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1、珠海vts用户指南珠海VTS用户指南ZHUHAI VTS USERs MANUAL 引言FOREWORD本指南的目的是向用户简明介绍珠海船舶交通管理系统(简称珠海VTS)的概况,珠海船舶交通管理中心(简称珠海VTS中心)有关船舶交通管理和服务方面的要求及用户需要了解的通航环境情况,以保障船舶航行安全,维护水上交通秩序,提高交通效率,保护水域环境,促进航运生产发展,增进珠海VTS中心与用户之间的理解和合作。珠海VTS是指为加强船舶交通安全,维护水上交通秩序,提高交通效率,保护水域环境,由主管机关设置的珠海海事局具体管理的对船舶实施交通管制并提供咨询服务的系统。珠海VTS中心在珠海VTS区域内,负

2、责具体实施船舶交通管理工作。The aim of this manual is to provide users with a brief introduction to the Vessel Traffic Services of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred to as Zhuhai VTS),and the requirements of the Center of Zhuhai VTS (hereinafter referred to as Zhuhai VTS Center) concerning traffic management and servic

3、e, as well as circumstances for navigation that may be necessary for vessels safe navigation, order maintenance, traffic efficiency and environmental protection, in order to promote the development of the shipping industry and for better understanding and cooperation between Zhuhai VTS and users.Zhu

4、hai VTS is the system established by competent authority, managed by Zhuhai Maritime Safety Administration that manages and controls vessel traffic and provides information services in order to strengthen the safety of vessel traffic, maintain the order of marine traffic, improve its efficiency and

5、protect water environment.In Zhuhai VTS Area ,Zhuhai VTS Center is responsible for implementing vessel traffic management.系统概况SYSTEM INTRODUCTION珠海VTS的组成珠海VTS由高栏岛雷达站、荷包岛雷达站、横琴雷达站和珠海VTS中心组成。Zhuhai VTS SystemZhuhai VTS consists of Zhuhai VTS Center and a series of radar stations located at Gaolan Isla

6、nd , Hebao Island and Hengqin Island.珠海VTS中心:邮政编码: 519015 通信地址: 珠海市吉大情侣中路15号1栋 联系电话: (0086)756 3339454 传真: (0086)756 3371737 电邮地址: Zhvts中心对外呼号: 珠海交管Contact Information: Add: Building 1, No.15Middle Qinglv Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519015, P.R.CHINATel: 86-756-3339454Fax: 86-756-3371737E-mail: ZhvtsTit

7、le: Zhuhai VTS珠海VTS中心工作时间:北京时间 0000-2400时Service time: 0000-2400(Beijing time)珠海VTS中心工作语言:汉语普通话、英语 Language: Mandarin and English管理和服务区域以下报告线与岸线之间的水域:1.西报告线:自点2145N,11307E沿11307E经线向北至岸线。2.南报告线:自点2145N,11307E沿2145N纬线向东至点2145N,11323.737E。3.东报告线:以点(高栏岛)2154N ,11316E为圆心,半径11.5海里为半径,自南报告线点2145N,11323.737

8、E逆时针方向至岸线的圆弧线。VTS AreaThe area is defined by the following reporting lines and coast line:1.Western reporting line: the line from point 2145N,11307E along longitude 11307E towards north to coast line;2.Southern reporting line: the line from point 2145N,11307E along latitude 2145N towards east to poi

9、nt 2145N,11323.737E;3.Eastern reporting line: the arc centered on point (Gaolan Island)2154N,11316E radius 11.5 nm, from point 2145N,11323.737E towards coast line by counter-clockwise.珠海VTS管理和服务的对象按有关国际公约和国内规范规定应配备通信设备及主管机关要求加入VTS系统的船舶。VTS UserShips equipped with the required communication equipment

10、 in accordance with the relevant international conventions and/or national regulations and ships governed by the VTS. 管理依据珠海VTS中心依据中华人民共和国海上交通安全法、中华人民共和国船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理规则、珠海船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理细则(试行)、珠海市水上交通安全管理条例和珠海港口章程等有关法律、法规、规章在本VTS管理服务区域实施船舶交通管理,提供交通服务,支持联合行动。General rules and regulations:Zhuhai VTS C

