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1、牛津译林版八上unit5基础练习解析八(上)Unit5基础练习一、单项选择 1. _like eating bamboo shoots and leaves very much.A. Tigers B. Pandas C. Dolphins D. Kangaroos【答案】B【解析】句意:熊猫喜欢吃竹笋和竹叶。A. Tigers老虎;B. Pandas熊猫;C. Dolphins海豚;D. Kangaroos袋鼠。根据生活常识可知,熊猫以竹子为食,故答案为B。2. At forty years old, she went to America _ the first time.A. in B.

2、 at C. for D. to【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:在四十岁时,她第一次去了美国。第一次做某事是do sth for the first time。故选C。3. This is a _zebra. It looks lovely.A. ten-months-old B. ten months old C. ten-month-old D. ten-month old【答案】C【解析】试题分析:空处应该填一个形容词作定语,ten-month-old是个复合式形容词,意思为十个月大,注意这类词的构成方式 数次+名词+形容词,其中名词必须用单数形式,如a 2-meter-long ru

3、ler一把两米长的尺子,此句翻译为这是一个只有十个月大的斑马,它非常可爱。【考点】fail的用法4. When I thought of my mothers _, I feel very_.A. dead; sad B. died; sad C. death; sad D. death; sadly【答案】C5. The building is on fire. He is inside so he is_.A. in greatly dangerous B. in great danger C. in great dangerous D. of greatly dangerous【答案】B

4、【解析】句意:房子着火了。他在里面,所以他处于极大的危险之中。be in great danger处于极大的危险之中,为固定词组。故答案为B。6. Would you please _ the children _ with snake?A. to ask, not to play B. ask, not to play C. to ask, not play D. ask, dont play【答案】B【解析】句意:请你叫孩子们不要玩蛇好吗?Would you please?请你做好吗?would为情态动词,后跟动词原形;排除A,C;ask sb. not to do sth.让某人不要做某

5、事。结合句意可知,答案为B。7. People should make giant panda reserves bigger _.A. protect them B. to protect them C. hunt them easily D. to kill them easily【答案】B【解析】句意:人们应该使大熊猫自然保护区更大来保护它们。用不定式作宾补; to protect them保护它们;to kill them easily容易杀死它们;故选B8. We should have wild animals. Do you think so?A. a pity on B. a

6、pity to C. pity to D. pity on【答案】D【解析】句意:我们应该怜悯野生动物。你这样认为吗?have pity on同情,怜悯。为固定词组,故答案为D。9. Youd better _ the wild animals.A. not hurt B. not to hurt C. dont hurt D. not hurting【答案】A【解析】句意:你最好不要伤害野生动物。had better not do sth 最好不要做某事;故选A点睛:had better最好,可看作是情态动词,用于一切人称,没有词形变化,后接不带to的不定式,,意思是最好做某事。例如:You

7、 had better sit here. had better的否定形式是had better not,后接不带to的不定式,,意思是最好不做某事。例如:You had better not say it again.10. I like to sleep with the windows _while she likes to sleep with them .A. opened; closed B. opened; close C. open; closed D. open; close【答案】C【解析】句意:我喜欢开着窗户睡觉,而她喜欢关着窗户睡觉。此处考查with的复合结构“with

8、 +名词/代词+形容词”,表示伴随状况,opened动词open的过去式,open动词或形容词;close动词;closed形容词,此处前后两个空格都是形容词,只有C符合题意。11. How many eggs are there in the fridge? _.A. Nothing B. No one C. Something D. None【答案】D【解析】句意:冰箱里有多少鸡蛋?一个也没有。A. Nothing没有东西,没有事情;B. No one没有人;C. Something某物,某事;D. None一个也没有,指人或物。none常用来回答how many或how much引起的问

9、句,故答案为D。点睛:nothing没有什么,指物;no one=nobody没有人;none一个也没有,可以指人也可以指物。用于简略回答时,none用来回答由How many和How much引起的问句以及含“any(of)名词”构成的一般疑问句;no one/nobody用来回答Who问句及含anybody构成的一般疑问句;而nothing则用来回答What问句及含anything构成的一般疑问句。如:How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?None.一点也没有。Whats on the table? 桌上有什么东西?Nothing.什么

