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1、届韶关市第十三中学高三英语第二次联考试题及答案解析2020届韶关市第十三中学高三英语第二次联考试题及答案解析第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASome young people win attention because of their good looks or their singing ability. A much smaller number gain fame because they have done something important and worthwhil

2、e with their abilities. Rishab Jain is among the latter. In 2018, 13-year-oldRishab developed a way to use AI technology to help pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer patients and won the3MYoung Scientist Challenge, a nationwide middle-school science competition, and its $25,000 prize.In the last stage of the cont

3、est, Rishab competed againstnine other finalists at the 3M Innovation Center(创新中心) in St.Paul,Minnesota. Leading up to the big meet, each finalist had partnered with a scientist to further develop their inventions.Rishab explains what led him to create his invention. First,a family friend died of ca

4、ncer. Then Rishab learned about how deadly pancreatic cancer is, and that its low survival rate is due to how difficult it is to treat. Im also into programming, so I was learning about AI technology. I decided to try to solve a real-world problem using it.His winnings have been put in further resea

5、rch and in his nonprofit Samyak Science Society, which helps poor children enter the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. Rishab is also raising awareness about pancreatic cancer. These efforts make him quite different from teenagers of his age. Considering becoming a biomedic

6、al engineer or a doctor一or both, he has also put some money aside to further his own learning. Almost certainly the doors of higher education will open wide to him before he even knocks.Thats an outstanding outlook for one so young. Rashib is committed to helping very sick people in need. He is also

7、 providing teenagers of his age with a much-needed model of what kinds of things youth can achieve.1. What can we learn about the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2018?A. It was intended to solve medical problems.B. It was a nationwide AI competition for teenagers.C. It offered the finalists an oppor

8、tunity to work with scientists.D. It allowed the finalists to learn AI technology in the 3M center.2. How did Rishab win the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?A.He showed excellent programming ability.B. He figured out the survival rate of pancreatic cancer.C. He introduced poor children to STEM educatio

9、n.D. He applied AI technology to treating pancreatic cancer.3. Which of the following best describes Rishab?A. Talented and caring. B. Independent and humorous.C. Responsible and patient. D. Polite and inspiring.BDo you ever listen to the songs that your parents like? Chances are that you dont. You

10、probably think the music that they like is old and boring and that the songs on your playlist are muchcooler. But scientists found that peoples music taste changes as time goes by. So it is likely that your own musical preferences will follow a similar path to your parents, whether you like it or no

11、t.We used to think that culture and personality (个性) are the only reasons for different music choices. But researchers at the University of Cambridge noticed that as people enter into different age groups, their social environment changes, and so does their music taste. There are some musical period

12、s that people go through in their life.The first period comes in the teenage years, during which people like strong music such as punk and rock, because teenagers tend to be aggressive or want to be independent.But as people move into early adulthood, their lifestyles change they want to build close

13、 relationships with others. As a result, they become fonder of contemporary music, such as pop and R&.B, which is usually uplifting and danceable.When middle age comes, most people have settled down. During this period, people prefer music, such as jazz and classical, as well as music like country,

14、folk and blues.As for old people, they prefer old songs in their childhoods. They generally listen to relaxing music, such as country music and jazz music. But you must be questioning. “Arent there old people who are still interested in or even crazy about rock music?” Of course there are. But their

15、 reasons for listening to rock music may have changed. At that age people may listen to remind themselves of their youth.4. What do young people usually think of the songs their parents enjoy?A. They are actually less cool. B. They are worth listening to.C. They are especially serious. D. They are h

16、ard to understand.5. How many musical periods are there that people go through in their life?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.6. People who want to make friends mostly prefer _.A. jazz music B. country musicC. rock music D. pop music7. What is the best title for the text?A. People Have Different Op

17、inions on MusicB. People Listen to Music for the Same ReasonC. Peoples Taste in Music Changes with TimeD. Peoples Lifestyle Can Be Changed by MusicCFaming is a tradition among many in South Dakota, one that is not always easy to keep in the family. But one family has survived four generations and ho

