一的;要不Distribution 分配,分发,分布Relatively 关系上;相对;相互Fertilisation 肥沃化,施肥Attach 附上,加上(条件等)Recommendation 提议,建议Unit 12 Presenting your business idea单词Presentation 描述,介绍Data projector 投影仪

25、Flipchart 活动挂图Handouts 讲义Pointer 指物棒Slider 幻灯片Extract 摘录,选段Feedback 反馈Instantly 立即Rehearse 排练Inappropriate 不恰当Impact 作用Prompt 提示台词Convert 转变Statistic 统计资料Leisure 空闲Premium rateModal verb 情态动词Highlight 突出,强调Italics 斜体字Investor 投资人Panel 画板Observation 观察Simultaneously 同时发生Commission 命令,训令;委任,委托;任务;职权;委

26、员;【商业】代办,经纪;手续费,佣金。Valid 有效地Grammar workshop 3Emphasise 强调Improbable 不太可能发生Hypothetical 假设的Adverb 副词Enormous 巨大的Obligatory 强制性的,必须履行Obligation 承诺,义务Unit 13 Business hotels and sales conferences单词Accommodation 住处;住所;协议Perk perquisite 固定福利;津贴;补贴Correspond 与.一致;符合Folk 人们;民间的Universally 普遍地;全体地Rival 竞争对

27、手Single out 挑出Tweak 对.作小小改良Amenity 文娱康乐场所Lobby 大厅;接待厅Exclusive 高级的;奢华的Bargain 便宜货Cite 引用;列举Gush (感情的)冲动;洋溢的热情The bottom line 账本底线;最后结果Attentive 照顾周到,注意Access 访问;触及内心;情绪Keynote 主音;要旨Consistency 始终一贯Endure 忍受Rep (俚)代表;推销员Bankrupt 破产Proposal 计划;建议Capable 有才能的;有成效的Estimate 估计;估价Pricey 昂贵的Quote 报(价);引用Di

28、stinct 截然不同的;独立的Attendant 服务员;侍者Renovate 装修;翻新;重做;恢复Invent 虚构;发明Lounge 休息室;闲逛Useful languageVery important 很重要Quite important 相当重要Not important Pull together 齐心协力Pull yourself together 控制自己的(感情);镇定情绪Be suppose to 应该做(由于责任、法律或习俗)Unit 14 Business conferences单词Delegate 代表Formula 方案;计划Indigenous adj. 本地

29、的;土生土长的Heritage 遗产;继承权Emerging market 新兴市场Aviation 飞机制造业;航空;飞行术Marine 海的;海生的Coastal 临海的;沿海的Fragile 易损坏的;虚弱的Closure 关闭;结束;闭合Formulate 方法;计划Heritage 传统Indigenous 本地的Tourism 旅游业Sustainable 可持续的Sustain 使持续Luncheon lnn 午餐,午餐会Implement V. 贯彻;执行; N. implementationRadical 彻底的;完全的;根本的;激进的Radicalism 激进分子Session 会议;开庭;一段时间Alternative adj.随便一个的,二中择一的,交替的;另类的Contract n. 合同;v. 定,立,约定;负债Recommend 推荐,介绍,委托Mutual 相互的,共有的,共同的Incentive 刺激性的,鼓励性质的 incentive pay 奖金Acc

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