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1、新职业英语2教案说课材料新职业英语教案第二册Unit 1 Workplace Learning objectives 1 .In warming-up: Students can identify the different rooms in an office and give directions2. In Reading A : grasp the main idea of the text and learn the useful words and phrases;3. In Reading B: practical reading about Boeing Code of Cond

2、uct4. In listening and speaking,conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.5. In writing:learn how to write NoticeWarming-upTask 1 Work in pairs. Look at the following office layout. Discuss with your partner and identify the marked rooms.1.washro

3、om2.department managers office3.meeting room4.staff office5.multifunction meeting room6.hallway7.reception room指路时一些相关的词汇: be far from 距离某处很远 be nearby 距离某处很近 go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过 cross (over) 穿过(某条街道) be next to 紧邻 turn left/right 左转/右转 go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南) go back/back/back up

4、向回走 go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北 go on/alongtill you meet 沿一直走,直到 be on sbs left/right 在某人的左边/右边 be the first/second/third from the left/right 从左/右数第一/二/三个 directly opposite 和相对 be located behind/in front of 坐落在的前面/后面 be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街交汇的拐角处 be in the corner of 在的角

5、落里 ground floor (英)首层 wing 配楼/建筑的一部分 annex 配楼/建筑的附属建筑 basement 地下室/第一层 twin building 由两个完全相同的部分构成的建筑 landmark 标志性的建筑 block/complex 由若干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区 stair 楼梯 step 台阶 wheel chair access 无台阶的/残疾人用 aisle 过道 intersection/crossroad 十字路口 a fork on the road 分叉路口 a T road 丁字路口 intersection/crossroads/junction

6、/clover-leaf 立交桥Reading AStep 1 Words study1.Lead the students to read the new words after the tape twice and correct their pronunciations while reading.2.Ask some students to read the new words to check whether they have mastered the pronunciations of the words.3. Explanation for some important and

7、 useful words1)reputation 名声,声誉Eg This restaurant has a fine reputation. 这家餐厅信誉很好。repute n.名声, 名气, 声望.enjoy a high reputation. 享有佳誉 have a reputation. vt. 出名因(因 .出名)2) trendy a. 流行的,赶时髦的 n. 赶时髦的人;追求时髦者3)caution n. 小心,谨慎UDad always drives with caution. 爸爸开车一直十分小心。 警告,告诫CThe policeman let the driver o

8、ff with a caution. 警察向司机提出警告后就让他走了。 【口】令人发笑的人或物;发噱的事Svt. 警告,告诫,使小心(+about/against/for)We were cautioned not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening. 我们得到告诫晚上十点以后不要大声喧闹。 The policeman cautioned me for parking here. 警察警告我不可在此停车4)outfit n. .全套装备, 全套工具 His father bought a ski outfit for him on h

9、is birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。.一套服装 Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughters wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。集体; 组织 He works in a small publishing outfit.他在一家小型出版单位工作。vt. 装备;配置设备;供给服装5)compliment n. .赞美(话), 恭维(话) .向送礼以表示敬意 .问候;致意;祝贺 vt. 其他读音:kmpliment 表扬; 恭维; 称赞; 钦佩6)casual adj. .漠不关心的, 冷淡的 .随便的, 非正式

10、的 The guests wore casual clothes.客人们穿着便服。Shes a very casual person.她是一个很随便的人。.偶然的, 碰巧的 .临时的, 不定期的 He earns a living by casual labour.他靠做临时工为生。漫不经心的,不小心的;草率的 .肤浅的;轻微的;表面的 .穿着随便而花哨的7)setting n 环境,背景e.g. It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.e.g. The old castle would have provided the pe

11、rfect setting for a horror story.8)productive adj. 多产的, 富饶的 They lived on the produc -tive land.他们生活在富饶的土地上。.富有成效的; 有益的 We had a productive meeting that solved some problems.我们开了一个富有成效的会议, 解决了一些问题。.生产性的 .具有创造性的,有创意的 take a productive place从事有创造性的工作9)incorporate vt. 包含, 加上, 吸收 The shopping centre als

12、o incorporates a library and a bank.商业中心还包括一家银行和一家图书馆。把合并, 使并入 We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.由于纳税的原因, 我们不得不把那家公司合并了。.组成公司 When Smiths business became large, he incorporated it.当史密斯的业务扩大之后, 他把它组成了公司。使混合 使具体化;体现 His book incorporates his military thinking.他的书体现了他的军事思想。vi. .包含;吸收 .合

13、并;混合 The factory incorporates with others.这家工厂与别家合并了。.组成公司;结成社团 10)fit in with (使)适合, (使)与一致 His examples fitted in well with his argument.他举的例子很说明他的论点。Your ideas fit in with mine.你的想法和我的一致。I will try to fit my arrangements in with yours.我将尽量使我的安排与你的一致。11)pros and cons the advantages and disadvantag

14、es of somethinge.g. What comment do you have on the pros and cons of studying abroad?Step 2 Extensive ReadingPre-reading1.Ask the students to discuss in pairs something about how to dress then read text A quickly and do exercises2. Background informationDressing for the Workplace No matter what you

15、wear, your clothes should be neat and clean; Quality counts. Instead of buying several trendy outfits, invest in one good quality jacket or suit, and upgrade your blouse, shirt or tie; Grooming (打扮,穿戴) is very important. Dont forget to shave or bathe; Keep your shoes in good condition; Makeup should

16、 be subtle; Nails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length; Dress for the job you want. If you want to be a manager, dress like them. When in doubt, dress up. 3. Lead the students to read the text together part by part and ask them to answer some simple questions to check whether they have

