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1、ZONGHE TI 102012年中考复习学情分析样题(10)英 语 2012.04一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Do you know well have B exchange student in our class next week? Yes. His name is Bruce, from America. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Is this your key, Jenny? No. B is in the handbag. A. Yours B. Mine C. He

2、rs D. His3. Look! There are so many children in the park. Yeah. Few of them like to stay at home C a sunny Sunday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for4. Will you please give the CD to Millie, Ann?Sure. Ill give it to her D she arrives here.A. before B. until C. while D. as soon as5. A is it from your h

3、ome to the cinema, Mike?It is only about ten minutes walk. A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often 6. Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students Union? I think David is. He is A enough to come up with new ideas. A. imaginative B. humorous C. modest D. outgoing7. Look, Sue is ove

4、r there. Lets go and have a chat with her. Oh, it B be her. She has gone back to Canada. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wont8. Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV, Simon? Sometimes. Its an interesting program, but I A Sports World. A. prefer B. want C. enjoy D. accept9. I called you at 6 oclock

5、yesterday evening, but nobody answered. Oh, sorry. I A dinner with my parents in a restaurant at that time. A. was having B. have had C. am having D. had10. Mr Li, lets go fishing if it is fine this weekend, shall we?Id love to. But nobody knows if it _C_. A. is raining B. rains C. will rain D. has

6、rained11. Who is this little girl in the picture, Linda?Haha, its me. The picture D in Qingdao 10 years ago.A. took B. is taken C. has taken D. was taken12. David is late again. Weve waited for him for nearly an hour.Its not polite for him to keep us B for such a long time.A. wait B. waiting C. to w

7、ait D. waited13. Did you have a good time at the party last night, Lucy?Yes, wonderful. But I didnt see Laura. Do you know C ?A. why didnt she come B. where she has been C. what happened to her D. when would she arrive14. Do your grandparents live with you, Sue?No. They like to live in a house A is

8、not very big but quiet. A. that B. where C. what D. who15. I hope you dont mind my opening the window. D . Its much too hot today. A. All right B. Never mind C. Youre welcome D. Of course not 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was fifteen I went to a summer

9、 camp. There were lots of great 16 but there was one thing I was really scared aboutclimbing the wall.The wall is a kind of rock that people use to learn how to climb. It is very tall. We were all supposed to climb the wall, but I knew I couldnt get to the top because I am 17 height. I was ashamed (

10、惭愧的) and I didnt want anyone to 18 that I was scared. I thought they would all laugh at me. I practised my excuse, “Im not scared, you know. I suffer from vertigo (眩晕症).”The day came. It was time to climb the wall. I took photos at the bottom of the wall and tried to 19 . Everyone in the group went

11、up. Then the moment came. It was my turn. I was so scared that all I could 20 was my excuse. Someone said, “Shall I take your camera?” I answered, “Im not scared, you know. I suffer from vertigo.” The 21 was that I was more than scared, and I was terrified (吓坏的). The camp leader said, “Dont worry. Y

12、ou dont have to do anything you dont want to do.” I was 22 that everyone was understanding. No one laughed.The next day, the leader asked me whether I wanted to try the wall alone, without the others 23 . Although I was still very nervous, I agreed and climbed 24 to the top with his help. I was stil

13、l shaking when I came down, 25 I was really happy and relieved too. For me, climbing the wall was a real achievement.16. A. activities B. subjects C. programmes D. exams17. A. proud of B. sure of C. afraid of D. fond of18. A. understand B. know C. believe D. tell19. A. help B. hide C. appear D. clim

14、b20. A. learn about B. care about C. think about D. hear about21. A. truth B. way C. story D. reason22. A. satisfied B. frightened C. interested D. surprised23. A. talking B. watching C. moving D. running24. A. easily B. happily C. sadly D. slowly25. A. though B. so C. because D. but三、阅读理解(共20小题, 每小

15、题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ABelow is an ad of Carefree HelplineCarefree HelplineMom hates. Dad forgets. Brothers and sisters never care. Friends lie. People laugh. Even your dog turns away. You feel lost. Nobody helps. You talk. Nobody listens.On Helpline: You talk. We listen.We l