10、也没有。Who will go to the party?谁将去参加晚会?No one/Nobody.没人去。12. Is the book interesting? - , it s very boring.A. Right away B. In fact C. At first D. In the end【答案】B【解析】句意:这本书有趣吗?事实上,它很无聊。A. Right away立刻;B. In fact事实上;C. At first最初;D. In the end最后。结合句意可知,答语要表达的是这本书实际上很无聊,故答案为B。13. More and more people ar

11、e protecting wild animals now.Yes. _, things will be better and better.A. For example B. As a result C. In the beginning D. Come on【答案】B【解析】句意:现在越来越多的人在保护野生动物。是的。结果,情况会越来越好。A. For example例如;B. As a result 结果;C. In the beginning开始;D. Come on加油。结合句意,越来越多的人在保护野生动物会使情况变的越来越好,故答案为B。14. - Is Uncle Wang co

12、ming by train? - Im not sure. He _ drive his car.A. may B. can C. may be D. need【答案】A学+科+网.学+科+网.学+科+网.学+科+网.学+科+网.学+科+网.点睛:may be和maybe区别:maybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首。 Maybe shell come this afternoon. 她可能今天下午来。 Maybe you put the letter in your pockets. 大概你把信放在衣袋里了。 在may be中,may是情态动词,

13、be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。 I cant find my watch. It may be in your pocket. 我找不到我的手表了,它可能在你的口袋里。 maybe和may be可相互转换。 He may be in the office. = Maybe he is in the office. 他或许在办公室。 You may be right. = Maybe you are right. 你或许是对的。15. -What do pandas eat, do you know? -Of course,pandas li

14、ve _ a special kind of bamboo.A. on main B. for mainly C. mainly on D. mainly for【答案】C【解析】句意:熊猫吃些什么,你知道吗?当然,熊猫主要以一种特殊的竹子为食。live on以为食,结合句意可知,答案为C。二、完形填空We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and lions, live in big forest and they are called _16_animals. Some ot

15、hers like sheep and dogs are kept by men and they are called domestic(家里的) animals. These animals are very different from one another, but we can _17_them into big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the tiger belong to the first group.Animals are o

16、f great _18_to human beings. Men hunt wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are _19_more important to men. Without them, life will be difficult. People make use of animals in may _20_.Cows and pigs are useful to mens food. They give 80% of the _21_men eat every year. Skin(皮) of some

17、animals can be _22_into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and comfortable and _23_a long time. They are very popular in _24_countries. Wool, which is now one of the most important materials for textile(纺织) _25_, comes from some certain _26_. From cows, we get milk. And we shouldnt _27_th

18、at some domestic animals are kept for transport(运输). Many people _28_ride horses. Arabs ride on camels that travel in deserts for days without _29_. In some places animals are still used to plough(耕作) field. _30_is clear that men just cant live without these animals.16. A. wild B. serious C. terribl

19、e D. fighting17. A. separate(分开) B. divide(划分) C. turn D. change18. A. useful B. useless C. used D. use19. A. quite B. very C. even D. some20. A. ways B. groups C. places D. kinds21. A. meal B. meat C. dinner D. animal22. A. put B. turned C. made D. changed23. A. last B. cost C. take D. dress24. A.

20、cool B. cold C. warm D. foreign25. A. business(公司) B. workers C. industry(行业) D. factory26. A. sheep B. goats C. cows D. animals27. A. forget B. remember C. realize D. notice28. A. always B. hardly C. still D. just29. A. resting B. drinking C. sleeping D. stopping30. A. That B. This C. It D. So【答案】1

21、6. A 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C【解析】本文属于说明文阅读,在自然的世界里有各种各样的动物,这些动物大致可分为两类,野生动物和家养动物,家养动物又可以分为食肉动物和食草动物。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了动物对人类生活的重要性,人充分利用了动物用各种各样的方法,离开动物人类无法生存。16. 句意:比如老虎和狮子,生活在大森林里,它们被称为野生动物。A. wild野生的;B. serious严重的;C. terrible可怕的;D. fighting好

22、战的。根据前文live in big forest住在大森林里,并与后文domestic animals家养动物呼应,故可知此处描述的为野生动物,故选A。17. 句意:这些动物彼此非常不同,但我们可以把它们分成几大群体。A. separate分开;B. divide划分;C. turn转动;D. change改变。根据上下文可知,作者要给这些动物分类,divideinto为将分类,故答案选B。18. 句意:动物对人类有极大的影响。A. useful有用的;B. useless无用的;C. used用过的;D. use用途。be of good use意为有很大用处,故选D。19. 句意:家畜对

