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1、听力教程3第二版unit4vocabularyrevolve vi.1. 旋转;转动;(天体)自转: The wheels stopped revolving suddenly.车轮突然不转了。2. 绕转;(天体)分转: The moon revolves around the earth.月球围绕着地球运转。3. (以为中心)环绕,围绕(常与around或about连用): His life revolves around his research work.他的研究工作是他生活的中心。4. 周而复始地出现;循环: The seasons revolve.季节在周而复始地变换。5. 沉思;反

2、复考虑: I had a new idea revolving in my mind.我在心中反复思考一个新的设想。vt.1. 使旋转;使绕转: He revolved the pencil between his fingers.他把铅笔放在手指间转动。2. 使沿轨道运行;使循环3. 细想;反复考虑: We must revolve the problem before giving an answer.我们必须在回答之前把问题仔细考虑一下。chide vt.责骂,责备;责怪: The manager chided him for his delay.经理责备他拖拖拉拉。vi.责骂,责备;责

3、怪: The old woman is always scolding and chiding.这位老太婆总是骂骂咧咧地没完没了。astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊,使惊愕,使惊奇,使诧异: It astonished her that he was able to survive.他竟然活了下来,使她大为惊讶。It astonished me to learn that she was dead.听说她死了,真使我惊愕。astonishment n. 惊讶I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright gre

4、en in color.我看见了一颗划过长空的流星,让我惊讶的是,它是鲜绿色的。astonishing adj.惊人的;令人惊讶的astonishingly adv.令人惊讶地Andrea was an astonishingly beautiful young woman.安德烈亚是个惊人美丽的年轻女子。convince v.说服,使信服That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.在普拉茨堡的那个周末,他说服了她嫁给巴德。Although I soon convinced him of my

5、innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity.尽管我很快就使他相信我是清白的,但是他还是非常怀疑我精神是否正常。worsen v.(使)变得更坏;(使)恶化:变得更坏,变得更糟,恶化:Further dispute would worsen your relations.再吵下去会使你们的关系恶化。The environment is worsening for the development of industry.工业生产的发展使环境越来越差。visualize v. 想像Susan visualized he

6、r wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her fathers arm.苏珊想像着自己婚礼那天,挽着父亲的手臂沿着教堂过道走过来。He could not visualize her as old.他无法想像她年老的样子。astronomical adj. 天文的,天文学的;极大的Houses in the subdivision are going for astronomical prices.该小区里的房子在以天价出售。.the American Astronomical Society. 美国天文学会。light-

7、sensitive material 感光材料photographic plate照相底片;摄影底片;摄 照相底板develop【摄影术】 使(胶卷等)显影;显(影),显(像),显(色),冲洗(软片): Lets have these pictures developed.让我们把这些照片冲洗出来吧。How long will it take to develop these pictures?冲印这些照片要花多长时间?enlarge【摄影术】 (照片)放大: That photograph probably wont enlarge well.那张照片可能不会放大得很好。exposure【摄

8、影术】 曝光;曝光量;(照相)底片,软片;曝光时间itinerary n. 旅程,路线; 旅行日程coach n.教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车briefing n. 1. 简报,情况的简要介绍,简要汇报 2. 基本情况介绍会cove n. (湖、海等的)小湾,小海湾;山凹,悬崖(或峭壁)的凹角;山洞,洞穴;小峡谷;小溪谷El Djem amphitheatre of Thysdrus突尼斯埃尔杰姆斗兽场ferry n. 渡船; 渡轮sanctuary n. 避难所;至圣所;禁猎区,自然保护区prolific adj. 多产的;丰富的She is a prolific writer of

9、 novels and short stories.她是位多产的长篇和短篇小说家。prolific growth 多产植物ideate v. 形成概念;设想assault v. 袭击The gang assaulted him with iron bars.该团伙用铁棒袭击了他。n. 猛攻The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.叛乱分子作好了对政府卫戍部队的新一轮猛攻的准备。dwindle vi.1. 变得越来越小,逐渐变小,缩小;减少;消瘦: Their vast fortune has dwin

