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1、仁爱英语九年级下册导学案九年级导学案课题:Unit5 topic 2 section A 备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】1.了解掌握中国的历史人物。2继续学习定语从句(由who和whose引导,who做主语,whose做定语)【预习达标】一、在文中找到下列单词并写出汉语意思,读背下来,组长检查。 1、pioneer 2、. 3、thinker ; 4、wise 5、kindness 6、philosopher 7、influnce 8、whom 9、pass away 10、unite 11、defeat 12、set up 13、empire 14、foreve

2、r 14、come to an end 二、英汉互译。 1.出生于_2 .the year 551 . _ 3一个伟大的思想家_ wise ideas_ 5. About human nature and behavior_ 6一个著名的哲学家._ 7.至理名言_ 8.学习和思考的重要性_# 9.接受良好的教育_ 10.在55岁时_ 11开始做某事_12search for good rules of behavior_ 13.在他三十多岁时_ rest of his life_ 15.去世_ 16.和某人一起行走_17、建立、成立_ 18、秦朝_三、精读课文1a,完成下面的分析与练习。 1a

3、 pioneer in the field of education 教育领域里的先驱在领域:_ 2. He was born in the year 他出生于在公元前551年.the year ,公元前551年。AD公元,BC公元前。要表达 “公元/公元前.年”时,将AD写在年数前后的均可,BC应写在年数之后。 3. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. 他是一个对本性和人类行为有许多真知灼见的思想家。在此句中,定语从句是(用横线画出来);先行词是_,关系代词是_,也可用

4、that替换,它指_(人或物),在句中做_。这句话可分开,即:He was a great thinker. He had many wise ideas about nature and human behavior.who和whom引导的定语从句:who,whom用于指人,who用作主语,whom用作宾语。在口语中,有时可用who代替whom,可省略。(总结:who在定语从句中作主语时不能省略; whom在定语从句中作宾语时可省略)。例如: ThegirlwhooftenhelpsmewithmyEnglishisfromEngland.(作主语) Whoistheteacher(whom

5、)LiMingistalkingto正在与李明谈话的老师是谁(作宾语) 4. His main ideas are about kindness and good manners.他的主要思想是关于“仁”和“礼”。5. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.他也是一位著名的哲学家,他的至理名言影响了不同国家的许多人.用“ ”画出定语从句;先行词是_,关系代词是_,在从句修饰_作定语,它指_(人或物),在句中做_。这句话可分开,即

6、:He was also a famous philosopher. His wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.Whose引导的定语从句:whose在句中做定语,即可指物也可指人。如:He is the owner of the house whose roof was repaired.(作定语,指代物)Is this the boy whose parents went to Canada last year (作定语,指代人)6. He who learns but does not think

7、 is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.用“ ”画出这句话中的两个定语从句; 第一个定语从句可分开为:_第二个定语从句可分开为:_7. I think I can learn lot from him.我认为我可以从他身上学到很多东西.8. In his thirties, Confucius began to teach. 孔子在30多岁时开始讲学。in ones twenties/thirties 在某人二十多岁/三十多岁时。在从twenty到ninety表示整十的单词中,把单词末尾的y改为

8、i再加es,表示约略数字。比较:at the age of twenty在二十岁时总结:表示具体的岁数时,可用at+基数词或者at the age of+基数词。表示某个年龄段时,要用in ones+基数词的复数形式。例如:George Bush become the president of the USA in his forties. 乔治布【当堂检测,点击中考】( )1.Do you know everybody _ came to the party Almost, but I dont know the one _ you talked with near the door. A.

9、 who; / B. whose; that C. that; which D. /; whom( ) became a famous writer when he was _ . A. in his fifty B. in his fifties C. in fifty years old fifties( )3.Have you ever been to the village _ Taishitun No. I have never been there before.: A. Call B. called C. to call D. calling( )4.Must we go the

10、re together at once _ you _ he goes there, only one student is needed. A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also( )5.Do you know about Yuan Longping Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid(杂交) rice is famous. 课堂练习二: may know the girl. Her father is call

11、ed Fang Gang.(合为含定语从句的复合句) _an is a small village. It lies in the northeast of Suzhou.(合为含定语从句的复合句)_、 is a friend. I can depend on him.(用whom连成含定语从句的复合句)_ book is really good. We should read it.(合并成一句)The book is really _ _. woman is my English teacher. She is working in the office.(合并为含定语从句的复合句)_ 九

12、年级英语导学案 课题: Unit5 Topic2 Section B 备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生: 教师寄语:暗自伤心,不如立即行动。在你内心深处,还有无穷的潜力,有一天当你回首看时,你就会知道这绝对是真的。泪水和汗水的化学成分相似,但前者只能为你换来同情,后者却可以为你赢得成功。【 学习目标】1了解掌握中国的历史人物郑和。 2继续学习who, whom引导的定语从句。【预习达标】一、在文中找到下列单词,写出词性及词义,熟读背并默写。(组长查) 1、captain 2、sail 3、coast 4、unfortunately 5、compass 6、 trade 7、priz

13、e 8、lead 二、汉语提示写出下列英语短语。 1.变得对.感兴趣_2.这些天_ 3名字叫郑和的人_ 4.为.感到骄傲、自豪 _ 5. 在那时_ 6.在.起着重要作用_ 7.成功地做某事 east coast of Africa_ offrom_ 10.是.的骄傲_ 11在他回家的路上_12谢谢你告诉我那么多_3、精读课文1a,完成下面的分析与练习。1I am becoming more and more interested in Chinas history these days.这些天我对中国历史越来越感兴趣。2. Could you tell me something about t

