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1、课标版中考英语总复习第一部分基础知识梳理课时9八下5试题第一部分 基础知识梳理课时9 八5.单项填空1. (2017南充)Many young people usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.Thats good. The old should be _.A. looked for B. listened toC. depended on D. cared for2. (2017滨州)What do you think of the movie The Fate of the Furious 8?It is _! I enjoy i

2、t very much.A. friendly B. fantastic C. awful D. noisy3. (2017滨州)Its best to stay indoors, _ when PM 2.5 has reached dangerous levels in winter. A. exactly B. possiblyC. especially D. generally4. What do you think of Miss Meng?She is a kindhearted and patient teacher with a _ of humor.A. sense B. di

3、rection C. taste D. feeling5. Shall I sit at the end of the boat or the other end?You can sit at _ end as long as you keep still.A. any B. each C. neither D. either6. Do you still remember that accident, Danny?Of course. Ill never forget it _ it happened so long ago.A. if B. though C. because D. sin

4、ce7. My sister is a _ person. She is sure about her own ability.A. confident B. selfish C. patient D. humorous8. Do you think we will have a math test next week?No doubt. The math teacher _ to enjoy it.A. feels B. sounds C. seems D. smells9. The elephants play an important _ in the Thai culture. The

5、yre the symbol of power and grace.A. politics B. roleC. education D. economy10. We students should be _ of our own culture. We will tell more people about stories of China one day.A. excited B. proudC. surprised D. afraid11. Have you ever _ to do anything?Yes, but I never give up until I make it bec

6、ause failure is the mother of success.A. succeeded B. failedC. managed D. forgot. 完形填空(2017河北改编)One thorn(刺) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old. In most things he was a fine boy, but he would cry from time to time. When he could not have what he wanted, he wo

7、uld _1_ for it. If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not _2_ it, he would also cry.One day, he went with his mother into the _3_. The sun shone. The grass was cut. The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy. A _4_ was on his face. He wished to do

8、as he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.“Now you must be tired and _5_,” said his mother.“Have a good rest here and eat some cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose for you.”So his mother brought the red flower to him. When he saw his mother still had a whit

9、e rose in her hand, Ralph _6_ it.“No, my dear,”said his mother.“See how many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or you would be sure to hurt your _7_” When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he began to cry, and _8_ took it away. But he was soon very sorry. The thorns hurt his han

10、d. It was so _9_ that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never forget this. From then _10_, when he wanted what he should not have, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He at last learned to do as he was told.1. A. run B. cry C. plan D. call2. A. save B. hide C.

11、have D. lose3. A. park B. garden C. forest D. field4. A. smile B. sign C. fear D. mark5. A. lazy B. noisy C. hungry D. sleepy6. A. waited for B. asked forC. cared for D. thanked for7. A. arm B. leg C. hand D. foot8. A. quietly B. proudly C. politely D. suddenly9. A. helpful B. harmful C. peaceful D.

12、 painful10. A. to B. of C. on D. in. 阅读理解ATonys father was a reporter. When he was doing a special interview, he went missing. Tony was afraid his father was dead.Tony and his mother were sad. When Christmas came, his mother was ill. Tony wanted to buy something to make his mother happy at Christmas

13、.Tony bought a Christmas cake in a store. On his way home, he met a blind woman with two little children. He wanted to help them, but he didnt have any money, so he gave the cake to the children. Then he saw many people celebrating Christmas happily. Tony felt lonely and sad. Then he went to the chu

14、rch. He said to Father (神父) Thomas “The whole world is celebrating except my mother and me.” Father Thomas told Tony, “The true meaning of Christmas isnt about cutting cakes, singing songs or having a party all night. The true spirit of Christmas is in giving and sharing. And that is what youve done

15、.” Then Tony felt a little better and went home.The next morning, when Tony woke up, someone was ringing the doorbell. Tony opened the door. Standing before him was his father. He was still alive. God had answered Tonys kindness.1. Tonys father went missing when he was doing a special interview.2. T

16、ony went out to look for his father on Christmas Eve. 3. Tony bought a Christmas cake to help the blind woman. 4. Father Thomas really knew where Tonys father was. 5. The next morning, Tonys father came back with a Christmas cake in his hand.B如何全面了解新事物If you want to see a thing well, reach out and t

17、ouch it! That may seem a strange thing to say. _1_ Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the glass ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. _2_ For example,

18、your fingers can tell the differences between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. All children soon learn what “Dont touch!” means. They hear it often. _3_ In shops, we touch things as we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we hav

19、e to touch it.4_ One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body and the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them! Most museums are just for visiting. _5_ Their

20、 signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show. If we want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!A. With your skin, you can feel better.B. But today some museums have something to touch.C. You can touch some things in the museum.D. There are ways of learning to

21、see better by feeling.E. When buying shoes, try to feel them on your feet.F. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up.G. But touching things can help you see them better. 书面表达(2017昭通昭阳区二模)Helping Others Makes Me Happy提示: 赠人玫瑰,手有余香;帮助别人,快乐自己。你一定体验过帮助别人之后心里那份幸福,请以“Helping Others Makes Me H

