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1、剑桥少儿英语二级下册各单元知识点汇总 剑桥少儿英语二级下册各单元知识点汇总Unit1 Going to different places.单词: jungle灌木丛 forest森林 plant植物 island小岛 field田野 village小山村 countryside村庄 waterfall瀑布 lake湖 mountain大山 hospital医院 library图书馆 cinema电影院 bank银行 zoo动物园 supermarket超市 park公园 city城市 place地方 nun修女 India印度 poor穷的 people人民 surprise惊奇的 homel

2、ess无家可归的 词组: take (lots of) pictures照相 play in the park在公园玩 climb the Great Wall爬长城 go to the zoo去动物园 ride the horse骑马 buy some toys买玩具 shop in the market在商场购物 visit Tiananmen参观天安门 see a film看电影 swim in the lake在湖里游泳 thats great 太棒了 thats right正确 have a good time玩的高兴 have ones holiday度假 go swimming去

3、游泳 go shopping去购物 go fishing去钓鱼 go riding去骑马 go skating去滑冰 go dancing去跳舞句型: 1. Where are you going now? Im going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then? Id like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays? 4. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I did./No, I d

4、idnt. 5. What other places did you go to? Im sure you had a good time. 文章: Part3 Unit2 Whats the weather like today ?单词: weather天气 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 snowy有雪的 cloudy多云的 sunny晴朗的 enjoy喜欢 soccer足球 rainbow彩虹 because因为 beach海滩 dark黑暗的 light浅色 sunset日落 bicycle自行车 cousin(堂)表兄弟姐妹 grandparent祖父母,外祖父母 along沿着

5、 sweet甜的 cycling骑车兜风 snack零食 词组: stay at home在家 go to the park去公园 visit the zoo参观动物园 have a snowball fight打雪仗 water the flowers浇花 fall asleep睡着 get off下车 play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子 enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气 句型: 1. Whats the weather like today ? Its sunny. 2. I like sunny days because

6、I can do many things outside . 3. I dont like rainy days because its wet outside . 4. What can you do when you cycle in the country ?文章: Part1 歌谣: Part9 I like windy days Unit3 Lets play doctors.单词: earache耳朵疼 toothache牙疼 stomachache胃疼 headache头疼 temperature温度 cough咳嗽 matter问题 medicine药 doctor医生 zoo

7、keeper动物园管理员 dentist牙医 knee膝盖 sick生病的although尽管 centimetre厘米 nurse护士 granddaughter孙女 wide宽的 kiss吻 hug拥抱词组: have an earache 患耳病 let me see让我看一看 find out找出 it doesnt matter没关系 have a look 看一看 eat sweet food吃甜食 come on加油 go out出去 stay in bed呆在床上 drink a lot of water多喝水 pick up捡起 fall out of a tree摔下树来

8、run a temperature发烧 give sb. a big hug and a kiss 给某人一个热烈拥抱和亲吻句型: 1. Whats the matter with this doll ? Shes got an earache . 2. Shell be OK in two days . 3. Whats the matter with you? Im running a temperature.文章: Part1 歌谣: Part7 nurse , come quick!Unit4 I can see with my eyes.单词: clean打扫 brush刷 use使

9、用 special特殊的 smell闻 taste品尝 touch触摸 hear听 leaves树叶 crab螃蟹 grow生长 flat平坦的 ground地面 upwards向上 similar相似的 词组: clean the elephant with a brush用刷子刷大象 smell the flowers with the nose用鼻子闻花香 get things 得到物品 I can hear 我能听见 I can smell 我能闻到 I can taste 我能品尝 I can touch我能摸到I can see我能看到句型: 1. I can clean the

10、elephant with a brush. 2. This animal uses its legs to catch food. 3. I can smell the flowers with my nose. 4. What body parts does a plant have?Unit5 Simon Paul lives in the country. 单词:live居住 country国家 ready准备 nowhere哪里都不 somewhere某处 remember记忆 field田地 either也 never从不 worry担心 wait等待 picnic野餐 breat

11、he 呼吸词组: dont worry不要担心 come inside进来 get in进入 in the evening在晚上 listen to birds singing听鸟儿唱歌 sleep on the grass睡在草地上 play sports games做体育运动 visit friends看朋友 meet lots of people见很多人 go to the supermarket去超市 have a picnic野餐 see farm animals看农场动物breathe clean air呼吸新鲜空气 live in the country住在农村 learn st

12、h. by heart用心记住 句型: 1. Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? 2. I dont like gonging to the city. There are too many cats . 3. Where do you like living? I like living in the city . 4. What can you do in the city / countryside? I can 文章:Part1歌谣:Part9 Simon Paul Unit6 Id lik

13、e a glass of water. 单词: bowl碗 moment一会儿 question问题 dialogue对话 nothing什么都没有 soup汤 词组: a cup of tea一杯茶 a cup of coffee一杯咖啡 a cup of water一杯水 a bowl of soup 一碗汤 a bottle of juice一瓶果汁 a bottle of lemonade一瓶柠檬汁 a bag of popcorn一袋爆米花 a box of toys一盒玩具 not at all一点也不 here you are给你 go to sleep睡觉 get up起床 t

14、urn on the light打开灯 that would be nice太好了 thanks a lot非常感谢句型: 1. What would you like, sir? Id like a glass of water. 2. Sorry, we dont have any at the moment. 3. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, I would. /No, thank you. 4. What can I do for you? Please find me some water. 文章:Part3歌谣:Part7 Would you

