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本文(秋牛津译林版初中英语九年级上英语Unit2全单元导学案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、秋牛津译林版初中英语九年级上英语Unit2全单元导学案2017年秋牛津译林版初中英语九年级上英语9A Unit2教案教学单元课时安排教学目标任务设置知识与技能过程与方法情感态度和价值观达成情况作业安排Period 11. 掌握表示不同颜色的词汇。 2. 了解彩虹的颜色以及它们的顺序。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式能够用英语谈论颜色Comic stripWelcome to the unit当堂训练课课练Period 21.了解不同颜色所代表的含义。 2.认识并理解有关情绪的词汇 “先学后教,当堂训练”模式了解颜色和情绪的关系Reading 1当堂训练课课练Period 31. 学生能灵活运用所学单

2、词,短语和句型。 2.掌握并背诵课文。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式进一步巩固所学内容,温故而知新,内化语言知识,提升实践能力。Reading 2当堂训练课课练Period 41. 学会运用that引导的宾语从句。 2. 学会运用if或whether引导的宾语从句。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式提高语言运用能力,增加语感。Grammar当堂训练课课练Period 51. 学会从广告印刷品和电视采访中获得信息。2巩固读和听过程中获取的信息,确认事实。3学会征求和提供意见并提出建议。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式学会陈述某种服饰的优缺点以及颜色的作用。Integrated skills当堂训练课课练Perio

3、d 61. 帮助学生了解寻读法2. 学会通过寻读文章找到所需信息。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式掌握阅读英文故事的基本方法,能读懂简单的英文故事。Study skills当堂训练课课练Period 71. 学会在写作前用表格的形式组织思路。2. 完成一份关于颜色和情绪之间关系的报告。“先学后教,当堂训练”模式通过运用本单元所学语言,描述颜色和情绪之间的关系。Task当堂训练课课练Unit2 Colours课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit 源:学科网ZXXK主备人:来源:Z.xx.k.Com课 型来源:Zxxk.Com新授来源:Z+xx+k.Com课时安排

4、:第 1 课时教 学目 标1.Students can recognize the names of different colors2.Students can recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors 教学重点1.Students can recognize the names of different colors2.Students can recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors教学难点Students can t

5、alk about the favorite colors 教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in:Show them some pictures about colours they have learned to review the expressions of different colours.Free talk: After seeing some colours, talk about the colours they like best and explain the reasons.Do you know what color

6、s Eddies likes best?Step 2 Comic stripListening to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. Then ask some simple questions.Which colour does Eddie like better? Why does Eddie like this colour? What did Eddie feel after he wore the dress?Let the students read the dialogues in different roles and perform

7、Eddie and Hobo. Explain the use of “ratherthan” to the students.Do some exercises, fill in the blanks to consolidate what theyve learned just now.Step 3 Presentation Ask students to list some colourful things that they can see during their daily lives. Show the picture about a rainbow to them and as

8、k: “When can you see rainbow? How many colours are there in a rainbow? Whats their order?” With the above questions, the teacher and the students talk about the colours of a rainbow together and get a conclusion. Colours in a rainbow(in correct order): red, orange, yellow, green ,blue, indigo and vi

9、olet.Step 4 Speak up Work in groups of two to talk about the colours in a rainbow, use Amy and her cousins dialogue as a model.Step5. ExercisesI. 根据中文完成下列句子:1.How many colours are there in a (彩虹)?2.She wears a (紫色的) blouse today.3.Id (宁愿) wear blue than pink.4.Thank you for (邀请) us. I really enjoy m

10、yself very much.5.In spring, we can hear birds (歌唱)板书设计教学反思 课 题Reading (1) 主备人:课 型新授课时安排:第 2 课时教 学目 标1. Students can understand what colors represent through different reading skills.2. Students can recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.教学重点Students can understand what colors represent

11、through different reading skills.教学难点Students can recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.教学内容及过程二次备课Step 1: RevisionRevise different kinds of colours by asking students:Whats your favourite colour?Step 2: Presentation.Tell students that different colours can give people different feeling

12、s. Let students enjoy a series of pictures, including different kinds of colours and let students discuss: Whats your feeling after looking at the pictures?Then teachers make a conclusion: Blue & white can make people calm and peaceful. Blue can also represent sadness and white is the colour of puri

13、ty. Yellow and orange make you feel warm, happy and contented. Orange represents joy while yellow is the colour of wisdom. Green makes you feel energetic. It represents new life and growth. Red represents power. It is also the colour of heat and strong feelings.Step3 While-readingA.Read the whole pa

14、ssage quickly and silently, then answer the questions(1) Do different colours represent different moods? _(2) How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the article? _B. Listen to the tape of Part 2, do T/F questions(1) Blue is a calm colour. It creates the feeling of harmony. ( )(2)White will make

