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1、高中英语定语从句 专题十五 定语从句 考点知识清单 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。因为它起的作用相当于一个形容词,所以又叫形容词性从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,从句放在先行词后由关系代词或关系副词引导。关系代词、关系副词所起的作用有三个:1起连接主从句的作用;2代替先行词;3在从句中作成分。如何使用关系代词、关系副词是根据先行词及其在从句中所充当的成分确定的。关系代词在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。关系副词在定语从句中作状语。定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 知识梳理 考点一 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词有:that(指人,物),which(指物

2、),who(指人),whom(指人),Whose(指人,物),as(指人,物),but(指人,物)。下面分别讲解。 1关系代词that既可指人也可指物,在从句中作主语,宾语或表语。作主语时不能省略,作宾语或表语时可省略。如: A plane is a machine that can fly飞机是一种会飞的机器。(作主语) Lets ask the man that is reading a book over there 我们去问一下正在那边看书的那个人。(作主语) The noodles(that)I cooked were delicious我做的那些面条好吃极了。(作宾语) The g

3、irl(that)we saw yesterday is Jims sister 昨天我们见到的那个女孩是吉姆的妹妹。(作宾语) After a score of years,John is not the naughty boy(that)he used to be 二十年后,约翰不再是当年那个淘气的男孩了。(作表语) 2关系代词which一般指物,在从句中作主语,宾语,偶尔也作定语。作宾语时,可省略。如: They planted the trees which dont need much water 他们种植的那些树木不需要浇太多的水。(作主语) The fish(which)we b

4、ought were not flesh我们买的鱼都不新鲜了。(作宾语) They stayed with me for three weeks during which time they drank all my wine 他们和我一起待了三周,在这期间他们喝光了我所有的酒。(which作time的定语) 3当先行词指人时使用who或whom,若在句中作主语用who;如果作宾语用whom,但在口语中,常用who代替whom,作宾语可以省略。如: The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada 昨天来我们学校参观的那

5、个外国人来自加拿大。(作主语) He is the man(whomthatwho)I visited last week 他就是我上周去拜访的那个人。(作宾语) 4whose引导定语从句,先行词可以是人也可以是物,whose在从句中作定语。如: Harry is the boy whose mother is our maths teacher 哈利的母亲是我们的数学老师。(作定语) Have you seen a dictionary whose cover is blue? 你见过一本封面是蓝色的词典吗?(作定语) 注意 指物时,“whose+名词”结构常可以用“the+名词+of wh

6、ich”或“of which+the+名词”结构来替换,且意思相同。 The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired =The house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired =The house,of wh ich the roof was damaged,has now been repaired 屋顶损坏的那所房子现在已经修好了。 5(1)as作关系代词既指人也指物,引导限制性定语从句。常用于下列结构中;;the

7、;如: Such teachers as he knows are all kind to him 他认识的那些老师对他都很好。(作宾语) Such people as have made great contributions should be respected 那些做出巨大贡献的人应受到尊重。(作主语) He can lift so heavy a stone as no one else can 你能搬动别人搬不动的那块重石头。(作宾语) I want to buy the same book as you bought 我想买一本和你那本一样的书。(作宾语) You c

8、an take as many books as you need 你需要多少书就拿多少。(作宾语) 注意“the”结构中,as引导定语从句时,as表示“同一类,不同一个”;如果as换成that时,指“同一个”。如: This is the same watch that I lost yesterday这就是我昨天丢的那块表。 (2)as与which都可作为关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,代表主句的整个内容,但也有区别。 位置不同。as引导的定语从句可放在主句后,主句前或主句中间。而which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后。如: She was quite right,as H

9、arry soon discovered哈里很快发现,她是对的。 As is known to us all,China is a developing country 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 He bought his sister a big toy,which delighted her greatly 他给妹妹买了一个大玩具,这使她非常高兴。 as引导的从句主要起连接上下文的作用,表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处等。翻译成“正如,正像”。which引导的从句在意义上相当于一个并列句,可以用and this代替,翻译成“这一点,这件事”。如: As is kn

10、own to all,China is a country with the largest population in the world 众所周知,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。 He sold his bicycle,which surprised me(=He sold his bicycle,and this surprised me.) 他把自行车卖了,这使我感到奇怪。 as常用于一些固定结构如as we knowas is known to all(众所周知),as we all can see(正如我们大家都能看到的那样),as has been said beforeabove

