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1、英语信息匹配题答题技巧与考题呈现英语信息匹配题答题技巧与考题呈现技巧1 巧用先题后文法先题后文法是同学们做阅读理解非常常用的一种方法,它指的是在做阅读理解题时,先读题目,然后带着问题去读文章,遇上相关信息画上记号,最后再通过分析和比较得出答案。对于信息匹配题来说,“先题后文”指的就是先读匹配对象,然后带着匹配对象中的关键信息阅读前面的信息材料,最后确定答案。这种方法的好处就在于,它可以提高阅读的针对性,从而提高答题速度和答题的准确性。技巧2 巧辨关键信息采用先题后文的方法目的是为了有针对性地寻找答题信息,但有时答题信息不止一个,可能有多个,此时就需要考生能够辨认其中的关键信息,并将其与题目所给

2、对象进行匹配。比如有一篇信息匹配题是这样的,题目先给出几段招聘广告,然后给出几个求职者的工作简历和求职意向进行信息匹配。其中有一个求职者的情况如下:Lynne Nagata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part-time job.同学们读了此信息后,可大致了解Lynne Nagata的基本情况:65岁,曾在幼儿园工作,现为家庭主妇,周

3、日为自己的女儿做家务,求兼职工作。然后同学们带着这些信息去阅读相关广告,初扫一眼,初步对比之后,发现下面这两个广告比较接近:Teacher Needed: Tommys Kindergarten needs 2 teachers / trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommys Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.Part-time wor

4、k available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephones and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132.前面的第一则广告中有一个信息很关键,那就是Kindergarten。这个广告初看好像很适合Lynne Nagata,但继续往后面看,

5、就不合适了,因为它要求从早上9点工作到下午3点,且要求具有相应的资格证,这些似乎与Lynne Nagata的信息不很吻合。然后我们再看后面的第二则广告,这里面有好两个关键信息:一是“retried(退休)”与“65岁”很吻合;二是“周末兼职”与“周日帮女儿帮家务”也很吻合,因为只需周日做家务就意味着周末有空。显然答案只能是第二则广告了。技巧3 巧用文体知识不同的文体往往有其特定格式化内容,如招聘广告中的通常有年龄、学历、经历等方面的要求,产品宣传广告通常有产品的特点、优势、价格等信息,等等。考生在做题时,要注意根据题目要求,同时结合各阅读材料的具体内容,通过比较和分析,从而确定答案。技巧4 巧

6、补省略文字信息匹配题通常涉及的是应用文,而应用文类文体的语言都比较简洁和精炼,有时甚至还会出现一些省略句,考生做题时若能具备这方面的一些知识和能力,并能根据上下文对有所省略的句子作出准确理解,则可大大提高得分率。如招聘广告中经常用到的Typist Needed就是一个典型的省略句,为A typist is needed之省略,其意为“招聘打字员”。又如下面是某人与一个渔夫朋友的对话,其中用的均为省略句,你看看能否读懂:A:Going?B:Been. A:Big?B:Small.以上四个句子均为省略句,若补充完整则为:A:Are you going fishing?B:No. I have be

7、en fishing.A:Have you caught any big fish?B:No. I only caught some small fish.像这样的省略假若同学们不能作出正确理解,其后的题目自然就无法答出了。技巧5 排除生词干扰信息匹配题中有时会出现生词,尤其是一些广告类应用文,通常会出现一些考生不认识的人名、地名、书名、电影名、产品名、网站名等,考生在阅读时可以跳过这些生词,先从整体上了解一下材料的主要内容,对于其中的生词通常只要大致弄清它们表示的哪一方面的意思就可以了。事实上,很多含有生词的信息往往并不是实质性的命题点。在具体操作上,考生可以这样进行:对于不熟悉的人名,可以

8、理解为“某人”;对于不熟悉的地名,可以理解为“某地”;对于不熟悉的书名,可以理解为“某书”;对于不熟悉的电影名,可以理解为“某电影”;以此类推。技巧6 巧用标注记号要阅读材料信息时可用笔划出关键点,以引起注意,便于记忆和理顺思路。同时,对于已选用的匹配项,也可用笔标明,以排除干扰,减轻大脑负担,从而提高解题速度和答题的准确性。假若在五个题目中已经匹配了三个,并且均很有把握,而剩下的两个还一时拿不准,此时可以在已经做好题目前打个钩,在拿不准的两个题目前打个问号,这样可以缩小匹配范围,提高针对性。考题呈现 A阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。请

9、阅读下列某书店各书架的相关信息:Section A: Do-It-Yourself Section - On these shelves customers can find the latest manuals on how to do everything from building a computer to constructing your own home.Section B: Sports & Leisure Section - Stocks a large range of the latest books on your favourite sporting teams an

10、d events. Pick up the perfect Fathers Day present here.Section C: Humour Section - A great selection of joke books, funny stories and wonderful real life adventures that are sure to keep the reader laughing for days.Section D: Business & Finance - Students, business people or anyone interested in th

11、e world of commerce are certain to find the book they are after here. We have special subsection for international trade and e-commerce. Section E: Biography - Find out about the lives of your favourite sports stars, singers, actors and other famous people from today and the past. Learn what they ha

12、d to go through to become successful and the effect it had on their lives.Section F: Education - Has a huge range of textbooks and supplementary material covering all the major high school and university subjects. Buyers showing their student cards receive a 15% discount on all purchases from this s

