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6A Unit1Unit8 复习题.docx

1、6A Unit1Unit8 复习题Unit 1练习一,判断单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示( )1. grass pass ( ) 2. sign litter ( ) 3. early easy ( ) 4. stop brother( ) 5. danger cage ( ) 6. smoke woman( ) 7. bird bed ( ) 8. public put 二 英汉互译1在公园里 2.在草地上 3禁止自行车通行 4.不许乱扔垃圾 5不许停放车辆 6.许多 7在墙上 8.散步 9公共标记 10.吵闹 11. at Jinling Zoo 12. take a

2、walk 13.keep off 14.keep quiet 三 选词填空(每词只能用一次)a lot of make about should off quiet in shouldnt always a lot on away1. Jack _has _ questions.2. He is asking Ben some questions _ the public signs.3. Can I go_?4. You must stay _from the building.5. Keep _ the grass.6. There is a sign _ the grass.7. Ple

3、ase keep _.8. We shouldnt _ noise here.9. You _ go out without a coat. Youll be cold.10. Now I know _ about public signs.11. You _ brush your teeth before you go to bed every day.四 句型转换1. It means No Parking.(提问)_?2. Can I watch TV now? (肯定回答) _.3.Does your sister come home now?(否定回答) _.4. It means

4、Danger. (改为一般疑问句 ) _?五 选择题( )1.-What does this sign_?-It_ you shouldnt walk on the grass in the park.A.mean;mean B. means;means C.mean; means( )2.The signs_ the lake say No cycling. We cant cycle here.A. around B. round C.a round( )3. Mums coat is black. _ is white.A. He B. Mine C. Your( )4._ you se

5、e the sign over there?A. can B. cant C. Cant( )5.-Can I ask you a question?-No, you cant. You_ ask the teacher.A. will B. should C. would( )6.Which is the first day of the week? _.A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday( )7. The boys _ books in the classroom now.A. are looking at B. are reading C. are seein

6、g( )8. The park keeper _ a sign on the grass.A. points B. point to C. points to( )9. Theres _ English book over there. _ English book is Sarahs.A. the; An B. an; An C. an; The( )10. What_ it mean?A. does B. do C. did( )11. There are _signs here.A. a lot B. much C. a lot of( )12. Look at the sign. Yo

7、u_ on the grass.A. may B. shouldnt C. should ( )13. Do you like the park?A. Yes, I am. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. D. No, Im not.六 改错1. There are a lot of sign in the street.2. What does that means?3. Today is Saturday. Ben and her cousin Jack are at the zoo.4. You must keep quietly near the birds ca

8、ge.5. -Whats the time? -Its at eight oclock.七 完形填空Today is Saturday. I 1 go to school on Saturdays. I usually go to library 2 my father. 3 breakfast, we go there by bike. I read 4 interesting(有趣的)books. There are mang signs 5 it. I know a sign on the wall means “ 6 ”, so we must stay 7 the building.

9、 A sign on the grass means “ Keep off the grass”, so we shouldnt 8 on the grass.( )1. A. dont B. cant C. shouldnt D. arent( )2. A. for B. from C. and D. with( )3. A. Have B. Before C. After D. With( )4. A. much B. a lot C. many D. an( )5. A. on B. in C. about D. at ( )6. A. safe(安全) B.dangerous C. d

10、anger D. pass( )7. A. off B. away C. out D. with( )8. A. walk B. take C. keep off D.keepUnit 2 Bens birthday(一)写出下列序数词的完整形式12th_ 21st _3rd _5th _2nd _40th _(二)根据答句,完成问句。1.-_ is the _ today? -It is the fourth of February.2.-_ is your _? -My birthday is on the sixth of June.3.-What_is _ today/ -Its Su

11、nday.4.-_ _ you like? -Id like some chocolate.5.-_ are they_ about? -They are talking about Bens birhday party.(三)用英语写出下列节日的日期Childrens Day(儿童节)_ Teachers Day_Christmas Day_(圣诞节)_ May Day _Halloween Day(万圣节)_(四)翻译句子1.桌子上有一只生日蛋_2 我父亲正在穿外套_3妈妈吹熄了生日蜡烛_4汤姆每年举行生日聚会_5欢迎你来参加我的生日聚会_(五)选择题1.( )_ is the first

12、 day of a week.A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday2.( )May 21st ,1996 reads_.A. May twenty-one, nineteen ninety-sixB. the twenty-first, May, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-sixC. May the twenty-first, nineteen ninety-sixD. the May twenty-first, the 19963.( )John is twenty years old, but

13、he has only five birthdays. Why? Because he was born_.A. at night B. five years ago C. on the last night of a year D. on February 294.( )People speak least on _.A. January B. February C. March D. May5.( )Mike would _ some stamps_ a birthday present.A. like, to B. want, for C. like, as D. want , asUn

