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1、英语难词汇及词组SSP整理第1072期生词中文生词中文captivate迷住,强烈吸引consecutive连续的,不断的chart-topping(唱片,歌手等)在排行榜榜首的place/put/lay emphasis on sth.强调某事,把重点放在某事上nomination提名urge催促/策马,驱赶/极力主张,推荐vocal声乐作品dominant提名prodigy奇才,天才(尤指神童)owe.to把归功于raw未加工的,未经训练的shield保护,保卫/(与off连用)挡开,避开commanding威严的resentment愤恨,不满presence风度,仪表cash regis

2、ter收银机,收银台ambassador大使accusation指责,谴责approve批准,通过hostility故意,敌对情绪nomination提名confess承认bilateral双边的broke破产的affair事务astonished吃惊的scale down缩成weep流泪,哭泣hollow空心的,中空的Lorde takes home two Grammys1. one of the Grammys biggest winners this year is still in high school and was discovered at a school talent s

3、how2. making her the first New Zealand solo(独唱)artist to have a number one song3. earn the teenage star many awards4. Although Lordes rise to fame(成名,出名)seems to have happened at lightning speed(方式状语), she was producing music long before the world knew her name(时间状语).5. discover a love for singing a

4、nd acting6. Her raw talent, lake-blue(湖蓝色的) eyes and quiet, commanding presence(威严的风度/仪表) have placed her on the verge of becoming pop royalty.Saving China from air pollution1. cover with a white gauze kerchief2. some other eastern regions suffered from smog for several consecutive days3. upset(使感到不

5、安) local people4. do great harm to5. put up a fight6. taken some steps=take some measures7. place less emphasis on place/put/lay emphasis onA pub in a tree1. many works of arts (which is) related to trees2. this many(如此多) antsThe rise of American English1. undoubtedly2. in the lead3. owe more to Hol

6、lywood films, than Shakespeare第1073期生词中文生词中文star扮演主角account记述,说明navigate成功应付be subject to受支配suburban郊区的hesitate犹豫dozens of几十,许多shadow影子possess具有(品质,才能等)recognize认出,辨认poise沉着,泰然自若keep ones chin up别灰心,保持乐观terrific极好的trap使(某人)陷入困境role model榜样absorb吸收function运作controversy争议restore使恢复原状pros and cons正面与反面

7、,利弊hibernation冬眠,休眠knowledgeable博学的,有见识的survive经历而幸存distract使分心recovery恢复be of great importance非常重要The little girl is all grown up1. former child star2. is all grown up3. a wide-eyed 16-year-old girl4. She finds herself navigating(find/see/hear sb. doing) through the ups and downs(高低,起伏) of high sch

8、ool life with a group of friends in a suburban(郊区的) area, along with her new life in Manhattan. 她发现自己除了在郊区和她的朋友们一起面对高中生活的起起伏伏之外,还要面对在曼哈顿的新生活。5. thanks to her rich experiences in perfoming6. Apart from her talent in acting, .7. She chooses her roles carefully and works hard to balance her acting life

9、 with her personal life. 她认真选取角色,努力平衡演艺事业和私人生活。Yutu “wakes up”1. come back to life2. normal signal reception function(信号接收功能)3. posting first person accounts(第一人称) in the voice of the roverSky is the top dog1. wire fox terrier 刚毛猎狐梗2. drew the loudest cheers from the audienceMarry and Max1. anxiety

10、焦虑症2. carefully ordered lifeTrees-environment helpers1. filter 过滤器2. pollutant 污染物质3. soil erosion 水土流失4. topsoil 表层土5. keeping soil in place6. pay enough respect第1074期生词中文生词中文trek艰苦跋涉achieve取得,实现,成功battle与斗争remind提醒,使想起epic有重大历史意义的confused困惑的expedition远征,探险regard sth./sb. as把看作encounter遭到,遇到lack缺乏b

11、lister水疱enthusiasm热心,热情altitude高度(尤指海拔)accomplish完成,实现,达到sled平底雪橇sign up for报名参加debut初次亮相thesis论文municipal市的,市政的questionnaire调查问卷go viral迅速流行起来make conversation交谈,闲聊portray描绘reluctant不情愿的inspection视察,检查sympathy同情undertake承担discharge出院,排出edible可食用的rehabilitation康复Teen sets South Pole record1. raise m

12、oney for a youth charity2. During the journey, Lewis encountered a range of(一系列) problems, including blisters, a broken ski and a bad tough caused by the high altitudes.在旅途中,路易斯遭遇了一系列难题,包括出水疱、滑雪板损坏以及因高海拔所引起的严重咳嗽。Is it really that interesting?1. idiomatic expressions 地道的表达Interesting water culture in

13、 Britain1. This invention will in some way lighten the burden of drinking water shortage in Britain.My unexpected teacher1. They just need someone with the patience and willingness to lend an ear to them and spend some time to be with them.第1075期生词中文生词中文home sweet home温暖甜蜜的家serve为服务newness崭新in addit

14、ion除此之外preserve保护,维护,保留applicant申请人tree-lined绿树成荫的communication交流street vendor街头小贩encourage鼓励in places在某些地方stink恶臭barrel桶introduce引进talkative健谈的classical古典的,经典的mixture混合物define.as把定义为suspension暂停,吊销in a way在某种程度上permit许可证,执照high-tech高科技的license发执照,准许wear off逐渐消失bid for(购物或拍卖时)竞价dropout辍学者complaint投诉

