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1、英语高中完形填空练习附答案【英语】高中完形填空练习(附答案)一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Mr. Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. 1 his wife had not wanted him to 2 her. At last his wife agreed to the trip if he allowed her to go, too. But it will be

2、very uncomfortable, Mr. Jones 3 her. It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent and it 4 be dangerous. I dont care, said his wife. I want to go with you. So they bought a big tent, camp beds and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the 5 of Africa. The first

3、morning, 6 Mr. Jones took his gun and left the tent, he 7 his wife a bell and explained to her, If you feel in 8 and you need me, ring this bell and Ill come at once. After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned quickly to the tent. Whats the matter? he asked. 9 said his wife, I was only tryi

4、ng the bell. Mr. Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang 10 . Mr. Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, Im 11 but I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over 12 . Mr. Jones returned to his hunting(打猎) but soon he heard the bell once more. This time, when h

5、e got back to his 13 , the tent was burning and Mrs. Jones was lying on the ground, 14 blood running from a big cut on her shoulder, Thats better! said Mr. Jones. This time the bell had been used 15 !1. A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So2. A. leaveB. missC. marryD. care3. A. toldB. advisedC. persuadedD. warned4

6、. A. mayB. oughtC. cantD. shall5. A. southB. centreC. eastD. west6. A. whileB. untilC. beforeD. after7. A. gaveB. sentC. lentD. bought8. A. hurryB. surpriseC. safetyD. danger9. A. SomethingB. NothingC. NoD. None10. A. againB. onceC. acrossD. away11. A. happyB. sorryC. tiredD. right12. A. on purposeB

7、. by designC. at lastD. by mistake13. A. gardenB. houseC. campD. office14. A. inB. onC. withD. for15. A. correctlyB. quicklyC. crazilyD. anxiously【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A;(11)B;(12)D;(13)C;(14)C;(15)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了琼斯先生和妻子一起到非洲中部时打猎发生的故事。 (1)考查连词。句意:但是他的妻子不希望他离开

8、她。A. And”并且,和“;B. But”但是,然而“;C. Or”或者“;D. So”那么“。根据上文”Mr. Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals.“可知,此处与前句转折关系。故选B。 (2)考查动词。句意:但是他的妻子不希望他离开她。A. leave”把留下,遗忘“;B. miss”想念,错过“;C. marry”结婚“;D. care”关心,担心“。根据下文”At last his wife agreed to the trip if he allo

9、wed her to go, too.“可知,琼斯的妻子不想丈夫离开自己。故选A。 (3)考查动词。句意:“但是旅程会很不舒服,”琼斯先生警告她。A. told”告诉“;B. advised”建议“;C. persuaded”劝说“;D. warned”警告“。根据下文“It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent and it_4_be dangerous.”可知,琼斯先生在警告妻子。故选D。 (4)考查情态动词。句意:天气会很热,我们将住在帐篷里,可能会很危险。A. may”也许, 可能“;B. ought”应当“;C. cant”不能“;

10、D. shall”将要,会“。根据语境可知,由于要在野外扎营,所以有可能非常危险。故选A。 (5)考查名词。句意:因此,他们买了一个大帐篷,一张宿营床和许多其他的东西,这些会使他们的旅行舒适一些,然后他们出发去了非洲的中部。A. south”南方“;B center”中心,中间“;C. east”东部“;D. west”西部“。根据上文”Mr. Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals.“可知,琼斯是要去非洲中部。故选B。 (6)考查连词。句意:第一天早晨,在琼斯

11、先生拿起他的枪离开帐篷之前,他给了他的妻子一个铃铛,并对她解释说:“如果你觉得有危险,需要我,按一下这个铃铛,我马上就来。”A. while”当的时候“;B. until”直到“;C. before”在之前“;D. after”在之后“。根据下文”he_7_his wife a bell and explained to her, “ If you feel in_8_and you need me, ring this bell and Ill come at once. ”可知,此处指在琼斯先生拿起他的枪离开帐篷之前。故选C。 (7)考查动词。句意:第一天早晨,在琼斯先生拿起他的枪离开帐篷

12、之前,他给了他的妻子一个铃铛,并对她解释说:“如果你觉得有危险,需要我,按一下这个铃铛,我马上就来。”A. gave“给予”;B. sent“送,寄”;C. lent“把借给”;D. bought“买”。琼斯给了妻子一个铃铛并对其解释如何使用。故选A。 (8)考查名词。句意:第一天早晨,在琼斯先生拿起他的枪离开帐篷之前,他给了他的妻子一个铃铛,并对她解释说:“如果你觉得有危险,需要我,摇一下这个铃铛,我马上就来。”A. hurry“急忙”;B. surprise“惊奇”;C. safety“安全”;D. danger“危险,风险”。根据语境可知,此处指如果你觉得有危险,需要我,你就按铃,我马上