11、(正如前文所述),as might be expected(正如所预料的那样),as is often the case(情况常常是这样)等中,一般不能用which代替as。 在从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语,也可作实义动词的主语,而as只可作系动词be的主语。如: He married her,which was natural(可用as代替which) 他和她结婚了,这是很自然的事。 He sow the girl,which delighted him(不可用as代替which) 他见到了那个女孩,这使他很高兴。 as引导的从句在意义上不可与主句相悖,而which引导的

12、从句则不受此限制。如: Mummy treats me like a baby,which I cant bear 妈妈把我当小孩看待,这是我不能忍受的。 6but用作关系代词 but有时用在否定结构后,相当于whothat.not的意思。如: In China there is no one but knows Lei Feng(=In China there is no one who does not know Lei Feng)在中国无人不知雷锋。 There is no rule but has exceptions(=There is no rule that does not h

13、ave some exceptions)凡规定都有例外。 考点二 只用that不用which的情况 先行词具有下列情况之一者,引导定语从句的关系代词通常多用that,不用或少用 which: 1当先行词为everything,anything,nothing,all,much,little,few等时。如: Everything that can be done has been done一切能做的都做了。 something之后的关系代词用that,which皆可。 2当先行词被the only,the verythe last及序数词修饰时。如: This is the only food

14、(that)I can find for you这是我能为你找到的仅有的食物。 That is the very book(that)he is looking for那正是他一直在找的书。 This is the last thing(that)Ill do我决不会做这样的事。 3当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如: This is the most interesting film(that)I have ever seen 这是我所看过的最有趣的电影。 4当先行词既包含人又包含物时。如: They talked of things and persons that they remembe

15、red in the school 他们谈论他们记得的在学校时的那些事和那些人。 5当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。如: China is not the country that it used to be中国不再是以前的中国了。 6当先行词前有all,any,few,little,no等修饰语时,人们更多地使用that或省略that(在从句中作宾语时)。如: All the books(that)he has translated are very popular here 他翻译的所有的书籍在这儿都很受欢迎。 There are few books(that)we can read 几乎

16、没有我们可以读的书。 7当被修饰词为数词时,只用that。如: He brought two cats yesterdayNow I can see the two that are playing in the garden他昨天带来两只猫。现在我能看到它们在花园里玩耍。 8如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另一个用that以避免重复。如: He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before 他建造了一座工厂,生产一些我们以前从未见过的东西。 9当主句是there be结构时,修饰

17、其主语的定语从句用that。如: There is a book on the desk that belongs to Frank桌子上的那本书是弗兰克的。 10先行词为what,关系代词用that。如: What that is on the table belongs to me桌上的东西是我的。 11有时为了避免重复而使用that引导定语从句。如: Which is the car that hit the boy? Who was the man that she danced with? 考点三 下列情况中只用who而不用that 1当先行词是one,ones,anyone或tho

18、se等时。如: Anyone who does that must be mad谁要那样做肯定是疯了。 Those who dare to break the law will be punished任何人触犯法律都会受到惩罚。 2用在there be结构中。如: There is a young man who wants to see you有一个年轻人想要见你。 3当先行词是人,后面有较长修饰语时。如: I met a friend of mine in the park yesterday who had got three gold medals in the Asian Games

19、昨天我在公园里见的那个朋友已经在亚运会上获得了三块金牌。 4为了避免重复或引起歧义。如: The man that spoke at the meeting is our new headmaster who has just come from Shanghai.在会上发言的那个人是我们的新校长,他来自上海。 5当先行词是I,you,he,they等时(常用于谚语之中)。如: He who plays with fire gets burned玩火者必自焚。 6先行词如是指成员的集体名词,关系代词也用who。如: The family,who live upstairs,are fond o

20、f music住在楼上的那一家人喜欢音乐。 7who还可以引导非限制性定语从句。如: He,who led the United States through these years,was shot on April 14,1865 他(林肯)领导美国度过这些年,于1865年4月14日被人枪杀。 8先行词如是拟人化名词,关系代词也可用who。如: You will see the worker ants,who gather food for themselves and for all the others 你会看到工蚁,他们为自己和其他的蚂蚁采集食物。 9先行词指特定的人时,关系代词多用

