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八上Unit8milk shake第二课时教案.docx

1、八上Unit8milk shake第二课时教案Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Period 2 Section A (1a-2d) Teaching Goals:一、功能:Talk about how to describe the process of making something. A: How do you make ? B: First; Next; Then; Finally A: How many bananas do we need? B: We need three. A: How much yogurt do we ne

2、ed? B: We need one cup.二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use the curriculum words(shake, yogurt, honey, watermelon, spoon) and the useful expressions(cut up, putinto, pourinto, turn on,one cup of, two spoons of).三、文化知识: There is a lot of fun cooking. If you put your heart into it, you can do it very well. (目标引领:从功

3、能、词汇和常用表达及文化知识三个方面阐述了本节课的教学目标,层次清晰,一目了然。)Teaching and learning steps:Step1. Pre-listening activities1. Preview Ask the students to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.(1) 喝奶昔 (2) 打开 (3)

4、 切碎 (4)把倒入_(5)剥三根香蕉 (6) 把放进_(7)一杯酸奶 _ (8)两勺蜂蜜_ Ask the students to translate the following sentences.(1)你如何制作香蕉奶昔?_(2) A:我们需要多少个苹果?_B:我们需要两个。_(3) A:我们需要多少酸奶?_B: 一杯。_(【设计意图】:课前对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解,能够帮助学生课上有针对性的听讲,更能帮助学生更好的理解文本。)2.Warming up and lead-in. Task1.Look at the picture and find out the ingredie

5、nts. T: Hello, class, I am good at cooking, Im going to teach you to make something delicious. Thanksgiving Day is coming. Do you want to make something for your parents?Ss: Yes.T: OK, this class, Ill teach you how to make a banana milk shake and fruit salad. First, please look at the picture. What

6、are the two boys doing?Ss: They are making something delicious.T: Yes,they are making a banana milk shake. Do you want to know how to make it?Ss: Yes. T: OK, now please look at the picture and tell me how many bananas we need?Ss: Three.T: How much milk do we need?Ss: One bottle of milk.T: How much i

7、ce cream do we need?Ss: One cup of ice cream.T: What other tools do we need?Ss: A blender, a knife, a teaspoon.First, let students look at the picture and guess what the two boys are doing.Then ask them to say the ingredients of making a banana milk shake.(【设计意图】:学生通过观看制作香蕉奶昔的图片,找出制作奶昔所需要用到的原材料,对听力内

8、容进行预测。老师与学生的对话练习,可以让学生对how many 和 how much 的用法有所感知。为2a,2b听力做好铺垫。) Task2.Watch the actions and say the key verbs. (此部分是单独的六个动作视频,因为按照要求视频不能上传,因此此处用图片代替了。)Let students watch the actions, and pay more attention to the key verbs. peel cut up putinto pourinto turn on drinkTask3.Be a good actor. T: Lets d

9、o some actions. Try to be a good actor. For example, when I say peel, you should do it like this(此时老师做出剥香蕉的动作). peel cut up putintopourinto turn on drinkFirst, the teacher says the verbs, the students do the actions. Then, exchange. The teacher does the actions, let the students say the verbs.(【设计意图

10、】:让学生通过观看制作香蕉奶昔的六个动作视频,然后说出表示该动作的动词。这样可以调动其学习的积极性,让学生对该动词的意思和用法记忆更加深刻。此时老师可以说出动词,然后让学生表演相关的动作;接着师生角色转换,老师做动作,学生说动词。这样做是为了更加加深学生对这些词的理解和记忆。为下面的1a填词和听力训练做好铺垫。这两个环节尽可能的多提一些学困生,因为这部分内容比较简单,答案很容易说出,这样能让更多的孩子获得成就感。)Task4.Write these words in the blanks. 1a. T: Excellent, all of you did a very good job. Pl

11、ease look at the boy, he wants to make a banana milk shake for his parents, but he forget some key verbs, please help him to write these words in the blanks. _ the milk shake _ the bananas _ the milk into the blender _ the bananas _ the blender _ the bananas and ice cream tin the blender(【设计意图】:有了上面

12、两个环节对于动词的操练,学生再做1a就比较容易了。通过1a看图填词,可以让学生对做香蕉奶昔的步骤有所了解,并为1b的听力训练做好铺垫。)Step2. While-listening activities.Listening Practice I1.Listen for the general idea听取大意 Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is to talk about A. how to make an apple milk shake B. how

13、 to make fruit salad C. how to make a banana milk shake(【设计意图】:让学生通过听录音整体感知,并找出谈论的主旨大意。听听力之前要对学生进行相关听力策略(在听听力之前先仔细审题,找出需要听的关键词,即红色部分标注的词)的指导。这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力,并能提高学生的听力效能。)2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节 T: The 2 boys have another problem, they dont know the correct order of making a banana mil

14、k shake. Please listen to the recording carefully and put the instructions in the correct order.Task1.Listen and put the instructions in the correct order. _ Turn on the blender._ Cut up the bananas._ Drink the milk shake._ Pour the milk into the blender._ Put the bananas and ice cream into the blen

15、der._ Peel three bananas.(【设计意图】:在第二遍听之前,先让学生自读1b部分所给出的句子,并且要对学生进行听力策略的指导:即在听听力时注重听句中带有下划线的动词。这样能够快速准确的进行排序。) Task2. Listen and fill in the blanks. A: Im ! Lets a banana . B: you make a banana milk shake?A: Well, three bananas.B: bananas?A: Yes. the bananas.B: OK, Ive finished.A: Now the bananas and