17、understood the passage or not.Para 11.“More than形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如: In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. “More than名词”表示“多于”、“非但尤其是”如: 1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

18、 “More than数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: 3) I have known David for more than 20 years. 4) Lets carry out the test with more than the sample copy. 在“More.than.”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是而不是”如: 5) The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 6) This book seems

19、to be more a manual than a text. 7) Catherine is more diligent than intelligent. Para 2What many people do not realize is that there are a number of pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends. What引导的主语从句relying on分作状语词 分词(短语)用作时间状语通常可转换成时间状语从句(引导时间状语的从属连词需根据句意来确定)分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语保持一致!When

20、he looked out of the window, he found that a lot of people had gathered on the street.Looking out of the window, he found that a lot of people had gathered on the street.将状语从句改为分词作状语分三步:1.去掉连词; 2.去掉主语;3.将从句中谓语动词改为分词形式(从句为主动语态时,用现在分词;从句为被动语态时,用过去分词)。Para4What do you do for a living? 你是做什么的?Para5The l

21、ast thing that you want to do is get a bad name for yourself instead of compliments. 最不希望的是不但没有受到夸奖,还落下坏名声。take what others may think of you into consideration. 考虑Step 3. ExerciseLead the students to discuss Task 2 and try to correct the statements without rereading the passage. Then check the answe

22、rs together.Step 4. Assignments1.Task 3 of language lab2.Exercises. on the workbookPractical Writing(Notice)通知是上级对下级、团体对个人部署工作、传达事情或召开会议时所用的一种文体。同级单位有事情要进行讨论或协商,也可以互发通知。通知分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知又分为两种:一种是以布告形式,把事情通知有关人员;另一种是以书信形式,把相关事情传达给有关人员。一般说来,通知正文上面正中的地方往往有 Notice 或 NOTICE 一词作为题目,正文的下面是发出通知的单位名称。有时,发

23、出通知单位的名称也可写在正文之前。发出通知的日期如果是齐头式一般写在左下角,缩进式写在右下角;发出通知的人或单位的名称,可以写在右下角。这两项有时也可以省略。发出通知的单位和通知对象一般都用第三人称,但若正文前用了称呼语,则应用第二人称表示被通知的对象。二、分类1. 口头通知 口头通知是面对面地把信息传达给对方,无需说明发布通知的日期和发布通知的人(单位)。格式 (1) 称呼语。称呼语通常需根据听众的具体情况来确定。如在比较正式且男女听众兼有的场合,通常用Ladies and gentlemen 来称呼听众。如果在非正式场合,则比较随便,可以说Everyone。对学生用的称呼语通常是Boys

24、and girls。 (2) 过渡语。在做口头通知时,通常要先将听众的注意力吸引过来,而后再做通知。常使用的过渡语有: May I have your attention, please? Attention please. I have an announcement to make. Be quiet. There is something important I have to tell you. I have something (important) to tell you. Im glad to tell you something important. (3) 正文。即通知的内容

25、。 (4) 结束语。口头通知的结束语通常为:Thats all. Thank you. 例如:口头通知: May I have your attention? We will visit the Summer Palace on Wednesday, May 4th. It is the largest well-kept royal park in China. So I am sure you will be struck by its beautiful scenery. Please be on time at the hotel gate at 6:10 on Wednesday m

26、orning. Thats all. Thank you. 2. 书面通知通知是传达将要做的事,因此,写通知多用一般现在时和将来时态。书写通知的正文时,语言应简洁明了,把通知的对象、事由、时间、地点、内容有条理地说清楚即可。简单地说,就是某人(单位)某时在某地干某事,加上注意事项即可。当然,必须注意句子之间的安排,使之符合逻辑,条理清楚。书面通知格式的写法有点类似于书信的写法。如下图所示: (1) 标题。书面通知要在正文的正上方写上Notice或大写NOTICE。 (2) 正文。即通知的内容。 (3) 落款。书面表达要表明出通知的时间和单位名称。时间放在正文的左下角(如果是缩进式放在右下角单位

27、名称后, 单位名称则放在右下角。 【要领】 (1) 书面通知较之口头通知所使用的句式要复杂些。书面通知可以将若干的信息通过一个句子表达出来,而口头通知则可以分为几个句子表达。 (2) 通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此其主要时态是一般将来时。 (3) 为避免命令之嫌,通知中常采用被动语态或“please + 祈使句”表示要求。如: All teachers are requested to meet in the school meeting room at 4 p.m. on Friday to celebrate Teachers Day. Please be there on time

28、. 例如:书面通知: Notice Next Monday Professor Fan from Liaoning University will give us a lecture on how to learn a foreign language well in the meeting hall. The lecture will begin at 8:00. Please gather at 7:45 in front of the classroom building. Everyone is requested to take a notebook to take notes. A

29、fter the lecture, we will have a talk. Students Union Mar 3rd,2010Listening & SpeakingTask 1 Roy is talking with his supervisor about setting up a department meeting. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Task 2 Listen to the conversation about work shift and decide W

30、hether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Task 3 Morris and Rachel are talking about appropriate dress in the company. Listen to the conversation and tick off the items that have been mentioned. Task 4 Listen to the conversation about water cooler chat and choose the best answer to e

31、ach question you hear.Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Unit 2 Business Meeting Learning objectives 1 .In warming-up: Students can identify the different tasks at each stage of running a business meeting2. In Reading A grasp the main idea of the text and learn the useful words and

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