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1、河东一模英语高考 2017年河东一模解析一、单项选择1) I cant repair these until tomorrow, Im afraid. Thats OK, theres _. A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry答案:D解析:交际用语,因为有thats ok,所以可知这个事情不着急2)This is our contribution to _ world of the 21st century, _ world of independence and mutual understanding.Athe; a B/;

2、 a Ca; the Dthe; /答案:A解析:冠词考察, 这是我们对21世纪世界的贡献,一个独立的,互相理解的世界。第一空填the,是特指21世纪的世界,第二空填a,是泛指“一个独立的,互相理解的世界”3) How are you today? Oh, I _ as ill as I do now for a very long time. A. didnt feel B. wasnt feeling C. dont feel D. havent felt 答案:D解析:你今天怎么样?我很长时间没有像现在一样病过了.根据句意,还有for a long time ,所以判断用现在完成时态,f

3、or ,后接一段时间用在现在完成时态.4)Hes not very _. You cant always depend on him to do what he promises to.A dependent B independent C reliable D flexible答案:C解析:词义辨析,根据后半句可知他对他许诺的事不能完成,所以知道他的性格是不能信赖的5)By the end of World War II, about 35 million Chinese people _ or wounded.A killed B was killed C had killed D had

4、 been killed答案:D解析:by the time用法,如果by the time后面加过去的时间,对应的主句部分要用过去完成时,然后主被动判断,可知是被动6)In 2013, Beijing adopted an emergency _ program for air pollution.A behavior B action C response D situation答案:C解析:emergency response(紧急响应)7)The store said if the melons didnt sell at the asking price within two wee

5、ks, it would sell them to _ offers the most money.A who B whoever C No matter who D whomever答案:A解析:名词性从句,从句特指出线最多的那个人,所以答案A8). _ they obtain from the activities is very important to the training in their character.AThat BWhich CWhat DHow答案:C解析:名词性从句缺宾语选what9)The quarrel_to the fight started from the

6、ir disbelief in each other.Aled Bto lead Chaving led Dleading答案:D解析:非谓语动词,争吵来源于不信任,所以非谓语表伴随10)But for the chances I was blessed with, my life _ easily _ a turn for the worse.A wouldtake B willhave takenC could havetaken D shouldtake答案:C解析:but for(要不是),虚拟语气的标志,所以选项中福和虚拟语气的选项是C11)An electric salt-flav

7、ored fork has been developed as part of the No Salt Restaurant project, _ aims to offer low-salt or salt-free food.A that B where C which D in which答案:C解析:定从从句,从句缺主语,又因为是非限,所以选which12)A new law which bans teenagers from smoking will _ 90 days after governor signs it.A come into effect B come to powe

8、rC make an effort D make a difference答案:A解析:短语考察 A 开始实施 B 执政 C 作出努力 D 产生不同13)Why are they pulling down the house?_ a new parking lot.A.Build B.To build C.Building D.Built答案:B解析:非谓语表目的,并且上下文省略了they are pulling down the house这句话14)_that I couldnt support myself at that moment.A.I was weak enough B.I w

9、as too weakC.So weak was I D.Such weak was I答案:C解析:Sothat句型,so在句首要进行倒装,so + adj/adv + y疑问语序15)Try _she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.A.If B.when C.since D.as答案:D解析:as引导让步状语从句要倒装解析人:郭子卿二、完形填空My father died when I was five. It was hard on us all. With time the _16_ healed. My brother, who is eig

10、ht years older than me, began to watch over my mother and me. _17_ many more responsibilities than expected of him, I remember he made sure the trash was taken out, and the yard mowed. He did on his own, _18_ being told to do so. Because of my fathers death, my mother was forced to get a _19_ job. M

11、y brother took it upon himself, to get up early every morning. He would _20_ for school, and make me breakfast. While I was eating, he would lay out my clothes, make my bed, and _21_ my school books up. _22_ we would walk to the bus stop. As we waited, he would play games my father used to played wi

12、th me. He did his best to make me _23_, and he succeeded every time.When we arrived home from school, we were alone for about half an hour, _24_ mom was home from work. He would sit me down with three cookies and a glass of milk. If I had homework then this was the time I would do it. My brother wou

13、ld start laundry, and do dishes if there was _25_. He would find something for supper, and have everything ready for mom, so she could start cooking.Mom would _26_ us with a hug and kiss. This was our queue to go outside and have some fun. This was my brothers time to be a _27_, enjoying himself in

14、the games.It was a Saturday in _28_ a couple of years later. My mother and I were at the store. They had the Fathers Day cards out. I _29_ at the cards on the shelves. My mom said, “Honey, I know this is a hard time for you.” I said, “No, mom, thats not it. _30_ dont they have Brothers Day cards?”Sh

15、e smiled and said, “Youre right, your brother has definitely been a _31_ to you. Go ahead pick out a card.”_32_ I did, and on Fathers Day, my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card.As he read it, I saw tears forming in his eyes. I felt a lump in my throat, as he _33_ his arms around

16、me and my mother. My mom said, “Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he _34_ a good man, and that you do your best to fill his _35_. We love you, and thank you.”16. A. illness B. wounds C. sorrow D. fear17. A. Taking on B. Holding on C. Keeping on D. Having18. A. as B. if C. for D. without1

17、9. A. part-time B. full-time C. simple D. tough20. A. leave me B. send me C. get me up D. bring me up21. A. gather B. fill C. order D. give22. A. One by one B. One after another C. Hand in hand D. Step by step23. A. healthy B. happy C. full D. excited24. A. if B. unless C. after D. until25. A. any B

18、. some C. nothing D. everything26. A. greet B. comfort C. encourage D. connect27. A. player B. student C. kid D. brother28. A. December B. February C. May D. June29. A. wondered B. stared C. jumped D. joked30. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How31. A. brother B. father C. friend D. mate32. A. So B. Or C.