18、pes to continue long into the future. The year was 1933 when Ed VanderWals father first stepped onto the farm. Now 80 years later, Ed carries the passion(热情) his father gave him for farming every daywhile working the fields on the family farm in Volga.“Well, I was in the first grade when my dad move

19、d here to this farm and I grew up on the farm. And thats what I was interested in doing more,” Ed said. But that love of working the land didnt stop with Ed. Hes passed it down to his six sons. Some of them run farms of their own now, but two of them, Scott and David, still work side by side with th

20、eir dad every day.Some people might worry that working sun up to sun down with family seven days a week would lead to a few family spats(争吵). But for the VanderWals, the constant time together works just fine.“When families work together on a farm, its a challenge at times getting along. Everyone ha

21、s to pull their weight and do their share. And that, of course, transfers from one generation to the next,” Scott said.And while they all get along like any family, with good days and bad, its tradition that keeps each generation teaching the next.“But we taught them to work with animals at a young

22、age, like most farmers do. So its nice to be able to pass that tradition onto the next generation,” Scott said.The youngest generation of the VanderWals, Eds three grandsons and a granddaughter, all started learning farming techniques at a young age.8. Why did Ed VanderWal devote himself to the farm

23、?A. Because he grew up on the farm.B. Because he was affected by his father.C Because he could do nothing but work on the farm.D. Because he wanted to set a good example for his sons.9. What can we know from Paragraph 2?A. Managing a farm is a real challenge.B. Ed has divided his farms into six part

24、s.C. Ed taught his sons how to work on farms.D. Scott and David own their own farms now.10. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The VariderWals have strict family rules.B. Eds tradition has great effect on the local.C. Eds grandchildren will drop out of school.D. Eds farms have no lack of succe

25、ssors (继承者).11. Whats the best title of the passage?A. A Faming Family.B. A Successful Farmer.C. The Agricultural Tradition.D. The Agricultural Generation.DAsk a classroom of children to draw a scientist, and youll see plenty of color1 ed lab coats and glasses. The image (画像) hasnt changed much sinc

26、e the 1960s, but the person wearing the lab coat is changing.A new analysis finds that more female scientists have appeared in kids? drawings in recent decades going from nearly nonexistent in the 1960s to about a third in 2016.The first of many “ draw-a-scientist studies asked nearly 5,000 children

27、 to draw a scientist between 1966 and 1977. Of those 5,000 drawings, only 28 drew female scientists. That was just 0.56 percent. Today, female scientists are being presented more in the media. For example, in a content analysis, 13 percent of people pictured in science feature stories of the 1960s w

28、ere women or girls, compared with 44 percent in the 2000s. “That might really affect childrens idea on what a scientist should be like, ” says Miller, a Ph. D. candidate in psychology.To look for changes in childrensperceptionover time, the researchers conducted a meta-analysis ,combining data from

29、78 studies that included a total of more than 20,000 children from kindergarten to the 12th grade.On average, 28 percent of children drew female scientists in studies conducted from 1965 to 2016.What hasnt changed much: kids pick up stereotypes (模式化观念)by gender (性别)as they grow up. At age 6, about 7

30、0 percent of the girls in the more recent studiesdrew female scientists. By age 16, 75 percent drew male scientists. This is an important period in which kids are learning stereotypes. Its important that teachers and parents present diverse examples of both male and female scientists.12. Whats the p

31、icture of scientists drawn by a 1960s, kid like?A. A man with long curly hair. B. A woman with lab glasses.C. A woman in a formal lab suit. D. A man in a color1 ed lab coat.13. What may contribute to the changes in kids drawings?A. The improvement of women social status.B. The kids are affected by t

32、eachers and parents.C. More female scientists appear in the media.D. The increasing number of female scientists.14. What does the underlined word “ perception” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?A. Belief. B. Idea. C. Habit. D. Growth.15. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that .A. its a stereotype that scientists are generally malesB. girls are more influenced by stereotypes than boysC. some children are born with certain stereotypesD. most children tend to

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