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Starter Unit 1Unit 2 Section A教案.docx

1、Starter Unit 1Unit 2 Section A教案Starter Unit1 Good morning 单元目标导航话题Greeting功能1. can greet people2. use the target language make new dialogue重点词汇字母A-H书写及音标Morning, afternoon, evening, fine, thanks重点句型Good morning/afternoon/evening!Hello! / Hi !How are you? Im fine, thanks./ Im OK.教学重点1. 本单元词汇的掌握。2. 本

2、单元交际用语的正确使用。学习音标 /i:/ /e i/ /e/ /教学难点1.字母手写体与印刷体的区别2.元音音标。课时 安排Period 1 : 1a-2e Period 2 : 3a-4d Period 3: Have a test of this unit课 题Starter Unit1 Good morning课型新授课时Period1主 备丛爽 魏芳审核一、 学习目标: 学习字母Aa-Hh 掌握问候语。学习重点:1. 学习并掌握英语字母A-H的发音和大小写的写法2.学习并掌握礼貌用语:Good morning. Hello/Hi. 3熟悉一些人名。学习难点掌握英语字母A-H的发音和大

3、小写的写法。情感目标 对学生进行美育教育,问候应有礼貌。二、预习提纲1按正确顺序排列C E F A D G B H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 写出正确的大小写形式 a_B_c_D_E_F_g_h_3. 回答下列问题 -Good morning! -_-Hello,-_4. 试着读出P71含有音标/ ei/ / 的单词5.学习质疑 通过预习能分清A-H的手写体和印刷体吗 ?三、Learning and guide steps Step 1 Check Check the exercises.Step 2 Warming up Sing the ABC song together. S

4、tep 3 Listen, and read(1a,1b and 1c).Listen and repeat , then write down the names.Then practice the conversations in the picture.Step 4 Learning (2a,2b)Listen and repeat Then number the letters.Step 5 Writing (2c, 2d)Students learn how to write these letters.Look and copy these letters.(注意字母大小写在四线三

5、格中的位置和写法)Ask students to do 2d.Step 6 Groupwork (2e)Look at the pictures and say the meanings.HB_ CD_ BBC_Step 7 SummaryAsk the students to talk about what they learn this class.达标测评一选择正确的答案填空 ( )1早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“_ ” AHello! B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon ( )2假设你叫Lin Lin,当人家问你“Hello ! Lin Lin

6、?”时,你应该说: “_” AMy name is Lin Lin BHello CYes ( )3当你要向别人打听某事时,你应说: AHello B Hi CExcuse me 二 写出左邻右舍_Ff _ _Cc_ _Gg_ _Bb_Ee_ _Dd_三按首字母顺序排列下列单词。1. face, bad, egg, head, cage2. bee, cabbage, each, dead, had3. Edge, deaf, bed, chaff, gab四 找出每组发音不同的单词 1.Grace, tape, Frank, take, late 2. Alice, hat, map,cag

7、e 3. bad,face, had, chaff 4. grade,cat, at, Jack, thankHomeworkCopy the letters Aa-Hh on the exercise book.预习下一课。Design on the blackboard:Unit1 Good morning!Letters A-H学习字母Aa-Hh Good morning! Hello / Hi 自主反思:教师集体复案教师个人备课课 题Starter Unit 1 Good morning!课型新授课时Period2主 备丛爽 魏芳审核一、学习目标 1区分2个元音字母的发音。2熟练应用所

8、学问候语进行口语交际。3. 学习并掌握句型 Good /afternoon/evening.- How are you ?- Im fine ,thanks. - Im OK.学习重点:掌握句型- How are you ?- Im fine ,thanks. - Im OK.区分2个元音字母的发音。难点:2个元音字母在单词中的发音情感目标 对学生进行美育教育,人与人之间应有礼貌,互相关心,爱护。二、【预习提纲】1. 将下列名字分类A. Dale B. Helen C. Eric D. Alice E. GraceBoys name_Girls name _2. 写出下列字母左邻右舍1). _

9、B_ 2). _c _ 3.) _f_ 4.) _E_ 5.) _g _3 .回答下列问题。1). Hi,Cindy! _ 2).How are you?_,and you?_4. 试着读出P71含有发音/ e/ /i:/ 的单词5 预学质疑: 元音字母A和E在单词中还有哪些发音?三、 Learning and guide stepsStep 1 Check Check the exercises.Step 2 Leadin Greet each other. Review the letters.Write the names of each person, then write the n

10、ames in alphabetical order.(4a)Step 3 Conversation (3a)Listen to the conversation and number the pictures.Listen and repeat.Step 4. Pairwork (3b)Ask students to practice the conversation with their partners .Step 5 Learning (3c) Listen and repeat. Then practice it in pairs. Step 6 Groupwork (3d) Cho

11、ose an English name .Get students to work in pairs,use the English names and greet each other.Step 7 Song (4d) Listen and learn to sing the song .Step 8 Learning (4b, 4c) Listen and repeat. 并罗列元音/i:/ / ei/ /e/ /.Students read them together. (教授字母音标并罗列元音/i:/ / ei/ /e/ /进行重点练习。)Then try to read the ne

12、w wordsListen and read ( P71) Step 9 Summary Students talk about what they learn.达标测评从所给选项中选出能回答以下问题的交际用语1A:Good morning,class B: _.2A:Hello,JimHow are you? B:_3A:Hi, Bob. B:_ 4_ . B:Im OK, Alice aFine,thank you bGood morning,teacher cHi, Helen dHow are you?补全对话1 A:Hello! B: _!A:_ are you? B: Fine,