19、 Nor D. But33. A. spread B. placed C. threw D. crossed34. A. met B. raised C. acted D. knew35. A. form B. blank C. name D. shoes解析:16. 答案:B 文章第一句说作者的父亲在她五岁时过世。随着时间的流逝,伤痛被治愈。wound可指心灵的创伤。17. 答案:A take on可表示“承担”的意思,我的哥哥承担了比他预期中更多的责任。18. 答案:D 逗号前有“he did his own,”说明是我哥哥自己主动做的,所以逗号后为without being told t

20、o 19. do so. 并没有人要求他这么做。19. 答案:B “由于我父亲的死,我的母亲被迫做一份_的工作。”be forced to表示“被迫”,有后文我母亲无暇顾及照顾我,而重任全部压在我哥哥身上可知,这里应该选full-time,全职工作。20. 答案: C 做完形时一定要考虑动作的顺序性。and后说我哥哥为我做早餐,所以前一个动作就应该是叫我起床上学。21. 答案:A 本题解题思路和上题一致。动作是有顺序的。根据之前的内容,“在我吃早饭期间,我哥哥帮我叠衣服,整理床铺,”那么,对我学校里的教材就应该是“收拾”这个动作了。22. 答案:C“ hand in hand”表示手拉手。即:

21、我和哥哥手拉手一起走去公交车站。23. 答案:B 由前文内容可知,在我和哥哥等公交车期间,他和我一起玩从前父亲总和我玩的游戏。所以,他在尽他一切努力使我感到开心。24. 答案:D 本题考查状语从句。“直到妈妈下班回家。“25. 答案:C26. 答案:A greet 可表示“欢迎,迎接”“妈妈会以拥抱和亲吻来迎接我们”。27. 答案:C 由前文可知, 自从我父亲过世,我的哥哥便承担起照顾家庭的重任。长兄如父,他自己是父母的孩子,却承受着远超越于这个年龄人的责任。所以,只有在我们和妈妈一起玩的时候,哥哥才想一个孩子一般。28. 答案:由后文Fathers Day cards这一信息,可知,父亲节将

22、至,所以可知,是六月。29. 答案:B 我对架子上的卡片做的动作,四个选项中只有“我盯着卡片”合理。30. 答案:C why not表示“为什么不呢?“ ”为什么他们没有哥哥节的卡片呢?“31. 答案: B 听我一说,妈妈微笑着向我表示赞同,人喔我的哥哥在我的生命中就在扮演着父亲的角色。32. 答案:A “于是我就这么做了“。so表顺承关系。33. 答案:C 伸出手臂环绕住我和妈妈。34. 答案:B raise作为及物动词,可表示“养育”。35. 答案:D fill ones shoes可以表示“就位”。在这里,妈妈想表达的意思是:哥哥很好的替父亲完成了他对这个家的贡献。解析人:李潇潇三、阅读

23、理解 AMembership InformationMembership includes the following benefits(优惠): No entry fee(money for entering)Cheaper rate for use of equipment, courts(a space specially for ball games), etc. Book up to ten days in advance.Cost of MembershipFamily: 6 months 34;12 months 58Adult: Day membership: 65P; 1 m

24、onth 3; 6 months: 18; 1 year: 36Junior: Day membership: 40P; 6 months: 8; 1 year: 13Rules of MembershipMembers may book courts, etc. by telephone 9:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. seven days a week up to ten days in advance. Membership number must be given when booking by phone and payment made immediately on ar

25、rival at the sports center. A booking made in this way may only be used by the member and his / her guest / guests.Members need not pay day membership fees only if they can show a membership card. Failure to do so will result in a day membership fee and full cost for use of any equipment, courts, et

26、c.Bookings may be given up up to 48 hours before the day, otherwise the fee must be paid plus some extra payment for the work that has been done.Fitness machinesThese machines will help you to work almost every part in your body. Before training by yourself, it is necessary to come to a course of tw

27、o classes which will give you the SKY card so that you can train whenever you like. One-hour classes are held every week on Monday and Friday at 12 noon and 9 p.m. Fee per class: Member2.15, Non-member 5.00.36. A junior member of the Sports Center needs to pay _ for two years.A. 36 B. 26 C. 13 D. 58

28、37. If a member hasnt brought his/her membership card with him/her, he/she will_.A. not enjoy any benefitsB. be refused to enterC. have to pay money for entry but can use the equipment freeD. not need to pay entry fee but must pay for the equipment or court38. A center member needs to give up his or

29、 her bookings in time, or he/she has to_.A. pay part of the money he or she should payB. pay the total of the money he or she should payC. pay more than the money he or she should payD. give up his or her membership39. Which of the following statements is TRUE about fitness machines?A. You can use t

30、he machines at any time.B. You are refused to use the machines by yourself without the SKY card.C. You can come to the training course any day except Saturday and Sunday.D. Only a person who has the membership can come to the courses.40. What is the best title of this passage?A. A Guide to the Sports CenterB. Rules od MembershipC. An introduction to the Fitness MachinesD. Activities of the Sports Center36.B 根据“ Junior: 1 year: 13“可知两年是2637.B 根据“Members need not pa

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