15、,抱怨in possession of拥有concern担忧,忧虑Home sweet home1. I never thought that when I came here in 2014 from Toronto that I would stay this long, but I fell in love with the city as soon as my plane landed at Pudong airport.2. But what I like most about Shanghai is the people.3. dress up4. With the mixture

16、 of old and new, with its brightness and charm, I am proud to call(be proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到骄傲) Shanghai my home sweet home. 这座城市是新与旧的结合体,她熠熠生辉、充满魅力,因此,我很自豪地称上海为我温暖甜蜜的故乡。A surprise medal winner1. a house hold name 家喻户晓的名字2. I never thought I could make it to the final(决赛).3. make his way into the

17、national skating team make ones way into4. supported him to follow his heart5. He missed fried pork in scoop(锅包肉) and scrambled eggs with tomatoes(西红柿炒蛋) made by his mother.第1076期生词中文生词中文surf冲浪bored无聊的alien外星人keen敏捷的cultural import文化输入embarrassed尴尬的enthusiasm热情,积极性transform(使)变换heroine女主角do harm to损

18、害,对有害fattening(食品)易使人发胖的generate产生,造成profile形象far and wide到处have influence with对有影响力swish刷刷地移动representative有代表性的stable马厩emphasis重点,强调hay干草analysis分析the authorities当局optional可选择的,非强制的inspection检查separate单独的,分开的impose征(税);罚(款)admissions招生,录取fine罚金agony苦恼,痛苦reorganize重整respond回应China surfs the Korean

19、Wave1. Kim plays an alien. Chinese viewers tune in(收看,收听) to watch this unlikely romance.2. The Korean Wave has helped bring billions of dollars into the Korean economy and has raised Koreas profile in Southeast Asia and the world.3. .than Japanese, which used to be more popular. 非限制性定语从句Major chang

20、es coming to SAT1. SAT Scholastic Assessment Test 学术评估测试A boy who always won1. in order to win in everything2. an expert in all kinds of cheating3. prevent any of the tricks(花招) from working4. it was when he could learn from his failuresTell the agony aunt your problem1. respond2. a strong fear of f

21、ailure3. have difficulties in learning4. spend more time learning it第1077期生词中文生词中文undoubtedly毋庸置疑地breathtaking惊人的,激动人心的phenomenal非凡的,显著的innumerable无数的,数不清的instrumentalist乐器演奏者heritage遗产showcase(使)展示charge使充电majority多数,大多数inspire鼓励,鼓舞act表演destiny命运使成为,使被认可为take responsibility for.对承担责任en

22、tertainer表演者give a hand to给予帮助deliberately故意地be familiar to熟悉confirm证实,确认in ones point of view在某人看来investigator调查人员depend on依靠;取决于motivation动机protect.from.防止遭受estimate估计,估算cut off切断detect侦测到,发觉pose a problem造成问题Bruno Mars to wow Shanghai1. After a phenomenal 2013 which saw him pick up a lot of award

23、s and put on many shows. performing at the Super Bowl halftime show. 布鲁诺马尔斯度过了一个非同寻常的2013年,他获得了很多奖项,并参加过多次表演。2014年伊始,他延续了去年相似的风格,赢得全英音乐年度国际最佳男歌手奖,以及在超级碗中场秀表演(的机会)2. It means that this concert will stand out(脱颖而出,突出,出色) from the majority of pop acts and will leave the audience in Shanghai with a deep

24、 impression.Demeter Fragrance Library1. Compared with traditional perfumes.2. launched(推出) their products 3. has been a great successRun, dont walk!1. kinetic 动能的2. After one year, the electricity generated from the tiles can fully charge 853 mobile phones or power an electric car to drive seven mil

25、es.Starry night sky of Lake Tekapo1. dot the sky 2. world heritageImportant values in life1. as to live a meaningful life2. Honesty is the best policy 3. be willing to第1078期生词中文生词中文capable有能力的,有才能的graduate from从毕业financial resource资金来源,金融资源put.into action把付诸实践sector部分,部门emphasize强调,着重infrastructure

26、construction基础设施建设make sense言之有理livelihood生活,生计make a balance平衡investment投资(额),投资的财产adopt采取prestige声望,声誉symbol象征,标志unused不在用的,空着的entertainment娱乐,消遣accompany陪伴,伴随jealous嫉妒的address对发表演说appreciate欣赏packed座无虚席的cheer sb. up使某人振作起来diplomacy外交eager渴望的agenda议事日程embarrassed尴尬的exchange交流frustrated沮丧的concern关心

27、的事regret后悔require要求knock.over把撞到Shanghai looks to host 2028 Olympics1. strive to do sth. 力争做某事,努力做某事第1079期生词中文生词中文bump碰撞,冲撞strand困住squeeze挤,挤塞steep陡峭的commuter乘车上下班者stumble跌跌撞撞地走ordeal折磨,煎熬back-breaking十分费力的bug烦扰be willing to愿意bowling保龄球benefit from从中收益wrap缠绕,环绕make a contribution to.为作贡献pole杆,扶杆reluctant不情愿的,勉强的considerate替(他人)着想的optimistic乐观的attempt尝试,努力get involved in.参与到中documentary纪录片

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