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高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 23 Section 3 含答案.docx

1、高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 23 Section 3 含答案.词义匹配1importanot seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan2sponsor bthe money that you spend on sth.3strengthen cto bring a product, a service, an idea, etc. into one country from another4intend dto have a plan in your mind when you do sth.5expense espoken or

2、 written in secret and intended to be kept secret6stable ffirmly fixed7arbitrary gto pay the costs of an event, programme, ect. as a way of advertising8confidential hto become stronger答案:1.c2.g3.h4.d5.b6.f7.a8.e.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1strengthenvt.(使)变强,加强strengthn力气,优势strongadj.强的,强壮的2unfitadj.不健壮的unfitness

3、n不健康,状态欠佳fitadj.健壮的,健康的fitnessn健康3liberationn解放liberatev解放4. theoreticaladj.理论的theoryn理论5socialismn社会主义socialistn社会主义者socialadj.社会的,社交的6possessvt. 拥有possessionn拥有,具有possessedadj.着迷的,具有(某种品质、能力等)的possessiveadj.占有的,自私的.补全短语1as though/if好像2at full speed 全速地3in contact with与联系/接触4look forward to 盼望,期待5h

4、ear from sb. 收到某人的来信6join up参军;连接7rope off用绳围起(隔开)8bring sth. on sb. 给某人招来(不愉快的)事情9look into 调查10sort out解决(问题或困难);整理1. But I find out that you dont sponsor Armstrong and after using the bike for a month it is as though I have done no exercise at all.但我发现你们并没有赞助阿姆斯特朗,并且使用这辆自行车一个月了,好像我一点也没得到锻炼。句式分析as

5、 though“似乎,好像”,在句中引导表语从句,常放在look, sound, seem等系动词后。佳句赏析听起来好像有人在敲门。It sounds as though there is a knock at the door.2In fact, the more I use the bike, the more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully.事实上,我越使用这辆自行车,我好像就越增重,尽管我认真地按使用指南去做了。句式分析本句为“the比较级the比较级”句型,意为“越

6、就越”。佳句赏析你说英语越多,它就会越好。The more you speak English, the better your English will be.3(长难句分析)In your advertising you claim that you sponsor Lance Armstrong and that, by using the exercise bike for ten minutes a day, one would strengthen ones body and lose at least two kilos a week.在你的广告中,你说你赞助了兰斯阿姆斯特朗,还

7、说一个人每天骑十分钟的自行车就会增强体质,一周(体重)至少减掉两千克。考点1intend vt.想要,打算教材原句Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks, I intend to take further action.如果在接下来的三周之内我得不到好的答复,我打算采取进一步的行动。I intend to get there as soon as I can.我打算尽快赶到那里。The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main ch

8、aracter.作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。intend doing sth.=intend to do sth.打算做某事intend sb. to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend sth. for 打算把某物用作,打算把某物给使用It is intended that . 打算;按计划I intend studying/to study abroad.我打算出国留学。He intends his son to_manage (manage) the company.他打算让他儿子经营该公司。It is intended that production will star

9、t at the end of the month.计划月底将开始生产。名师点津intend, hope, wish, mean, expect, plan, want, attempt等,常用过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的愿望或打算,意为“本打算/希望做而未做”。I had intended to come to the party, but I was too busy.我本打算去参加聚会的,可是我太忙了。We had planned to go on a picnic yesterday, but it was raining.我们本计划昨天去野餐的,可一直下雨。1单句语法填空I didn

10、t intend her to_see (see) the painting until it was finished.Today, I intend to_finish/finishing (finish) reading this book.The book is intended for English beginners.2完成句子这本书是给小孩子看的。This book is_intended_for little children.按计划所有新员工都要接受培训。It_is_intended_that all new employees will receive training.

11、3根据汉语提示完成小片段妈妈打算为爸爸的生日举办一个聚会。但是她工作很忙,因此她打算让我为聚会做准备。妈妈要求所有的活动和礼物都必须是专门为爸爸所设计的。并且,我们大家都必须保密,因为爸爸没有举办生日聚会的打算。My mother intendstoholdaparty for fathers birthday.But she is busy with work, so she intendsmetoprepare forit.She requested that all the activities and gifts (should)beintendedfor father.And we

12、all need to keep it secret, because father hasnointentionofholding a birthday party.考点2join up 参军,入伍;连接教材原句The film begins at the start of the war and shows examples of the enthusiasm for the war in 1914 which persuaded millions of young Europeans to join up and fight for their country.电影的情节始于战争开始,展

13、现了1914年欧洲的年轻人在对战争的狂热驱使下参军为国而战的生动事例。He wants to join up but hes really unfit in some aspects.他想参军但在一些方面确实不适合。The bridge joins the two cities up,_giving people much convenience.这座桥把这两个城市连接了起来,给人们带来很多方便。join in参与;参加join sb. in (doing) sth. 与某人一起(做)某事join hands with 与联手/携手合作join up with 与某人结伙/搭伙join . t

14、o . 把与连在一起I am sure youll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.我相信大家会愿意和我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.教育一向不肯与企业联手发展。辨析比较join参加;加入。宾语往往是团体、组织、军队、政党等join in加入到行列;一起从事某项活动join up表示“参军;入伍”时为不及物动词,后不带宾语;表示“把连接起来”时为及物动词,后带宾语1选词填空: join, join

15、in, join upAlmost all the teams in our school join_in the basketball tournament.My father joined a revolutionary organization in 1938.Our government calls on students to join_up.2完成句子老师们经常与我们一起唱歌跳舞。Our teachers often join_us_in_singing_and_dancing.他们正出发去与总部会合。They are moving out to_join_up_with the