15、 like a cup of tea?Unit7 Ive got to go and see!单词: invite邀请 clown小丑 show展示 exciting激动的 carry带来 gift礼物 count数 knock敲 apartment公寓 building建筑物 elevator电梯 upstairs在楼上 downstairs在楼下词组: on the wall在墙上 have an interesting class上一节有意思的课 knock at the door敲门 pick up sticks捡起邮票 do it again再做一遍句型: 1. Ive got to

16、 go and see their homework. 2. What are these people doing? They are having an interesting class. 3. How many windows are there in your classroom/apartment? There are five windows in my classroom/apartment? 文章:Part2Unit8 Who is the first?单词: same相同的 newspaper报纸 balloon气球 floor楼层 difference不同 strange

17、奇怪的 序数词第1至第20 词组: get a big balloon拿一个大气球 find a small coin找一个小硬币 blow it up把它吹起来句型: 1. Who is the first? This is the first. 2. Which floor do you live on? I live on the ninth floor. 3. Who is the first person to get up in your family?歌谣: Part3 This is the first Unit9 I like sunny days but I dont li

18、ke rainy days. 单词: sand沙子 sunbathe日光浴 anything任何事 cool凉爽的 need需要 yummy味道鲜美的 cute可爱的 lower更低的 note音符 clap拍手 grace优雅 词组: put on穿上 take off脱下 句型: 1.I like to play on the beach, but I dont like to play in the water. 2. How many children like to play with sand? 3. Why do you like sunny days? Because I ca

19、n play outside.文章:Part8歌谣:Part9 Mondays child is fair of face Unit10 Lets guess.单词:guess猜 dress长裙 teacher老师 computer 计算机 television电视机 moustache小胡子 know知道 hippo河马 pirate海盗 treasure 宝物词组: in the same class在同一个班级 talk with sb.和某人交谈 句型: 1. How many things beginning with C can you find in this picture ?

20、 2. She is a person who teaches children at school. 3. Who is the girl that is talking to our teacher? Dont you know ? 4.Where is she from? She is from USA.文章:Part5歌谣:Part3 Three blind mice Unit11 Whats your hobby ?单词: hobby爱好 tennis网球 table tennis乒乓球 badminton羽毛球 comic滑稽的 baseball棒球 hockey 曲棍球词组: p

21、lay the piano弹钢琴 skate on the ice在冰上滑冰 paint pictures画水彩画句型: 1. What s your hobby? I like to play table tennis . 2. Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. /No, I dont . 3. What did you do yesterday? I went fishing yesterday .文章:Part1歌谣:Part5 What s your hobby ? Unit12 Animals are our good friends.单词:

22、 lizard蜥蜴 pet宠物 chicken小鸡 China中国 America美国 Australia澳大利亚 fly苍蝇 animal动物 useful有用的 reddish微红的 pouch小袋 hippo河马 trunk树干 move移动词组: a dog is a pet小狗是宠物 take a walk散步 make friends with somebody和某人交朋友句型: 1. Lets invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. 2. Do I have to sing a song? Yes, you should. Y

23、ou can do it.3. Are bats useful animals? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 4. What animals are they?文章:Part1歌谣:Part6 A dog is a pet. Unit13 I can spot the frog, can you?单词: spot指出 climb爬 crocodile鳄鱼 underground地下 angry生气 train station火车 push推 pick捡 happen发生 driver司机 ticket票 understand明白词组: buy a book

24、 买书 have a drink喝水 buy a pair of sports shoes 买一双运动鞋 have no money没钱 much longer长得多 no problem没问题 paint a house给房子涂颜色句型: 1.I can spot the elephant , can you ? 2. He went to the cafe to have a drink.3. Can you go shopping with me? Sorry, I have no time.文章: Part3Unit14 There isnt any bread in the kitc

25、hen . 单词: chips薯条 lemons柠檬 coconuts椰子 carrots胡萝卜 tomatoes西红柿 potatoes土豆 beans豆子 pineapples菠萝 oranges橘子 pears梨 chicken鸡肉 fish鱼肉 milk牛奶 water水 rice米饭 bread面包 cheese奶酪 soup汤 fridge冰箱 kitchen厨房 basket篮子 sausage香肠 词组: a lot of许多 too much太多(修饰不可数名词) too many太多(修饰可数名词) be bad for对有害 all right好的,行句型: 1. The

26、re are only some apples. 2. There is only some milk. 3. There isnt any bread in the kitchen. 4. There is a hungry dog between the trees.文章: Part1歌谣: Part2 There isnt any milk in the glass.Unit15 Lets find it quickly ! 单词: slowly慢地 loudly大声地 happily高兴地 beautifully漂亮地 quickly 快地 badly恶劣地 carefully认真地

27、quietly安静地 differently不同地 money钱 spoon勺子 dinner晚餐 cookie甜点 bell铃 basement地下室 snowflake雪花 balcony阳台 shoulder肩膀词组: behind the van在货车后面 between the dog and the man在狗和人中间 句型: 1. How did the train go? The train went slowly. 2. What do you want to buy? 3. How much does it cost in all? 4. Somebody is ringi

28、ng the bell.Unit16 He can do better than his brother.单词: better更好的 round回合 throw扔 dart飞镖 ring环形 outer外部的 inner内部的 score得分 double 双倍 meter米 triple三倍 opposite相反的 early早地 feel感觉 wheel轮胎 circle画圈 fix固定 space空间 bright明亮的 fair公平的 miss错过 bull公牛词组: all the time一直 by the time到时候 come out出来 after supper晚饭后 ta

29、lk about讨论句型: 1. He can do better than his brother. 2. How often do you eat cake? 3. When does the class begin ? 4. Why is she talking to him? 5. How much water do you want ? 6. Whats the name of your school? 7. Who can do better? She / He can do better.文章: Part1 歌谣: Part4 I can, you can, he can, she can, everybody can.

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