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1、六年级英语上辅导讲义六年级英语上辅导讲义第1讲 Module1一、Words单词 1.postcard明信片 复数形式 post(邮寄)+card(卡片 )2.more更多 联系many 和much3.thousand一千,一千个 million百万,百万个 联系 hundred 百 和million 思考: 一千 三千 两百 注意:不管几百几千还是几百万,百、千、百万这几个词都没有复数形式。 4.kilometer公里 复数形式 kilo 千克+ meter米 5.building 建筑物,大楼 复数形式 6.China 中国 Mexico墨西哥 Canada加拿大 America美国 思考

2、:中国(人)的 美国的 二、Phrase词组 more than 多于 tell about 告诉 a beautiful building 一栋漂亮的楼房fifty metres high 五十米高 Summer Palace 颐和园 the Great Wall of China 中国的长城思考:how old too long The Great Wall millions of want to 三、重点句子1. How long/how old 的特殊疑问句问某物有多长我们可以用 how long.?How long? 还可以用来询问时间长短。How old.? 用来提问年龄,后面的b

3、e动词随着人称和数的变化而变化。 它多长? 你多大了? 2. 比较级的用法(more than)比较级可以用于高于或者低于另一方的比较,强调的是两者的比较。 tall taller long longer old older 2)他想去学校。 3.Let s go tomorrow. Let s =Let us 后跟动词原形,让我们eg:Let s go swimming. 4.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 那有很多的中国商店和饭馆。 “there be”句型是表示“某地(场所)有/存在某物”。”there is/

4、are”的be动词部分随后面名词的不同而变化。there be 各种句式:肯定句:There is /are +主语+地点/时间状语。否定句:There is /are +not+主语+地点/时间状语。一般疑问句:Is/Are there +主语+地点/时间状语? 肯定回答:Yes,there is/are. 否定回答:No,there isnt/arent.思考:there is或者 there are 填空1) a Chinatown in American.2) lots of rooms in the hotel.3) three boys in the classroom.4) an

5、 orange on the desk.5) lots of bicycles in China.6) a very famous river.7)There is a panda in the zoo.(变复数) 第3讲 Module3 一、Words单词 1.collect收集 collect coins 收集硬币 collect stamps 2.stamp邮票 复数形式 两张邮票 3.hobby业余爱好,嗜好 复数形式 my/his/her/your/Jims hobby 4.men男人(复数) 单数形式 5.women女人(复数) 单数形式 6.another另一个 another

6、pen二、 Phrase词组collect stamps stamps from Canada 我的业余爱好 another Chinese stamp ride bikes 骑车 look at stars 看星星 fly kites play computer games 三、 重点句子1.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 集邮是我的业余爱好。此句中的collecting 是由动词转换成的动名词。意思就是说collect本身是动词有采集的意思,当它加上ing就变成了名词。然后它放在句首起强调作用,强调集邮这个事。例如:Seeing is believing .眼

7、见为实。思考: 1)Swimming is my hobby. 2)Collecting dolls is my hobby. 3)读书是我的爱好. 4)骑车是我的爱好。 2.Do you collect stamps?你收集邮票么?3.These are some stamps from Canada. 这些邮票来自加拿大。 1)These are some stamps from China. 2)这些邮票来自美国。 4.I have got a hobby.我有一个爱好。have和have got一样,都表示“有”。-Have you got a pet? 你有宠物吗? -Yes,I h

8、ave /No,I havent.这句话是have got的一般疑问句,由于主语是you,所以这里用了have,如果主语是第三人称单数的话,那么就用has。思考: 1)他有一个爱好。 2)-Have you got a map of China? - (否定回答) 3)Have you got any stamps from China? 4) 这张邮票来自加拿大。 This stamp Canada. 5)你有一本书么? Have you a book? 第4讲 Module4一、Words单词 1.festival节日 Lantern Festival Spring Festival Mi

9、d-Autumn Festival Dragon Boat Festival 2.special特殊的,特别的 a special meal 一顿丰盛的大餐 3.meal一餐,一顿饭 three meals 三餐4.sound听起来 It sounds good.5.moon cake月饼 eat moon cake 二、Phrase词组my favourite festival sing songs 唱歌a special meal look at 看三、重点句子1.Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!类似的还有:Happy New Year! Happy birthday!