16、head quarters.考点3possess vt.拥有教材原句The gallery possessed a number of the artists early works.这座画廊藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。(1)be possessed of拥有,占有;具有(2)possession n. 拥有,占有;所有物;财产take possession of 拥有,占有in possession of 拥有,占有in the possession of 为所拥有The possession (possess) of a degree does not guarantee you a jo

17、b.拥有一个学位不能保证你找到工作。We cant take possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.We cant be in possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.The house cant be in the possession of us until all the papers have been signed.所有的文件都签字以后,我们才能拥有这所房子。名师点津possession作“财产,私有物品”讲时,常用

18、复数形式。in possession of的主语常常是人;in the possession of的主语常常是物。具有类似用法的名词还有charge, control。1单句语法填空You cant legally take possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.The gang was caught in possession (possess) of stolen goods.2句型转换She possesses exceptional powers of concentratio

19、n.She is_ possessed_ _of exceptional powers of concentration.She takes_ possession_ of exceptional powers of concentration.She is_ in_ possession_ of exceptional powers of concentration.考点4bring sth. on sb.给某人招来(不愉快的)事情教材原句He made me feel that Id brought these troubles on myself by buying the bike i

20、n the first place.他使我感觉首先是我买这辆自行车给自己带来了麻烦。The little factory brings noise pollution on the nearby villagers.小工厂给附近的村民带来了噪音污染。Her fever was brought on by going out in the rain.她发烧是因冒雨外出引起的。bring about引起,导致bring down 降低;使降落bring up 养育;提出;呕吐bring in 引进;赚得bring back 唤起;归还;恢复bring on 引起;带来(灾难等)What broug

21、ht about the change in your attitude?是什么使你改变了态度?The tourism can bring in a lot of money for local people.旅游业可以让当地居民赚很多钱。1介、副词填空Selling newspapers brings in enough money for my schooling.Please bring back the library book tomorrow.His carelessness brought about this failure in the exam.Could you brin

22、g down the price a little?2完成句子长时间使用电脑会令我们疲劳。Working on computers for a long time can_bring_tiredness_on_us.她是在乡下由祖母抚养大的。She was_brought_up in the country by her grandma.考点5look into 调查;朝里面看教材原句And we will look into the subject of compensating you for your injury.我们将对这个事件进行协调,赔偿你受伤的损失。Police are loo

23、king into the disappearance of two children.警察正在调查两个孩子失踪的事。An old man in rags was_looking_into the shop window.一个衣衫褴褛的老人正朝商店橱窗里看。look around/round环顾四周look back (on) 回忆起look up 抬头看;查阅look up to 尊敬look down on/upon 向下看;轻视look ahead 向前看;为将来打算look through 检查;浏览We are looking around for a house in this a

24、rea.我们正在这个地方四处找房子。She looks down upon people who havent been to college.她瞧不起没上过大学的人。He looked through the notes before the exam.考试前他浏览了一下笔记。1介、副词填空They found time to look around/round the city.They set up a working group to look into the problem.The old soldier likes to look back on those unforgetab

25、le years in the army.You should look up to your teacher.2完成句子The rich man looked_down_on/upon_his_poorer_neighbors (瞧不起比他贫穷的邻居) which made others disgusted.I looked_through_todays_newspapers (浏览了今天的报纸) but found nothing interesting.The time has come when we should look_ahead_to_the_future (为将来打算)。考点

26、6sort out 解决(问题或困难),挑选出;区分开来教材原句. and we can sort out the money for your injury on the spot.我们可以当场对您的伤势进行赔偿。How does the manager try to sort out the conflict?经理是怎样试着解决冲突的?Please sort out the toys that can be thrown away.请把可以扔掉的玩具挑出来。There is something wrong with the program. Ill try to sort things o

27、ut and call you back.程序出了点问题。我会设法解决,然后给你回电话。(1)sort out from从中挑选sort . into . 把分成(2)a sort of 一种all sorts of 各种各样的sort of 有点儿,有几分The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order.计算机按字母顺序排列这些单词。She sort of pretends that she doesnt really care.她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。名师点津sort of kind of, 表示“有点儿,有几分”。1完成句子I

28、ve managed to sort_the_newspapers_out_from_the_pile_of_books (把报纸从那堆书中整理出来了)He is asking us all_sorts_of_questions (各种问题) about you.2翻译句子It is difficult to sort out the lies from the truth.谎言与实话难以区分。I sorted the books into modern ones and classical ones.我把这些书整理成现代的和古典的两类。1But I find out that you don

29、t sponsor Armstrong and after using the bike for a month it is asthough I have done no exercise at all. 但是我发现你们没有赞助阿姆斯特朗,并且使用这辆自行车一个月了,好像我一点也没得到锻炼。(1)句中as though as if引导表语从句,表示“好像,似乎”。It sounds as though shes been really ill.听起来她好像真的生病了。The house was in such a mess it looked as though a bomb had dro

30、pped on it.房间里乱七八糟,仿佛遭到了炸弹的轰炸。(2)as though/as if引导表语从句或方式状语从句的用法。as though/as if 引导的表语从句或方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用陈述语气。常与look, seem, taste, smell, sound等词连用。It looks as though/as if it is going to rain.看起来天好像要下雨。It seems as though/as if the boy has lost his way.好像那个男孩迷路了。as though/as if引导的表语从句或方式状语从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观的想象或夸大的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气。对现在情况的虚拟用一般过去时(be动词用were);对过去情况的虚拟用过去完成时。The young man with long hair looks as though/as if he were a girl.那个满头长发的男青年看上去像个女的。The injured man acted as though/as if

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