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1、启东中学模块复习讲义第十讲模块三第 十 讲模块三 Unit2 Language【考点透视】 I 重点短语 throughout(+ place / time) the country / the night 1. all over + place the country all through + time the year CCTV news收听中央电视台新闻 the passengers接乘客. pick up English学英语2. a wallet on the ground 捡起地上的钱包 the information(偶然地)得到那个消息pick out 选择;分辨出contr

2、ibute to 把捐给 contribute a lot of money to the charity投稿给 contribute some assays to a magazine3. contribute to 对有贡献、有助于 Proper exercise contributes to good health是的原因之一 Careless driving contributed to this accident.make a contribution to 对有贡献 obey / break the ruleas a rule 一般说来、通常4. rule make it a ru

3、le to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth. 规定有做某事的习惯under the rule ofby rule 按规定地rule out 排除 举起 your hand / a box提高(音量、价格、程度等) the standard of living/ ones voice/ the bus fares5. raise 种植(农作物等)、饲养(家禽等)、抚养(子女) wheat/ sheep/ five children筹集(资金) money唤起、引起 a few laughs / fears提出(问题等) a questionadopt 采取、

4、采纳 a new teaching method / ones idea6. 收养(某人) They are not my real parents, I am adopted.adapt (oneself) to 适应adapt sth (for sth) 改编(为之用)7. be made up of = consist of = be composed of 由组成8. despite = in spite of 后接短语 though / although 后接从句9. process U,C过程、程序 the of development / making cake in (the)

5、 process of在进行中 n. depend on + sb. to do sth. it that-clause wh-从句 You cant depend on him to come on time.10. = You cant depend on his coming on time. = You cant depend on it that he will come on time.It (all) depends. = That (all) depends. (口语)那得看情况(而定)。be dependent on 视而定、取决于 promise sb. sth.promi

6、se to do sth. promise that -clause make a promise11. promise = give a promise 许下诺言 keep / break a promise 守/违约 carry out a promise 履行诺言 promise (to be) +名词或形容词 : 有望12. difficulty n. 作抽象意义时U; 作具体意义C。 with difficulty ; without difficulty get / run into difficulties out of a / the difficulty ; in a dif

7、ficulty 在下列句型中,difficulty总是看作不可数名词:have some much , little ,no difficulty (in) doing sth.find some much , little ,no difficulty (in) doing sth.There be difficulty (in) doing about 关心、在乎 (常用于否定、疑问或条件句中);后接从句时about要省略。 13. care for 关心、照料、喜欢、愿意(用于肯定句、疑问句中,不用被动)care to do sth.想要、愿意 (用于否定句、疑问句)U

8、 接近的机会 Every student has free to the library.14. access U 通道 This is the only to the village.U (向场所等)接近 to the cinema is quite easy.指行动的总称是不可数名词 What we need now is , not thought. 指具体的一次或一种“行为”、“行动”时是可数名词。 He has done a mad recently.15. action s speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩;行动胜于空谈take action 采取行动

9、in action在起作用;活动中put in/ into action把付诸实施as a whole 表示把某事或某几件事当作一整体来看。即可作状语,也可作定语。 We must examine these problems . 我们把这些问题作为一个整体来考察。16. That was her final judgment on the story . 这就是她对整个故事的最后判断。on the whole = considering everything; general “总的说来”、“大体上”。一般作状语。 , Im in favor of the idea.大体说来,我赞成这个想法

10、。 朝的方向 要用in direction, 介词用in,不用to。“在的帮助下”要说with the help of;17. direction 但“在指导下”要说 under the direction of作“指示”、“命令”、“吩咐”时,常用pl.II 重点句型1. It is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.2. Despite/ In spite of this fact, French still had an impact on the English languag

11、e3. As a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.4. It happened that my new neighbor comes from my hometown. 【题例精析】【例1】 He had to earn enough money to _ his big family. A. feed B. raiseC. rise D. support【易错点悟】本题考查动词的用法。【要点精析】这四个词比较容易混淆。feed一般指“喂养(动物或小孩)”,强调动作。raise多指“喂

12、养(小孩)、饲养(动物)、种植(庄稼)”。rise是不及物动词,意为“上升、增加”,显然不合题意。support是“供养、支撑”之意。句意:他不得不赚钱养家。【答案】D【例2】 Many people in the west make _ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends. (2007泰州4月模拟卷) A. this B. itC. that D. them【易错点悟】本题考查代词it的用法。【要点精析】此处it是形式宾语,“to buy Christmas presents for their r

13、elatives and friends”为不定式短语,是真正的宾语,make it a rule to do sth.意为“规定有做某事的习惯”。【答案】B【单元检测】单项填空1. Dont worry. Youll _ after such a bad disease. A. take up B. pick upC. put up D. give up2. If he works harder, he _ to succeed in science.Yes. He is _ diligent than clever. A. hopes; much more B. wishes; no mo

