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1、新视野大学英语句型结构题第一册Unit OneModel OneMake a sentence out of each group of words. Use “while” to introduce information that contrasts with what is conveyed in the main clause.1. universities, in the east, better equipped; those, in the west, relatively poor2. Allan Clarke, keep talking the price up; Wilki

2、nson, keep knocking the price downModel TwoMake a sentence out of each group of words. Use “not onlybut also” in each sentence with an inversion structure.1. Mr. Smith, learn the Chinese language; he, bridge, the gap between his culture and ours 2. we, learn the technology through the online course;

3、 we, learn to communicate with friends in EnglishUnit TwoModel OneCombine each pair of the following sentences, using an “as” clause to introduce an action happening at the same time as another action.1. Date saw her brother Bill. At the same time she was getting off the school bus.2. Mother was sta

4、nding up from her seat. At that time she dropped her glass to the ground.Model TwoRewrite the following sentences, using the structure of “while +V-ing”1. She listened to her favorite rock music while she sang along with the words.2. She was putting on her jeans and at the same time asked me to hand

5、 her the sweater.Unit ThreeModel OneCombine each pair of the following sentences, using the conjunction “even though”.1. He had his ears pierced. I told him not to.2. I t was an exciting game. No goals were scored.Model TwoRewrite the following sentences using an absolute structure. (采用独立主格结构)1. Aft

6、er she learned some simple Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.2. When you are doing the wring exercise for this course, you should remember that you are writing according to a specific structure.Unit FourModel OneCombine the following sentences, u

7、sing a “V-ing” structure.1. It rained for two weeks on end. It completely flooded the village.2. She refused to attend the party. She didnt want to meet John there.Model TwoWrite sentences, using a “so(that)” structure.1. be very excited, cant sleep2. become very angry with, decide toUnit FiveModel

8、OneComplete the sentences, using an attributive clause.1. I dont like _(他教英语的方法)。2. An old friend from another country, _(我希望和我住在一起的人) telephoned from the airport.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “despite”.1. _(他尽管有病), he came to the meeting.2. _(尽管有许多困难), he managed to finish the work within

9、three weeks.Unit SixModel OneRewrite each of the following sentences, using “so, nor, neither”.1. I know who he is. She also knows who he is.2. We have come to realize all work is equally important. The same is true of Sara.3. Im not supposed to know who else objects to the plan. Theyre not supposed

10、 to know that either.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “even if”.1. _(即使计算准确), scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables.2. He is going to buy the factory, _(即使他们提价).Unit SevenModel OneRewrite the following sentences with a “have +object +V-ed” structure.1. Their pay sh

11、ould be increased.2. My first book was accepted for the publication that year.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “rather than”.1. He had been forced to spend most of the time talking to Mrs. Harlowe _(而不是同她女儿交谈).2. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people _(而不是伤害他们)。Unit EightModel

12、OneCombine the two simple sentences into a complex sentence that contains an attributive clause.1. It is easiest to examine the sudden arrival of a new idea in the great creative personalities. Many of the great creative personalities experienced it in an intensified form.2. The Gaels offspring are

13、the modern Scots and Irish. Some of the modern Scots and Irish still speak the Gaelic language.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “the more the more” structure.1. The more books a man reads, _ (他了解的知识就越丰富).2. The more he thought about it, _(他就越不喜欢它).Unit NineModel OneRewrite the following senten

14、ces by using an inversion structure.1. If you should need any help, dont hesitate to phone me at the office.2. If a serious crisis should arise, the public would have to be informed of it.Model TwoCombine each pair of the following sentences, using “instead of” to introduce something that is not don

15、e or not true.1. You should talk to your teacher. You should not just complain to me about it.2. They raised prices and cut production. They did not cut costsUnit TenModel OneCombine each pair of the following sentences by using “where” to introduce an adverbial clause.1. I live there. There are ple

16、nty of sheep there.2. Your coat is there. You left your coat there.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “what” to introduce a noun clause.1. _(我说什么做什么) is/are none of your business.2. The Olympic Games upholds the ideal that _(重在参与,不在输赢).第二册Unit OneModel OneComplete the sentences, using “much less