11、enter controls vessel traffic, provides consulting service and supports united activities within the Zhuhai VTS area in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Laws of P.R.C, the Safety Management Regulations of Vessel Traffic Service of P.R.C, the Detailed Rules of Safety Management of Zhuhai V

12、essel Traffic Service (Provisional), the Regulations of Safety Management of Zhuhai Marine Traffic and the constitution of Zhuhai Harbor.航路规则Route RegulationVHF工作频道VHF Working Channel适用船舶:按有关国际公约和国内规范规定应配备通信设备及主管机关要求加入VTS系统的船舶。Ships covered by the regulations: Ships equipped with the required commun

13、ication equipment in accordance with the relevant international conventions and/or national regulations and ships governed by the VTS.航路:珠海港高栏港区航道有主航道、通往各作业区的支航道和崖门出海航道。Channels: The Gaolan Port Fairway consists of the Main Channel, the branch channels leading to all berths and the Yamen Outbound Ch

14、annel.珠海VTS中心VHF工作频道:呼叫守听频道: 13频道业务通话频道: 68频道、08频道呼叫:珠海交管注意:船舶在珠海VTS区域内航行、锚泊、作业时应在VHF 13频道保持守听Zhuhai VTS Center VHF Working Channel:Calling/Watching Channel: CH13Speaking Channel: CH68 、CH08Call Sign: Zhuhai VTSAttention: All ships navigating, anchoring, operating in Zhuhai VTS area shall keep watch

15、 on VHF CH13船舶报告分类Ship Report Category下列船舶在珠海VTS区域内活动,经过珠海VTS所设置的报告线或处于报告点时,应向珠海VTS中心报告船位。1.外国籍船舶、设施。2.500总吨及以上的中国籍机动船舶。3.载客能力30人及以上的客船。4.载运危险货物的船舶。5.操纵能力受到限制的船舶。自愿报告的其它船舶。The following ships passing reporting lines or at reporting points in Zhuhai VTS area should submit their position reports to Zh

16、uhai VTS Center:1.Non-Chinese vessels or facilities;2.Chinese motorized vessels 500 GT;3.Passenger ships of carriage capability 30 persons;4.Ships carrying dangerous cargo;5.Ships restricted in her ability to maneuver;Other ships report to the VTS center voluntarily. 船舶报告线、报告点Reporting Lines/Reporti

17、ng Points 在珠海VTS设置以下3条报告线:1.西报告线:自点2145N,11307E沿11307E经线向北至岸线。2.南报告线:自点2145N,11307E沿2145N纬线向东至点2145N,11323.737E。3.东报告线:以点(高栏岛)2154N ,11316E为圆心,半径11.5海里为半径,自南报告线点2145N,11323.737E逆时针方向至岸线的圆弧线。There are three reporting lines in Zhuhai VTS area:1.Western Reporting Line: starting from 2145N,11307E along

18、longitude 11307E towards north to coast line;2.Southern Reporting Line: starting from 2145N,11307E along latitude 2145N towards east to 2145N,11323.737E;3. Eastern Reporting Line: the arc centered on 2154N,11316E radius 11.5 nm, from 2145N,11323.737E towards coast line by counter-clockwise.报告时间点:抛锚后

19、或起锚前靠好码头后或离开码头前船舶系好系船浮筒后或离开系船浮筒前Reporting Points:After dropping anchor or before heaving up anchor;After berthing or before departing;After mooring floats or before leaving floats.船舶报告Ship Report报告类别Report Pattern报告线Reporting Line报告方法Reporting Method报告内容Report Particulars到港预报Arrival Forecast拟进入珠海VTS

20、区域的1000总吨及以上船舶,应提前24小时(如出发港航程不足24小时,则在离港后)Vessels 1000 GT expected entry to the VTS area should submit report not less than 24 hours before arrival(or on her departure from the last port of call if the voyage takes less than 24 hours )书面通知珠海VTS中心(可传真)Via: Written report (including FAX)To: Zhuhai VTS

21、 center1.船名及呼号; 2.船舶类型;3.船东或代理人或承租人名称、地址、联系电话; 4.国籍;5.船籍港;6. 船舶总长度;7.船舶总宽度;8.船舶最大高度;9.船舶总吨位;10.主机数量,航速;11.载货主要品种及重量;12.危险货物等级及数量(如有);13.抵港时最大吃水;14.船员/旅客人数;15.预计抵港时间;16.上一港。17.拟靠泊位1. Name & call sign; 2.Type of vessel; 3.Name & address of the vessels owner or agent; 4. Flag state; 5.Port of registry;