10、2.Can you tell me more about American festivals?你能告诉我更多关于美国的节日么?tell sb more about 告诉某人更多关于 1)请告诉我更多关于长城的知识。Please tell more about 2)I can tell you more about London. 3.What is your/her/his/Toms favourite festival? My/Her/His/Toms favourite festival is 思考: 1)我最喜爱的节日是春节。 favourite festival is Spring

11、Festival.2)感恩节是他最喜欢的节日。Thanksgiving is favourite festival.4.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? We always have a special meal. We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends. 注意:在什么节日 要用on第5讲 Module5一、Words单词1.pleased高兴的,满足的 please 请2.meet见到,遇到 三单形式 3.address地址 我的地址 4.pen friend笔友 I have a pen

12、friend in U.S.A.5.Australia澳大利亚 in Australia 6.French法语 speak French France7.pet宠物 a pet dog二、Phrase词组speak English write in English 用英语书写in China from America/China 来自美国/ her address 她的地址 my cousin 我的表弟my new friend 我的新朋友 tell you about China 告诉你关于中国的事情write to sb 写信给某人三、重点句子1.Can you speak English

13、? Can I write to your friend/you? Yes , of course. 情态动词can 能,可以。其后跟动词原形。含有can的句子变一般疑问句把can提前,首字母大写。 1)I can speak some English. 2)-Can I write to you? -Yes, /No, . 3)She can speak some Chinese. (改为否定句) (改为疑问句)2.This is their/my address. 这是他的地址。 3.Who can be your pen friend? Why ? Because he/she can

14、speak French/Chinese。思考:1)I can be your pen friend.(变一般疑问句) 2)I am from American.(改为一般疑问句) 3) 她来自中国。 4)I can speak French and English. 4.Pleased to meet you !见到你很高兴! 还可以说Nice to meet you.第6讲 Module6一、Words单词 1.someday将来2.chopsticks筷子(复数)3.soon不久,很快4.knife 餐刀,小刀 复数形式 5.fork叉子 forks二、Phrase词组 come fro

15、m =be from 来自 have/has got 有 play with sb 和某人一起玩 a letter from England 一封来自英国的信 some stamps 一些邮票三、重点句子1.Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park. Ive got some chopsticks, but they are difficult. Ive got some stamps from China but I havent got any stamps from Canada.如果主语是I 、You、We、They

16、 的时候 be 动词就要用have got如果主语是He、She、It或者表示个人名称的时候如:Tom,Amy的时候,be动词用has+got。举例:Daming has got a chinese kite . 大明已经有一个中国的风筝了 We have got some apples. 我们已经有一些苹果了。否定句:I havent got a football . 我没有足球2. Daming says(that) he will write to you soon.大明说他将很快写信给你。此句中为宾语从句。此句中的Daming 为主语,says 为谓语 宾语是he will write

17、 to you soon 组成的宾语从句 。此句子说明he will write to you 是大明要说的内容。第7讲 Module7一、Words单词1.believe 相信 I believe you. 2.lucky幸运的 a lucky dog 3.bamboo竹子 4.CD-ROM只读光盘5.copy模仿 6.fantastic非常好的, 很棒的 a fantastic present 一份很棒的礼物二、Phrase词组Come out of 从.出来 I dont believe you love bamboo an interesting CD-ROM 三、重点句子1. - W

18、hy is the snake coming out of the box? - Because the snake thinks the flute is another snake .(宾语从句)此句是why 引导的疑问句,构成方式:Why +be动词 +主语+其它部分 此句中已经有一个动词is ,所以come 这个动词只能转换成动名词形式 coming表示出来的那个状态。Why 提问由because来回答。举例:- Why are you so late ?为什么你迟到了? - Because I am sick. 因为我生病了。2. what an interesting CD-ROM

