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1、河北省辛集市高考英语阅读理解一轮训练9及答案河北省辛集市2015高考英语阅读理解一轮训练(9)及答案【2015高考复习】阅读理解Promotion at work can be good for the pocket.However,it can also be very risky for a persons mental health,according to British researchers from the University of Warwick in Coventry.The new findings go strongly against the common belie

2、f that advancement in a career can result in better health because of an increased sense of selfconfidence,life control and overall wellbeing(幸福感 )“Getting a promotion at work is not as great as many people may think.Our research finds that the mental health of managers typically deteriorates after

3、a job promotion and goes beyond merely a shortterm change in a way,”said Chris Boyce, the researcher of the University of Warwick.He also added that they could not find any health benefits in individuals who had had job promotions.Instead,these people dont go to hospital to have health checks as oft

4、en as they should,which may be something to worry about rather than celebrate.To find out whether there is a connection between job advancement and physical health,Boyce and his team used data from the British Household Panel Survey.The data contained information on nearly 1,000 recently promoted in

5、dividuals in the United Kingdom.And the data contained information on many aspects of life,including work and selfreported health.After analyzing all the available information,they discovered that there was no evidence of improved physical health after a job promotion.However,what the researchers di

6、d find was evidence of greater mental stress.The experts found that promotion gives people,on average,10 percent more mental stress and up to 20 percent less time to visit their doctors in the event of illness.Matt Smith,a Scottish health expert,said mental stress is caused by working long hours.He

7、said,“When someone is promoted there might be even more pressure to work longer hours and therefore they cant afford the time to care about their health.”【语篇导读】升职会让人精神焕发,信心百倍,还是身体健康受到影响?最新的研究发现升职不但健康受到影响而且精神压力也很大。1According to the text we can learn that work promotion_.Ais traditionally believed to

8、be harmful to peoples healthBdecreases peoples selfconfidence and happinessCgives people more chances to have health checksDcan help raise peoples income to some extent答案D细节理解题。从第一段的第一句Promotion at work can be good for the pocket可知。2The underlined word “deteriorates” in the second paragraph means “b

9、ecomes_”Asatisfying BdoubtfulCoptimistic Dworse答案D词义猜测题。联系下句they could not find any health benefits可知。3What do we know from Boyces research?AIt analyzed many aspects of the promoted individuals lives.BIt surveyed 1,000 people in the world.CIt showed how people gained work promotion.DIt proved that w

10、ork promotion may lead to a shortterm change in health.答案A细节理解题。从第三段的倒数第二句And the data contained information on many aspects of life,including work and selfreported health.可知。4From the last paragragh we can learn that_.Apeople who are promoted suffer from increased mental stressBthe work after promo

11、tion will take up 20 percent of peoples leisure timeCpromoted individuals tend to pay more attention to their healthDpoor health condition makes promoted individuals feel stressed答案A推理判断题。从最后一段第一句However,what the researchers did find was evidence of greater mental stress.可推知。5What is the best title

12、for this text?AWork Promotion Helps Increase SelfConfidence.BWork Promotion Is Actually Bad for Ones Health.CWork Promotion Means Having to Work Harder.DWork Promotion Brings Wealth and Health.答案B主旨大意题。第一段的第二句However,it can also be very risky for a persons mental health是文章的主旨所在。Passage ten(Antinucle

13、ar Demonstration)Police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively resisting protestors Friday in an attempt to break up the largest antinuclear demonstration ever staged in the United States. More than 135,000 demonstrators confronted police on the construction site of a 1,000-megawatt n

14、uclear power plant scheduled to provide power to most of southern New Hampshire. Organizers of the huge demonstration said, the protest was continuing despite the police actions. More demonstrators were arriving to keep up the pressure on state authorities to cancel the project. The demonstrator had

15、 charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters. The demonstrations would go on until the jails and the courts were so overloaded that the state judicial system would c

16、ollapse.Governor Stanforth Thumper insisted that there would be no reconsideration of the power project and no delay in its construction set for completion in three years. “This project will begin on time and the people of this state will begin to receive its benefits on schedule. Those who break th

17、e law in misguided attempts to sabotage the project will be dealt with according to the law,” he said. And police called in reinforcements from all over the state to handle the disturbances.The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators broke through police lines around th

18、e cordoned-off construction site. They carried placards that read “No Nukes is Good Nukes,” “Sunpower, Not Nuclear Power,” and “Stop Private Profits from Public Peril.” They defied police order to move from the area. Tear gas canisters fired by police failed to dislodge the protestors who had come p

19、repared with their own gas masks or facecloths. Finally gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one. The protestors did not resist police, but refused to walk away under their own power. Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, trespa

20、ssing, and disturbing the peace.1.What were the demonstrators protesting about?A Private profits.Nuclear Power Station.C The project of nuclear power construction.D Public peril.2.Who had gas-masks?A Everybody.A part of the protestors.C Policemen.D Both B and C.3.Which of the following was NOT menti