16、isten to all you would like to share. It costs nothing to ask for help. Call 080-911911 anytime, from Monday to Sunday. Carefree Helpline cares for you, day and night. To talk face to face, please call 080-122133.Below is an ad of a restaurantTea Cottage Wants You!Join us in Tea Cottagethe best Chin

17、ese restaurant in town. We are now looking for someone interested in working with us. 2 Cooks At least two years work experience in a restaurant kitchen Good at making Chinese dishes Able to work on weekends Work 16:0021:00 every day (USD$600 / week) 3 Waiters / Waitress At least one years work expe

18、rience in caf or restaurants Part-time welcome Work 11:0015:00 or 17:0022:00 (USD$16 / hour) 2 Cleaners No experience needed Part-time welcome Work 12:0015:00 or 17:0022:00 (USD$12 / hour) We are also looking for singers and bands for Wednesday nights! Call 213-333-6789 Mr. Wu26. Which is NOT said a

19、bout Carefree Helpline?A. They listen to people in trouble. B. People can talk face to face with them.C. They collect money for people in need. D. People can call them anytime, any day.27. What does “your dog turns away” mean in the reading?A. Your dog bites other people. B. Your dog does not care a

20、bout you.C. Your dog is kicked and runs away. D. Your dog cannot find its way home.28. Giorgio has worked in a restaurant for three years and is good at making pizzas. Which job could be for him in Tea Cottage? A. Cook. B. Cleaner. C. Singer. D. None.29. Ronald is a college student. He is looking fo

21、r his first job that he can do in the daytime. He could find a job of the in Tea Cottage. A. cleaner B. cook C. singer D. waiter30. What can we learn about Tea Cottage from the ad?A. They are looking for singers and bands for weekend music shows.B. They need cooks who can work both at lunchtime and

22、dinner time.C. One who knows about tea-making has a better chance of working there.D. The waiters will be paid over USD$60 a day for working during lunchtime.BOne of the greatest soccer players of all time is Pel. He was born in 1940 in Brazil. His first soccer ball was a grapefruit. He also used an

23、 old sock and filled it with newspaper. Pel left school at a young age to play soccer and work to help his family. Later in life, he finished high school and college.Pel was only 17 when people started to talk about him. It was 1958. Brazil was playing in the World Cup soccer competition. Pel had an

24、 injury and couldnt run easily. He didnt play the first games, but his team needed him. Then Pel went on the field. Pel scored the only goal of the last game, and Brazil won the World Cup.Pel played professional (职业的) soccer for 22 years. He scored 1,281 goals in 1363 gamesmore goals than any other

25、players in the world. He helped Brazil win three World Cup titles. Pel stopped playing soccer in 1971. People all over the world admired him. Presidents and world leaders invited him to their countries. Nigeria (尼日利亚) once stopped the war for three days to let Pel play. His talent is very unusual. D

26、octors once tested Pel to find out why he played soccer so well. They found that he had excellent eyesight. He is also very intelligent. Pel liked to do math problems and play chess. He said these activities helped him play better.Pel is married and has three children. He likes to be with his family

27、. He also plays the guitar and writes songs. Pel cares about people, especially children. He gives money to help poor children. We can see Pel in some advertisements, but he never advertises for tobacco (烟草) or liquor (酒) companies. He knows that he has a great influence on young people. He is loved

28、 and admired all over the world.31. From the text we know that Pel . A. is from a rich family B. isnt good at music C. won World Cup three times D. never studied at college 32. Pel could play soccer so well because . A. he received good education B. he never smoked and drank C. he could play the gui

29、tar and write songs D. he was intelligent and had good eyesight33. Pel is one of the greatest soccer players in the world because . A. he played soccer at a young age B. he has a very unusual talent for soccer C. he played the World Cup in 1958 D. he has scored the most goals in the games34. “Pel ha

30、d an injury” means that Pel was . A. sad B. hurt C. afraid D. nervous35. Which of the following about Pel is NOT true? A. Pel has never advertised for any companies in his life. B. Pel has been invited to visit many countries in the world. C. Pel cares much about children and has a good effect on th

31、em.D. Pel thought doing math problems and playing chess could help him play better.CWhen I was about eight years old, I decided that I wanted to be a famous film star when I grew up. Well, Im not a famous film star, but I do work for a film studio, and I do meet famous actors every day. Im a Foley artistI make the sounds that are added to films after th

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