13、_you. How are you? A:Im fine2T:Good morning,classS:_, teacher T: How are you?S:_, thank you, _you? T: Im _.请把发音相同的单词归类。map, she, pencil, same, want, well, be, tape, let, we, late, apple, table, desk, get, have, at, bag, set, me, bag, can, dad, desk, hat, ei_i:_e_/_Design on the blackboard:Starter Un

14、it 1 Good morning.How are you?Im fine , thanks.Im OK. . A / ei/ /E /i:/ /e/ Homework:Make a new conversation. 预习下一课。自主反思:教师集体复案学生做笔记教师个人备课Period 3Starter Unit1 Good Morning! 形成性检测题一用大写字母写出下列单词( 分)1bed 2abc 3deed 4dad 5chick 6bike 7cake 8bag 9. how_ 10. you_二.写出下列英语单词(10分)1晚上 2.好的 3.你好 4.健康的 5.你,你们 6

15、 . 谢谢 7.我 8.早晨 9.下午 10.怎样 三根据提示选择正确的缩略词。(10)1.( )电视机 A. VIP2.( )硬黑笔 B. BC3.( )英国广播电台 C. TV4.( )唱片 D. BBC5.( )重要人物或贵宾卡 E. AD四选择填空(10分)( )1. -Good morning, Cindy. -_.A. Fine, thanks B. Im fine C. Good morning, Alice( )2. -Hi, Eric! -_.A. Thank you B. OK C. Hi, Helen( )3. - Hi, Bob! How are you? - _.A.

16、 Hi B. Fine, thanks C. How are you( ) 4. - Good afternoon, Frank! - _. A. Good afternoon, Grace B. Good morning, Grace C. Thank you( )5. - _. - Good evening, Alice!A. Good morning, Cindy B. Good evening, Dale C. Good afternoon, Alice五根据中文提示填空(10分)1.早上见到英语老师,你用英语说_2.别人见到你向你说How are you? 你说_3.听到别人向你说H

17、i, 你应说_4.表示铅笔硬度、黑度的字母是_5.英国广播公司的缩写是_六补全对话(10分)1.- Good morning, Helen!- _, Dale!2.- _, Alice!- Good afternoon, Cindy!3.- Good evening, Eric!- _, Frank!4.- _?- Im OK.5.- Hi, Grace!- _, Bob.七将下列英语名字归类,并将它们按首字母顺序(A-G)排序。(20分)Frank,Dale,Eric,Alice,Grace,Cindy,Bob,Helen归类.Boysnames:_.Girlsnames:_ 按首字母顺序(

18、A-G)排序_八根据音标写字母,并请标出其中的两个元音字母(8分)1./e / _2. / d3i:/ _3./bi:/ _ 4. /si:/ _ 5./di:/ _6. 55./i:/ _7. /ef/ _8. /eit/_九.判断下列各组字母是否含有相同的元音音素。有的打,没有的打(12分)1.AH()2.EF()3.BD() 10.AG()11. h f ( ) 12.a g ( )话题.学习如何identify things 确认物体功能2. 确认物体Whats this in English? 及其回答。3. u

19、se the target language make new dialogue.重点词汇1. 字母Ii-Rr书写及音标2. map,ruler,pen,orange,key,jacket,quilt, what, is this, in, English, an, spell, please, NBA, kg, it重点句型What is this in English?It is a/an map/orangeSpell it, please. P- E- N, pen.教学重点1. letters(IiRr)的字母教学;2. Whats this in English? Its a/an

20、句型教学难点1.a/an 的正确使用。2.所学字母相应的音标。课时 安排Period 1: :1a-3a Period 2: 3b-4dPeriod 3: Have a test of this unitStarter Unit 2 Whats this in English?单元目标导航课 题Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English? 课型新授课时Period 1主 备丛爽 魏芳审核一、 学习目标:1. 掌握词汇:map,ruler,pen,orange,key,jacket,quilt, what, is this, in, English, an, it2

21、. 掌握句型:What is this in English? It is a/an map/orange3. 学习a/an 的初步用法4. 学习字母 IiRr 的正确读法与写法学习重点:1句型:What is this in English? It is a/an.2学习a/an 的初步用法难点:a/an 的用法情感目标 学会辨认物品,对学生进行美育教育。二、【预习提纲】1.小小翻译家1). 这个用英语怎么说? _2). 这是一个桔子。_3). 那个用英语怎么说?_4). 那是一张地图。_2. 完成S5的1a.3. 写出正确的大小写形式 i_ K_ l_ R_ N_ J_ q_ m_4. 把

22、1a的单词与3a的单词相匹配。5. 试着读出P71含有发音/a/ /i/ 的单词6. 预学质疑: 你能发现a, an的用法吗?三Learning and guide stepsStep I Check Check the exercises.Step Warming upGood morning/afternoon/evening! How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK.(S-T,S-S) Step A Guessing gameTeachers show a part of a letter and ask,“Whats this?

23、”Get the students to answer the questions like this“I think its A/B.”Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. Step Presentation Show the picture of a girl and her room, then present thenew words with the question “What can you see in the room?”(1a) .

24、 Learn the words.Step Listening and pairwork (1b,1c)Listen and repeat Then show the sentences:Whats this in English? Its a/ an Get the Ss to practice the conversation in the picture. Then make their own conversations.Step VI Game Show the things as quickly as possible, have a competition between boy

25、s and girls. Get them to name the things they see by using the target language. See which team is the fastest and make the least mistakes.Step VII Listening (2a,2b)Listen and repeat the new letters.Then listen and do 2b.Step VIII Writing(2c, 2d). Look and write the letters(注意字母大小写在四线三格中的位置和写法)Step IV Letter BINGOGet Ss to draw a form of 16 squares in th

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