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1、,Lesson 7His father wanted him to become a lawyer.,单位:北京师范大学大兴附属中学 作者:刘欣,说课内容,七说,七资源 开发,一教材 分析,二学情 分析,五板书设计,六课堂 评价,三教学 模式,四教学 设计,单元内容,Lesson 7 His father wanted him to become a lawyer,Lesson 6 How will life be different from now,Lesson 5 I thinkshopping will change,Lesson 8 To make predictions for t

2、he future is very difficult,future life,life in 2050,science fiction,The possibility of making predictions for the future.,学情分析,学情分析,学生在本单元的前两课已 经学习并能熟练应用一般将来时来对未来生活进行预测。语法方面,已经学习并掌握 了动词不定式的用法,为文 章的阅读扫清了障碍。,本班大部分学生对于英语学 习有浓厚的兴趣,能主动参 与到课堂活动中,成为课堂 的主体但是由于生源所限,阅读能力不强,尤其如何在 语境中恰当准确地理解关键 词,以及如何对文章内容进 行概括

3、和推断是他们能力的 欠缺之处。,教学模式,语言知识的综合运用和能力的提升,PWP教学法,任务型教学,小组合作,探究学习,评价反思,教学资源开发,音频,循序渐进,推进教学,开展阅读 教学活动,直观感觉 自己的作品,创设语言 学习氛围,图片(学生作品),学案,多媒体PPT,学生课程资源开发,对未来生活 的憧憬和向往,激发学习动力,解决学习困难,挖掘自身需要,推动学习发展,小组成员之 间的合作和 互相学习学生自身,课堂教学的主体,他们的 已有经验和认知需求,学生已有的 相关知识,教学目标,1 知识目标1)能在语言环境中熟练应用本课单词 prediction,success.etc2)能理解阅读材料中

4、关键词的词意2 能力目标能读懂阅读材料,并且具有对文章的总结和推断能力能口头和笔头表达预测话题的相关内容3 情感态度价值观能大胆对未来生活进行憧憬和畅想明确对未来的预测需要脚踏实地的努力去实现,遇 到困难,不能放弃,小组合作,话题引领,教学重点和难点,教学难点根据阅读材料,在语境中恰当准确地理解关键词对文章或是段落的主要内容进行总结和推断,教学重点通过预测未来这个话题开展的各种相关活动。培养学生通过阅读材料具备猜测词义,推断,总结 等阅读策略以及语言综合运用能力。,Sing a songWhat will I be,Singasong,What will I be,设计意图:利用切合本课话题的

5、歌曲 导入,激发学生热情,复 习用一般将来时对未来进 行预测的用法,2012 is aScience fiction,movie.In the,movie,people make manypredictions for the future of the earth,flood,earthquake,volcano will destroy our homeland,the world will come to the end.But people try their bestto fight against the terrible condition.They finally get su

6、ccess.We believe it is only aprediction.It wont come true forever.,设计意图:利用对未来进行预测的科 幻电影的影评来进行本课 单词的回顾,创设了在语 言环境中应用单词的氛围,Jules Verne,(1828-1905)A famous French writer in the 19th century,the father of science fiction.,设计意图:让学生了解一些关于Jules Verne 的情况,为下面的 课文学习做铺垫,并给课 外知识丰富的同学一些口 头展示的空间。,设计意图:利用图画和英文介绍以小

7、 组的形式展示预习效果,为下面阅读活动的开展进 行读前的热身。,1,2,3,Scanning,Intensive-reading-Find the details,While reading,Context-guessthe meaningofsomewords,4,Drawa conclusion,Choose the correct sentences to finish the passage,A It was the first Disney movie to use real actors instead of cartoon drawings.B He began to make

8、predictions for the future in his book.C In the 19th century,many people were interested in science and inventionsD The successful of this book encouraged him to write more storiesE At first he wrote plays for the theater.,Science fiction is a popular type of writing,and many people think of Jules V

9、erne as the father of science fiction.He was born in France in 1828.His father wanted him to become a lawyer but from his early twenties Verne decided to become a writer.E.Then,in 1963,he wrote a story called Five weeks in a balloDon.such as A journey to the Center of the Earth(1864)and From the Ear

10、th to the Moon(1865).CJules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and,as a result,they were very popular.Vernes writing included many predictions for the 20th century and many of them came true.He described space flight,movies,and air conditioning,a long time before they appeared.Thes

11、e books were successful and they made Verne rich.Jules Vernes books have been the subjects for many movies.20000 Leagues Under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney A.Around the world in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Vernes books.The main character is an Englishman cal

12、led Phileas Fogg.For him,the most important thing is to be always on time.,(1.2)ReadingRead the text and answer the following questions.Who was Jules Verne?He was the father of science fiction.How long did Jules live?77 years old.,What encouraged him to write more stories?The success of encouraged h

13、im to write more stories.Which of Jules stories have been made into movies?20,000 leagues under the sea.Around the world in 80 days.,5.What is different about Vernes science fiction writing?His writing included many predictions for the 20th Century and many of them came true.,Read the text again and

14、 circle the correct options.What does the phrase“the father of science fiction mean?(paragraph 1)Aa major science fiction writerB.the father of many childrenC.a writer who is also a father,What does the phrase“his early twenties”mean?(paragraph 1)from the age of 18 to 20from the age of 20 to 24in th

15、e 1820s,What does the phrase“main character”mean?(paragraph 3)one of Vernes English friendsan English person in a storythe key person in a story.,4.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?AJules Vern only wrote plays in the 19th centuryB Many of the predictions in Verns stories came

16、true.C The main character in Verns books are always on timeD The space flight Verne described different from others,vacuum,Wonder,System,Program,to plan for sth to happen,have a wish to know something,a machine that can clean the dirt away,a group of things or parts that work together,Match the two parts,设计意图,读前猜测词意,为阅读 文章扫清障碍,Read the passage and finish the questions.How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.What is future kitchen work like?,A.Terrific and rel

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