16、 the blender. the milk the .B: Is this milk? A: I guess so. , the blender. , the milk shake a glass and it. (【设计意图】:第三次听并填出空缺的单词,让学生对如何做香蕉奶昔有更深入的理解,注重对听力细节的处理,并加深对制作步骤的记忆,为下一步自己制作香蕉奶昔做好铺垫。) Task3. Listen and repeat.(【设计意图】:跟读部分是为了正音,让学生模仿录音的语音和语调,对培养学生的语速、语调是很有帮助的。)Listening Practice II Let students

17、 look at the picture and say the names of the ingredients.(【设计意图】:听听力之前,让学生先了解做水果沙拉所需要用到的水果,让学生对听力内容有所感知,有助于帮助学生理解听力内容。)1.Listen for the general idea (2a-2b)听取大意 Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is to talk about A. how to make vegetable salad B. h

18、ow to make fruit salad C. how to make a banana milk shake2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task1.Listen and complete the chart.(2a)How manybananasHow muchyogurtMaria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad. First, the teacher points out the two columns in the chart and reads the headings. Th

19、en, ask students to listen carefully,and write the names of the ingredients.Finally, check their answers.Task2.Listen and write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart.(2b) onetwothreeone cuptwo spoonswatermelonFirst, ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Then, let stu

20、dents listen again and write the name of each ingredient next to the correct Finally, check their answers like this: We need one cup of yogurt, two apples(【设计意图】:首先让学生通过听录音整体感知听力内容,然后对做水果沙拉所用到的名词进行归类,最后做2b时注意引导学生听关键词,即蓝色标注的数词和量词,这样可以帮助学生迅速并准确的找到答案。)Step3.Post-listening activities.Task1.Pairwork.(2c)

21、A: Lets make fruit salad.B: OK, good idea. How much do we need? A: .B: And how many do we need?A: Let me think. We needB: OK, and how much(【设计意图】:引导学生用How much和 How many 就水果沙拉制作材料的分量进行提问。 用 How much/many do we need? 引导学生掌握可数和不可数名词量的表达。让学生通过对话练习进一步对听力内容进行巩固操练,实现了英语学习的最终目的-运用语言,是知识转化为能力进而提高能力的重要环节。)Ta

22、sk2.Make your favorite milk shake. 选做一:Make a banana milk shake.First, let the students watch a video about making a banana milk shake.(此处有一个完整的制作香蕉奶昔的视频,但是因为按照要求视频不能上传,因此此处没有加上。)Next, let students work in pairs and make their own milk shakes. One student says the process, the other one makes it.The

23、n, ask 2 pairs of them to make their own banana milk shakes in front of the class.Finally, share their milk shakes with their classmates.选做二:Make your favorite milk shake.1. Four students in a group( one group, one leader) and have a discussion about what their favorite milk shake is, by using the p

24、atterns: What kind of milk shake do you want to make?Why?What ingredients and tools do you need?How to make it?2. The leaders should write down the process and make the report in the class like this:In our group, we want to make a milk shake. Because We need ;First;Then;NextFinally3. Let students sh

25、are their milk shakes with their classmates.(【设计意图】: 让学生通过制作香蕉奶昔的视频,进一步加深其制作过程,并且能够调动学生亲自动手操作的欲望。这一部分给了两个任务供学生选择:程度不是很好的学生可以做选做一,直接根据图片所提供的内容和顺序,描述如何制作香蕉奶昔。对于程度好些的学生,可以做选做二:即四个学生一组讨论如何制作他们自己喜欢的奶昔,不仅能激发学生的兴趣,而且能够发挥小组合作精神。这一部分是对1b和2a,2b听力内容的整合,即涉及到了奶昔的制作步骤,也涉及到了how many, how much以及量词的表达方式。进一步对听力内容进行巩固

26、操练,实现了英语学习的最终目的-运用语言,是知识转化为能力进而提高能力的重要环节。与此同时,教育学生好东西要大家一起分享。)Task 3. Role-play the conversation.First, get the students to read the conversation and fill in the chart.Then, let them put the conversation into Chinese.Next, role play the conversation in pairs or make their own conversations.Finally,

27、ask some pairs to go to the front of the classroom and perform it to the whole class.(【设计意图】:此部分是一个完整的口语示范对话,这是一个综合的、具有真实语境的口语活动,就是对前面所学语言的巩固和运用,同时也为后面理解和发现语言结构的特点和规律了更多的语言素材。中下等生可以直接做课本上的对话,优等生可以谈论自己的喜欢的食物的制作过程。)Step4.Inquiry into knowledge by translation.A: How many bananas do we need?_ B: Three b

28、ananas._A: How much yogurt do we need?_ B: One cup._1.不可数名词计量的表达方式不可数名词要记清, 没有_数_数用。 , 数词不修饰,计量请把 请。e.g: (1)两杯酸奶 _ (2)三匙蜂蜜_ 2.由以上例句可以看出,how many后面跟_; how much 后面跟_;两者均意为“_”。 e.g: (1) A:我们需要多少个苹果?_ B:我们需要两个苹果。_ (2) A:我们需要多少蜂蜜?_ B:我们需要两勺蜂蜜。_(【设计意图】:让学生自己通过观察上面的例句,自己感知来尝试归纳语言的规律,然后对于自己没有把握的题,可以小组之间讨论。必要时老师可以给予适当的点拨。不可数名词计量的表达方式,通过一个记忆口诀,加深学生对其用法的记忆。)Step5. Summary.First peel, then cut; Next put, then turn;Turn on, turn off;Finally,just drink.How much yogurt do we need?One cup of yogurt, we need one cup.H

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