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1、江苏省张家港市梁丰初级中学届九年级英语上学期第二次课堂检测试题江苏省张家港市梁丰初级中学2014届九年级英语上学期第二次课堂检测试题(无答案) 得分: 一、听力测试(20) 第一部分 听对话,回答问题 ( )1. What did the man do in the evening?( )2. Who is Michelle Lee?( )3. Whats the weather like today?( )4. How does the girls father go to Beijing?( )5. Why dose the boy like the panda? A. Because i

2、ts fun. B. Because its lovely. C. Because its boring.( )6. Where does the girl wan t to go? A. She wants to go to the cinema. B. She wants to go to the bus station. C. She wants to go to the supermarket.( )7. Wheres Lisa? A. Shes at school. B. Shes near the river C. Shes at home.( )8. How does Bobs

3、father usually go to work? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.( )9. What color is Peters schoolbag? A. Its red. B. Its green. C. Its blue.( )10. What time did the class begin? A. At 8:05. B. At 8:10. C. At 8:15.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。 ( )11. Whats the man going to buy? A.A shirt. B.A coat.

4、 C.A T-shirt.( )12. How much will the man pay? A.5 dollars. B.10 dollars. C. 9 dollars. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。( )13. What does Mr. Black do? A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C. A player.( )14. Where is he from? A. England. B. Japan. C. The USA.( )15. How long has he been in this school? A. For two years. B. For

5、five years. C. For a year. 听一篇短文,回答第1620小题。( )16. What did Jack do well in when he was young? A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Tennis.( )17. Why did he stop playing football? A. Because he didnt like it at all. B. Because he broke his leg. C. Because there was no team for him.( )18. What happened to J

6、ack after he stopped playing football? A. He was badly ill. B. He was very angry. C. He began to get fat.( )19. What did he decided to do then? A. To play football. B. To play tennis. C. To run every day.( )20. What did the girl think of Jacks tennis skill? A. She thought he played very badly. B. Sh

7、e thought he played quite well. C. She thought he was very clever.二、单项选择(15)( )1. We have_a lot of wild animals,because of the_ of their living areas A. lose,loss B. lost,lose C. lose,lost D. lost,loss( )2. Not only you but also your mother_ Audrey Hepburns film fan A. are B. am C. is D. be( )3. Whe

8、n I got to his home,the woman_ for an hour A. had left B. left C. had been away D. has been away( )4. There is _ 18-metre-tall tower on _mountain. A. a;the B. an; an C. an; the D. the; a( )5. The number of the workers in the factory _ about 2,000. A. is B. am C. are D. be( )6. He always gives us _ o

9、n how to learn English. A. some advise . B. any advice C. some advices D. much advice( )8. Tom failed in the maths exam again _ he wanted to pass it very much. A. if B. so C. though D. as( )9.The girl devoted all her time she had _ others.A. to help B. helping C. helped D. to helping( )10. SueYu put

10、 her effort _ volleyball training _ a very young a ge. A. into, in B. to, in C. to , at D. into, at( )11. His father and mother often argued what TV programmes _. A. with, to watch B. about, to watch C. about, watching D. with, watching( )12. Eddie was sleeping _ Millie was watching TV. A. while B.

11、as C. when D. after( )13. It will take days by car, so lets fly _. A. instead in B. instead C. instead of D. instead off( )14.- The story of Friendship is better than _ of Spacemen on Earth, but the actors in Spacemen on Earth are better than _ in Friendship. A. one; ones B. that; those C. that; tha

12、t D. those; that( )15. The story is_ interestingI have never read_ interesting story A. so;such a B. such;so a C. so;such an D. such;such an三、完形填空。(10) Mr Bean, who is silly, awkward (笨拙的) but always funny and enjoyable, is a world-famous comedy character on TV and in movies. He makes people 1 throu

13、gh a series of simple and funny acts using body languages. Rowan Atkinson is the 2 who plays Mr Bean. Mr Atkinson is quite 3 for playing Mr Bean. Rowan was born on January 6, 1955, and 4 his early years on the family farm with his mother, three older brothers and his strict father, who did not belie

14、ve in the value of television. For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who was two years older than him. At the age of 13, he _5_ at Newcastle University where he had the highest marks in his year. At Oxford he got his Masters degree (硕士学位 ) in electrical engineering. He was particula

