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1、精品英语专业八级人文知识模拟题十套doc3 l.The capital of Wales is .A.Hrmingham B. Elinburgh C. Girdiff D. Belfast32.Which is the highest rank among the tides of English nobility?A.Eirl B. Dike C. Mirquees D. Ehron33. were originally called Yankees, which came to stand for all Americans.A.People living in New EnglandB

2、.People living in New York cityC.People living in FloridaD.People living by the Mississippi river34.The oldest university in Ireland is .A.Dublin University B. Dublin City UniversityC.St- Patrick College D. the National University35.The Victorian Period refers to .A. 1798-1832 B. 18361901C. The Roma

3、ntic Period D. the Neoclassical Period36.T. S. Eliotts is considered as a model of the 20th century English poetry.A.Poems 1909-1925B.Prufrock and Other ObservationsC.The Waste LandD.The Hollow Men37.“The Father of American Literature is .A. Benjamin Ranklin B. Washington IrvingC. Mark Twain D. Earn

4、est Hemingway38.Which of the following is a back vowel?A. i B. w C. u D. e39. can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes.A. Free morphemes B. Bound morphemesC. Stems D. Affixes4O.Systemicfunctional grammar is developed by .A. Chomsky B Hilliday C.Bloomfield D. Shussure31.【

5、答案C】加的夫是威尔士的首府.是一个具有高生活水平和多样经济的国际化城市,号称英国第七大城市。A. Birmingham为苏格兰中部城市B.Edinburgh为苏格兰首府C. Cardiff为被爱尔兰首府。考察对象国地理知识。32.【答案B】英国的贵族分五个等级,由高至低为公爵(Duke)、備 (Earl)、 伯爵(Marquees)、子爵(Viscount)和男爵(Baron)。考察对象国传统文化知识。33.【答案A】新英格兰人被称为“扬基人”,现在人们用该词指美国人。考察历 史知识。34.【答案A】爱尔兰历史最悠久的大学是都柏林大学。考察对象国教育知识。35.【答案B】维多利亚时期指183

6、6J901年,这一时期英国无论在经济领域还是 科学文化领域都达到了空前繁荣。考察英国文学知识。36.【答案C】TS艾略特是诺贝尔文学奖获得者,其代表作荒原堪称二十世 纪英文诗歌的典范。考察美国文学知识。37.【答案B】华盛顿欧文被尊为“美国文学之父二其代表作为里普范温可。 考察美国文学知识。38.【答案C】根据元音发音时舌翘位置,将它们分为前后元音.u是后元音。 考察语言学知识。39.【答案A】自由语素可以独立出现,独立成词。考察语言学知识。40.【答案B】语言学大师韩礼徳是系统功能语法的创始人。考察语言学知识。A. Chomsky 为转换生成语法的创始人,C.Bloomfield和D. Sa

7、ussure为结构主义语言学创始人。31 The capital of Scotland is .A. Minchester B. Hrmingham C. Gasgow D. Rlinburgh32.Eton College is a/n .A.higher educational institutionB.secondary schoolC.vocational schoolD.primary school33.The city of is nicknamed kwSpace City of USA.A.Los Angeles B. Boston C. Hbuston D. Honolul

8、u34.Quebecs legal system is based on A. Canadian law B British common lawC French criminal law D. British civil law35. has been regarded by some as he Father of the English Poetry.A. Jbnathan Swift B. John BlinyanC. George Chaucer D. John Milton36.Uncle Toms Cabin is written by a woman writer whose

9、name is .A. Kate Chopin B. Emily DicksonC. Alice &own D. Fhrriet Beecher Stowe37.The book from which 4ball modern American literature comes refers to A.An American TragedyB.The Great GatsbyC The Adventure of HuckBerry FinnD. Sister Carrie38.Which is not one of the design features of language? A. Pro

10、ductive B. SableC.Dial D. Arbitrary39.Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair?A. sa/see B. vet/which C. fie/sheet D. rnoon/noon40.There are maxims under the cooperative principle.A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 231.【答案D】爱丁堡是苏格兰首府,是其政治、经济、文化中心,是一座文化古城,素有“北 方雅典”之称.A. Manchester和B. Birmingham均为英格兰城市

11、C. Glasgow为苏格 兰港市,英国造船业中心。考察对象国地理知识。32【答案B】伊顿学院是英国最著名的贵族私立中学之一。1440年创办于伊顿 镇.只招收男生,毕业生多入牛津或剑桥等著名大学。考察英国教育知识。33【答案C】休斯敦是美国的“太空城9,0 A.Los Angeles为美国加州著名港市。B.Boston为马萨诸塞州首府。D. Honolulu为夏威夷州首府。考察美国地理知识。34.【答案C魁北克地区作为以前的法属殖民地,其法律体系是依照法国的刑 事法律判定的。考察对象国法律知识。35.【答案C】十四世纪著名诗人乔叟被誉为“英国诗歌之父二其代表作是坎特 伯雷故事集(The Can

12、terbury Tales) o考察英国文学知识。36.【答案D】汤姆叔叔的小屋的作者是斯托夫人,在该书中她揭露了南部种 植园黑人奴隶制的残暴和黑奴的痛苦。考察美国文学知识。37.【答案C】马克 吐温的名作哈克贝里芬历险记(1876)被认为是现代美 国文学的开端。考察美国文学知识。38.【答案B】语言具有任意性,双层结构和多产性而不具有不稳定性。考察语 言学知识。39.【答案D】如果两个单词之间的差别只是一个音阶,那么它们就叫做最小语 音对。考察语言学知识。40.【答案B】格莱斯认为人们总是遵守以套相互合作的基本原则以有效利用语 言达到交际的目的,他称这些原则为“合作原则, 其中包括质量准则(

13、Maxim of quality),数量准则(Maxim of quantity),相关准则(Maxim of relevance),方 式准则(Mdxim of manner)。考察语言学知识。331. was established by William Booth in 1865 and it is the second largestprovider of social services in England.A.The Anglican Giurch B. The Uiited Reformed QiurchC. The Mbthodist D. The Silvation Army

14、32.Tony Blair represents .A.The Liberal Rirty B. The G)nservative PartyC. The Labor Party D. The Democratic Party33.The following are religious festivals except .A. Christas B. EisterC. Thanksgiving D. Hilloween34.The Constitution Act, the oldest written constitution in the world, was drawn up inA.1

15、783 B. 1785 C. 1787 D. 179035. is not Henry Miltons work.A. Riradise Lost B. Paradise RegainedC Shmson Agonistes D Rlgrams Rogress36.The following poets are often mentioned as the “Lake Poets except .A. Sielly B. Q)leridge C. Wordsworth D. Southey37. is not a member of the famous transcendental club in Americanliterature.A. Bnerson B. ThoreauC. Mirgaret Fuller D. James G)oper38. takes the inner structure of word as its main object of study.A. Ihonology B. Mbrphology C. ntax D. Ragmatics39.Which is not one of the grammatical categories of

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