17、”.1. The student can hardly speak simple English, _(更不用说用英语写文章了).2. He cannot manage a small shop, _(更不用说管理一家大公司了).Model TwoCombine each pair of the following sentences, using the conjunction “whereas”.1. Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars. Eating out at a restaurant is

18、always more expensive.2. We thought she was rather proud. In fact she was just very shy.Unit TwoRewrite the following sentences with preposition “despite”.1. They didnt lose heart though they experienced lots of frustration.2. Thought it was raining heavily, the boys played football in the yard all

19、afternoon.Model TwoComplete the sentences, using “nor”.1. I wont apologize to him for doing this, _(我也不觉得有这个必要).2. My parents said they wouldnt come to us for the Chinese New Year, _ (他们也不会去窝妹妹家).Unit ThreeModel OneRewrite the following sentences by using “never tooto”.1. It is not so bad that we ca

20、n do nothing about the situation.2. No one is so old that he cannot learn.Model TwoRewrite the following sentences by using an appositional structure. (同位语)1. My best friend was here last night. Anna was my best friend.2. The company manager fathered his staff and announced the decision. Mr. Madison

21、 was the company manager.Unit FourModel OneCombine the following parts into sentences, using “it” as the formal subject.1. necessary, the manager finish the whole task, before leaving for a holiday2. a shame, take so much money, for doing so littleModel TwoComplete the sentences, using “as long as”.

22、1. Sandy promised to marry John _(只要她能得到父亲的同意).2. _(只要你为自己定下目标), you will get somewhere someday.Unit FiveModel OneCombine the following sentences, using “which” to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences.1. John went to the cinema with his brother. This surpr

23、ised me.2. The boy broke the window. He was criticized by the teacher for this.Model TwoRewrite the following sentences by using “sothat” structure.1. The teacher spoke very quietly. The students could hardly hear her.2. The lecture was quite boring. Many listeners fell asleep.Unit SixModel OneCompl

24、ete the following sentences, using an inversion structure.1. As water is to fish, _(空气对于人也一样).2. As the lion is the king of all animals, _(鹰也是鸟类之王).Model TwoRewrite the following sentences with the “-ing” participle clause with a conjunction.1. While I was waiting at the doctors, I read an entire sh

25、ort story.2. After you have used the brush, put it in its proper place.Unit SevenModel OneRewrite the following sentences, using “among other things”.1. When you are studying abroad, misunderstandings can result from cultural differences, in addition to other things.2. In addition to other requireme

26、nts, online learning requires commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.Model TwoCombine the following sentences, using the structure “the morethe more”.1. I often practice. I play well.2. We got up high in the air. It became cold.Unit EightModel OneRewrite the following sente

27、nces, emphasizing the italicized parts by putting them at the beginning of the sentence.1. They will give up the plan on no account.2. He knows little how much his parents love him.Model TwoCombine each pair of the following sentences, using the conjunction “while” in the sense of “although”.1. I ag

28、ree it is a tough problem. I dont think it cannot be solved.2. Sara cannot come to help us. She will give us some suggestions.Unit NineModel OneCombine the following sentences using the conjunction “even if”.1. Ive made up my mind to marry him. My mother objects.2. She has problems finding a job. Sh

29、e gets bachelors degree.Model TwoCombine each pair of the following sentences. (the er. the er)1. A goal is made clearer. It is easier to decide whether the goal is achievable.2. I got angrier. He said less.Unit TenModel OneTranslate part of the sentences with “as though” and subjunctive mood.1. Mik

30、e seemed very proud of himself _(好像只有他得了90分以上).2. Mary left the old house in a hurry, looking frightened, _(好像她在哪儿见到了鬼).Model TwoRewrite the following sentences, using “whichever”.1. You should wear the dress which suits you best for the evening party.2. You can settle down in any one of the areas that you choose.第三册Unit OneModel OneComplete the following sentences, using “no matter”.1. Every substance in the world, _(不管看起来和其他物质多么不同), is made partly of electrons.2. _(不管一个女人试图做什么来改变她的处境), there is some barrie

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