10、dled away.他们的大笔财产已逐渐减少。Their food supply dwindled when they were lost in the woods.当他们在森林里迷路时,他们的食物贮存减少了。2. (质量)衰退,退化,变坏;衰落;堕落: The old mans health dwindled slowly day by day.老人的身体日渐衰弱。His reputation dwindled greatly.他的声誉大减。vt.使变得越来越小,使变小,使缩小,使缩减,使收缩;使减少;使衰退;使衰落: Failing health dwindles ambition.健康每

11、况愈下使人志气衰退。n.用复数 委婉语垂暮之年mate n. 配偶;交配对象He has found his ideal mate.他已经找到了理想的配偶。The males guard their mates zealously.雄性动物热情地守护它们的交配对象。v. 交配They want the males to mate with wild females.他们想让这些雄性动物和野生的雌性动物交配。capture v. 俘获;夺得captive adj. 被俘虏的;被迷住的n. 俘虏;迷恋者captive-breeding facility 圈养设施;人工繁殖设施captive-bor

12、n wolves 圈养出生的狼reproduce vt.1. 使再生;重制: The computer reproduced the data as a set of diagrams.计算机用一组图表把那些数据重新显示出来。2. 生育;繁殖;使(器官等)再生: Lobsters can reproduce a lost limb.龙虾能使失去的肢体重新再生出来。3. 复制;复写;模拟;播放(录音等): He can reproduce a painting by a new method.他能用一种新方法复制一幅油画。4. (在脑中)重现;重温(过去的情景等): The scene of t

13、he old days was reproduced before my eyes.往日的情景又出现在我眼前。5. 复述,重述: The little girl student was reproducing the story in Lesson Three.这个小女学生正在复述第三课中的故事。vi.1. 生育;繁殖: Most plants reproduce through seeds.多数植物都是靠种子来繁殖。2. 复制;重做;再生产: This photograph will reproduce clearly.这张照片可以很清晰地复印出来。mortality n. 死亡数,死亡率;

14、必死性,必死的命运Eureka 尤里卡 Marling Perkins马林珀金斯 Carol卡罗尔world-renowned adj.世界知名的litter n.垃圾;一窝(动物的幼崽)St. Louis Wild Canid Center 野生犬科动物中心Wild Canid Survival and Research Center 野生犬科动物生存和研究中心boast vi.1. 夸,(尤指)自夸,夸耀,自我吹嘘,自吹自擂,吹牛(about,of): to boast about ones learning, abilities and success夸耀(或吹嘘)自己的学识、能力和成功

15、to boast of ones deeds夸耀自己的业绩2. 自豪,自负,自鸣得意(of,about): She boasted of her familys wealth.她以她家的财富为荣。vt.1. 夸口说,吹牛,吹嘘: to boast oneself a genius吹嘘自己是个天才He boasted that he was the best swimmer in the city.他夸口说他是本市最优秀的游泳者。2. 以为荣,把引以为荣;以自豪,以拥有而自豪;以做而感到光荣: The town boasts a fine new library.这个城镇以有一个好的新图书馆而自

16、豪。The city boasted two new universities.该城为拥有两所新大学而自豪。3. 包含,容纳;有: The small town boasted only one school.这座小城仅有一所学校。renewal n. 重新开始; 恢复;(有效期的) 延长;新生; 复兴They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations.他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。His contract came up for renewal.他的合同交上来要求延期。.a political lobbyist co

17、ncentrating on urban renewal and regeneration.一个专门就城市复兴与重建而游说的政客。Carnival Rides 嘉年华游乐场ride n. (娱乐场所中) 供人骑乘的玩具 (如旋转木马等)Coney Island 科尼岛(位于纽约的小岛)Cyclone 旋风wooden roller coaster 木质过山车Wonder Wheel 摩天轮kitschy rides street performers 街头艺人,街头艺术sprout vi.1. (种子、植物)萌芽,发芽;抽条,抽枝: The seeds will sprout in 3 day