15、rly 6 fast cars, of which he has a large collection.Rowans career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly because of some speaking problems he had in his childhood.While he was still at primary school, Rowan had already shown great talent in _7_. Although his teachers pred

16、icted (预言) a career in acting, Rowan was not confident until he met a group of talented people at university, and he realized this could be a career for him. Another important event 8 . One day in 1976, he was playing around and making faces 9 . He realized something. I discovered my face, he said l

17、ater. John Lloyd, who worked for the BBC, says, When I watched Mr Atkinson act for the first time, I was 10 that he would be more famous than Chaplin.( )1. A. laugh B. sing C. cry D. dance( )2. A. doctor B. writer C. actor D. farmer( )3. A. honest B. friendly C. helpful D. famous( )4. A. cost B. too

18、k C. paid D. spent( )5. A. worked B. studied C. played D. helped( )6. A. good at B. amazed at C. interested in D. worried about( )7. A. swimming B. driving C. acting D. singing( )8. A. caused B. missed C. caught D. occurred( )9. A. in the mirror B. in class C. on the wall D. in the playground ( )10.

19、 A. afraid B. sure C. worried D. surprised四、阅读理解。(30)A The Young Pop King He is quiet and shyHe likes to hide his eyes behind his hairHe doesnt smile very oftenHowever,if you talk to him about music,hell have a lot to sayThis is Jay Chouthe 24-year-old Taiwanese pop kingHis fans are so excited becau

20、se he will sing songs in Bejing on September 12Those songs are from his new album, “Ye Huimei”,and the album was released(发行)in July and was named after his motherChou grew up just with his motherHe did not talk much and did badly in many school subjectsHis mother noticed the boys special interest i

21、n music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years oldHe loved it and kept on practicingChou is not very handsomeHe does not speak clearly when he sings or talksBut the singer has huge crowds of fans“He is really good at musicIt makes him attractive to me”said Liu Jiajun,a Junior 2 stu

22、dent in No10 Middle School in Bejing“He is true to himselfHe never follows others, ”said Zhang Yujiea Junior 1 girl at Huaibei Middle School in Sihong. Jiangsu Province ( )1. From this passage, we know that Jay Chou A. is very handsome B. has a bright smile C. often makes too much noise D. is a pop

23、music star ( )2. His fans are so excited because A. he released a new album in July B. he will sing new songs in Beijing C. he can play the piano very well D. his new album was named after his mother ( )3. When he was a little child,he A. talked a lot every day B. did well in his study at school C.

24、started to like music D. had huge crowds of fans ( )4. According to one of his fans,Jay A. is a good student B. has long and beautiful hair C. is a weltknown pianist D. is very attractive to them ( )5.The sentence“He never follows others”in the last paragraph means A. he always has his own style B.

25、he 1ikes to walk alone C. he doesnt like other peoples songs at all D. no one can catch up with himBFeeling left out? A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasnt aroundHeres our advice to herand to all kids who feel lonely sometimesIts hard when a best

26、 friend isnt aroundmaybe because she moved to a different school or a different classYou may feel lonely at break or lunchtimeYou want to have new friendsBut how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friendsBut remember, theres always room for more friends Start by l

27、ooking around your classroomthink about which kids youd like to play with at breakLook for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendlyOffer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to themInvite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroomWhen youre at br

28、eak,walk over to kids you want to play withact friendly,and say “Hi,can l play, too?” or just join inIf you have trouble doing this or if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friendsTeachers are usually pretty good at matching up friendsThe best way to make friends is to be a fri

29、endBe kind,be friendly,share,say nice things, offer to helpand pretty soon,youll have one, or two, or even more new friends.You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other, you can share something you didnt have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!( )

30、6. This text is written for A. teachers B. parents C. students D. visitors( )7. According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because t hey A. have trouble with their studies B. dont have their best friends around C. need their parents to be with them D. are too young to look after themsel

31、ves( )8. The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 refers to(指的是) A. sharing your ideas B. talking before many people C. studying better at school D. developing new friendship( )9. Some kids need help from teachers to make friends because _ A. they miss their old friends a lot B. they have no time to stay with others C. teachers know who wants a new friend D. they are shy or not good at making friends( )10. The expression “

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