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1、高一英语必修1课件内容高一英语必修1课件内容Teaching Aims:1. 能力目标:a. Listening: get information and views from the listening material.b. Speaking: express one's attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.c. Reading: enable Ss to get the main idea and be familiar with reading skills.d. Writing

2、: write some advice about making friends as an editor.2. 知识目标:a. Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship.b. Use the following expressions.3. 情感目标:a. Arose Ss' interest in learning Englishb. Encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss be conf

3、identc. Develop the ability to cooperate with others.4. 策略目标:a. Develop Ss' cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening.b. Develop Ss' communicative strategy.5. 文化目标:a. Enable Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.Teaching design:Period 1 War

4、ming-up 1课时I. Teaching objectives:1. Have Ss learn how to describe their friends and friendship with new phrases and structures.2. Have Ss learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.3. Cultivate Ss to form the good habit of learning English in Senior Middle School.II. Teaching important

5、points:1. Use the given adjs. and sentences structures to describe one of your friends.2. Learn to evaluate friends and friendship.III. Teaching difficult points:1. Work together with partners and describe one of your good friends.2. Discuss with partners and find out ways to solve the problems.IV.

6、Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead-in and warming-upBefore the lesson, T can arose Ss' interests by introducing oneself and get Ss to talk about their summer holidays, or whether they had made friends during holidays.Free Talk: 3 mins1. How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? Wha

7、t did you do?2. What do you think of your new school? Do you like it? Could you say anything about it?3. Do you like making friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? Do you have many friends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school?Step II. Think it over1. Give a brie

8、f description of one of T's friends. The following phrases and structures may be useful: (3mins)His / Her name is.He / She is.years old.He / She likes . and .dislikes.He / She is very kind / friendly / humorous.When / Where we got to know each other.Step III. Make a survey1. List some qualities

9、of a good friend or your ideal friend, have Ss get into groups of 4 to 5 to find out what each one has listed?2. Add up the scores Ss got and show the explanations of every type.3. Have Ss tell their partners the standards of good friends with the following structures:I think a good friend should (n

10、ot) be.In my opinion. From my point of view. So far as I'm concerned. I suppose. A good friend is someone who.Step IV. Talking and sharing (working in pairs)1. If your best friend does anything wrong, what will you do?What to do?Reasons.2. Proverbs: "What is a friend?"A British newspap

11、er once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. If Ss were the editors, they could choose the best one from the following entires, and explain why."A friend in need is a friend indeed.""Friends are like wine, the older, the better.""A friend is a second self.&qu

12、ot;"A friend to all is a friend to none."Step V. Homework1. Write a short passage about your best friend.2. Review the language points.3. Preview the new words and expressions.Period 2 Reading 2课时I. Teaching objectives:1. Develop Ss ' reading ability, learn to use some reading strategi

13、es, such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2. Get Ss to realize the importance of friends and friendship and learn how to tell true friends from the false.3. Grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage.4. Learn the writing style of this passage.II. Teaching method:Task-based teachingIII.

14、Teaching procedures:StepI.Pre-reading1. Have Ss discuss the following questions in group-work:Who is your best friend? Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?Step II. Reading1. Have Ss try to guess what Anne's friend is and what the passage is about by reading the

15、 title and having a quick look at the pictures in this passage without reading it through.2. Skimming the 1st two paras to confirm the former guess.a. What was Anne's best friend? Why did she make friend with it?b. Did she have any true friends then? Why?c. What is the difference between Anne

16、9;s diary and those of most people?d. Do you keep a diary? What do you think most people set down in their diaries?3. Reading of Anne's diaryHow did she feel in the hiding place?Two examples to show her feelings then.Step III. Post-reading1. What would you miss most if you went into a hiding pla

17、ce like Anne and her family? Reasons support.2. Group-workWork in groups to decide what you should do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperors did not like."Where would you plan to hide?""How would you arrange to get food given to you every d

18、ay?""What would our do to pass the time?"Step IV. Talking about friends and friendshipHave Ss talk about friends and friendship, and write one or two sentences to express one's own understanding of friends and friendship in group-work.Step V. Homework1. Interview a student or a pa