21、oned as a reason for the demonstration?A Public transportation.Public peril.C Pollution.D Disposal of wastes.4.With whom were the jails and courts overloaded?A With prisoners.With arrested demonstrators.C With criminals.D With protestors.5.What is the attitude of Governor Stanforth Thumper toward th

22、e power project and the demonstration?A stubborn.insistent.C insolvable.D remissible.Vocabulary1.tear gas 瓦斯2.passively resisting protestor 不抵抗的抗议者3.stage 发起,举行,上演4.break up 驱散,终止5.cordon 警戒线,警戒6.nuke (美俚)核武器,核电站7.defy 公然蔑视/反抗8.canister 罐,筒,榴霰弹筒9.islodge 赶走10.charge 冲锋,向前冲11.trespass 非法侵入,扰乱难句译注1.Po

23、lice fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively resisting protestors Friday in an attempt to break up the largest antinuclear demonstration ever staged in the United States.【结构简析】句中间用in an attempt介词短语和staged分词使句子变长。Staged修饰demonstration。【参考译文】星期五,再制止美国举行过的最大的反核示威游行中,警方发放了催泪瓦斯,逮捕了5000多不拒捕的

24、抗议者,企图解散游行队伍。2. The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators broke through police lines around the cordoned-off construction site.【结构简析】主从句。【参考译文】星期五拂晓之前,当好几千名示威者冲破警戒再核建设基地周围的警察封锁线时,抗议示威开始了。写作方法与文章大意这是一则有关反对核电站的群众示威抗议的新闻导报,采用对比手法。警方镇压;群众坚决抗议。第一段就写出了尽管警方释放催泪瓦斯,逮捕了5000多人,示

25、威组织者申明抗议要继续下去,越来越多的抗议者参与对当局加压,想迫使其废除在当地建立核电站的计划。其理由是在人口密集地区建站不安全,在海湾产生热污染,核废料处理无有效方法。第二段叙述了州长大人坚决维护核电站的立场,不再考虑计划修改问题,三年内要完成核电站建设。届时,本州人民得益。对企图破坏计划实施而违法的人将以法处置。已集结全州警察加强对付这次捣乱。第三段讲了双方现场交战:星期五破晓,数千示威者(高举示威牌,上写:没有核电站就是好的核电站;不要核能,要太阳能等)冲过建设基地警察警戒线,警察用催泪瓦斯无效后,开始一个一个地抓逮示威者,被捕者将被控以非法集会、侵入和扰乱治安等罪名。答案详解1.C 抗

26、议建设核电站计划。不是抗议核电站。至于B. 核电站还未建,所以不对。A. 私人利益 和 D. 公共危险,这些都是示威牌上之口号不是抗议的主攻方向。2.D 双方。 最后一段第四行最后和第五行“抗议者准备了他们自己的防毒面具或面罩。最后,头戴防毒面具和头盔的警察冲进人群一个一个地抓逮示威者。”所以说两方面都有防毒面具。3.A 公共交通运输。B. 公共危险。 C. 污染。 D. 废料处理,是三个抗议的理由。4.B 被逮捕的示威者。第一段最后一行“示威要继续下去直到州监牢和州法庭人满为患,从而使州司法体系垮台。”说明示威者准备去坐牢,决不服输的决心。而人多到监牢装不下证明州司法的问题。所以这里只能是被

27、抓的示威者。A. 犯人。 C. 罪犯。D.抗议者。警察不可能抓所有的抗议者。关在牢里的只能是被抓的示威者。5.A 固执己见,冥顽不化。见第二段他坚持说核电站计划不用再考虑,三年内一定要建成,计划准时开始,本州人民到时候就能获益。对这些违法企图破坏计划的人依法惩处。并且从州内各处调集警察来处理这次“骚乱”。从语言到行动都说明,这位州长固执己见,顽固得很。B. 坚持的。 C. 不能解决的。 D. 可宽恕的。阅读理解-DYOUR mom might cook a bowl of noodles for you on your birthday. But in the US, a mom makes

28、a cupcake for her children on their birthday.Cupcakes are small, round cakes topped with frosting (糖霜). It has been an American tradition that moms bring cupcakes to the classroom to celebrate their childs birthday.But recently some doctors have called for this to be banned. They believe cupcakes co

29、ntribute to child obesity.Despite their good intentions, however, some people believe that experts are interfering (妨碍) with American culture. The cupcake is seen as American as apple pie only prettier.According to Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, the cupcake is the mo

30、st democratic (民主的) of desserts. As they are small enough for one person, you dont have to share your cupcake with anyone its all yours. They are also all the same size, so there cant be any cries of “she got the bigger piece!”Each bite can taste different depending on how much icing you have. It is

31、 a lesson in self-determination. Some people eat only a little of the frosting every time, others have it all in just one bite.In recent years, eating a cupcake has become as trendy as having a cup of Starbucks coffee.Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton jokingly promised on a talk show that if she was elected president, she would give everyone a cupcake on her birthday.Ruth Reichl, editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine, explains that the r

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