13、ection.阅读下列关于各书籍的信息,匹配书籍与其所应放置的书架:56. The Delighted Eye - by Prof. John Nash - The 1994 Nobel Prize Winner for Economics, whose ideas have influenced a generation of the worlds greatest economic minds, tells his life story: growing up in a small town in America, becoming one of Americas most influen

14、tial mathematicians and his battles with mental illness.57. Mother Tongue: The English Language - by Bill Bryson - Brysons book is a journey through the history and different aspects of the English language , one that is both informative and hugely entertaining. As with most of Brysons books, fun co

15、mes before facts and readers will be left with a smile on their faces.58. Into Thin Air - by John Krakauer - is a riveting first-hand account of a disastrous race to the top of Mount Everest. In March 1996, Outside magazine sent veteran journalist and experienced climber John Krakauer to join the te

16、am led by the famous Everest guide Rob Hall. Despite the expertise of Hall and the other leaders, by the end of the race eight people were dead.59. ReadyMade: How to Make (Almost) Everything - by Shoshana Berger and Grace Hawthorne - beautifully written with great factual information. The theme behi

17、nd this book is re-use, re-claim, re-cycle and there are many detailed easy-to-do projects for the reader to try such as making a photo frame from a book cover or a pot for your plants from plastic shopping bags.60. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron - by Be

18、thany McLean and Peter Elkind - As the title suggests the authors cover the rise of the American electricity company to become one of the 10 richest companies in the world and its spectacular fall into dishonour and bankruptcy. A perfect guide on what not to do in business.B.阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首

19、先,请阅读以下有关音乐会的信息。A. Raymonds Solo Concert: Raymond, the talented singer who shifts freely between musical, folk songs and hip hop, is to give a solo concert this weekend. The event will be part of the Asian tour promoting his new album. His concert has very high ticket prices, but his fans have bough

20、t tickets worth one million yuan in just four days.Place: Grand TheatreTime: 8:30 10:30 pm, January 6Price: 380 2,000 yuanTel: 7322-3411B. Prince of the Piano: Clayderman has established a truly international career as a best selling recording artist and concert performer. He has recorded over 1,000

21、 melodies and created a New Romantic style through a repertoire which combines his trademark originals with classics and pop standards. In fact, despite his natural shyness and reserve, he is completely in his element on stage; a Richard Clayderman concert is a real Spectacular.Place: The Great Hall

22、 of the PeopleTime: 8:00 10:00 pm, January 7Price: 180 1680 yuanTel: 7310-5266 C. Live Music: Audiences in the city will be able to make a date with one of the most famous German Orchestras on the evening of Jan. 27 at Century Center. Conducted by Florian Stubenvoll, the orchestra will perform 11 cl

23、assics including Beethovens Fledermaus Ouverture, Mozarts Symphony No. 40, and four pieces by Johann Strauss.Place: Century TheatreTime: 8:00 10:30 pm, January 10Price: 120 680 yuanTel: 7988-7311D. Jazz Night: Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Brown, the famous trumpet player. Hes coming with his

24、 new 7piece band, Herbies Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so dont expect to get much sleep. This is Herbies third visit to China. The first two have been sold out, so get your tickets quickly.Place: The Jazz ClubTime: 10:00 pm till late! January 7, 9, 11Price: 100 200 yuan

25、, Tel: 7599-7862E. Scottish Dancing: Want to get your body some exercise while enjoying live music? Take your partner here and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. There will be instructors demonstrating the dances. The live band is also excellent.Place: Jack

26、Steins Time: 7:30 10:00 pm, January 5 7Price: 70 yuan including one drink Tel: 7832-1788F. Beijing Rocks: “The Night of Chinese Rock” is set to bring rock fans special performance. Eight Chinese rock bands will perform at the concert, including older generation bands, middle generation and some rece

27、nt arrivals. The audience can even decide what songs they want to hear, which is sure to bring a storm.Time: January 8, 9Place: Workers StadiumTime: 8:00 11:30 pm, January 4Tel: 7633-0640Price: 90 680 yuan请阅读以下观众的信息,然后匹配与其适合的音乐会。56. Mike and his girlfriend are both university students. The coming Su

28、nday (January 6) is his girlfriends birthday. As both of them are music fans, Mike would like to take his girlfriend to enjoy some live music and learn something new.57. Joey and his friends always enjoy their weekend by attending late night activities. However, he hasnt joined them for a long time

29、because he has been working for a couple of weeks. This weekend he wants to have some fun and excitement with his friends, who are interested in western music.58. Alice is a college student who studies music, and playing the piano is her favorite. Her parents approve of her attending concerts and pa

30、y for the tickets. As a result, she doesnt care much about how much the ticket might cost.59. Tracy is interested in a variety of music. Like most of the other university students, she has a part-time job. She would like to amuse herself by attending concerts. Since she does not earn much, she can o

31、nly afford a ticket that costs no more than 100 yuan.60. Sally enjoys listening to foreign music in her spare time. She would like to attend concerts performed by foreign bands or orchestras whenever its possible. But according to the school rules, she has to return to her dormitory before 11:00 pm.

32、C.阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(选E涂AB; 选F涂CD) 首先请阅读以下花语:ARed Roses Red roses, as we think of them today, are the traditional symbol for love and romance and a time-honored way to say “I love you.” The red rose has long symbolized beauty and perfection, so a bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to express your deep feelings for someone special. For the budding relationship, a red rose bouquet can also signal the beginning of romantic inte

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