22、appy”为题,用英语写一篇短文和我们分享帮助别人之后的快乐。要求:1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁、词数不少于60个;2. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。_答案.1. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为“很多年轻人经常在公交车上给老年人让座位。”“那是很好的。老年人应该被_。”looked for寻找;listened to听;depended on依赖;cared for关心,照顾。分析句意,老人应该被照顾,故选D。2. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为“你认为影片速度与激情8怎么样?”“它是_!我非常喜欢它。”friendly友好的; fantastic极好的;awfu

23、l 可怕的; noisy 吵闹的。根据答语我非常喜欢可推断出电影是好的。故选B。3. C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:你最好待在室内,_当PM2.5指数在冬季达到危险的标准时。exactly准确地;possibly可能地;especially尤其地,特别地;generally一般地,大体上。根据句意可知此处表达尤其是,特别是,故选C。4. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析及固定搭配。句意“你认为孟老师怎么样?”“她是一位善良的、有耐心的又有_的老师。”sense 意识;direction 方向;taste 品味;feeling感觉。a sense of humor “幽默感”,为固定搭配。故选A。

24、5. D【解析】考查不定代词词义辨析。句意“我可以坐在船的这端或者那端吗?”“你可以坐在_一头只要你保持不动。”any任何一个;each每个;neither两者都不;either两者之中任一。根据句意可知坐在船的任何一端都可以,故选D。6. B【解析】考查从属连词辨析。句意“你还记得那次意外吗,丹尼?”“当然。我永远不会忘记它,_它发生在很久以前。”if如果;though尽管;because因为;since自从。根据语境可知此处表示让步关系,意为“尽管”,故选B。7. A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的妹妹(姐姐)是一个_人。她确信她自己的能力。confident自信的;selfish自

25、私的;patient耐心的;humorous幽默的。根据后句句意可知她是自信的人,故选A。8. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“你认为我们下周会有一场数学考试吗?”“毫无疑问。数学老师_很喜欢考试。”feels感觉起来;sounds听起来;seems似乎,好像;smells闻起来。分析句子可知此处表示似乎,好像,故选C。9. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析及固定搭配。句意:大象在泰国文化中扮演着重要角色。它们是能量和慈悲的象征。play an important role in.在中扮演重要角色。故选B。10. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析及固定搭配。句意:我们学生应该以我们自己的文化_。我们有

26、一天会告诉更多的人关于中国的故事。excited兴奋的;proud骄傲的;surprised惊讶的;afraid害怕的。根据语境可知是对自己的文化感到骄傲,be proud of对感到骄傲,为固定搭配,故选B。11. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为“你曾经做某事_过吗?”“是的,但我从来不会放弃直到我成功,因为失败是成功之母。”succeeded成功,常用于succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事;failed 失败,常用于 fail to do sth. 未能做某事;managed 管理,设法, 常用于 manage to do sth. 设法做成某事; forgot忘记

27、,常用于forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事。 根据后面的答语可推知,前一句询问的是“你曾经做某事失败过吗?”,故选B。. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。拉尔夫维克七岁了,大多数情况下他是个好孩子,但如果他得不到他想要的就会哭。有一天,他和妈妈在田野里干活,妈妈不让他拿一朵白玫瑰,因为上面有刺,他偏不听,一把夺过它。结果,拉尔夫被刺扎中,疼痛了好多天。这个故事告诉我们:一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。1. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。run跑;cry哭;plan计划;call打电话,叫。从下句“If he was told that it would hurt him, and

28、he could not _ it, he would also cry.”可知,如果别人告诉他那个东西会伤着他,并且他不能拥有它,他也哭闹。因此,当他得不到自己想要的东西时,就会哭着要它。所以,“cry”符合语境。故选B。2. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。save保存,节省;hide藏;have拥有;lose丢失。根据语境及上文可知此处意为不能拥有它。故选C。3. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。park公园;garden花园;forest森林;field田野。从下文“Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy

29、.”可知,拉尔夫帮助妈妈干农活,他非常开心。因此,他们应该到田野里去了。所以,“field”符合语境。故选D。4. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。smile微笑;sign符号,标记;fear害怕;mark记号,成绩。从下句“Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.”可知,拉尔夫帮助妈妈干农活,他非常开心。因此,应该是微笑挂在他脸上。所以,“smile”符合语境。故选A。5. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。lazy懒惰的;noisy吵闹的;hungry饥饿的;sleepy困倦的。从下句“Have a good

30、 rest here and eat some cookies.”可知,妈妈让他好好休息,吃点饼干。因此,拉尔夫应该饿了。所以,“hungry”符合语境。故选C。6. B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。waited for等待,等候;asked for要,寻求;cared for关心,关注;thanked for因感谢。从上句“I will get a beautiful red rose for you.”可知,妈妈想给他摘红色的玫瑰。看到白色玫瑰,他应该也想要。因此,“asked for”符合语境。故选B。7. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。arm胳膊;leg腿;hand手;foot脚。从下文“The thorns hurt his hand.”可知,白玫瑰上的刺会弄伤拉尔

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