19、rent to find out their opinions about friends and friendship. Write a short report to share it with the whole class.2. Describe one of your best friends, following the writing style of this passage.Period 3 Grammar 1课时I. Teaching objectives:Learn to use Direct & Indirect SpeechII. Teaching impor

20、tant points:Summarize the grammatical rulesIII. Teaching difficult points:The special casesIV. Teaching procedures:StepI.Lead-inLast class, we learnt Anne Frank's story. She is telling her story to two of her friends-you and Tom. Tom has something wrong with his ears, so you have to repeat Anne&

21、#39;s sentences, using Indirect Speech. Sometimes you explain Tom's sentences to Anne-1. "Do you feel sad when you are not able to go outdoors?" Tom asked Anne-Tom asked Anne if / whether she felt sad when she was not able to go outdoors.Step II. Grammar focus1. Have Ss summarize the r

22、ules when they changed Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, what should be changed?2. Group-work for discussion.3. Check out: sentence structure, tense, pron, adverbial of time or place, verb.4. Rules focus:a. 陈述句:She said,"I am very happy to help you."-She said she was very happy to help y

23、ou.b. 一般疑问句/ 选择疑问句:He asked me, "Do you like playing football?"-He asked me if / whether I like playing football.She asked me whether he could do it or not.c. 特殊疑问句:My sister asked me,"How do you like the film?"-My sister asked me How I liked the film.d. 祈使句:The captain ordered,

24、"Be quiet!"-The captain ordered us to be quiet.e. 注意:l 间接引语语序: 陈述语序.l 客观事实,真理;时态不变.l 指示代词,时间,地点状语做相应变化.f. SummaryDirect Speech一般现在时do一般将来时will do现在进行时is doing一般过去时did现在完成时have done过去完成时had doneIndirect Speech一般过去时did过去将来时would do过去进行时was doing过去完成时had done过去完成时had done过去完成时had doneStep V.

25、Homeworkl Exs 1 on p42l Look up new words and expressions from dictionary and do the prevision.Period 4 Words & Expressions 1课时I. Teaching objectives:Learn new words and expressionsII. Teaching important points:1. Pay attention to the different forms of the words2. Master the words and expressio

26、ns through the Exs.III. Teaching difficult points:1. Emphasize the methods which can be useful and efficient to do the memory.2. How to use the new words and expressions into Ss' own composition-writing.IV. Teaching method:Self-summary;Discussion;PracticeV. Teaching procedures:StepI.Warming-up1.

27、 Check out the new words and expressions looked up from dictionary2. Have Ss share their works, including the Chinese meaning, the form, the phrases, the examples, and the usage.Step II. Practice1. Do the words Exs in this unit2. Discuss the answers in group-work3. Check out the answersStep III. Sum

28、mary1. Emphasize the key points of the words in this unit, esp some phrases and structures.Step IV. Homeworkl Recite the words and expressions.l Preview the listening and speaking part.高一英语必修1教学反思本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几

29、个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Annes Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。在本单元课文内容讲解之前我提出以下思考问题引发学生对交友对象的思考,开阔学生的思维,并引入到阅读部分的主题-安妮和日记交朋友。1. Does a friend always have to be aperson?2. What

30、 else can be your friend?在阅读读中, 给同学们讲授阅读技巧。第一遍阅读使学生了解课文的大意,学会浏览,培养学生的概括能力,并通过听录音扫清新单词的发音障碍.Skim : To read or glance through (apassage, for example) quickly to get the main idea.在精读讲解过程中,让同学们回答一下问题。1.What is a true friend like in Annesopinion?2. What is an ordinary diary likeaccording to Anne?3. Why did she stay awake on purposeuntil very late one evening?通过所学内容,引发学生思考,学习安妮的乐观勇敢的精神,培养学生设身处地为别人着想的品质,加深对本课题友谊的理解,同时通过提问和练习提提高学生语言的掌握和运用能力。以增强其学习的信心和有效性。

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