18、s after they are sown.这类种子种下后3天出芽。The old tree sprouted in this spring.今年春天这棵老树长出了新枝。2. 开始生长;(叶、角、羽等)长出: Light green buds sprout from the trees in spring.春天,万木长出了嫩绿的新芽。New antlers began to sprout again.(鹿)又开始长出新角来。3. 迅速生长;迅速发展: How can we still remain young, as our children are sprouting into manhoo

19、d?孩子们已长大成人,我们怎么能不老呢?My firm has sprouted into a major group in the country.我的公司已迅速发展成了我国的一个大集团公司。vt.1. 使发芽;使抽枝: You can sprout the seeds fast by soaking with warm water.你可以用温水浸泡种子来催芽。2. 长出: to sprout new buds长出新芽It was 20 years old when I began to sprout a moustache.我是在20岁的时候开始长胡子的。inaugurate v. 1为举

20、行开幕式; 为举行落成典礼usu passive; A Mafia Museum was inaugurated in Corleone.一座黑手党博物馆在科莱奥内举行落成典礼。2.(Formal)开创Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.泛美航空开创了第一个定期的国际航班。3. 使正式就任 usu passiveThe new president will be inaugurated on January 20th.新总统将在1月20日正式就任。renovate v. 1. 革新;更新: We must re

21、novate our social life to keep abreast of the times. (了解新鲜事物的,符合时代的)我们必须革新我们的社会生活以适应时代的要求。2. 整修;翻修;修理: They are going to renovate the old furniture.他们准备将旧家具整修一番。The worn shoes can be renovated and look like new ones.穿破的鞋可以修理得像新的一样。3. 使恢复精力;使振作: Our school has been renovated by Lei Fengs spirit.我们学校因

22、受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗鼓振作起来。elevate v.1. 提起,抬起,举起;使升高: to elevate a bucket by a rope用绳子吊起水桶to elevate the living standards提高生活水准2. 提高(嗓门等): to elevate the tone of a conversation提高谈话的声调3. 提升(级别、职位、地位等),提级,提拔(某人),使晋级(to): to elevate someone to the peerage封某人为贵族4. 提高(思想、道德品质、文化教养、信心等): Good books may elevate th

23、e mind.好书可以提高思想修养。5. 振作(精神等)使精神振奋;使欢欣鼓舞;使情绪高昂;使兴高采烈;使得意洋洋: The morning air elevated us.早晨的空气使我们神清气爽。dense adj. 稠密的;浓厚的The temple lay deep within the dense forest. 寺庙在密林深处。A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.一柱浓烟升上几英里高的天空。Java is a densely populated island.爪哇是一个人口稠密的岛屿。slaughterho

24、use n. 屠宰场;屠杀场wind through 1. 蜿蜒穿过: A path winds through the forest.一条小路蜿蜒穿过森林。2. (使)贯穿于(作品中),充分地表现于(作品里): The writer wound his opinions through this article.作者将他的观点贯穿于这篇文章之中。ribbon n. n. 带;缎带;(勋章等的)绶带nestle v. 1. (似巢中鸟般)紧贴着身子躺,偎依: The baby cats nestled together in the basket.几只小猫咪互相偎依着躺在篮子里。Her fat

25、her nestled her in his arms and asked her not to bother about it.父亲把她搂在怀里,安慰她说不要紧。2. (舒适地)安顿下来;安卧,舒适地躺: He nestled himself into the sofa for a nap.他倒身躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。She rubbed her body with sun-scream and nestled into the beach chair.她往身上擦满了防晒霜,舒舒服服地躺在了帆布躺椅上。3. 半隐半现: I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。chain link fence 铁丝网围栏African American history museum 非裔美国人(指美国黑人)历史博物馆centerpiece n.核心部分,在整体中占中心地位的政策(或观念、事件等)capitalize on 充分利用

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