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1、整理七年级英语下册单项选择题精选300题七年级英语下册单项选择题精选300题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(七年级英语下册单项选择题精选300题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为七年级英语下册单项选择题精选300题的全部内容。七年级英语下册单项选择题精选300题()1My friend _

2、America said he doesnt like Chinese food。 A。 of B. with C. from D。 to()2 What club does he play _? - Juventus.A. with B. to C. against D。 for()3 What do you think _ the idea? - I think its funny.A. of B。 over C。 in D. for()4He is friendly and most of his classmates like to play _ him。A。 by B. on C.

3、with D. and()5He doesnt _ at school, but at home. A。 singing B. sing C. to sing D. sings()6When did you _ this morning? A。 go to schoolB. went to schoolC. goes to schoolD。 going to school()7Where _ your English teacher from?A. does B。 is C. do D。 are()8-What are your school rules? -We _ eat in the c

4、lassroom。 A。 dontB。 notC. cantD. can to()9_ is your brother, Tom?Hes much better。A。 What B. How C。 Where D. Why()10My watch is old, but _ is new。A。 his B。 her C。 your D. its()11The girl _ the red dress is Alice。A。 in B。 on C。 with D. under()12- _ ? - Id like some noodles.A。 What do you like B. Do yo

5、u like some noodlesC. What would you like D。 What size would you like()13.Mary cant play with me _ she is too busy.A。 whyB. soC. becauseD。 because of()14Let s _ football。A。 playing B。 are playing C。 play D. plays()15- Why do you want to see the dolphins? - _ I like them.A。 And B。 But C。 Because D。 T

6、hen()16Do you want to _ a football player?A. wait B。 be C。 like D. call()17My father _ mind sitcoms.A。 does B. doesnt C。 isnt D. cant()18-_ is the school library?-Its next to the playground.A. What B。 Where C. How D. When()19_Sundays, I usually go to visit my grandfather.A. In B. At C。 Of D. On()20-

7、Thanks a lot。-_。A。 You are right B. Thats right C。 Thats all right D. All right()21Here is a photo _ our classmates.A。 of B. for C. at D. is()22- What was the weather like yesterday? _。A. Its Sunday B。 It is snowy C。 Its July 3rd D. It was windy()23- What does your brother look like?- He is _. A. cl

8、ever B。 lazy C。 busy D。 tall()24Nurses work at the _.A. bank B。 hospital C。 assistants D。 clerk()25Molly likes to_ with her friends and eat grass。A。 speak B。 say C。 get D. play()26Did he go to Central Park?_. A. Yes, he didnt B。 No, he didnt C。 Yes, he does D。 No, he did()27I count _ money in the ba

9、nk every day.A。 a lot B。 lots C. many D。 a lot of()8- _ are giraffes from? - Africa。 A. What B. Where C。 Which D. Who()29The students often _ soccer in the afternoon. A。 playingB. playsC。 are playingD. play()30-Is there a supermarket near here?There is one _ from the station。A. cross B. across C. aw

10、ay D. of()31-Why do you like this play? - _ its funny。 A. becauseB. BecauseC。 SoD。 For()32Fire can be useful, _ it also can be dangerous.A. and B. but C. or D。 so()33She wants to _ an exchange student in America.A. is B。 are C. be D. does()34He is always _ to others。A. friendB。 friendsC。 friendlyD.

11、friendship()35Which do you like _ ,tea or coffee?A。 well B. good C。 better D。 best()36Can you tell me the way _ the post office? A。 for B. of C。 in D. to()37Is your friend a boy _?A. and girl B. and a girl C。 or girl D。 or a girl()38Why _ your parent like dolphins? A. doB。 isC. areD. does()39He ofte

12、n helps her _ her homework。 A. does B。 doing C. with the D。 with()40- How did you _ your Sunday?- I stayed at home and watched TV.A。 play B. like C. spend D. want()41Mr. Green is _ English。A。 an B。 / C。a D. the()42There is a hospital _ the police station。A. on B. with C. of D. opposite()43Father _ S