19、?此句为what 引导的感叹句 。构成方式:what +a/an+形容词+名词举例:What a beautiful day!多美好的一天啊!3. Do snakes like music?此句为Do 引导的疑问句 后面可跟另外一个动词,句子的构成方式为:DO+主语+动词原形+其它部分。举例: Do you like me ?你喜欢我吗? 回答:Yes,I do./No,I dont.4. Believe it or not ? 信不信由你。 5.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.思考题: 1)say(第三人称单数) 2)copy汉语 3)monkey(复数)

20、 4)dance(现在分词) 第8讲 Module8一、Words单词1.often经常,常常2.clean清理 现在分词:cleaning 3.always总是4.never从不二、Phrase词组watch TV eat fast food 吃快餐 clean your room go to see films read books go swimming 三、重点句子1.-Do you often play with dolls/speak English/watch TV? -Yes, I do. / Not really. -Do you like reading books now

21、? -Yes, of course. -Do you often clean your room? -No, I dont.I often/I dont often often 是频率词 表示经常举例 I often read stories. 我常常读故事。思考题:选择1. Do you play basketball? A.often B.also C.too2.You are your bedroom. A. clean B. cleaning C.cleans3.Look this photo. C.to4.I a long time ago. A.stoped B

22、.stops C.stopped第9讲 Module9一、Words单词1.building建筑物,大楼 复数形式 2.all around到处,处处 3.peace和平 4.inside在. 内5.show展示,出示 二、Phrase词组take a photo= take photos want to do sth in New York visit the UN building 三、重点句子1. Do you want to?want意思是“要,想要”,后面可以跟名词或“to+动词原形”。举例:What do you want? I want to go to the park. Do

23、 you want to go to Guilin?你想去桂林吗? 肯定回答:Yes,please./Yes,I do. 否定回答:No,thank you./No,I dont.2. How many countries are in the UN. 联合国有多少个国家?How many 问多少数量 ,句型构成: how many+主语+be动词+其他部分(be 动词的变化跟着主语变化而变化)举例:How many apples are there?3. When is the UN building open? 联合国大厦什么时候开门?问时间用when .构成格式:when +be动词+主

24、语+其它部分(be动词随着主语的变化而变化)举例:when are you going school? 你什么时候去学校?When is Daming back home? 大明什么时候回家?4. Where is the Summer Palace? 颐和园在哪?(要大写)问地点用where。构成格式:where+be动词+主语+其它部分(be动词随着主语的变化而变化)举例:where are you? 你在哪?5. the Republic of China 中华人民共和国 (注意大写部分) 思考题: 1)visit(现在分词) 2)play(第三人称单数) 3)make(现在分词) 4)

25、country(复数形式) 第10讲 Module10一、Words单词 1.hurry赶紧,赶快 hurry up 2.rule规定,规则 复数形式 3.library card借书卡 4.line排,列 in line成一条直线5.CD激光唱盘二、Phrase词组 library card Be quiet Go straight on. in line look at at the library turn left/right ride my/your/his/her bike(bicycle) 三、重点句子1. It says, “Dont talk in the library”

26、Dont walk on the grassDont= do not2. Please stand in line! 请站成一条直线。3. Look at the library rules. 看图书馆规则4. Did you?一般过去式的一般疑问句,一般疑问句中要用到助动词did,把did提至句首,其他句子结构保持不变。另外,一般疑问句中的行为动词也要用原形表示。回答,用yes/No.来回答。助动词要用Did,以保证问句答句时态一致。动词的过去式掌握以下单词的原形和过去式:go-went am/is-was are-werewrite-wrote say-said do-didmeet-met come-came思考题:1.My favourite city is Beijing.(划线部分提问) 2.I have got a big dog.(改为一般疑问句) 3.There are four boats on the river.(划线部分提问) 4.Turn left.(否定句)

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