14、he person named Zheng He你能告诉我一些关于郑和这个人的情况吗the person named Zheng He 叫郑和的人,是_做后置定语。它可以改为定语从句: 3. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of. 他是一个让所有的中国人引以为豪的明代探险家。这是一个由whom引导的定语从句;可以把它分成两句话:_,定语从句的先行词是_,关系代词是_,它指_(人或物),在句中做介词of的 _。可用who代替,也可省略(只有做宾语时)。但是,当把介词提前时只能用whom而不能用who

15、。所以这句话还可改为:_4. Because, as a captain and palace official, he led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433.因为从1405年到1433年,他作为船长和朝廷命官领导了七次航海之行。5. He really is the pride of china.他确实是中国的骄傲。的骄傲:_为而自豪(骄傲):_或_自豪、骄傲(名词形式):_ 自豪、骄傲(形容词形式):_翻译句子:长城是中国人的骄傲。 我为长城而自豪。 6. Unfortunately, he died of illness on his wa

16、y home from Africa in 1433.不幸地是,他于1433年在从非洲返回的路途中病故。死于:_,后接表示死因的名词、代词或名词短语。翻译句子:他的父亲死于癌症。_那个女孩死于汶川地震。_;7. Thank you for telling me so much.谢谢你告诉我这么多(有关郑和的故事)。为某件事表示感谢:_ 4、五完成1c。讨论whowhomthat which引导的定语从句,并独立完成2.5、【当堂检测,点击中考】课堂练习一:把下列句子连成定语从句。1、Yuan Longping is a great scientist. He has developed hyb

17、rid rice. 2、Zheng He was a great explorer. He led seven ocean journeys._3、Yang Zhenning is a great scientist. He won the Nobel Prize for physics.! 4、 Zheng He died of illness. He was a Ming dynasty explorer. 5、Thomas Edison was a great scientist. He invented many useful things._ 6、He was a Ming dyna

18、sty explorer. The Chinese people are proud of him._ 7、Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He was a captain and palace official. _8、I have a friend. Her name is Jane.!_课堂练习二:( ) are going to have a class party tomorrow afternoon. _ , Li Ming wont be able to take part in it, he is ill in hospital. A. F

19、ortunately B. Luckily C. Sorry D. Unfortunately( )2.Do you know everybody _ came to the party Almost, but I dont know the one _ you talked with near the door. A. who; / B. whose; that C. that; which D./; whom( ) Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the _ of our nation. A. proud B. Pride C. prize D. price( )

20、4.Do you know about Yuan Longping% Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid rice is famous. A. who B. which C. That D. whose( ) sailor is _ of his experiences, because he has been to about 30 countries. pride B. afraid C. proud D. Hear 九年级英语导学案 课题: Unit5 Topic2 Section C 备课人:

21、何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生: 教师寄语:你织的茧,得你自己去咬破!拯救自己的,只有自己!逆境是造就天才的最好的环境;奇迹都是在厄运中出现!【学习目标】1. 学习历史人物钱学森。 2继续学习定语从句。【预习达标】一、在文中找到下列单词,写出词性及词义,熟读背并默写。(组长查)。 1、missile 2、graduation 3、university 4、Pacific 5、further 6、degree 7、aerospace 8、graduate 9、researcher 10、related 11、youth 12、devotion 13、express 14、careef 15、

22、destination 16、hybrid rice 17、charge 二英汉互译、。 1.太平洋_ 2.在浙江省的杭州_ 3在1911年的九月11号_ his graduation from Shanghai Jiaotong University _ 5. Travel across the Pacific Ocean to the United Nation for further study_ 6.去北京深造_ 7.老师兼研究员_ 8.对导弹和航天工程作出重要的贡献_ 9.返回到他的祖国_ up the first research institute of rockets and

23、missiles_11、从那时起_12、in charge of doing _ 13.被尊称为_ Father of Chinas Missiles_15.是.的骄傲_16、为.感到骄傲_17、去世、离世 _18、鼓励某人做某事 _ 19、赚取更多的钱_20、在他98岁时_21、family name_ 22、given name_23、毕业于._(三、1a自学指导:精读课文1a,完成下面的分析与练习。1After he graduated ,he became a teacher as well as a researcher who studied rockets and missile

24、 theories.翻译: 这是一个复合句,after 引导的时间状语从句,主句中包含有who引导的定语从句;可以把它分成两句话:_ ,定语从句的先行词是_,关系代词是_,它指_(人或物),在句中做 _。as well as意思是“和”“兼任”“而且”例如:孔子是思想家兼哲学家 _ 2.He made important contributions to the missile and space programs in China. 翻译:_ 对.作出贡献:_例如:人人都应该为保护环境做出贡献。 3.From then on,he was in charge of developing Ch

25、inas missile,rocket and spacecraft research programs. 翻译: 注释:be in charge of doingsth. 负责做某事掌管.、例如:在家里,我妈妈负责做饭。 她掌管两家公司,所以她很忙。 4.He is the pride of the Chinese people.翻译:_是.的骄傲:_例如:姚明是中国人的骄傲。为.而自豪:_ 5.But he is a man who still encourages Chinese youth.翻译:_此句是一个定语从句,可以把它分成两句话: ,定语从句的先行词是_,关系代词是_,它指_(人或物),在句中做 _。6.His devotion to his country was expressed in his saying,”My career is in China,my

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