21、who,不指特定的人时多用that。如: The aunt who came to see us last week is my fathers sister 上周来看我们的那个姑姑是我父亲的姐姐。 People that have not been properly trained cant do this kind of work 没有受过适当训练的人做不了这种工作。 考点四 关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词有when,where,why,作用有三个:连接主句与从句;代替先行词;在从句中作状语,不可省略。when和where既可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句。why只能引导限

22、制性定语从句。这些关系副词在意义上都相当于一定的“介词+which”结构。 1when=atinonduring which,在定语从句中作时间状语。如: Tell me the time when(=at which)the train leaves告诉我火车离站的时间。 July,when(=in which)we can go home for a rest,is coming soon 七月份很快就到了,那时我们就可以回家休息了。 I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing 我仍旧记得我第一次来北京的那天。 Well ne

23、ver forget the happy time when we worked on the farm 我们永远也忘不了在农场劳动时的那段快乐时光。 注意 当表示时间的先行词在从句中作主语或宾语时,不能用when。如: His aunt is going to Beijing in October,which is the best season there(which指Octoher,在从句中作主语) I will never forget the days(thatwhich)I spent with your family(thatwhich指days,在从句中作宾语) ItThisT

24、hat+be+the firstsecondlast time that.句型中,that是习惯用法,不能用when代替,that还可省略。从句中使用与“be动词”呼应的完成形式。 It is the first time that I have been to the Great Wall这是我第一次去长城。 That was the last time that I had seen him那是我最后一次看见他。 2where表地点,只能跟在表示地点的名词后,它在定语从句中作地点状语。如: This is the school where(=at which)I used to teach

25、 这是我曾经教学的那所学校。 What is the name of the town where(=in which)we stayed last night? 我们昨天晚上留宿的那个镇叫什么名字? Think of a place where(=to which)we can go for dinner想一个我们可以去吃晚餐的地方。 注意 引导词where可用that替换,并经常可以省略。 Thats the place(wherethat)we went before 那就是我们以前去过的地方。 当表示地点的先行词在从句中作主语或宾语时,不用where,用关系代词that或which。如

26、: The factory thatwhich we visited yesterday was built last year 昨天我们参观的工厂是去年建成的。(visit为及物动词,从句缺宾语) 比较: The factory where he works was built last year 他工作的那家工厂是去年建成的。(work为不及物动词,从句中不缺少宾语。where=in which在从句中作地点状语。) where可与from连用。如: His head soon appeared out of one of the second story windows,from whe

27、re he could see nothing but trees 不一会儿,他从二楼的一个窗口探出头来,除了树林外,他从那儿什么也看不见。 3why表原因,引导的从句修饰名词reason。why可用that或for which替换或省略。如: I dont know the reason(whyfor whichthat)he left here 我不知道他为什么离开这儿。 There are several reasons why we cant do that有几个原因使我们不能那样做。 试比较: I didnt know the reason why he was late(why引导

28、的定语从句) The reason why he was late was that his wife was ill(why引导的定语从句;that引导的表语从句,不能换成because) His wife was very illThats why he was late(why引导的表语从句) He was lateIt was because his wife wasvery ill in bed(because引导的表语从句;It不能换成The reason) 考点五 介词与关系代词 1.与关系代词搭配的介词的确定 (1)依据定语从句中动词所需要的某种习惯搭配来确定。如: I bou

29、ght a great many books,on which I spent all my money that I saved 我买了很多书,这些书花了我积攒的所有钱。 (2)依据先行词的某种习惯搭配来确定。如: Ill never forget the time during which I spent my childhood in the country 我永远不会忘记孩童时期我在乡村度过的时光。 (3)根据所表达的意思来确定。如: The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen 这种无色的气体称为氧气,

30、离开了它我们不能活。 (4)在英语中有时为了强调某一名词,不定式前也可加上关系词。如: Here is the money with which to buy a piano(=Here is the money with which we can buy a piano)这就是买钢琴的钱。 She is the right person on whom to depend(=She is the right person whom we can depend on)她是值得信赖的人。 She had only $187 with which to buy Jim a present 她仅有1

31、87美元给吉姆买一份礼物。 She had no time left in which to pack her things她没有时间把东西打包。 The bank has purchased some property on which to construct a new building 这个银行已购买了一些地皮准备在上面盖一座新的大楼。 Allow me one minute in which to change my clothes 给我一分钟时间让我换换衣服。 The poor man has no house in which to live那个穷人没有房子住。 例 Franks dream was to have his own shop to produce the workings of his own hands Athat Bin which Cby which

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