23、人类来说更重要。A. quite想当;B. very非常;C. even甚至;D. some一些。此处修饰比较级,只能用even,故选C。20. 句意:人们以多种方式来使用动物。A. ways方式;B. groups群,组;C. places地方;D. kinds种类。根据前后文,可推测句意为“人们在很多方面都利用了动物”,in many ways意为在很多方面,故答案选A。21. 句意:它们每年给人提供80%的肉吃。A. meal饭;B. meat肉;C. dinner晚餐;D. animal动词。根据“Cows and pigs are useful to mens food.”可知,猪和

24、牛每年会给我们吃80%的肉,答案为B。22. 句意:有些动物的皮肤可以制成昂贵的大衣和鞋子。A. put放置;B. turned转动;C. made制作,使;D. changed改变。根据前后文,可推测句意为“一些动物的皮毛可以制作成昂贵的外套和鞋子”,be made into意为“被制成”,故选C。23. 句意:可以给人类维持一段时间的温暖和舒适。A. last持续;B. cost花费;C. take 拿;D. dress穿衣。根据前后文,可推测句意为一些动物的皮毛可以制成大衣和鞋子,可以给人类维持一段时间的温暖和舒适,last+时间段表示维持多久,故选A。 24. 句意:它们在寒冷的国家很

25、受欢迎。A. cool凉爽的;B. cold 寒冷的;C. warm暖和的;D. foreign外国的。根据前文可知动物的皮毛可以帮人们维持温暖,所以在冷的地区更受欢迎故选B。25. 句意:毛织品,是现在纺织工业最重要的材料。A. business公司;B. workers工人;C. industry行业;D. factory工厂。根据前后文,可推测句意为“毛织品,是现在纺织工业最重要的材料”,故选C。26. 句意:羊毛来自某些特定的动物。A. sheep绵羊;B. goats山羊;C. cows奶牛;D. animals动物。羊毛出自羊身上,指各种羊,A,B答案片面,故答案为D。27. 句意

26、:我们不应该忘记一些驯养的动物被用来当作交通工具。A. forget忘记;B. remember想起;C. realize意识到;D. notice注意。根据后文“很多人依然在骑马”,因此不应该忘记有些动词被用来当做交通工具,答案为A。28. 句意:许多人仍然骑马。A. always总是;B. hardly几乎不;C. still仍然;D. just仅仅。根据前文句意我们不应该忘记一些驯养的动物被用作交通工具,因此会出现很多人依然在骑马,此处应填写still,故选C。 29. 句意:阿拉伯人骑骆驼在沙漠里旅行几天不喝。A. resting休息;B. drinking喝;C. sleeping睡

27、觉;D. stopping停止。因为沙漠的特殊环境,B答案符合语境。30. 句意:很显然,没有这些动物,人类就无法生存。A. That那个;B. This这个;C. It 它,或用作形式主语;D. So因此。在Its + 形容词+that句型中,it为形式主语,放在句首,真正的主语that从句,故答案选C。三、任务型阅读If we find a bird nest(鸟巢), we will have a good place of watching and knowing about birds. Birds sit on eggs and take care of their baby bi

28、rds from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, mothers often leave and come back to the nest during the time to look for food. So it is good to observe(观察) birds. When we observe birds, wed better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and its better for you to

29、 use binoculars(双筒望远镜). But how to make a bird nest? A good nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these: Each nest must have six boards(木板). Dont make the boards too slippery(滑的). Dig(挖) a small hole in the front of the nest as a door. The “doo

30、r” is from 3cm to 5cm. So the bird can fly in or out easily.Make sure the rainwater doesnt go into the nest.One piece of the boards should be easy to open.Please dont forget to color the nest. How do birds look after their_31_birds?They sit on eggs and look_32_their baby birds from_33_to June. Mothe

31、rs often_34_ and come back to the nest during the time to look for_35_, because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest.When we observe birds,wed better hide_36_ in a close place to the nest, and you had_37_ use binoculars.How to make a bird_38_?Each nest must have six boards. Dont make the boards too slippery. Dig a small hole in the_39_ of the nest as a door. The “door” is from 3cm to 5cm. So

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