14、it 3 It was there一、 选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项。(5分) ( )1.bear A. pear B. near C. dear( )2.sweater A. read B. teacher C. ready( ) A. there B. where C. hear( ) A. window B. how C. know( )5.race A. make B. cat C. what二、 跟据下列要求写出相应的单词。(5分)1. are (过去式)_ 2. diary (复数形式)_ 3. was (原形)_ 4. just now (近义词组)

15、_ 5. in front of (对应词)_三、 英汉词组互译。(10分)1.体育运动日_ 2.刚才_ 3.把它们捡起来_ 4.寻找_ 5.看跑步比赛_ 6.一部手机_ 7.a roll of film_ 8.listen to music_ 9.on the ground_ 10.the names of some of the things_ 四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. -Where_ (be) my earphones? -They_(be) on the desk this morning.2.Look,They_(take) photos.3.Today is

16、the_(three) of March.4.Helen sits next to_(we).5.All the people are very _(excite) at the_(excite) race.6.Would you like a pair of _(glass)?7.Its _(sport) Day.8.The bear_(is) under the pear tree this morning.五、 选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. Please say something _ the race.A. of B. about C. in( ) 2. Mike wants _

17、football. A. to play B. playing C. play( ) 3. The girls are _ the running race in the playground.A. seeing B. looking C. watching( ) 4. My pen is on the floor, please _ for me.A. pick up it B. pick it up C. pick them up( ) 5. The football match (比赛) is very _. All the students are very _. A. excited

18、 exciting B. exciting excited C. excite excited( ) 6. They _ there last night. A. were B. was C. are( ) 7. Look, the boys _. A. running B. are runing C. are running( ) 8. Su Yang is reading books _ her friends.A. and B. with C. to( ) 9. There _ a pair of shoes under the bed.A. are B. is C. were( ) 1

19、0. Try _ your eyes.A. closing B. to close C. close六、 根据要求句型转换,每空一词。(5分)1. Liu Taos Walkman is in the bag. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Liu Taos Walkman?2. Open the door, please. (改为否定句)_ _ the door, please.3. Let me have a look. (改为同义句)Let _ _.4. My parents arent at home now. (用last night替换 now)My parents _ _ at ho

20、me _ _.七、 连词成句。(10分)1. ago , where , a , were , moment , they (?)_2. box , are , CDs , in , my , the (.)_3. her , is , for , camera , she , looking (.)_4. diary , I , find , my , cant (.)_5. please , you , can , pick , me , them , up , for (. )_八、 从栏中找出栏的答句。(10分) ( ) 1. Where is my Walkman? A. Its s

21、even o clock.( ) 2. Can you look after my clothes? B. Its Tuesday.( ) 3. What day is it today? C. Its on the 1st of June.( ) 4. Whens your birthday? D. No, I werent.( ) 5. Dont smoke here. E. Yes, thanks.( ) 6. Do you have a computer? F. OK.( ) 7. Were your parents at home yesterday? G. No, I dont.(

22、 ) 8. Whats the time, please? H. Its on the desk.( ) 9. Are you ready? I. Thanks a lot.( ) 10. Happy birthday to you! J. Yes, they were.九、 阅读理解。(5分)This is a picture of a classroom. In the picture, you can see a table, six desks, six chairs and a blackboard. You can see a boy and two girls, too. Two

23、 books are on the table, a pencilbox is on a desk, two pens and a ruler are in the pencilbox. A bag is behind a chair, there is a picture of a cat on the blackboard. The boy is Jim, he is twelve, and the girl with a hat is Lily. She is twelve, too. The other girl is Sue, she is eleven. They look the

24、 same. Their teacher, M r Green isnt here.根据短文选择最佳答案。( )1. Its a picture of _.A. boys and girls B. a table and chairs C. a room and blackboard D. a classroom( ) 2. How many people are there in the picture?A. Three. B. Four. C. Two. D. Five.( ) 3. How old are the students in the picture?Sue is_. Jim

25、is _. Lily is _.A. 12, 12, 12 B. 12, 12, 11 C. 11, 12, 12 D. 12, 11, 12( ) 4. Lily has a_ ?A. pencilbox B. picture C. desk D. hat( ) 5. Which is right?A. Jim and Sue look the same. B. There are six desks and two pencilboxes in the picture.C. M r Green is their teacher.D. Two pens and two books are i

26、n the pencilbox.Unit 4 Review and check五、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的画打“ ”,不相同的打“”(5分)1. here 2. tiger 3. tap there orange table 4. thank 5. roomthink classroom六、中英互译(12分)1. 问我一些问题 2. 他的生日 3. 在四月 4. 六月二日 5. 什么日期 6. 寻找她的手机 7. 刚才 8. different things 9.a ten yuan note 10. should Be quiet 11. blow out the candles 12. pick up a roll of film for Su Yang 七、选择填空(15分)( )1. Its six thirty. Its time breakfast. A. to B. have C. for( )2. You Keep off the grass. Y

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