14、re C. promises; more D. will be able; rather3. This test _ a number of multiple choice questions. A. is consisted of B. consists ofC. composes of D. is made of4. She _ five hens and _them three times a day. A. raises; fed B. raised; raisedC. fed; fed D. fed; raised5. Are you leaving this weekend or

15、next Monday? That _ the weather. A. is depended on B. is relied onC. depends on D. relies on6. There is no need to leave a tip. Service _ in the bill. A. includes B. is includedC. is contained D. contains7. _, the meeting was a success. A. On whole B. As a wholeC. As the whole D. On the whole8. Beca

16、use of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _ in the last six months. A. added B. jumpedC. raised D. gathered9. _ high price, demand for this new type of family cars is still very high. A. Thanks to B. Because of C. In case of D. Despite10. For the whole year the nation, struck by unwanted war, was i

17、n a _ of grief and indignation. A. situation B. positionC. condition D. state11. There is a small group of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find _. A. confusing B. confusedC. to confuse D. being confused12. Eating too much fat _ heart trouble and causes high blood pressur

18、e. A. attended to B. adopts toC. contributes to D. relates to13. With the development of science and technology, the _ of living has become higher than ever. A. pattern B. styleC. model D. standard14. Would you please lend me some money? Sorry. It _ that I didnt have any extra money with me. A. happ

19、ened B. looked C. turned D. appeared15. The twin brothers are similar _ they both like swimming. A. except that B. in that C. in which D. so that完形填空 Clint Eastwood will receive the Directors Guild of Americas (DGA, 美国导演协会) highest honor, the lifetime achievement award, at a Hollywood ceremony in Ja

20、nuary. That is, 16 golden statuette (小塑像) will 17 Clint Eastwood. Eastwood has won four Oscars 18 two for best direction, for 1993s Unforgiven and 2005s Million Dollar Baby and is regarded 19 the greatest active American film-maker of his 20 without question. “As one of 21 prolific, versatile 22 in

21、the history of 23 , there isnt a genre that Clint Eastwood hasnt mastered in the more than 25 films he has directed over the past 35 years,” DGA president Michael Apted 24 , “His ongoing body of work continues to touch generations of moviegoers and bring 25 into movie theatres. He does it all with g

22、reat class, intelligence and style.” Eastwoods 26 skills are clear in all his works 27 include 28 critical and commercial successes as Mystic River, The Bridges of Madison County, Play Misty for Me, and his 29 Oscar-winning 30 , and it would take a brave person to bet against him expanding his colle

23、ction of 31 statuettes. He recently wrapped filming on Flogs of Our Fathers, an emotionally charged account of the six soldiers who raised the US 32 at the critical 33 _battle of Iwo Jima (硫磺岛). The film is expected to open towards the end of 2006 in a calculated move to position it as a strong awar

24、ds 34 . The DGA ceremony is set 35 on January 28, 2006.16. A. more B. another C. extra D. else17. A. belong to B. belong C. have D. be had18. A. consist of B. consisted C. including D. included19. A. as B. which C. for D. with20. A. aged B. generation C. history D. company21. A. mostly B. most C. a

25、most D. the most22. A. makers B. actors C. directors D. pianists23. A. a commercial B. the commercial C. medium D. the medium24. A. added, saying B adding, said C. said, adding D. said. added25. A. views B. huge viewers C. a large audience D. huge audience 26. A. praiseworthy B. praise C. praiseful

26、D. praised27. A. / B. which C. it D. that28. A. such B. so C. quite D. very29. A. six B. two C. five D. seven30. A. films B. plays C. TV plays D. music31. A. golden B. silver C. copper D. glass32. A. flag B. hands C. caps D. guns33. A. Iraq War B. War of Independence C. Second World War D. First Wor

27、ld War34. A. director B. competitor C. artist D. film-maker35. A. occur B. happening C. take place D. to take place阅读理解 (A) After a 13-year ban on the sale of fireworks in Beijing, Kang Guoliang, 51, was able to start his old trade again yesterday. As a salesman in Xinhui store in Dongcheng District

28、, he is happy about the increasing number of buying fireworks wrapped in red paper a color standing for happiness and good luck. “Fireworks are available for the first time in town for more than a decade,” Kang said happily. “People will buy them.” The store has 300 boxes of fireworks piled up and i

29、s open 24 hours at the moment. Residents are buying the fireworks and firecrackers for the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on February 18. Citywide, 2,116 registered stores and retailers, 585 in the centre and 1,600 on the outskirts are trading fireworks in the Chinese capital. Sales of fireworks within the Fifth Ring Road started yesterday and will last until March 4, Xinhua reported. Among the stores, 117 stores are permitted to operate 24 hours. About 600,000 boxes of firecrackers worth more th

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