22、 6.Length; 7.Breadth; 8.Maximum height; 9.Gross tonnage; 10.Number of M.E & speed; 11.Main type & weight of cargo; 12.Dangerous goods; 13.Maximum draught on arrival; 14.Number of crew/passengers; 15.ETA; 16.Last port of call;17.expected berth.初始报告Entry Report船舶从VTS以外水域经VTS报告线进入VTS区域时Passing the repo

23、rting line into the VTS areaVHF CH13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号;2.报告时的位置;3.船舶实际最大吃水;4.动态。1.Name or call sign;2.Current position; 3.Actual maximum draught; 4.Intention抵达报告Arrival Report船舶抵达目的地(码头、系泊浮筒、锚地等)时After arriving at the destinationVHF CH13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH13

24、1.船名或呼号;2.抵达的泊位或锚位;3.靠泊或锚泊时间。1.Name or call sign; 2.Berth or anchorage of arrival;3.Berthing time船舶报告(续一)Ship Report(continued)报告类别Report Pattern报告线Reporting Line报告方法Reporting Method报告内容Report Particulars启航预报Pre-departure Report离泊或起锚或离浮筒前至少半小时Not less than 30 minutes before departureVHF CH13呼叫珠海VTSC

25、alling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号; 2.现在位置;3.预离时间; 4.离泊吃水;5.动态。 1.Name or call sign; 2.Current position; 3.ETD; 4.Draught on departure; 5.Intention.启航报告Departure Report船舶将要离泊或起锚前Before leaving the berth or heaving up anchorVHF CH13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号;2.现在位置;3.开航申请。 1. Name

26、 or call sign; 2.Current position; 3.Application for departure离港报告Exit Report经VTS报告线离开VTS区域时Passing the reporting line departing from the VTS areaVHF CH13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号;2.现在位置;3.出口离港申请珠海VTS服务终止。4.下一港1. Name or call sign; 2.Current position; 3. Application for departure;

27、4.Destination保安事件报告Security Accident Report船舶发生或发现保安事件,或公司保安员收到船舶保安报警后Security accidents involved or found or company security officer received security alarms from ship采用一切有效手段报告珠海VTSVia: All efficient measuresTo: Zhuhai VTS1.船名或呼号;2.国籍;3.现在位置;4.船舶种类;5.船上人员和货物情况;6.受到的保安威胁。1. Name or call sign;2.Nat

28、ionality;3.Present position;4.Type of ship;5.Crew and cargo;6.Security accident船舶报告(续二)Ship Report(continued)报告类别Report Pattern报告线Reporting Line报告方法Reporting Method报告内容Reporting Particulars事故报告Accident Report发生或发现海上交通事故、污染事故、机损事故或人员意外等紧急情况时Traffic accident, pollution incident, engine malfunction, in

29、jury of persons and/or any other emergency situation involved or found通过VHF13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号;2.国籍;3.时间、地点;4.原因;5.经过;6.故障情况以及VTS中心要求的其他信息。1. Name or call sign; 2.Flag State; 3.Time & position; 4.Causes; 5.Process; 6.Current condition and information required by the VTS ce

30、nter异常情况报告Emergency Report发现助航标志或导航设施异常,有碍航行安全的碍航物、漂浮物及其他妨碍航行安全的异常情况Whenever finding abnormality of navigation aids; obstacles, drifting objects and/or any other unusual circumstances impeding the safety of navigation通过VHF13呼叫珠海VTSCalling Zhuhai VTS by VHF CH131.船名或呼号;2.位置;3.异常情况以及VTS中心要求的其他信息。1. Na

31、me or call sign; 2. Location; 3. Present condition and information required by the VTS center引航服务Pilotage Service交通服务Traffic Service禁 止Prohibitions1.高栏港区引航员登(离)轮点:(1) 大中型船舶登(离)点:21o50.50N, 113o13.40E。(2) 小型船舶登(离)点: 21o53.50N ,113o12.50E。(3) 小型散装化学品船或油轮登(离)点: 21o53.50N, 113o13.50E。2.强制引航: 所有外国籍船舶、设施进出珠海港高栏港区实施强制引航。按规定要求强制

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