15、you feel calm and peaceful. ( ) (3) Blue can represent sadness. ( ) (4) Many women like to be in white on their wedding day . ( )C. Read Part 3 loudly, answer the following questions(1) How will you feel when you see warm colours?(2) What does orange represent? (3) What can yellow remind you of ? (4

16、) Why do some of you prefer yellow stationery ?D. Read Part 4 clearly, try to find some key wordsE. Further-reading Read the passage again and fill in the formFinish the exercises of Part B4 on P25.Step 4 Weve known a lot about colours, but Millie doesnt. Lets help her to choose the best colour for

17、her friends. Finish Part C1 on P 29 .Step 5 Talk about the following questionsWhats your favourite colour ?What does it represent ?Why do you like it best ?How does this colour make you feel ?What are your characteristics ?Do your favourite colour match your characteristics ?Step6 Homework:Read and

18、try to recite the reading.板书设计教学反思 课 题 Reading (2) 主备人:课 型新授课时安排:第 3 课时教 学目 标1. Students can master the usage of some words and phrases.2. Students can describe your moods with the proper colours.教学重点To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions教学难点To match colors to characteristics教学内容及过程二次

19、备课Teaching proceduresStep 1: Reading comprehension.Ask students to read the passage again carefully and then try to retell the passage with the key phrases.Step2: Presentation1. Encourage students to think about their own characteristics. Remind them that they can also use words that are not on boar

20、d. Ask them to write their characteristics.2. Ask students to compare what they have written. They should decide whether their characteristics represents. 3. When students have finished , ask 5 or 6 of the more able students to stand up and read what they have written to the rest of the class. Prais

21、e them for any parts they have done well. Try not to focus only on their mistakes.Language pointsActivity One Words 1. Do you know anything interesting about colours? 句中anything 是_常用于疑问句,肯定句中用_, 否定句中用_. 形容词修饰不定代词。2. Colours can change and affect our moods.mood 词性_ 意思是 _.He is in a bad _, because he

22、hasnt passed the driving test.His _ change very quickly. Maybe hell feel better soon.3. He felt very sad and said sadly to me, “You are right, Im wrong.”sad 词性_ 意思是 _ , 副词 _ , 名词 _ .He didnt pass the exam, he looked _ and his parents looked _ athim and he cried with _ .4. He is energetic, he is real

23、ly full of 词性_ , 意思是_,形容词 _ He is a young man with a lot of _ . When you feel tired or weak, you should wear _ colours .5. asleep词性_ , 在句中作_,如fall asleep , be asleep ,不可以放在被修饰词前作定语,类似的形容词有 ( ). sleepy 意为“_”,作定语,如 a _boy,还可以作表语,如 feel _ . sleeping 作定语,意为“正在睡觉的”,如 the _ boy . sleep (v.)

24、The girl _ for eight hours every night. (n.) If you are tired, please have a good _ .【巩固练习】(1) He was very tired and soon fell _. (2) I shall go to bed because I am so _ .(3) He didnt go to _ until he finished his homework.(4) Please wake up the _ child.Activity Two Phrases1. Colours can make us fee

25、l happy or sad . 句中划线部分make 意思为_The bad news made us sad .此结构为_make 的另一意思为_ , 如;make model planes _ make plans _be made of/from _ be made in sp. _2. People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours prefer (v.) 宁愿 ,过去式_,现在分词 _ 1) prefer to do sth. 意为_晚上我宁愿在家学习 _ . 2) prefer doing A to doing

26、B = like doing A better than doing B 宁愿做A而不愿做B我宁愿去看电影而不愿待在家里。_ .3) prefer A to B = like A better than B 比起A更喜欢B昨天在聚会上他宁愿要茶不愿要咖啡。3. They would rather use colours like orange or yellow than white or blue .would rather do A than do B prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A而不做B他喜欢唱歌而不喜欢跳舞。(3种)4. These colou

27、rs can give you a happy and satisfied feeling. satisfied 词意 _ 词性 _ be satisfied with = be pleased with 对感到满意5. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind of a warm ,sunny day. remind sb. of . 意思为_ remind sb. to do sth. 意思为_ remind that 从句6. Anyone in need of physical or mental strength should

28、 wear red clothes. in need of 意思为:_, need 为_词7. This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision. have difficulty (in) doing sth. = have difficulty with sth. have problems (in) doing sth. = have problems with sth. have trouble ( in ) doing sth. = have trouble with sth.with difficulty 吃

29、力地,费力地 without difficulty 毫不费力地Activity Three Explain the usage of some sentences1. This report explain what colours can do and what characteristics they represent .句意为_ .句中what colours can do and what characteristics they represent 作explains 的宾语,此句为宾语从句,其语序应用陈述语序 。2. Wearing red can also make it easier for you to take action .句意为_ it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式to take action , 类似结构有:find it + adj +for sb. to do sth = find

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