13、就来。fall in danger固定短语,“陷入危险”。故选D。 (9)考查代词。句意:“没什么,”他的妻子说,“我只是试了试这个铃。”A. Something“某事”;B. Nothing“一无所有”;C. No“不,不是”;D. None“一个也没有”。根据下文“I was only trying the bell”可知,丈夫问妻子发生什么事了,妻子应是说“什么事儿都没发生”。故选B。 (10)考查副词。句意:琼斯先生走了,但一刻钟后,铃又响了。A. again“再一次”;B. once“曾经”;C. across“越过”;D. away“离去”。根据上文“Mr. Jones went

14、off, but after a quarter of an hour”可知,此处指铃声再次响起。故选A。 (11)考查形容词。句意:琼斯先生急忙回到帐篷,但他的妻子说:“对不起,我刚才在打扫帐篷,不小心把铃碰倒了。A. happy“高兴的”;B. sorry“对不起的”;C. tired“疲惫的”;D. right“正确的”。根据下文“but I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over _12_.”可知,琼斯的妻子表示歉意。故选B。 (12)考查介词短语。句意:琼斯先生急忙回到帐篷,但他的妻子说:“对不起,我刚才在打扫帐篷,不小心

15、把钟碰倒了。A. on purpose“故意地”;B. by design“故意地”;C. at last“最后”;D. by mistake“错误地”。根据上文“but I was cleaning our tent”可知,此处指打扫帐篷的时候,不小心把铃碰倒了。故选D。 (13)考查名词。句意:这一次,当他回到营地时,帐篷着火了,琼斯太太躺在地上,血从她肩膀上的一个大伤口流了出来,“太好了!”琼斯说。A. garden“花园”;B. house“房子”;C. camp“露营”;D. office“办公室”。根据上文“After a few minutes, he heard the bel

16、l and returned quickly to the tent.”可知,琼斯再次回到营地。故选C。 (14)考查介词。句意:这一次,当他回到营地时,帐篷着火了,琼斯太太躺在地上,血从她肩膀上的一个大伤口流了出来,“太好了!”琼斯说。A. in“在里面”;B. on“在上面”;C. with“随着”;D. for“为了”。本句为with的复合结构作状语。故选C。 (15)考查副词。句意:这一次铃用对了!A. correctly“正确地”;B. quickly“迅速地”;C. crazily“疯狂地”;D. anxiously“焦虑地”。根据语境可知,此处指这一次铃用的对。故选A。 【点评】

17、本题考点涉及连词,副词,动词,名词,形容词,情态动词,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。 Life will be peaceful if you always do kind things. I teach my daughters to develop a habit of 1 others. The little acts of 2 give you chances to provide

18、 service for others. They can make you feel how 3 it is to be kind and helpful. We 4 in a rural (乡村的) area. Most of what we 5 is beautiful nature. One of the exceptions to the 6 is the rubbish that some people throw out of their car windows as they drive along the rural roads. One of the few 7 of li

19、ving there is short of 8 public services,such as rubbish collection,which is common in the 9 . A helping behavior that I practice regularly with my daughters is 10 rubbish in our neighborhood. My daughters often have a match to see who can collect the most rubbish. They will often say to me in a(n)

20、11 voice, Theres some rubbish,Daddy 12 the car!And if we have time, we will often get out of our car and pick it up. 13 it may seem strange, we do it. In fact, we 14 it. We pick up rubbish in parks, on sidewalks, almost anywhere. One day I saw a stranger picking up rubbish on the road. I stopped. He

21、 15 his head and smiled,I saw you doing this with your family. Its a good 16 to protect our environment. There are many other ways to 17 kindness for others. You may share a dinner with a beggar,visit 18 old people in the nursing home,or help the blind 19 the street. You can think of something that

22、can be finished 20 but helpful. It is fun, selfsatisfying, and whats more, it can set a good example. Helping others is helping yourself.1. A. watchingB. helpingC. welcomingD. teaching2. A. carefulnessB. peaceC. kindnessD. interest3. A. greatB. unusualC. easyD. sad4. A. workB. travelC. liveD. stay5.