13、ports World, but mother _。A。 like, dont B。 like, doesnt C。 likes, doesnt D。 likes, dont()44- Is there a supermarket on Second Avenue? - _.A. No, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. there isnt D. Yes, there is()45Lucy and Lily do _ homework every day。 A. ones B。 their C. her D. theyre()46My weekend is boring, b

14、ut yours is _。 A. bad B. difficult C。 great D. clean()47Its an international school _ children _ 5-12.A。 for, ofB。 of , forC. of, ofD. for, for()48What are you doing? - I am _ a book.。A。 seeing B. looking at C. watching D. reading()49My sister and I _。 A。 am doing my homework B. is doing my homework

15、C。 are doing our homework D. are doing their homework()50- What is your favorite _? - Football.A。 sport B. subject C。 food D. music()51After playing _ guitar, he played _ basketball。A。 the, / B。 /, the C。 the, the D。 / , /()52_ is the capital of French。 A。 LondonB。 ParisC。 New YorkD。 Moscow()53The t

16、est _ very difficult for me.A. did B. has C. was D。 will()54 What are you _ ?- My English book. I cant _ it.A。 looking for ,find B. finding, look forC。 looking at, looking for D。 finding, find()55Can you please _ my opinions in next weeks magazine? A。 to put B. putting C。 puts D。 put()56Theyre _ Aus

17、tralia。 But we are Chinese.A。 come fromB. coming fromC。 fromD. for()57There _ some great specials at the House of Dumplings!A。 is B. have C。 are D。 has()58-How is it_? Great!A。 go B。 like C. going D. liking()59-Dont make any noise! My baby is sleeping.-_!A. Sorry B. It doesnt matterC。 Excuse me, I m

18、 wrong D。 Thats all right()60- Do you like football?- No, I don t。 I dont like football, basketball _ table tennis。A. and B。 or C。 as well D. but()61How was your weekend? -_.A. It was great B. Its a fine dayC. I like holidays D。 I am very happy()62_ is the weather in Hong Kong?-Its cloudy.A. How B.

19、What C。 Why D. Where()63Where is the bank, please? Its _ Fifth Avenue.A. in B. on C. between D。 through()64-_? -He has big eyes and small nose.A。 How old is he B. What does he do C。 What does he look like D。 How is he()65- Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? Yes, its _ Center Street _ the right

20、. A. in, down, on B. on, on, is C. in, on, is D. on, down, on()66You can buy some food in the _。A。 post office B。 supermarket C. library D。 bank()67_ for your letters。 A。 Thanks B. Thank C。 To thank D. Thanking()68Do you like in China?A. working B。 work C。 works D。 to working()69Please _ in class.A。

21、 dont talk B。 not talk C。 not talking D. talking()70My new pen pal is _ of shy.A。 a kind B. kinds C. kind D. very kind()71He _ several things and asks me to choose one out of them.A。 likes B. loves C. shows D。 stands()72Go straight this street and_, you can see the post office.A。 turn the left B。 tu

22、rn to right C。 turn left D。 turn the right()73-Do you want an interesting job? - _.A。Yes, I am。 B。 No, I do。 C. Yes, I do。 D。 Yes, I dont.()74They come from _。 They are _.A。 Japanese, Japan B. America, AmericanC。 Japan, Japanese D。 American, America()75Please call Als Restaurant _ 85984215. A。 in B.

23、 to C。 of D. at()76Can you _ me soon?A。 write B. writes toC。 write for D。 write to()77Taiyuan Street is one of the _ places in Shenyang.A. busy B。 lazy C。 happy D。 right()78-How will you go there? -Ill _ a taxi.A. make B。 have C. hope D。 take()79All students must wear _ on school days。A。 uniforms B。

24、 notebooksC. computers D. umbrellas()80-What _ do you like best?- Pop music. A。 foodB. musicC. subjectD. sport()81_ a good girl. All_ friends like her。 A。 She, her B. Shes, shesC。 Shes, her D。 She, she()82Elephants like _but lions like _.A。 grass, meat B。 meat, grass C。 grasses, meats D。 meats, grasses()83I like koala bears because they are _ cute。 A。 kind of B. a kind of C. kind D. kinds of()84Thank you for _

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