23、 A. dreamB. seeC. needD. develop6. A. environmentB. weatherC. areaD. beauty7. A. disadvantagesB. favoritesC. wishesD. answers8. A. comfortableB. necessaryC. modernD. excellent9. A. skyB. villageC. cityD. street10. A. picking upB. looking forC. taking awayD. laughing11. A. surprisedB. tiredC. excited

24、D. angry12. A. speedB. startC. moveD. stop13. A. AlthoughB. ButC. AndD. Since14. A. understandB. experienceC. forgetD. enjoy15. A. coveredB. loweredC. shookD. raised16. A. sportB. ideaC. resultD. question17. A. describeB. buyC. provideD. make18. A. puzzledB. successfulC. healthyD. lonely19. A. clean

25、B. crossC. repairD. draw20. A. suddenlyB. impossiblyC. easilyD. hardly【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)D;(7)A;(8)B;(9)C;(10)A;(11)C;(12)D;(13)A;(14)D;(15)D;(16)B;(17)C;(18)D;(19)B;(20)C; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者教导女儿要养成乐于助人的好习惯,并且亲自陪女儿一起捡垃圾,这种行为也感染到一个人,也跟随着行动起来。(1)考查动词。A. watching“洗”;B. helping“帮助”;C. w

26、elcoming“欢迎”;D. teaching“教”。与do kind things意思一致,作者推崇做好事,所以教育女儿养成帮助别人的习惯。故选B.(2)考查名词。A. carefulness“粗心”;B. peace“和平”;C. kindness“善良”;D. interest“兴趣”。此处指帮助别人这种善良的举动给了你给别人提供服务的机会,故选C。(3)考查形容词。A. great“伟大的”;B. unusual“不寻常的”;C. easy“容易的”;D. sad“悲伤的”。帮助别人,给别人提供服务会让你感觉友善和帮助是多么伟大。表示伟大的,故选A。(4)考查动词。A. work“工

27、作”;B. travel“旅游”;C. live“居住”;D. stay“停留”。此处指我们居住在乡村,故选C。(5)考查动词。A. dream“梦想”;B. see“看见”;C. need“需要”;D. develop“发展”。在乡下我们看到的多数是美丽的自然,beautiful nature是看到的东西。故选B。(6)考查名词。A. environment“环境”;B. weather“天气”;C. area“地区”;D. beauty“美丽”。与beautiful nature呼应,指美丽自然中的一个例外就是随手扔的垃圾。故选D。(7)考查名词。A. disadvantages“缺点”;

28、B. favorites“喜欢”;C. wishes“希望”;D. answers“回答”。此处指住在乡下的缺点之一是缺少公共服务,故选A。(8)考查形容词。A. comfortable“舒服的”;B. necessary“必要的”;C. modern“现代的”;D. excellent“极好的”。此处指必要的公共服务,像收集垃圾。故选B。(9)考查名词。A. sky“天空”;B. village“村庄”;C. city“城市”;D. street“街道”。垃圾收集在城市中是比较常见的公共服务,故选C。(10)考查动词短语。A. picking up“捡起”;B. looking for“寻找

29、”;C. taking away“移走”;D. laughing“笑”。根据下文“collect the most rubbish”可知我和女儿们经常做的有帮助的行为是在附近捡垃圾,指捡垃圾,故选A。(11)考查形容词。A. surprised“惊奇的”;B. tired“疲劳的”;C. excited“激动的”;D. angry“生气的”。因为是和孩子们比赛看谁捡的垃圾多,所以女儿们看到垃圾后会很激动,会大喊。故选C。(12)考查动词。A. speed“加速”;B. start“开始”;C. move“移动”;D. stop“停止”。此处指孩子们看到垃圾后,会喊叫着让父亲停车。根据下文“ge

30、t out of our car and pick it up.”是停车后的活动,故选D。(13)考查连词。A. Although“尽管”;B. But“但是”;C. And“和”;D. Since“因为”。我们全家去捡垃圾,尽管似乎很奇怪,但我们坚持去做。故选A。(14)考查动词。A. understand“理解”;B. experience“经历”;C. forget“忘记”;D. enjoy“享受”。此处指我们到处捡垃圾,我们很享受这个过程。故选D。(15)考查动词。A. covered“覆盖”;B. lowered“降低”;C. shook“摇动”;D. raised“抬起”。我看到一

31、个陌生者在捡垃圾,我停下后,他抬头向我微笑。故选D。(16)考查名词。A. sport“运动”;B. idea“主意”;C. result“结果”;D. question“问题”。此处指保护环境是个好主意,故选B。(17)考查动词。A. describe“描述”;B. buy“买”;C. provide“提供”;D. make“生产”。有许多方式向别人提供友善,根据下面例子可知是帮助别人,提供友善。故选C。(18)考查形容词。A. puzzled“迷惑的”;B. successful“成功的”;C. healthy“健康的”;D. lonely“孤独的”。根据the nursing home可知是去看望养老院的孤独老人,故选D。(19)考查动词。A. clean“打扫”;B. cross“横过”;C. repair“修理”;D. draw“画”。此处指帮助盲人横过马路,故选B。(20)考查副词。A. suddenly“突然地”;B. impossibly“不可能地”

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